I have a suggestion not to raise an exception when many files are passed and some of them do not exist, even though the parameter $checkObjectExist.
In the file src\S3ObjectsStreamZip.php
foreach ($objects as $object) {
* Added this IF to generate even if the current file doesn't exist
if (file_exists($objectDir)) {
$objectName = isset($object["name"]) ? $object["name"] : basename($object["path"]);
$context = stream_context_create(array(
"s3" => array("seekable" => true)
$request = $this->s3Client->createPresignedRequest(
$this->s3Client->getCommand("GetObject", [
"Key" => $object["path"],
"Bucket" => $bucket,
"+1 day"
$tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), crc32(time()));
$httpClient->request("GET", (string) $request->getUri(), array(
"synchronous" => true,
"sink" => fopen($tmpfile, "w+")
if ($stream = fopen($tmpfile, "r", false, $context)) {
$zip->addFileFromStream($objectName, $stream);