A collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Objects, Strings, Enumerables, Arrays, Hash, Dates, Minitest & Rails
The difference between this library and others is that all monkey patching is performed in an opt-in way because you shouldnt be using methods you dont know about anyways.
For applicable methods I have placed the implementation inside the Rearmed module so if you don't like monkey patching or are working on the project with a team then you can use these methods instead. You can see how to use this implementation below the relevant methods here in the readme.
# Gemfile
gem 'rearmed'
Run rails g rearmed:setup
to create a settings files in config/initializers/rearmed.rb
where you can opt-in to the monkey patches available in the library. Set these values to true if you want to enable the applicable monkey patch.
# config/initializers/rearmed.rb
Rearmed.enabled_patches = {
rails_4: {
link_to_confirm: false,
or: false
rails_3: {
all: false,
pluck: false,
update_columns: false
rails: {
find_duplicates: false,
find_in_relation_batches: false,
find_or_create: false,
find_relation_each: false,
newest: false,
pluck_to_hash: false,
pluck_to_struct: false,
reset_auto_increment: false,
reset_table: false
string: {
begins_with: false,
ends_with: false,
starts_with: false,
to_bool: false,
valid_float: false,
valid_integer: false
hash: {
compact: false,
dig: false,
join: false,
only: false,
array: {
dig: false,
delete_first: false,
not_empty: false
enumerable: {
natural_sort: false,
natural_sort_by: false
object: {
in: false,
not_nil: false
date: {
now: false
minitest: {
assert_changed: false,
assert_not_changed: false
require 'rearmed/apply_patches'
# Only for non-Rails environments, as Rails already has this method
my_var.in?(1,2,3) # or with splat arguments
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.valid_integer?('123')
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.valid_float?('123.123')
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.to_bool('true')
# alias of start_with? and end_with? to have more sensible method names
'foo'.starts_with?('fo') # => true
'foo'.begins_with?('fo') # => true
'bar'.ends_with?('ar') # => true
items = ['1.1', '1.11', '1.2']
items.natural_sort(reverse: true) # because natural_sort does not accept a block, accepting PR's on this
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.natural_sort(items) or Rearmed.natural_sort(items, reverse: true)
items = [{version: "1.1"}, {version: "1.11"}, {version: "1.2"}]
items.natural_sort_by{|x| x[:version]}
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.natural_sort_by(items){|x| x[:version]}
# Only available on array and hash in Ruby 2.2.x or below
items = [{foo: ['foo','bar']}, {test: 'thing'}]
items.dig(0, :foo, 1) # => 'bar'
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.dig(items, 0, :foo, 1)
array = [1,2,1,4,1]
array.delete_first(1) # => 1
puts array #=> [2,1,4,1]
array.delete_first{|x| 1 == x} # => 1
puts array # => [2,4,1]
array.delete_first # => 2
puts array # => [4,1]
array.not_empty? # => true
hash.join{|k,v| "#{k}: #{v}\n"}
hash = {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', other: 'other'}
hash.only(:foo, :bar) # => {foo: 'foo'}
# or without monkey patch: Rearmed.only(hash, :foo, :bar)
hash.only!(:foo, :bar)
Note: All methods which involve deletion are compatible with Paranoia & ActsAsParanoid
Post.pluck_to_hash(:name, :category, :id)
Post.pluck_to_struct(:name, :category, :id)
Post.find_or_create(name: 'foo', content: 'bar') # use this instead of the super confusing first_or_create method
Post.find_or_create!(name: 'foo', content: 'bar')
Post.find_duplicates # return active record relation of all records that have duplicates. By default it skips the primary_key, created_at, updated_at, & deleted_at columns
Post.find_duplicates(:name) # find duplicates based on the name attribute
Post.find_duplicates(:name, :category) # find duplicates based on the name & category attribute
Post.find_duplicates(self.column_names.reject{|x| ['id','created_at','updated_at','deleted_at'].include?(x)})
# It also can delete duplicates. Valid values for keep are :first & :last. Valid values for delete_method are :destroy & :delete. soft_delete is only used if you are using acts_as_paranoid on your model.
Post.find_duplicates(:name, :category, delete: true)
Post.find_duplicates(:name, :category, delete: {keep: :first, delete_method: :destroy, soft_delete: true}) # these are the default settings for delete: true
Post.newest # get the newest post, by default ordered by :created_at
Post.newest(:updated_at) # different sort order
Post.newest(:published_at, :created_at) # multiple columns to sort on
Post.reset_table # delete all records from table and reset autoincrement column (id), works with mysql/mariadb/postgresql/sqlite
# or with options
Post.reset_table(delete_method: :destroy) # to ensure all callbacks are fired
Post.reset_auto_increment # reset mysql/mariadb/postgresql/sqlite auto-increment column, if contains records then defaults to starting from next available number
# or with options
Post.reset_auto_increment(value: 1, column: :id) # column option is only relevant for postgresql
Post.find_in_relation_batches # this returns a relation instead of an array
Post.find_relation_each # this returns a relation instead of an array
### Callbacks
class Post < ApplicationRecord
after_create_commit :do_work # is the same as: after_commit :do_work, on: :create
after_update_commit :do_more_work # is the same as: after_commit :do_work, on: :update
Post.where(name: 'foo').or.where(content: 'bar')
Post.where(name: 'foo').or.my_custom_scope
Post.where(name: 'foo').or(Post.where(content: 'bar'))
Post.where(name: 'foo).or(content: 'bar')
= link_to 'Delete', post_path(post), method: :delete, confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this post?"
# returns to rails 3 behaviour of allowing confirm attribute as well as data-confirm
Post.all # Now returns AR relation
Post.first.update_columns(a: 'foo', b: 'bar')
Post.pluck(:name, :id) # adds multi column pluck support ex. => [['first', 1], ['second', 2], ['third', 3]]
my_hash.compact # See Hash methods above
assert_changed 'user.name' do
user.name = "Bob"
assert_not_changed -> { user.name } do
assert_not_changed lambda{ user.name } do
If you want to request a method please raise an issue and we can discuss the implementation.
If you want to contribute here are a couple of things you could do:
- Add Tests for Rails methods
- Get the
method to accept a block
Created by Weston Ganger - @westonganger