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List the ETW provider(s) in the registration table of a process.

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Display information about each ETW provider in the registration table of a process. It also contains the code walkthrough which details how and why this thing works, so scroll down if you want to read on that, just a scroll away :D


ETWListicle.exe notepad.exe

Code Breakdown

Note that this section may exclude error checks just to keep things simple

The Main Function

As usual, we start with the main() function:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	// Check CLI args
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t%s <PROCESS NAME>\n", argv[0]);
		return -1;

	// Print details
	printf("[i] Listing ETW providers for:\t\t%s\n", argv[1]);

	// Get Process ID for the target process
	DWORD pid = FindPid(argv[1]);
	printf("[i] Process ID(PID) of target process:\t%d\n", pid);

	return 0;

The main function begins by checking the command line arguments, and if supplied correctly, fetches the target process's name from the CLI and passes it to the FindPid() function to fetch the Process ID of the target process:

// Defined in utils.h
DWORD FindPid(char* procname) {
	PROCESSENTRY32 _temp = { 0 };
	_temp.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
	HANDLE hProcSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(
		TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, //  Take a snapshot of the processes
		0                   //  Capture a snapshot of all processes in the system
	Process32First(hProcSnap, &_temp);
	// Loop through Snapshot entries
	while (Process32Next(hProcSnap, &_temp)) {
		if (lstrcmpiA(procname, _temp.szExeFile) == 0) {
			return _temp.th32ProcessID;
	fprintf(stderr, "[!] No %s process found\n", procname);
	return 0;

We use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() to create a snapshot of all the system processes and then use a combination of Process32First() and Process32Next() to iterate through the process entries in the system snapshot. We check the szExeFile field of the entries to see if we have a match on the target process's name, and, if found, we return the PID of the target process.

Once we have the PID of the target process, we try to set DEBUG privileges for the current process. This would enable us to open handles to processes we usually don't have access to and read the process memory. To do this, we call the SetDebugPrivilege() function.

// Defined in utils.h
BOOL SetDebugPrivilege(void) {
    LUID luid;
    HANDLE  hToken;
    OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken);
    LookupPrivilegeValueA(NULL, "SeDebugPrivilege", &luid)

    tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
    tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
    tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;

        hToken,                             // Handle to the token
        FALSE,                              // Modifies privileges as requested
        &tp,                                // Specifies the new privileges 
        sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),           // Size of struct
        (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL,            // We dont need a handle to old privilege token
        (PDWORD)NULL);                       // Ignore return length

    return (GetLastError() != ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED);

I ripped this off Enabling and Disabling Privileges in C++ - check it out for the indepth explanation, but TLDR: we modify the current process token and try to elevate the current process to have DEBUG privileges so that we can easily read process memory of the specified target.

Finally, we call ParseRegistrationTable() to find the EtwpRegistrationTable and the corresponding registration entries. But before we look into that, it is important to understand why this is important and how to locate it.

EtwpRegistrationTable and Registration Entries - Debug Time!

Now this is the part where we pull up our Decompilers. For this exercise, I have used a combination of IDA-Pro and Ghidra.

We start by loading ntdll from System32 into both of these tools. First, we examine ntdll!EtwEventRegister in Ghidra:

Why this particular function? Well, ETW providers are registered by the EventRegister() function described in the Advapi32.dll, which ultimately passes it on to the ntdll!EtwEventRegister, so we are cutting out the middlemen and starting our examination here.

As we can see, ntdll!EtwEventRegister in turn calls ntdll!EtwNotificationRegister, looking at the pseudocode for which in IDA-Pro, we get the following:

Okay, but why did we skip past the other functions shown in the pseudocode? It is because we are exclusively trying to locate functions and structures associated with registering and allocating provider entries.

