Build a basic model and base on OpenCV count number of parking spots , show status of parking spots and each line, recommend best line.
I. Build basic model for know each parking spot empty or not.
II. Crop each parking spots by using connected component.
III. Updated status every 30 frames of parking spots have great degree of change about mean value.
III. Merge them and use Opencv library to take information
- Opencv
- Numpy
- Python3
- Pytorch
pip install opencv # opencv library
pip instal numpy # numpy library
pip instal pytorch # pytorch library
pip install torchvision # pytorch for vision
NB: Update the libraries to their latest versions before training.
Click to watch full: HERE
⬇️⬇️Download and extract all my train dataset: Parking Spots Detection Dataset
⬇️⬇️Download pretrained model: Model
Run the following scripts for training and/or testing
python # For training the model
python # For view result
Run the following scripts for visual result of model:
1. Download Docker
Open CMD
2. Download my image
docker pull vvduc1803/parking_spots:latest # Pull image
3. Copy and paste
docker run -it -d --name parking_spots vvduc1803/parking_spots # Run container
4. Copy and paste
docker run parking_spots # Run visual result
- Experiments with different learning-rate and optimizers.
- Converting and optimizing for drone or camera deployment.
Van Duc