A model merge of 3 small model based on Efficient Net B4, Efficient Net B0 and SR CNN architecture using pytorch. Here, i use 2 custom dataset: gender and age dataset and emotion dataset .
I. Build model for Gender and Age recognition task by a Multi-task model: Result
II. Build model for Emotion recognition task: Result
III. Merge them and use Mediapipe, Opencv library for recognition
- Mediapipe
- Opencv
- Numpy
- Python3
- Pytorch
pip install mediapipe # mediapipe library
pip install opencv # opencv library
pip instal numpy # numpy library
pip instal pytorch # pytorch library
pip install torchsummary # summary
pip install torchvision # pytorch for vision
NB: Update the libraries to their latest versions before training.
⬇️⬇️Download and extract all my train dataset on Kaggle: Gender and Age Dataset
⬇️⬇️Download pretrained model: Model
Run the following scripts for training and/or testing
python train.py # For training the model
Run the following scripts for visual result of model:
1. Download Docker
Open CMD
2. Download my image
docker pull vvduc1803/gender_age_emotion:latest # Pull image
3. Copy and paste
docker run -it -d --name gender_age_emotion vvduc1803/gender_age_emotion # Run container
4. Copy and paste
docker run gender_age_emotion # Run visual result
Recognition results
- Experiments with different learning-rate and optimizers.
- Converting and optimizing pytorch models for mobile deployment.
Van Duc