Coming back to ntdll!EtwNotificationRegister, we see that it makes a call to ntdll!EtwpAllocateRegistration. This function is responsible for allocating registrations in memory:

We see that it calls RtlAllocateHeap() with the size parameter set to 0x100 aka, 256 bytes to reserve memory for the registration entries. Meanwhile, if we take a look at the ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY struct, we see that it is exactly 256 bytes - just as an extra set of confirmation:

typedef struct _ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY {
    RTL_BALANCED_NODE   RegList;           // List of registration entries
    ULONG64             Padding1;
    GUID                ProviderId;        // GUID to identify Provider
    PETWENABLECALLBACK  Callback;          // Callback function executed in response to NtControlTrace
    PVOID               CallbackContext;   // Optional context
    SRWLOCK             RegLock;           // 
    SRWLOCK             NodeLock;          // 
    HANDLE              Thread;            // Handle of thread for callback
    HANDLE              ReplyHandle;       // Used to communicate with the kernel via NtTraceEvent
    USHORT              RegIndex;          // Index in EtwpRegistrationTable
    USHORT              RegType;           // 14th bit indicates a private
    ULONG64             Unknown[19];

Further examining ntdll!EtwNotificationRegister, we see that it calls ntdll!EtwpInsertRegistration with the value returned from ntdll!EtwpAllocateRegistration (which, in all suspect, is the allocated heap address for user registration entry)

Loading up ntdll!EtwpInsertRegistration in IDA-Pro, we see a reference to EtwpRegistrationTable. According to windows deep internals:

"Now all registered items storing in red-black tree whose root placed in EtwpRegistrationTable"

So now that we know that we have the EtwpRegistrationTable structure present in the .data segment of ntdll, we can use good ol' brute force to locate its virtual address, and we do that with GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA() function.

Forcing our way through - GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA()

The GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA() looks as such:

// Located in lister.h
LPVOID GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA(void) {
    DWORD bcount = 0;
    PULONG_PTR data_segment = NULL;

    HMODULE hNtdll = GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll");
    PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtHdr = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((ULONG_PTR)hNtdll + pDosHdr->e_lfanew);

    PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSecHdr = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((LPBYTE)&pNtHdr->OptionalHeader + pNtHdr->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);

    for (DWORD i = 0; i < pNtHdr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        if (*(PDWORD)pSecHdr[i].Name == *(PDWORD)".data") {
            data_segment = (PULONG_PTR)((ULONG_PTR)hNtdll + pSecHdr[i].VirtualAddress);
            bcount = pSecHdr[i].Misc.VirtualSize / sizeof(ULONG_PTR);

    for (DWORD i = 0; i < bcount - 1; i++) {
        PRTL_RB_TREE rb_tree = (PRTL_RB_TREE)&data_segment[i];

        if (get_mem_type(rb_tree->Root) == heap) {
            PETW_USER_REG_ENTRY reg_entry = (PETW_USER_REG_ENTRY)rb_tree->Root;
            if (get_mem_type(reg_entry->Callback) == code) {
                return &data_segment[i];

    return NULL;

Going on a tangent here, I want to discuss the get_mem_type() function. It's a very hacky function based on a stackoverflow answer. Essentially, I wanted a way to figure out the kind of memory region a pointer is pointing to: primarily to check if it's on the heap or in the code section. Time to break the function down as such:

enum MemType {

// See:
enum MemType get_mem_type(LPVOID ptr) {

	if (ptr == NULL)  return invalid;

	SIZE_T ret = VirtualQuery(ptr, &mbi, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));
	if (ret == 0) return invalid;
	if (ret != sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)) return invalid;
	if (mbi.State != MEM_COMMIT) return invalid;
	if (mbi.Protect == PAGE_NOACCESS) return invalid;
	if (mbi.Protect == PAGE_READWRITE) {
		if (mbi.Type == MEM_PRIVATE) return heap;
		if (mbi.Type == MEM_IMAGE) return data;
	if (mbi.Type == MEM_IMAGE && mbi.Protect == PAGE_EXECUTE_READ) return code;
	if (mbi.Type == MEM_MAPPED) return mapped;

	return unknown;

The function uses VirtualQuery() to get information about the memory pages. Now, if a page has:

  • RW permissions and the memory page is private, it usually indicates pointers on the heap (especially note that the heap cannot have execute permissions)
  • If the memory page within the region is mapped into the view of an image section and is RX, we can say that it belongs to the code section (remember that you cannot write to a code section)

Back to GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA(). I came across this stackoverflow question which demonstrates how we can use GetModuleHandle() to find the base address of ntdll in memory (remember kids, HMODULE essentially represents the base address of the module in memory). Once we have the base address, we can walk the PE file till we locate the .data section.

