Tekton Dashboard is a general purpose, web-based UI for Tekton Pipelines. It allows users to manage and view Tekton Pipeline and Task runs and the resources involved in their creation, execution, and completion.
[coming soon] To deploy the dashboard, execute the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/dashboard/...
To access the Tekton Dashboard from your local workstation you must create a secure channel to your Kubernetes cluster. Run the following command:
$ kubectl proxy
Now access Dashboard at:
We are so excited to have you!
- See CONTRIBUTING.md for an overview of our processes
- See DEVELOPMENT.md for how to get started
Current back-end deployment notes:-
$ docker build -t YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ID/back-end .
$ docker push YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ID/back-end
Edit install/tekton-dashboard-deployment.yaml and replace CHANGE_ME
with YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ID, and save the file
$ kubectl apply -f ./install/tekton-dashboard-deployment.yaml
You can now port-forward to directly access the backend code. If running in local kube environment you should be able to simply
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl port-forward <dashboard_pod_name> 9097:9097
You should now be able to hit the REST endpoints in the backend code at localhost:9097