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TRL Benchmark

This is a benchmark for TRL. Here we show the command to run it in a slurm cluster, but it can be easily adapted to run locally.

There are several benchmark axes we want to explore:

  • w/ different models (gpt2, gpt2-xl, falcon, llama2)
    • key research engineering questions
      • how do different model sizes scale?
      • given that the preference labels come from a source model M_s (e.g., gpt2), how does that affect the performance of a target model M_t (e.g., falcon, gptj, llama2)?
        • This is actually an important assumption we have been operating.
  • w/ and w/o gradient accumulation / multi-GPU
    • key research engineering question: do we need to whiten advantage across the entire batch?
  • w/ and w/o peft
    • key research engineering question: how well does PEFT work with RL
  • w/ and w/o quantization or 4 bits
    • key research engineering question: how well does quantization work with RL training
  • w/ and w/o deepspeed
    • sanity check to make sure it works.
  • w/ different datasets

Benchmark commands

export WANDB_ENTITY=huggingface
python benchmark/ \
    --command "python examples/scripts/ --ppo_config.log_with wandb" \
    --num-seeds 5 \
    --start-seed 1 \
    --workers 10 \
    --slurm-nodes 1 \
    --slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
    --slurm-ntasks 1 \
    --slurm-total-cpus 12 \
    --slurm-template-path benchmark/trl.slurm_template

w/ and w/o gradient accumulation

python benchmark/ \
    --command "python examples/scripts/ --ppo_config.exp_name sentiment_tuning_step_grad_accu --ppo_config.mini_batch_size 1 --ppo_config.gradient_accumulation_steps 128 --ppo_config.log_with wandb" \
    --num-seeds 5 \
    --start-seed 1 \
    --workers 10 \
    --slurm-nodes 1 \
    --slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
    --slurm-ntasks 1 \
    --slurm-total-cpus 12 \
    --slurm-template-path benchmark/trl.slurm_template

w/ different models (gpt2, gpt2-xl, falcon, llama2)

python benchmark/ \
    --command "python examples/scripts/ --ppo_config.exp_name sentiment_tuning_gpt2 --ppo_config.log_with wandb" \
    --num-seeds 5 \
    --start-seed 1 \
    --workers 10 \
    --slurm-nodes 1 \
    --slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
    --slurm-ntasks 1 \
    --slurm-total-cpus 12 \
    --slurm-template-path benchmark/trl.slurm_template
python benchmark/ \
    --command "python examples/scripts/ --ppo_config.exp_name sentiment_tuning_gpt2xl_grad_accu --ppo_config.model_name gpt2-xl --ppo_config.mini_batch_size 16 --ppo_config.gradient_accumulation_steps 8 --ppo_config.log_with wandb" \
    --num-seeds 5 \
    --start-seed 1 \
    --workers 10 \
    --slurm-nodes 1 \
    --slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
    --slurm-ntasks 1 \
    --slurm-total-cpus 12 \
    --slurm-template-path benchmark/trl.slurm_template
python benchmark/ \
    --command "python examples/scripts/ --ppo_config.exp_name sentiment_tuning_falcon_rw_1b --ppo_config.model_name tiiuae/falcon-rw-1b --ppo_config.log_with wandb" \
    --num-seeds 5 \
    --start-seed 1 \
    --workers 10 \
    --slurm-nodes 1 \
    --slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
    --slurm-ntasks 1 \
    --slurm-total-cpus 12 \
    --slurm-template-path benchmark/trl.slurm_template

w/ and w/o PEFT

python benchmark/ \
    --command "python examples/scripts/ --ppo_config.exp_name sentiment_tuning_peft --use_peft --ppo_config.log_with wandb" \
    --num-seeds 5 \
    --start-seed 1 \
    --workers 10 \
    --slurm-nodes 1 \
    --slurm-gpus-per-task 1 \
    --slurm-ntasks 1 \
    --slurm-total-cpus 12 \
    --slurm-template-path benchmark/trl.slurm_template