Issue with using vue-cli with private bitbucket repo #403
I've got a customized version of the webpack template that I'm using on my projects. Hosting it on a public github account works fine, but my organization has decided to go with private bitbucket repositories. I copied my github repository to bitbucket and went to test creating a new vue app with the cli and my bitbucket template with the following command:
vue init -c bitbucket:rwb7041/vuetemplate myproject
I get the following error:
vue-cli · Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/myproject: 'git clone' failed with status 128
So next I tried creating the myproject directory and running the following inside that directory:
vue init -c bitbucket:rwb7041/vuetemplate
And I got the following error (after responding 'Y' to the question of generating project in the current directory:
vue-cli · Local template "bitbucket:rwb7041/vuetemplate" not found.
I am using version 2.8.1 of the vue-cli. What am I doing incorrectly?