This is the software repository for CKAN used as part of the South African National Treasury Data Portal.
We use CKAN to organise the datasets according to various taxonomies and use the CKAN API to make the data discoverable.
We run CKAN on the dokku platform. We use dokku's dockerfile deployment method to deploy using the the Dockerfile in this repository. Since there are numerous operating system and python dependencies that ckan relies on, we build an image with these on using Dockerfile-deps.
The Dockerfile then builds on this. We install CKAN plugins using the Dockerfile, which makes it easier to try different ones and keep all plugin installation in one place. These don't take a lot of time so moving them to Dockerfile-deps isn't as important as flexibilty.
This CKAN installation depends on
- Postgres - main database ad-hoc tables
- Solr - search on the site
- Redis - as a queue for background processes
- S3 - object (file) storage
- CKAN DataPusher - while limited, this might help us quickly access data programmatically.
- NGINX - caching (when needed)
We set up Solr and Redis on the same server and use a remote Postgres instance.
Deploy an instance of Solr configured for CKAN
We use the dokku Redis plugin.
Install the plugin according to
dokku redis:create ckan-redis
Create the database and credentials
create user ckan_default with password 'some good password';
alter role ckan_default with login;
grant ckan_default to superuser;
create database ckan_default with owner ckan_default;
-- create datastore user and db
create user datastore_default with password 'some good password';
create database datastore_default with owner ckan_default;
Remember to set the correct permissions for the datastore database
Create a bucket and a programmatic access user, and grant the user full access to the bucket with the following policy.
Unckeck "Block all public access" - ckan must be able to grant public access to files.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Create the CKAN app in dokku
dokku apps:create ckan
Get the Redis Dsn
(connection details) for setting in CKAN environment in the next step with /0
dokku redis:info ckan-redis
Set CKAN environment variables, replacing these examples with actual producation ones
- REDIS_URL: use the Redis Dsn
- SOLR_URL: use the alias given for the docker link below
- BEAKER_SESSION_SECRET: this must be a secret long random string. Each time it changes it invalidates any active sessions.
- S3FILESTORE__SIGNATURE_VERSION: use as-is - no idea why the plugin requires this.
dokku config:set ckan CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgres://ckan_default:password@host/ckan_default \
CKAN_INI=/ckan.ini \
CKAN_SOLR_URL=http://solr:8983/solr/ckan \
Link CKAN and Redis
dokku redis:link ckan-redis ckan
Link CKAN and Solr
dokku docker-options:add ckan run,deploy --link ckan-solr.web.1:solr
Link CKAN and CKAN DataPusher
dokku docker-options:add ckan run,deploy --link ckan-datapusher.web.1:ckan-datapusher
Create a named docker volume and configure ckan to use the volume just so we can configure an upload path. It should be kept clear by the s3 plugin.
docker volume create --name ckan-filestore
dokku docker-options:add ckan run,deploy --volume ckan-filestore:/var/lib/ckan/default
We customise the app nginx config to
- Allow large file uploads
- Allow a longer request timeout
- Redirect www to non-www (because peope WILL add www to links they shouldn't)
- Log to a second file showing the hostname used to access the server
- To be prepared for caching when needed.
This breaks letsencrypt renewal so uncomment these and reload nginx to renew the letsencrypt certificate
Add the following to the logging part of the http
block of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
proxy_cache_path /tmp/nginx_cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=ckan:30m max_size=250m;
proxy_temp_path /tmp/nginx_proxy 1 2;
Add the following nginx config file (and directory if needed) at /home/dokku/ckan/nginx.conf.d/ckan.conf
## Caching
proxy_cache ckan;
# Don't cache or served cached copies when any of these authentication
# cookies or headers are set.
proxy_cache_bypass $cookie_auth_tkt$http_x_ckan_api_key$http_authorization;
proxy_no_cache $cookie_auth_tkt$http_x_ckan_api_key$http_authorization;
proxy_cache_valid 30m;
proxy_cache_key $host$scheme$proxy_host$request_uri;
## Uncomment to debug caching
# add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
# Uncomment the next line to enable caching
# proxy_ignore_headers X-Accel-Expires Expires Cache-Control;
## ---
client_max_body_size 100M;
client_body_timeout 120s;
access_log /var/log/nginx/ckan-access-extended.log ckan;
if ($host = {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
if ($host = {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
## ---
# Only allow iframing from vulekamali proper and ckan itself
add_header Content-Security-Policy 'frame-ancestors \'self\';';
# The X-Frame-Options header indicates whether a browser should be allowed
# to render a page within a frame or iframe.
# "Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors" obsoletes X-Frame-Options which means
# X-Frame-Options SHOULD be ignored by browsers supporting frame-ancestors.
add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
By setting both, IE can be blocked from clickjacking but won't show embedded PDFs,
but supporting browsers will show embedded PDFs and be protected from clickjacking
as long as doesn't enable that.
