This experiment is designed for verifying the hardware performance of Federated Learning algorithm on eight Raspberry Pi devices. The experiments on MNIST dataset with two-layer CNN.
python 3.6
pytorch 0.4
- momentum: SGD momentum
- model: the model used for training (for this experiment, use CNN2 only)
- epochs: total communication rounds
- seed: random seed
- iid: 0 represents IID case, 2 represents non-IID case where each client has no more than 2 classes
- num_users: how many nodes involved in the training (use 8 in our case)
- frac: the percentage of whole devices that involved in the training (1 represents all devices are involved in the training)
- dataset: MNIST
- loss_type: none represents FedAvg
- lr_drop: the decay of learning rate
- local_ep: epochs of local training
- remote_index: address which device is from remote
python --momentum 0.1 --model CNN2 --epochs 100 --seed 1 --iid 2 --num_users 8 --frac 1 --dataset mnist --loss_type none --lr_drop 0.996 --local_ep 5 --remote_index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
There is a json file FL_nodes.json
indicates the information (IP, port) for each node. In command line, server can choose to use remote device as node i by adding i into argument remote_index
time python3 -m models.UpdateNode --dataset mnist --usr_index <user id> --momentum 0.1 --model CNN2 --loss_type none --lr_drop 0.996 --local_ep 5 --host --port 9000
host and port should be configured to match the FL_nodes.json
as above