Welcome to Server Reports for Azure Data Studio! Server Reports give useful insights about the server related to performance. These can be used to see current activity as well as historical activity. Here is a list of some of the available reports.
- DB Space Usage
- DB Buffer Usage
- CPU Utilization
- Backup Growth Trend
- Wait counts
This extension is inspired by SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)'s reports. We will continually add more useful server insights and tasks.
This extension is also useful as a sample dashboard extension. It demonstrates building a dedicated dashboard extension with a set of insights built in. You can get started building your own reports by following the extension authoring guide.
See the Server Reports Extension Project in the Azure Data Studio repository on Github for the extension source code.
Special thanks to our Microsoft MVPs for providing useful queries.
See Paul Randal's wait types library for more information about each wait type in the Wait Counts widget.
Glenn Berry: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/All-Databases-Data-log-a36da95d
Aaron Bertrand: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2393/determine-sql-server-memory-use-by-database-and-object/
We would like to thank all our users who raised issues, and in particular the following users who helped contribute fixes:
- flyfishingdba for Add square brackets for ms_foreachdb call (#1023)
- Peter-Schneider for Changed the stored procedure call to work on case sensitive instances (#1809)
- Add VDI_CLIENT_OTHER to the ignore list in the script used by the wait counts widget
- Add PREEMPTIVE_OS_FLUSHFILEBUFFERS to the ignore list in the script used by the wait counts widget
- Changed the stored procedure call to work on case sensitive instances
- Created left nav bar and added 2 categories for insight widgets: monitor and performance
- Fixed DB Space Usage where it threw an error when database names contain special characters
- Changed DB Space Usage and DB Buffer Usage to show only top 10 data
Run the following commands sequentially in the context of this directory:
yarn install
- to install the dependenciesyarn build
- to build the codevsce package
- to produce an extension installation package