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Data Consolidation changing sampling interval
There are different scenarios that could fit under this topic:
- Simply change the interval - you should be able at any stage to increase or decrease the storage interval without modifying already stored data. Weewx should handle this automatically and this is the recommended method.
- increase the interval and alter all the old data so that it conforms to the new sampling interval. You should only have to do this if you really need to save storage space. It is this consolidation of data that is covered in this wiki page.
- Decrease the interval and alter all the old data so that it conforms to the new sampling interval. I can think of no useful reason to do this within weewx. If other software needs to make use of the data at defined intervals then it is probably simpler to do any interpolation within the software reading the database.
Say you have collected some data at a 1 minute interval, and after some months you decide that using only a 5 minute interval will be sufficient. You don't want to lose the data already collected, so this page describes how you can transform the existing data to be accepted in the new scheme.
In this example, the target interval is assumed to be 5 minutes - the code was tested for input at 1 minute intervals, but should work as-is for anything less than 5 minutes. If you want to use an interval longer than 5 minutes then you will need to adjust the code slightly.
In order to not produce any more data at the short interval, weewx should either not be running, or should have already been converted to the longer interval.
There are two main approaches that could be taken:
- on exported data, or
- work directly in the database software (either SQLite or MySQL)
If you are familiar working from the command line utility programs to manipulate the databases then you should be able to simply use the sql scripts below. For those less familiar, there are many GUI options, such as:
- SQLite: DB Browser for SQLite is one, and runs under MS-Windows, Linux and Max OS-X. Note that the SQLite client must have the maths extensions to the language. The current DB browser version ships with it, but it needs to be loaded - there is a preference setting to select the extension to be automatically loaded.
- MySQL Workbench if your database is hosted on a MySQL or MariaDB server. This also has multiple OS support.
Both of the GUIs offer ways to efficiently export and import CSV formatted files of the archive table.
If your archive contains mixed interval data, then extract the required data into a separate table and export that.
WHERE `interval` < 5;
Otherwise simply export the entire archive table.
You would need to write your own simple script to process the data, using the appropriate consolidation method for each variable as shown in the sql code below.
There are enough differences between SQLite and MySQL, that the code needs to be slightly different. Consequently, the scripts are listed separately.
These scripts are written to work with the default "weewx" database content. If your database content is different then you will need to edit the list in the main consolidation phase.
Create a table with a copy of the input archive, We work from a copy so that we can modify it without touching the main archive table.
Populate table c5 with the easily generated data.
Most of the data consolidation is handled by built-in functions of the sql language, but extra handling is required for wind data.
Average wind speed is simply an arithmetic mean of the wind magnitudes. The "average" direction is calculated as a vector summation of wind magnitudes and directions.
Wind gust consolidation is not done, since the gust speed is the maximum during the consolidation period. This code extracts the direction at the time at which the maximum was observed. The calculations ignore the facts that
- zero direction is different between compass bearings and trigonometric functions
- one is clockwise while the other anticlockwise. The final vector is correct, although the intermediate components will not make sense.
There is an ambiguity with duplicate maximum gusts resulting in multiple records for the one 5-minute interval. There is no sensible consolidation to pick a suitable direction for two or more equal gusts:
- if their directions are close then an average is not much different from either value
- if they are far apart then an average is simply wrong.
So, we arbitrarily choose the first one by telling the insert to ignore duplicated dateTimes
This is the final stage and code for it is given separately at the end of this page.
The SQLite code is given on the page: Consolidation using SQLite
The MySQL code is given on the page: Consolidation using MySQL
Choose which version of the database you are going to update, which could be a backup copy or the live version.
At this stage you should have the c5 table with consolidated data, ready to insert back into the database.
The following process will:
- remove the old short interval data,
- insert the newly consolidated data
On either system, run the command...
DELETE FROM archive WHERE `interval` <=4 ;
Run the appropriate SQL commands. SQLite and MySQL are quite different. Because SQLite does not support the DROP COLUMN option in ALTER TABLE, you need to have the table columns spelt out in full. If your archive table is different then you will need to adjust accordingly.
The order in which these columns are given must match the actual order in the archive. The process does not match against the names.
`dateTime`, usUnits, `interval`,
barometer, pressure, altimeter,
inTemp, outTemp,
inHumidity, outHumidity,
windSpeed, windDir, windGust, windGustDir,
rainRate, rain, dewpoint,
windchill, heatindex, ET, radiation, UV,
extraTemp1, extraTemp2, extraTemp3,
soilTemp1, soilTemp2, soilTemp3, soilTemp4,
leafTemp1, leafTemp2, extraHumid1, extraHumid2,
soilMoist1, soilMoist2, soilMoist3, soilMoist4,
leafWet1, leafWet2,
rxCheckPercent, txBatteryStatus, consBatteryVoltage,
hail, hailRate,
heatingTemp, heatingVoltage, supplyVoltage, referenceVoltage,
windBatteryStatus, rainBatteryStatus,
outTempBatteryStatus, inTempBatteryStatus
ORDER BY dateTime;
At this stage the columns of tables c5 and archive should match. Check, either by using the GUI or the following commands (run each command in a separate tab so flipping between them reveals any differences clearly;
Then update the archive...
ORDER BY dateTime;