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Containerized FedScale Tutorial

This is a tutorial on how to run FedScale jobs under k8s/docker's management service and contribute to FedScale Docker images. It is written mostly for FedScale developers' reference. We assume the readers start with more than one Linux host machines running Ubuntu 16.04 or newer.

K8S Deployment (Recommended)

Kubernetes (k8s) is a popular container management framework used in cloud applications. It is integrated with auto-configured network and offers features like load balancing, autoscaling, which is suitable for deploying FedScale framework.

K8S Setup

We provide scripts for setting up k8s master and worker nodes from a bare-metal cluster in this repo. The rest part of k8s deployment tutorial assumes the user has set up a k8s network properly.

To run GPU jobs, follow K8S CUDA Plugin Tutorial to setup your k8s cluster with CUDA plugin support. FedScale is also fully integrated with time-slicing GPU feature, follow Time-slicing GPU Tutorial to setup time-slicing GPU feature in your k8s cluster.

FedScale K8S Demo

Example configs for submitting jobs to k8s cluster are provided under $FEDSCALE_HOME/benchmark/configs (e.g. $FEDSCALE_HOME/benchmark/configs/femnist/conf_k8s.yml). Suppose we want to run Femnist job with 1 aggregator and 2 executor, modify the config file conf_k8s.yml as following:

  • Specify parameter use_container: k8s, this indicates you want to submit job to k8s cluster.

  • Prepare dataset and specify data_path in your conf_k8s.yml. This path will be mounted into the container so that datasets can be reused in future runs. Note that we assume the same data_path will be used across all nodes in the cluster, so it is always good to make sure data_path exists on every k8s node.

  • Specify number of aggregators num_aggregators: 1, for now we only support a single aggregator for one job, but we are developing hierarchical aggregators feature that will be added in the future.

  • Specify number of executors num_executors: 2.

  • Set use_cuda flag to True if you want to use GPU during the training. If enabled, the executors will be running on CUDA GPUs. Each executor is mapped to a logical GPU unit, where the physical GPU could either be an entire single GPU or a time-slicing sharable GPU, depending on your k8s configuration.

  • Submit job

     cd $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker
     python3 submit $FEDSCALE_HOME/benchmark/configs/femnist/conf_k8s.yml
  • Check logs: FedScale will generate logs under data_path you provided by default. Keep in mind that k8s may load balancing your job to any node on the cluster, so make sure you are checking the data_path on the correct node.

  • Stop job

     cd $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker
     python3 stop $YOUR_JOB

Docker Deployment

Apart from k8s deployment, we also support deploying FedScale onto docker service.

Install Docker and its dependencies

The first step is to install Docker on all the available host machines.

  • Run $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker/config/ to install Docker and its dependencies.

     bash $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker/config/
  • (Optional) Docker stores its data files under /var/lib/docker by default. If you have limited disk space under your root / partition, consider reconfiguring Docker's data folder by running the following commands:

     # stop Docker service
     sudo systemctl stop docker
     # make sure Docker service is not running
     sudo systemctl status docker
     # create the target folder to store new Docker data files, change it to your own path
     mkdir ~/docker
     # migrate old files over
     rsync -avxP /var/lib/docker/ /home/docker
     # update Docker service configure file
     # change line: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:... to ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -g /home/docker -H fd:...
     sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
     # reload daemons
     sudo systemctl daemon-reload
     # restart Docker
     systemctl start docker
     # verify Docker is available
     sudo docker run hello-world

Configure Docker Network

To allow docker containers running in different host machines to communicate with each other, we need to creater a docker network. We assume there are two host machines: host1 and host2, more could be added in a similar fashion.

  • First initialize a Docker swarm

     # find host1's local ip
     host1$ hostname -I
     # configure host1 as the master, this will return a join command for workers
     host1$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr $HOST1_LOCAL_IP --listen-addr $HOST1_LOCAL_IP:6666
     # configure host2 as the worker, using command generated from host1's swarm init
     docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4d61y6l7dgw7cycz5wxyabfg6ew5q6qgeb1fgqfas2pba1jspj-3d8ph41e33q2bb0uixaht1eft $HOST1_LOCAL_IP:6666
  • Create an overlay network for container communications

     docker network create --driver=overlay --attachable fedscale-net

FedScale Docker Demo

This is a walkthrough to run Femnist benchmark using docker. We have provided example containerized configs files under $FEDSCALE_HOME/benchmark/configs (e.g. $FEDSCALE_HOME/benchmark/configs/femnist/conf_docker.yml) for docker jobs and integrated our with docker support. Suppose for the Femnist benchmark task, we want to run Aggregator on host1 and one Executor on host2:

  • Prepare dataset and specify data_path in your conf_docker.yml. This path will be mounted into the container so that datasets can be reused in future runs.

  • Specify container_network as the docker network name you have configured (e.g. fedscale-net).

  • Each Aggregator or Executor will need a port for process communication, make sure you choose ports that are open and specify ports in your conf_docker.yml. Note that in our example we can choose the same port for Aggregator and Executor since they are on different host machines.

  • Submit job

     cd $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker
     python3 submit $FEDSCALE_HOME/benchmark/configs/femnist/conf_docker.yml
  • Check logs: FedScale will generate logs under data_path you provided by default.

  • Stop job

     cd $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker
     python3 stop $YOUR_JOB

Contribute to FedScale Container Images

If you make changes to FedScale's aggregator or executor source files and want to build new images, follow the steps below.

Update Aggregator Image

cd $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker/config
docker build --tag fedscale-aggr -f  Dockerfile.fedscale_aggr ../../
docker tag fedscale-aggr fedscale/fedscale-aggr
docker push fedscale/fedscale-aggr

Update Executor Image

cd $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker/config
docker build --tag fedscale-exec -f  Dockerfile.fedscale_exec ../../
docker tag fedscale-exec fedscale/fedscale-exec
docker push fedscale/fedscale-exec

Update Aggr/Exec Initialization

Aggregator/executor image will run scripts $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker/config/ or $FEDSCALE_HOME/docker/config/ by default. The scripts will directly invoke $FEDSCALE_HOME/fedscale/cloud/aggregation/ or $FEDSCALE_HOME/fedscale/cloud/execution/ If you want to change, for example, how to initialize aggregator/executor using different arguments, make sure you change commands in the corresponding .sh scripts.