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The purpose of this package is to detect individual objects in pointcloud data. Points are grouped into clusters based on proximity and published as detected objects.

NOTE: A new version of this package is available in


  1. Pointcloud preprocessing

    • Points closer than a distance of remove_points_upto meters are removed from the cloud.
    • Points are then downsampled if the downsample_cloud parameter is set to true.
    • The pointcloud is trimmed to remove points based on height thresholds (clip_min_height and clip_max_height).
    • Points are further trimmed based on their y position to either side of the vehicle if keep_lanes is set to true. The bounds are defined by keep_lane_left_distance and keep_lane_right_distance.
    • A RANSAC-based algorithm is then used to determine a ground plane and remove any points belonging to the ground. This is activated by the remove_ground parameter.
    • The pointcloud is further filtered using Difference-of-Normals to remove any points that belong to a smooth surface. This is activated by the use_diffnormals parameter.
  2. Pointcloud Clustering

    • The preprocessed pointcloud is then clustered using Euclidean Cluster Extraction, the cluster tolerance is defined by the clustering_distance parameter. This is the only part of the node that provides the option to use the GPU (activated by the use_gpu parameter).
    • Resulting clusters are then checked against neighboring clusters and any clusters which are less than cluster_merge_threshold apart are combined into a single cluster.
    • Rectangluar bounding boxes and polygonal bounds are then fit to the cluster pointclouds.


Voxel-based Downsampling
Pointcloud Surface Normal Estimation
Difference of Normals Segmentation
Euclidean Cluster Extraction




  • detection/lidar_detector/cloud_clusters (autoware_msgs/CloudClusterArray)
    Array of cloud clusters.
  • detection/lidar_detector/objects (autoware_msgs/DetectedObjectArray)
    Array of all detected objects.
  • cluster_centroids (autoware_msgs/Centroids)
    Centroids of the clusters.
  • points_lanes (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
    Pointcloud with all preprocessing performed except Difference-of-Normals filtering.
  • points_cluster (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
    Pointcloud colored according to cluster.
  • points_ground (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
    Pointcloud of only ground points.

ROS Parameters

See the yaml file in the config folder for all ROS parameters and their descriptions