# MIME type sniffing security protection
# There are very few edge cases where you wouldn't want this enabled.
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
# The X-XSS-Protection header is used by Internet Explorer version 8+
# The header instructs IE to enable its inbuilt anti-cross-site scripting filter.
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
Then let nginx load it
sudo chown dokku:dokku /home/dokku/ckan/nginx.conf.d/ckan.conf
sudo service nginx reload
Add the dokku app remote to your local git clone
git remote add dokku
Push the app to the dokku remote
git push dokku master
Set up database and first sysadmin user.
dokku --rm run ckan paster db init -c /ckan.ini
dokku --rm run ckan paster sysadmin add admin email="" -c /ckan.ini
Initialise the ckanext_extractor installation
dokku --rm run ckan paster --plugin=ckanext-extractor init -c /ckan.ini
Configure the datapusher database.
Generate the SQL for creating tables and configuring permissions based on the database name and read and write users you've configured using something like
dokku --rm run vulekamali-ckan-sandbox paster --plugin=ckan datastore set-permissions -c /ckan.ini | grep -v ckanext > set-perms.sql
Then apply this SQL something like the following, connecting to the database as superuser. Pay attention to the exit status which should indicate whether this was successful.
cat set-perms.sql | psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on
If it's successful it will exit with status code zero (echo $?
) and look something like
Start the worker:
dokku ps:scale ckan worker=1
Setup cron jobs.
sudo mkdir /var/log/ckan/
sudo touch /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log
crontab -e
# hourly, update tracking stats, see
5 * * * * /usr/bin/dokku --rm run ckan paster --plugin=ckan tracking update 2017-09-01 2>&1 >> /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log && /usr/bin/dokku --rm run ckan paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild -r 2>&1 >> /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log
Create a Cache Behaviour
- Path pattern:
- Viewer Protocol Policy:
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
- Cache Based on Selected Request Headers:
- Add custom
- Add standard
- Add custom
- Object Caching:
and set all TTLs to something sensible like 1800 (30 minutes) - Forward Cookies:
- add
- add
- Query String Forwarding and Caching:
Forward all, cache based on all
- Compress Objects Automatically:
To enable, ensure it's above the default. To disable, ensure it's below the default.
To invalidate, create an Invalidation with the relevant path, e.g. /* for everything in the Distribution.
To enable the nginx cache, uncomment proxy_ignore_headers
in /home/dokku/ckan/nginx.conf.d/ckan.conf
and reload `nginx:
sudo service nginx reload
It is important to exempt any authenticated requests from caching. Authenticated requests can be made by the AUTH_TKT cookie, and the Authorization or X-CKAN-AUTH-Key headers. For this reason, publicly-accessible requests should not use authentication.
To invalidate: find /path/to/your/cache -type f -delete
While you can set up CKAN directly on your OS, docker-compose is useful to develop and test the docker/dokku-specific aspects.
For development, it is easiest to use docker-compose to build your development environment.
The default development setup doesn't use discourse-sso-client
because that requires running vulekamali Datamanager side-by-side for authentication. See how to enable that for development of discourse-sso-client
Clone this repo and supporting repos:
git clone
git clone
git clone
- Remove certain ckan plugins we don't strictly need in development mode.
Edit ckan.ini
and for the plugins
entry, remove:
- s3filestore
- discourse-sso-client
For development, setting up the database in a postgres container is much easier than running it on your host machine.
