similarweb_scraperis is a python library for scraping similarweb with pywinauto.It also provides some functionality for transforming scraped data into pd dataframe.
### install
1.pip install similarweb-scraper the need to have a Chrome Browser
### Setup
1 You have to create two folder first
2.Change the path of the varialbes(short_cutpath , data_storage) to your local path in the
3.Go to the target website in similarweb , create the shortcut and move all the lnk file into the folder of short_cutpath
4.Execute and it will launch the shortcut and download the html file into the folder of data_storage
5.After you download all the html file, you can scrape the file through similarweb-scraper
### Example for reading the data from html file and extract the traffic of the website
def url_extraction(webname , aboaddress):
extract the html file
### empty data
webpage = None
### open file
with open(f'{address_ob}{webname}.html', 'r') as filer:
webpage =
return bs(webpage)
def to_json(need_data):
change the data as json
### temp word
temp_wrod = None
preload_json = None
### find target tg
for _ in need_data.find_all('script'):
if 'Sw.preloadedData' in _.text:
preload_json = _
### find the tg json
for _ in preload_json.text.splitlines():
if 'Sw.preload' in _:
temp_wrod = _
### jsonize
data = temp_wrod.split('=', 1)[1].strip(' ;')
data = json.loads(data)
### return json
return data
def similarweb_get(web , folder):
web_scrape = scraper()
soup = url_extraction(web , folder)
web_json = to_json(soup)
web_scrape.json_storage = web_json
### get target
df = web_scrape.metrics_to_df('monthly_traffic_data')
### retrun
return df
if __name__ == '__main__':
web_name = 'your_html_file_name'
html_folder_path = 'your_html_file_folder_path'
simweb_scraper = similarweb_get(web_name , html_folder_path)
Apart from'monthly_traffic_data', you can try other metrics as well like 'country_share', 'traffic_share', engagement', More function will be available soon
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.