Midje-Cascalog is a thin layer over midje that makes it easy and fun to test Cascalog queries! Scroll down for an in-depth example.
Cascalog Testing 2.0 gives a long discussion on various midje-cascalog idioms.
To use midje-cascalog in your own project, add the following two entries to :dev-dependencies
inside of your project.cj
[lein-midje "3.0.1"]
[cascalog/midje-cascalog "1.10.1"]
Midje-Cascalog supports Clojure 1.3+ and Cascalog 1.8+. Add (:use [midje sweet cascalog])
to your testing namespace to get started.
When you're all finished writing tests, lein midje
at the command line will run all Midje tests and generate a summary.
Let's say you want to test a Cascalog workflow that examines your user datastore and returns the user with the greatest number of followers. Your workflow's top level query will generate a single tuple containing that user's name and follower-count. Here's the code:
(defn max-followers-query [datastore-path]
(let [src (name-vars (complex-subquery datastore-path)
["?user" "?follower-count"])]
(cascalog.ops/first-n src 1 :sort ["?follower-count"] :reverse true)))
is a function that returns a Cascalog subquery. It works like this:
- The function accepts a path, (
) and passes it into a function calledcomplex-subquery
. complex-subquery
returns a subquery that generates 2-tuples; this subquery is passed intoname-vars
binds this subquery tosrc
after naming its output variables?user
returns a subquery that- sorts tuples from
in reverse order by follower count, and - returns a single 2-tuple with the name and follower-count of our most popular user.
- sorts tuples from
At a high level, the subquery returned by =max-followers-query= is responsible for a single piece of application logic:
- extracting the tuple with max
from the tuples returned by(complex-subquery datastore-path)
A correct test of max-followers-query
will test this piece of logic in isolation.
(fact "Query should return a single tuple containing
[most-popular-user, follower-count]."
(max-followers-query :path) => (produces [["richhickey" 2961]])
(complex-subquery :path) => [["sritchie09" 180]
["richhickey" 2961]]))
Midje circumvents all extra complexity by mocking out the result of (complex-subquery datastore-path)
and forcing it to return a specific Clojure sequence of [?user ?follower-count]
checks result from queries. The fact passes if these statements are true and fails otherwise. The above fact states that
- when
is called with the argument:path
, - it will produce
[[ richhickey" 2961]]
, - provided
(complex-subquery :path)
produces[["sritchie09" 180] ["richhickey" 2961]]
Fact-based testing separates application logic from the way data is stored. By mocking out complex-subquery
, our fact tests max-followers-query
in isolation and proves it correct for all expected inputs.
This approach is not just better than the "state of the art" of MapReduce testing, as defined by Cloudera; it completely obliterates the old way of thinking, and makes it possible to build very complex workflows with a minimum of uncertainty.
Fact-based tests are the building blocks of rock-solid production workflows.