Once we have the .data section, we use brute force to search for EtwpRegistrationTable:

PRTL_RB_TREE rb_tree = (PRTL_RB_TREE)&data_segment[i];
if (get_mem_type(rb_tree->Root) == heap) {
    PETW_USER_REG_ENTRY reg_entry = (PETW_USER_REG_ENTRY)rb_tree->Root;
    if (get_mem_type(reg_entry->Callback) == code) {
        return &data_segment[i];

We iterate through the data segment and cast each memory pointer into a PRTL_RB_TREE, thereby assuming that we have a Red-Black tree struct in that region. Why do we do this? Remember when windows deep internals said:

"Now all registered items storing in red-black tree whose root placed in EtwpRegistrationTable"

And since ntdll!EtwpAllocateRegistration allocates registration entries on the heap using RtlAllocateHeap(), we check if the Root entry points to an address on the heap. That's check uno. Assuming we pass check one, we cast the memory pointed by the Root entry of the Red-Black tree into a PETW_USER_REG_ENTRY, essentially casting the memory region into an ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY and verifying if the Callback parameter points to a region in the code segment because it essentially points to a callback function(that is pretty self-explanatory).

So, if both the checks pass, we can say that we have successfully located the EtwpRegistrationTable. Just to verify that we got this correct, we can put a breakpoint in our code and, at the same time, verify the same with WinDBG:


The function responsible for parsing the EtwpRegistrationTable is ParseRegistrationTable().

// Defined in lister.h
// Parse the EtwpRegistrationTable and print registration entries
// Parse the EtwpRegistrationTable and print registration entries
BOOL ParseRegistrationTable(DWORD pid) {
    SIZE_T _retlen = 0;
    RTL_RB_TREE rb_tree = { 0 };
    CHAR sym_search_path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };

    LPVOID pEtwRegTable = GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA();
    printf("[i] VA of EtwpRegistrationTable:\t0x%p\n", pEtwRegTable);

    // Open Handle to target process
    HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);

    // Read EtwpRegistrationTable into memory
    ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (PBYTE)pEtwRegTable, (PBYTE)&rb_tree, sizeof(RTL_RB_TREE), &_retlen);

    // Load symbols when a reference is made requiring the symbols be loaded.

    // Initializes the symbol handler for a process.
    SymInitialize(hProcess, NULL, TRUE);

    // Retrieve the symbol search path
    if (SymGetSearchPath(hProcess, sym_search_path, MAX_PATH)) {
        CHAR _temp[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
        printf("[i] Symbol Search Path:\t\t\t%s\n", _fullpath(_temp, sym_search_path, MAX_PATH));

    // Initializes the COM library for use by the calling thread

    // Dump User Entries
    printf("[i] Dumping Registration Entries\n\n");
    (void)FetchUserEntries(hProcess, rb_tree.Root);

    printf("[i] Total Number of Entries:\t%d\n", PROVIDER_COUNT);

    // CleanUp
    return TRUE;

The function essentially wraps lots of other essential features that we use to read the EtwpRegistrationTable structure and dump the values of user registration entries.

Once we get the virtual address of the EtwpRegistrationTable using GetEtwpRegistrationTableVA(), we acquire a handle to the remote process using OpenProcess(). Finally, we use ReadProcessMemory() to read the remote process's memory at that Virtual Address into an RTL_RB_TREE tree struct.

