Web Portal for the RUMusic
- This web application is developed in Spring framework. It follows MVC pattern.
- You can find all java files under ru package.
- Database : MySQL.
- Template borrowed from Colorlib
- This web-app has sevetral pages, which are as following:
- index.jsp: Welcome file of application, renders login page and also can navigate to signup page.
- signup.jsp: It contains sign up form for the new users.
- landingPage.jsp: Once user gets logged in successflly, this page will br rendered.
- User can either search song via song name or artist name or album name.
- (Not implemented yet) Also user can browse all the songs by clicking "browse all songs".
- And user can use core functionality of application that is recommendation. He/she can fill the form (which contains sliders) to let us know which sort of songs they want to listen.
System will build item profile based on the preference given, and will recommend songs accordingly.
P.S.: It searches through ~340K songs, so it takes 15-20 seconds to generate output.
- questionForm.jsp: It will render the page which contains form with several fields (sliders) and will recommend 50 songs to the user. P.S.: Slider code is borrowed from -> Here
- songPlayer.jsp: When user searches any song, he/she can play that song as well.
This page renders the music player and also below it system will recommend 15 songs based on the current song. (Demo can be found in README file of RUMusic).
- Application demo can be found here -> Link
- Let me know if you have got any question/suggestion on this. 👊