A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols). Structured data of the list (kept in sync) is in structured.yaml.
- IP Address
- Geolocation
- Text Sharing
- URL Shortener
- File Transfer
- Browser
- Tools
- Monitoring
- Weather
- News
- Information boards
- Map
- Money
- Documentation
- Dictionaries and translators
- Generators
- Entertainment
- Scripts
- Clients
curl l2.io/ip
curl echoip.de
curl ifconfig.me
curl ipecho.net/plain
curl -L ident.me
#APIcurl -L canihazip.com/s
curl -L tnx.nl/ip
curl wgetip.com
curl whatismyip.akamai.com
curl ip.tyk.nu
curl bot.whatismyipaddress.com
curl curlmyip.net
curl api.ipify.org
curl ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com
curl ipcalf.com
curl ipaddy.net
curl eth0.me
curl ipaddr.site
curl ifconfig.co
curl ifconfig.pro
curl curlmyip.net
curl ipinfo.io/ip
curl icanhazip.com
curl checkip.amazonaws.com
curl smart-ip.net/myip
curl ip-api.com/line?fields=query
curl ifconfig.io/ip
curl -s ip.liquidweb.com
curl ifconfig.es
curl ipaddress.sh
dig @ whoami.cloudflare ch txt +short
(IPv4)dig @2606:4700:4700::1111 whoami.cloudflare ch txt -6 +short
(IPv6)dig @ns1.google.com o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT -6 +short
(IPv6)dig @ns1.google.com o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT -4 +short
(IPv4)dig resolver.dnscrypt.info TXT +short
curl https://dnsjson.com/resolver.dnscrypt.info/TXT.json
curl -L https://edns.ip-api.com/json
curl httpbin.org/ip
curl wtfismyip.com/json
curl -L iphorse.com/json
curl geoplugin.net/json.gp
curl https://ipapi.co/json
curl -L jsonip.com
curl gd.geobytes.com/GetCityDetails
curl ip.jsontest.com
curl ipinfo.io/
orcurl ipinfo.io/
curl ip-api.com
orcurl ip-api.com/
curl ifconfig.co/country
orcurl ifconfig.co/city
orcurl ifconfig.co/country-iso
orhttp ifconfig.co/json
curl ifconfig.es/geo
orcurl ifconfig.es/json
orcurl ifconfig.es/country
orcurl ifconfig.es/code
orcurl ifconfig.es/city
orcurl ifconfig.es/latitude
orcurl ifconfig.es/longitude
echo "Hello world!" | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io
echo "Hello world!" | curl -F file=@- 0x0.st
echo "Hello world!" | curl -F 'clbin=<-' https://clbin.com
echo "Hello world!" | nc termbin.com 9999
echo "Hello world!" | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' sprunge.us
echo "Hello world!" | curl -H "content-type: text/plain" -d @- https://textdb.dev/api/data/unique-id-for-my-text
curl -s tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=<link>
curl -F shorten=<link> https://ttm.sh
curl --upload-file <file> transfer.sh/<filename>
curl --upload-file <file> filepush.co/upload/<filename>
curl -F file=@<file> https://ttm.sh
- π«
ssh brow.sh
curl qrenco.de/STRING
orecho STRING | curl -F-=\<- qrenco.de
β create QR-code for a string (chubin/qrenco.de)curl "http://c.docverter.com/convert" -F from=html -F to=pdf -F "input_files[]=@your-file-name.html" -o "output-file-name.pdf"
- convert a document (source)curl -s "https://decapi.me/youtube/latest_video?user=NPR"
- title/URL of latest upload from indicated YouTube channelcurl -s "https://decapi.me/twitter/latest?name=NPR"
- last tweet from indicated accountcurl -s "https://decapi.me/twitch/uptime?channel=IGN"
- check if indicated twitch channel is onlinecurl -s "https://httpbin.org/delay/4"
- HTTP request and response Service (e.g. send response after 4 seconds)
curl ping.gg
curl wttr.in
orcurl wttr.in/Berlin
β the right way to check the weatherfinger oslo@graph.no
nc rainmaker.wunderground.com 3000
(also works with telnet)curl https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/stations/KAAO.TXT
- METAR from the specified ICAO
curl getnews.tech/world+cup
β fetch the latest newsgopher://gopher.leveck.us:70
- news aggregatorgopher://gopherddit.com:70
- redditssh redditbox.us
β reddit in terminal (ssh + text browser)gopher://hngopher.com:70
- hacker news- π«
curl wrk.ist
