MongoA is moudle for MongoDB Aggregation,it change operation easy and readable.
1,Class Pipeline(): construct pipeline for MongoDB Aggregation,such as $match,$group,$limit,unwind.... Note: sometimes you need special key, like '$id' or 'eventValue.subValue',but '$','.' is invalid in **kwargs's key. you should use '' replace '$",use '' replace '.' in this class and there is a method 'def __recover(self,arg)',could recoverd.
p = Pipeline()
print p.get()
you will get:
[{'$limit': 1000}, {'$match': {'city': 'Beijing', 'year.month': 4}}, {'$group': {'_id': '$city', 'spots': {'$push': 'spot'}}}]
2,method aggregate(collection,pipeline,*keys) : excute collection.aggregate(pipeline) and return need lists with keys.