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Fifa UT AutoBuyer / Snipping Bot for fifa ultimate team web app with captcha solver
Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
DC-SDK is based on the open source project Cesium for the second development of two three-dimensional WebGis application framework , the framework optimizes the use of Cesium and adds some addition…
企业微信的python封装接口,简易上手,开箱即用,一行代码实现消息推送。A more convenient python wrapper interface of corpwechat(wework, wecom) official API, use only one line of code to send your messages to your corpwechat(wework,…
🛠 [Beta] 面向研发的低代码元编程,代码可视编辑,辅助编码工具 The coding tools which is visual code editing, auxiliary and Low-code metaprogramming for R&D
Source code for Eat The Blocks, a screencast for Ethereum Dapp Developers
Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
bcskill / DataV
Forked from DataV-Team/DataVVue数据可视化组件库(类似阿里DataV,大屏数据展示),提供SVG的边框及装饰、图表、水位图、飞线图等组件,简单易用,长期更新(React版已发布)
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JesseVelden / deviceconsole
Forked from rpetrich/deviceconsole📱 An iOS system log tailer that doesn't suck. Improved
JetBrains 系列软件汉化包 关键字: Android Studio 3.5 汉化包 CLion 2019.3 汉化包 DataGrip 2019.3 汉化包 GoLand 2019.3 汉化包 IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 汉化包 PhpStorm 2019.3 汉化包 PyCharm 2019.3 汉化包 Rider 2019.3 汉化包 RubyMine 2019.3…
An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis.