I. Overview of Spring Framework
II. What’s New in Spring Framework 4.x
36. Migrating to Spring Framework 4.X.md
37. Spring Annotation Programming Model.md
38. Classic Spring Usage.md
38.1. Classic ORM usage.md
39. Classic Spring AOP Usage.md
39.1. Pointcut API in Spring.md
39.10. Defining new Advice types.md
39.11. Further resources.md
39.2. Advice API in Spring.md
39.3. Advisor API in Spring.md
39.4. Using the ProxyFactoryBean to create AOP proxies.md
39.5. Concise proxy definitions.md
39.6. Creating AOP proxies programmatically with the ProxyFactory.md
39.7. Manipulating advised objects.md
39.8. Using the `autoproxy` facility.md
39.9. Using TargetSources.md
40. XML Schema-based configuration.md
40.2. XML Schema-based configuration.md
41. Extensible XML authoring.md
41.2. Authoring the schema.md
41.3. Coding a NamespaceHandler.md
41.4. BeanDefinitionParser.md
41.5. Registering the handler and the schema.md
41.6. Using a custom extension in your Spring XML configuration.md
41.7. Meatier examples.md
41.8. Further Resources.md
42.3. the escapeBody tag.md
42.4. the hasBindErrors tag.md
42.5. the htmlEscape tag.md
42.7. the nestedPath tag.md
42.9. the transform tag.md
43.10. the options tag.md
43.11. the password tag.md
43.12. the radiobutton tag.md
43.13. the radiobuttons tag.md
43.15. the textarea tag.md
43.2. the checkbox tag.md
43.3. the checkboxes tag.md
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