The data is persisted using a docker volume.
docker-compose run --rm ckan paster --plugin=ckan db init -c /ckan.ini
Set up the database for ckanext-extractor
docker-compose run --rm ckan paster --plugin=ckanext-extractor init -c /ckan.ini
Create your first admin user. When prompted to create the user, enter y
and press enter.
docker-compose run --rm ckan paster --plugin=ckan sysadmin add admin email="" name=admin password=admin -c /ckan.ini
Set up the hostnames ckan
and accounts
to point to
in your hosts
file. This is needed so that ckan's dependencies can refer to it using the internal docker network hostname, and so that you can then access absolute URLs based on that hostname from outside the docker network (on the host computer).
If you need to work with SSO, run Datamanager with something like the following to let CKAN use it for authentication:
Visit https://ckan:5000
and login with username admin
and the password admin
Set the homepage layout and colour scheme
- Click the hammer icon at the top right, beside the link to admin's profile
- Select the Config tab
- Change Style to Green
- Change Homepage to
Search, introductoray area and stats
Create an organisation named National Treasury. Ensure the slug is national-treasury
Create these groups:
Name | slug |
Adjusted Budget Vote Documents | adjusted-budget-vote-documents |
Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure | adjusted-estimates-of-national-expenditure |
Annual Report Expenditure Data | annual-reports |
Budgeted and Actual National Expenditure | budgeted-and-actual-national-expenditure |
Budgeted and Actual Provincial Expenditure | budgeted-and-actual-provincial-expenditure |
Budget Vote Documents | budget-vote-documents |
Consolidated Expenditure | consolidated-expenditure-budget |
CPI Inflation | cpi-inflation |
Division of Revenue Bills | division-of-revenue-bills |
Estimates of National Expenditure | estimates-of-national-expenditure |
Estimates of National Revenue | estimates-of-national-revenue |
Estimates of Provincial Expenditure | estimates-of-provincial-expenditure |
Frameworks for Conditional Grants to Municipalities | frameworks-for-conditional-grants-to-municipalities |
Frameworks for Conditional Grants to Provinces | frameworks-for-conditional-grants-to-provinces |
Infrastructure Projects | infrastructure-projects |
Performance and Expenditure Reviews | performance-and-expenditure-reviews |
Procurement portals and resources | procurement-portals-and-resources |
Socio-economic Data | socio-economic-data |
Clone the repositories in the directory above this project
git clone
git clone
Setup development entry points:
cd ckanext-satreasury
python egg_info
cd ../ckanext-discourse-sso-client
python egg_info
cd ../treasury-ckan
And overlay the docker-compose.yml
file with docker-compose.plugins.yml
, e.g.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.plugins.yml up`
To use SSO authentication in development, run vulekamali Datamanager on the same machine with configuration to enable SSO (same SSO secret, etc) e.g.
DJANGO_SITE_ID=2 HTTP_PROTOCOL=http DISCOURSE_SSO_SECRET=d836444a9e4084d5b224a60c208dce14 CKAN_SSO_URL=http://ckan:5000/user/login EMAIL_HOST=localhost EMAIL_PORT=2525 EMAIL_USE_TLS= CKAN_URL=http://ckan:5000 python runserver
Re-enable the discourse-sso-client
plugin in ckan.ini
and restart ckan, e.g. with docker-compose restart ckan
Now the login button on ckan:5000
will redirect you to authenticate with a user on Datamanager. It's easiest to use username+password authentication with a user created in Datamanager.
After authenticating on Datamanager, your browser will be redirected back to CKAN. That user is not a sysadmin by default. Make them a sysadmin using something like docker-compose run --rm ckan paster --plugin=ckan sysadmin add datamanageruser
where datamanageruser
is whatever username automatically got generated for you in CKAN after your first SSO login.
To reset a development environment, you need to remove the docker containers and the volumes:
docker-compose down
List the volumes in your docker service to see the names of your named volumes created by docker-compose. The name is usually the name as in docker-compose.yml
prefixed by the project directory name, e.g.
# docker volume ls
local treasury-ckan_ckan-filestore
local treasury-ckan_db-data
local treasury-ckan_solr-data
Remove them by name, e.g. docker volume rm treasury-ckan_db-data
You can then initialise the containers again as in the instructions above.
You might need to rebuild the search index, e.g. if you newly/re-created the docker volume holding the ckan
solr core data.
docker-compose exec ckan bash
cd src/ckan
paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild -c /ckan.ini
- If ckan can't connect to solr after rebuilding ckan-solr, restart ckan - I think it's something to do with docker linking the containers. I think Docker needs to link ckan to the new ckan-solr container which happens on restart.