Next up, we initialize the symbol handler. The SymSetOptions() function defers symbol loading until symbol information is requested. The code loads the symbols for each module in the specified process. I would really recommend reading through this v v short MSDN article to better understand how it works.

Initializes the COM library for use by the calling thread by using CoInitializeEx(). The COINIT_MULTITHREADED parameter indicates that COM will be initialized in a multithreaded apartment, which means that multiple threads can concurrently use COM objects without any restrictions.

Finally, we dump the entries for the User registrations by calling FetchUserEntries() function.

Note that we pass the address pointer by the Root element of EtwpRegistrationTable because, again, remember windows deep internals: "Now all registered items storing in red-black tree whose root placed in EtwpRegistrationTable"


This is a recursive function that parses the EtwpRegistrationTable Red-Black tree:

// Defined in lister.h
// Actual function to iterate through etw user registrations
VOID FetchUserEntries(HANDLE hProcess, PRTL_BALANCED_NODE node) {
    SIZE_T _read = 0;
    ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY etw_user_reg_entry = { 0 };
    if (node == NULL) return;
    ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (PBYTE)node, &etw_user_reg_entry, sizeof(ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY), &_read);

    (void)DumpNodeInfo(hProcess, node, &etw_user_reg_entry);

    FetchUserEntries(hProcess, etw_user_reg_entry.RegList.Children[0]);
    FetchUserEntries(hProcess, etw_user_reg_entry.RegList.Children[1]);

The function reads the process memory at the given node address from the remote process using ReadProcessMemory() into an ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY struct. We call DumpNodeInfo() to dump the details of the struct(more on that later). Finally, we recursively call the function, but this time with the Child nodes of the Red-Black Tree. We do this till we reach an invalid node, thereby iterating through the entire list of registered entries.

DumpNodeInfo() and Guid2Name()

This function is responsible for dumping the information stored in the ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY structures.

// Defined in lister.h
// Print Individual Nodes
    OLECHAR guid[40];
    CHAR cbFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    CHAR ctxFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    BYTE buffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYM_NAME * sizeof(CHAR)] = {0};
    PSYMBOL_INFO pSymbol = (PSYMBOL_INFO)buffer;

    // Increase Provider Count

    // Print Provider GUID
    StringFromGUID2(&uRegEntry->ProviderId, guid, sizeof(guid));
    wprintf(L"[%03d] Provider GUID:\t\t%s (%s)\n", PROVIDER_COUNT, guid, Guid2Name(guid));

    // Callback function executed in response to NtControlTrace
    if (GetMappedFileNameA(hProcess, (LPVOID)uRegEntry->Callback, cbFile, MAX_PATH) != 0) {
        printf("[%03d] Callback Function:\t0x%p :: %s", PROVIDER_COUNT, uRegEntry->Callback, cbFile);
        pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
        pSymbol->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME;
        if(SymFromAddr(hProcess, (ULONG_PTR)uRegEntry->Callback, NULL, pSymbol)) {
            printf("!%hs", pSymbol->Name);

    // Get Context
    if (GetMappedFileNameA(hProcess, (LPVOID)uRegEntry->CallbackContext, ctxFile, MAX_PATH) != 0) {
        printf("[%03d] Callback Context:\t\t0x%p :: %s", PROVIDER_COUNT, uRegEntry->CallbackContext, ctxFile);
        pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
        pSymbol->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME;
        if (SymFromAddr(hProcess, (ULONG_PTR)uRegEntry->CallbackContext, NULL, pSymbol)) {
            printf("!%hs", pSymbol->Name);

    // Registration Handle to be used with EtwEventUnregister
    printf("[%03d] Registration Handle:\t0x%p\n", PROVIDER_COUNT, (PVOID)((ULONG64)node | (ULONG64)uRegEntry->RegIndex << 48));
    // Handle of thread for callback
    printf("[%03d] Callback Thread Handle:\t0x%p\n", PROVIDER_COUNT, (PVOID)uRegEntry->Thread);
    // Used to communicate with the kernel via NtTraceEvent
    printf("[%03d] ReplyHandle:\t\t0x%p\n", PROVIDER_COUNT, (PVOID)uRegEntry->ReplyHandle);

It's a very simple function that prints the entries of the ETW_USER_REG_ENTRY structure. For the most part, it is very self-explanatory with it printing the respective struct fields while updating the global PROVIDER_COUNT variable which essentially keeps track of how many providers the process is subscribed to.