β fetch the latest remote jobs / gigs on the IT market
- π«
curl http://frcl.de/gulasch
β Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2019 Fahrplan gopher://gopherpedia.com:70
- wikipedia
telnet mapscii.me
β show a zoomable world map
curl rate.sx
β get cryptocurrencies exchange rates- π«
curl moneroj.org
β get Monero exchange rate - π«
curl cmc.rjldev.com
β get coinmarketcap top 100 cryptocurrencies nc ticker.bitcointicker.co 10080
β get BTC/USD exchange rate (also works with telnet)curl stonks.icu/amd/msft
get stock visualizer and tracker
curl cheat.sh
β UNIX/Linux commands cheat sheets using curl (chubin/cheat.sh)gopher://telcodata.us:70
- NPA/NXX Lookupgopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/world
- all known gopher servers
curl 'dict.org/d:command line'
git commit -m "$(curl -sk whatthecommit.com/index.txt)"
β generate random commit message- curl
- generate random number curl -H 'Accept: text/plain' foaas.com/cool/:from
β fuck off as a servicecurl pseudorandom.name
β generate a pseudo random (American?) name (treyhunner/pseudorandom.name)- π«
curl -s https://uinames.com/api/?region=france\&amount=25 | jq '.[] | .name +" " + .surname'
β generate 25 random french names curl https://icanhazdadjoke.com
β random jokescurl givemeguid.com
- guidnc towel.blinkenlights.nl 666
- IT excuses (also works with telnet)
curl https://asciitv.fr
β watch Star Wars in terminal via curl (source)nc towel.blinkenlights.nl 23
β watch Star Wars in terminal via netcat (also works with telnet)ssh chat.shazow.net
β chat over SSH (shazow/ssh-chat)ssh chat@ascii.town
β SSH chat client (source)curl parrot.live
β display an animated party parrot (hugomd/parrot.live)curl byemck.atulr.com
β display animated goodbye message for colleagues (master-atul/byemck)nc rya.nc 1987
β get Rick Rolled (also works with telnet)curl node-web-console.glitch.me
β watch an emoji race (source)curl ascii.live/forrest
- run Forrest, run!curl ascii.live/nyan
- watch Nyan Catcurl https://poptart.spinda.net
β fullscreen colorized Nyan Catgopher://fld.gp:70
- gopher resources / news / weather / entertainmentgopher://mozz.us:70
- games, drink recipes, and othergopher://port70.net/1board/b
- 4chanssh torus@ascii.town
- collaborative ASCII art project (source)telnet 1984.ws 23
β BBS (BBS list here)
Telnet/SSH-based games:
ssh sshtron.zachlatta.com
~> snake game; play with AWSD keysssh netris.rocketnine.space
β multiplayer tetrisssh play@ascii.town
β 2048 (source)ssh gameroom@bitreich.org
- 11 arcade gamesssh play@anonymine-demo.oskog97.com -p 2222
β guess free minesweeper; Pass: playssh twenex@sdf.org
β play various games including checkersssh intricacy@sshgames.thegonz.net
- Competitive puzzle; password: intricacyssh simulchess@sshgames.thegonz.net
- Multiplayer Chess; password: simulchessssh pacman:pacman@antimirov.net
- Pacman; password: pacmanssh lagrogue@sshgames.thegonz.net
- Roguelike; password: lagssh ckhet@sshgames.thegonz.net
- Khet; password: ckhetssh slashem@slashem.me
- nethack and othersssh rodney@rlgallery.org
- rogue; password: yendorssh pong.brk.st
- singleplayer pongssh tty.sdf.org
- requires you to make an account firstnc aardmud.org 23
β MUD (MUD list here, also works with telnet)nc freechess.org 23
β Chess Game (also works with telnet)nc igs.joyjoy.net 6969
- play/watch the game of Go (also works with telnet))nc fibs.com 4321
- multiplayer backgammon (also works with telnet)telnet dungeon.name 20028
- infinite cave adventuretelnet milek7.gq
β games: Pong, Break out, Tetristelnet mtrek.com 1701
β Star Trektelnet telehack.com
Useful scripts, that can be run with just one line of code, but where, still local execution is necessary.
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py | python -
At least one of these clients, that you need to access these services, is installed on almost every UNIX/Linux system.