Navigation pkg for USVs and under-actuated mobile robot in plane based on ros navigation stack
- Modify the global base planner interface for advanced A* which considers the orientation limitation of under-actuated mobile robot and this navigation stack is available without kinetic model.
- In origin navigation stack, the global path planned by global planner is only used as a reference for local planner. However, in this navigation stack, global path should be followed by robot.
- USV will avoid obstacle when followed path is blocked by dynamic or unknown obstacle in environment. After the space is free for USV, a new global path will be planned.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot*
git clone branch -b
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch my_nav_test turtlebot_world.launch
roslaunch my_nav_test amcl_demo_copy.launch
roslaunch my_nav_test view_navigation.launch
ps: name of catkin space should be replace by your own.
- For using existed simulation tools and third-part libraries, package name is not modifed to satiesfy with the demand of interface(name is still move_base), please don't mix this package with origin navigation stack in one catkin space.
- Programe is developed based on origin navigation stack in version of kinetic devel, the recommended system version is ubuntu 16.04LTS. If your ros version is melodic, you should modify the packages relative to turtlebot in launch file, and install turtlebot simulator in responding version.
- This navigation stack is in developing, formal branch is only the version tested through simulation.
Newest: The navigation stack pass the test with pibot vehicle
Frame of new navigation stack:
Inner infrastructure of local planner: