Using icon libraries cause massive increases to build time #12793
Astro Info
Astro v5.0.9
Node v23.3.0
System Linux (x64)
Package Manager npm
Output static
Adapter none
Integrations none
If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?
No response
Describe the Bug
Using icon libraries* increases build times by factors of seconds. The worst culprit being a 3,166,940%
increase on page reloads in dev mode
Build (total time score) |
Average Page Load ** | |
Clean | 1.57s |
5.2 ms |
Importing | 12.81s |
16,4686 ms |
I've also raised this issue in 2 icon libraries:
- Build and Dev time by multiples of seconds dzeiocom/lucide-astro#25
- Build and Dev time by multiples of seconds dzeiocom/simple-icons-astro#3
* and probably other types of libs, but I've not tested any others
** User hand refreshed consecutively
What's the expected result?
For the build command, I'm less concerned
For the dev command and single page refreshes, I expect the load time to be sub second, not tens of seconds like the repro and other projects
Link to Minimal Reproducible Example
- I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.