Tired of writing `[unowned/weak self] closures on every callback function? You might consider using passing method as a parameter with little help from Leakify.
Usually we encourage sytuation like this
class Foo {
let service: BazService
func foo() {
service.bar(then: { [unowned self] p1, p2 in self.handleResponse(param1: p1, param2: p2) })
func handleResponse(param1: A, param2: B) {
Woudn't be great if we just pass function as a parameter?
func foo() {
service.bar(then: handleResponse)
Yeah, but there is one big con of that approach. We ended up with nice Strong reference cycle between service and Foo instance. What can we do now?
We can import Leakify to our project and use one of it's higher-order fuctions for avoiding strong reference cycles
func foo() {
service.bar(then: unown(self, self.lk.handleResponse))
If you wanna use handy shortcut lf
to get class reference your object has to conform to LeakifyConvertible
extension Foo: LeakifyConvertible {}
You can add this requirement to your base or NSObject
Leakify is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Leakify'
Leakify is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.