mctl model 为go-zero生成模板代码工具,主要代码实现来源于
,目前仅支持识别mysql ddl进行model层代码生成,通过命令行或者idea插件(即将支持)。
GO111MODULE=on GOPROXY=,direct go get -u
mctl model mysql ddl -src="./*.sql" -dir="./sql/model" -c
./model ├── mappers │ └── testuserinfomapper.xml ├── testuserinfomodel.go └── vars.go
mctl model mysql datasource -url="user:password@tcp(" -table="*" -dir="./model"
package nocache import ( "encoding/json" "time" "" ) type ( TestUserInfoFindResult struct { testUserInfos []*TestUserInfo } TestUserInfoModel interface { WithConn(conn gobatis.GoBatis) TestUserInfoModel Insert(data *TestUserInfo) (id int64, affected int64, err error) InsertSelective(data *TestUserInfo) (id int64, affected int64, err error) FindOne(id int64) (*TestUserInfo, error) FindOneByNanosecond(nanosecond int64) (*TestUserInfo, error) FindSelective(data *TestUserInfoSelective) (*TestUserInfoFindResult, error) Update(data *TestUserInfo) (affected int64, err error) UpdateSelective(data *TestUserInfo) (affected int64, err error) Delete(id int64) (affected int64, err error) } defaultTestUserInfoModel struct { conn gobatis.GoBatis table string } TestUserInfo struct { Id *int64 `field:"id" json:"id"` Nanosecond *int64 `field:"nanosecond" json:"nanosecond"` Data *string `field:"data" json:"data"` Content *string `field:"content" json:"content"` CreateTime *time.Time `field:"create_time" json:"createTime"` UpdateTime *time.Time `field:"update_time" json:"updateTime"` } TestUserInfoSelective struct { Id *int64 Nanosecond *int64 Data *string Content *string StartCreateTime *time.Time EndCreateTime *time.Time CreateTime *time.Time StartUpdateTime *time.Time EndUpdateTime *time.Time UpdateTime *time.Time } ) func (m *TestUserInfo) ToString() string { str := "" bs, err := json.Marshal(m) if nil == err { str = string(bs) } return str } func newTestUserInfoFindResult(testUserInfos []*TestUserInfo) *TestUserInfoFindResult { return &TestUserInfoFindResult{ testUserInfos: testUserInfos, } } func (r *TestUserInfoFindResult) List() []*TestUserInfo { return r.testUserInfos } func (r *TestUserInfoFindResult) One() *TestUserInfo { if len(r.testUserInfos) == 0 { return nil } return r.testUserInfos[0] } func NewTestUserInfoModel(conn gobatis.GoBatis) TestUserInfoModel { return &defaultTestUserInfoModel{ conn: conn, table: "`test_user_info`", } } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) method(mt string) string { return "TestUserInfoMapper." + mt } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) WithConn(conn gobatis.GoBatis) TestUserInfoModel { return &defaultTestUserInfoModel{ conn: conn, table: "test_user_info", } } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) Insert(data *TestUserInfo) (id int64, affected int64, err error) { id, affected, err = m.conn.Insert(m.method("save"), data) return } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) InsertSelective(data *TestUserInfo) (id int64, affected int64, err error) { id, affected, err = m.conn.Insert(m.method("saveSelective"), data) return } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) FindOne(id int64) (*TestUserInfo, error) { var resp *TestUserInfo err := m.conn.Select(m.method("findOne"), map[string]interface{}{ "Id": id, })(&resp) return resp, err } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) FindOneByNanosecond(nanosecond int64) (*TestUserInfo, error) { var resp *TestUserInfo err := m.conn.Select(m.method("findOneByNanosecond"), map[string]interface{}{ "Nanosecond": nanosecond, })(&resp) return resp, err } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) FindSelective(data *TestUserInfoSelective) (*TestUserInfoFindResult, error) { resp := make([]*TestUserInfo, 0) err := m.conn.Select(m.method("findSelective"), data)(&resp) return &TestUserInfoFindResult{ testUserInfos: resp, }, err } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) Update(data *TestUserInfo) (affected int64, err error) { affected, err = m.conn.Update(m.method("update"), data) return } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) UpdateSelective(data *TestUserInfo) (affected int64, err error) { affected, err = m.conn.Update(m.method("updateSelective"), data) return } func (m *defaultTestUserInfoModel) Delete(id int64) (affected int64, err error) { affected, err = m.conn.Delete(m.method("delete"), map[string]interface{}{ "Id": id, }) return }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "gobatis" ""> <mapper namespace="TestUserInfoMapper"> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> id,nanosecond,data,content,create_time,update_time </sql> <insert id="save"> insert into test_user_info (id, nanosecond, data, content, create_time, update_time) values (#{id},#{nanosecond},#{data},#{content},#{create_time},#{update_time}) </insert> <insert id="saveSelective"> insert into test_user_info <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="Id != nil"> id, </if> <if test="Nanosecond != nil"> nanosecond, </if> <if test="Data != nil"> data, </if> <if test="Content != nil"> content, </if> <if test="CreateTime != nil"> create_time, </if> <if test="UpdateTime != nil"> update_time, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="Id != nil"> #{Id}, </if> <if test="Nanosecond != nil"> #{Nanosecond}, </if> <if test="Data != nil"> #{Data}, </if> <if test="Content != nil"> #{Content}, </if> <if test="CreateTime != nil"> #{CreateTime}, </if> <if test="UpdateTime != nil"> #{UpdateTime}, </if> </trim> </insert> <update id="update"> update test_user_info set nanosecond = #{Nanosecond}, data = #{Data}, content = #{Content} where id = #{Id} </update> <update id="updateSelective"> update test_user_info <set> <if test="Nanosecond != nil"> nanosecond = #{Nanosecond}, </if> <if test="Data != nil"> data = #{Data}, </if> <if test="Content != nil"> content = #{Content}, </if> </set> where id = #{Id} </update> <delete id="delete"> delete from test_user_info where id = #{Id} </delete> <select id="findOne" resultType="struct"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from test_user_info where id = #{Id} limit 1 </select> <select id="findOneByNanosecond" resultType="struct"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from test_user_info where nanosecond = #{Nanosecond} limit 1 </select> <select id="findSelective" resultType="structs"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> from test_user_info <where> <if test="Nanosecond != nil"> and nanosecond = #{Nanosecond} </if> <if test="Data != nil"> and data = #{Data} </if> <if test="Content != nil"> and content = #{Content} </if> <if test="StartCreateTime != nil"> and create_time >= #{StartCreateTime} </if> <if test="EndCreateTime != nil"> and create_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{EndCreateTime} </if> <if test="CreateTime != nil"> and create_time = #{CreateTime} </if> <if test="StartUpdateTime != nil"> and update_time >= #{StartUpdateTime} </if> <if test="EndUpdateTime != nil"> and update_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{EndUpdateTime} </if> <if test="UpdateTime != nil"> and update_time = #{UpdateTime} </if> </where> </select> </mapper>
mctl model mysql -h
mctl model mysql - generate mysql model"
mctl model mysql command [command options] [arguments...]
ddl generate mysql model from ddl"
datasource generate model from datasource"
--help, -h show help
时会被移除,不在赋值范畴内,当然,如果你不需要这两个字段那也无大碍。 -
mctl model mysql -src={patterns} -dir={dir}
NAME: mctl model mysql ddl - generate mysql model from ddl USAGE: mctl model mysql ddl [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --src value, -s value the path or path globbing patterns of the ddl --dir value, -d value the target dir --style value the file naming format, see [] --idea for idea plugin [optional]
mctl model mysql datasource -url={datasource} -table={patterns} -dir={dir}
NAME: mctl model mysql datasource - generate model from datasource USAGE: mctl model mysql datasource [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --url value the data source of database,like "root:password@tcp( --table value, -t value the table or table globbing patterns in the database --dir value, -d value the target dir --style value the file naming format, see [] --idea for idea plugin [optional]
NOTE: mctl model mysql ddl/datasource 均新增了一个
mctl model -src={patterns} -dir={dir}
mctl model mysql datasource -url={datasource} -table={patterns} -dir={dir}
mctl model -src={patterns} -dir={dir}
mctl model mysql datasource -url={datasource} -table={patterns} -dir={dir}
mysql dataType | golang dataType | golang dataType(if null&&default null) |
bool | int64 | *int64 |
boolean | int64 | *int64 |
tinyint | int64 | *int64 |
smallint | int64 | *int64 |
mediumint | int64 | *int64 |
int | int64 | *int64 |
integer | int64 | *int64 |
bigint | int64 | *int64 |
float | float64 | *float64 |
double | float64 | *float64 |
decimal | float64 | *float64 |
date | time.Time | *time.Time |
datetime | time.Time | *time.Time |
timestamp | time.Time | *time.Time |
time | string | *string |
year | time.Time | *int64 |
char | string | *string |
varchar | string | *string |
binary | string | *string |
varbinary | string | *string |
tinytext | string | *string |
text | string | *string |
mediumtext | string | *string |
longtext | string | *string |
enum | string | *string |
set | string | *string |
json | string | *string |