However, I would like to draw attention to two parts of the function, the first being where we print the provider GUID:

StringFromGUID2(&uRegEntry->ProviderId, guid, sizeof(guid));
wprintf(L"[%03d] Provider GUID:\t\t%s (%s)\n", PROVIDER_COUNT, guid, Guid2Name(guid));

We use the StringFromGUID2() function to convert the ProviderId field of the user entry, which essentially represents the Provider GUID. We also try to convert the GUID to the Provider Name with the Guid2Name() function, which is essentially a wrapper around the ITraceDataProvider (more on that later).

The second code segment from the function I wanted to discuss is:

if (GetMappedFileNameA(hProcess, (LPVOID)uRegEntry->Callback, cbFile, MAX_PATH) != 0) {
    printf("[%03d] Callback Function:\t0x%p :: %s", PROVIDER_COUNT, uRegEntry->Callback, cbFile);
    pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
    pSymbol->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME;
    if(SymFromAddr(hProcess, (ULONG_PTR)uRegEntry->Callback, NULL, pSymbol)) {
        printf("!%hs", pSymbol->Name);

Here, we check if we can resolve the name for the memory-mapped file, and if we can, we strip the filename and then use SymFromAddr() to retrieve symbol information for the specified address.

Coming back to Guid2Name():

// Defined in lister.h
// Get ProviderName from GUID
BSTR Guid2Name(OLECHAR* id) {
    ITraceDataProvider* iTDataProv = NULL;
    BSTR name = NULL;
    // Create an instance of a COM class 
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(              
                    &CLSID_TraceDataProvider,               // CLSID (Class Identifier) of the TraceDataProvider Class
                    0,                                      // Indicates that the object is not being created as part of an aggregate
                    CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,                   // Indicates that the object should be created within the same process as the calling code.
                    &IID_ITraceDataProvider,                // Interface identifier for the ITraceDataProvider interface.
                    (LPVOID*)&iTDataProv);                  // Receive the interface pointer of the created object

    // query details for the provider GUID
    hr = iTDataProv->lpVtbl->Query(iTDataProv, id, NULL);

    if (hr != S_OK) {
        return L"Unknown";
    hr = iTDataProv->lpVtbl->get_DisplayName(iTDataProv, &name);
    return hr == S_OK ? name : L"Unknown";

The function uses the CoCreateInstance() function to create an instance of the TraceDataProvider COM object( identified by the Class Identifier CLSID_TraceDataProvider). This COM object is created within the same process as the calling code(as indicated by passing CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER to the function), and the code specifies that it wants to obtain the ITraceDataProvider interface from the newly created object(by setting the Interface identifier to IID_ITraceDataProvider). The resulting interface pointer is stored in the variable iTDataProv. This allows the program to interact with and use the functionality provided by the ITraceDataProvider COM object, which we use to call the Query() and get_DisplayName() functions to retrieve the name of the Provider. If the functions succeeds, we return the Provider name, else return the string: "Unknown".


The code, when run, prints out all the registered ETW providers as well as the total number of such providers. This can help Blue/Red Teamers to closely inspect the Callback functions in response to NtTraceControl().

The main motivation to write this blog was the severe lack of documentation around this topic, so I wanted to break it down for any curious minds out there :D

Happy Hacking!


1 - Taking a Snapshot and Viewing Processes

2 - Enabling and Disabling Privileges in C++

3- EtwEventRegister on w8 consumer preview

4 - Another method of bypassing ETW and Process Injection via ETW registration entries.


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