Android Electronic Ticketing application with realtime verification (Honours Project Submission)
The application is a fully functional e-ticket (completly paper free) purchasing platform that inplements firebase for realtime authenication and database storage. The applicatiuon allows a user to puchase a ticket for a currently existing show and it also alows the user to host there own events and shows. A main feature of the application was the verification methods used to prevent fraudulent tickets.
Also included in this repo is a verification application, this can be used to verify tickets to ensure that the customer is using a real ticket The customer will display a 4 digit code to the event holder, the event holder will then input this code in the verification app, if the verifiction is successfull then the customers phone screen will go green, indicating that a valid check has been carrried out. The event holder can then move onto the next customer. All of this checking is done using Firebase's Realtime-Database
A copy of my honours dissertation discussing the effectiveness of this project can be obtained by private messaging me here on GitHub