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Cyrille Rossant edited this page Feb 26, 2014 · 1 revision

Techniques to perform antialiasing

Antialiasing is a collective name for techniques that undo or prevent aliasing, i.e. jagged edges. To create visually appealing graphics, antialiasing is crucial, in particular for creating publication quality graphics.

The antigrain geometry library (agg) can be considered the gold standard in this respect. It is the recommended backend in Matplotlib. But it is software; we're interested in techniques that can be applied on the GPU.

This document tries to give an overview of available techniques to perform antialiasing, and to describe their advantages and disadvantages.

Anti aliasing "while drawing"

Conventionally, antialiasing is performed at the moment that stuff is drawn. This usually involves calculating the coverage of a fragment, and then using alpha (i.e. transparency) to scale that fragment accordingly.


When drawing lines, you can glEnable GL_LINE_SMOOTH to create antialiased lines. The exact appearance and quality of the rendering can differ between video card and drivers.

Multisample antialiasing (MSAA)

MSAA is the common method to perform anti-aliasing in video games. In entails calculating multiple samples per fragment that are combined right before they enter the fragment-shader stage. Therefore, it does not apply anti-aliasing on your custom shader output.

This is trick that most hardward vendors provide. Not something that we can implement ourselves. To enable it we should enable GL_MULTISAMPLE, and need to "turn it on" when the OpenGL context is created.

This techniques applies to polygons only, and is considered to be quite expensive.


Nicolas has a repository in which he collects several demos and experiments to produce agg quality rendering of 2D geometry in OpenGL.

The results look really good, and it shows that OpenGL can produce publication quality rendering for 2D plotting. However, I wonder how well this scales up to 3D, depth-buffering and transparency, and very large datasets.

Full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA)

This is the name for a collection of techniques that perform the anti-aliasing as a post-processing step on the fragment data. It means that all geometry in the scene can be drawn without caring about aliasing, as the resulting image will be processed as a whole.

Except for SSAA, the techniques mentioned below work on the raw pixel data in the eventual resolution. In other words, the aliasing has already taken place. In effect, these methods try to reconstruct the underlying structure of the image and use it to create an antialiased image from the raw data. This means that such techniques are theoretically limited in what the can do. However, they can be pretty smart and produce results that can be as good as other antialiasing techniques.

The advantages are:

  • In normal drawing, you don't have to care about antialiasing. You fix it in the end, using a single method, instead of a method for each kind of data.
  • For large polygon counts, FSAA is often faster. This is the reason why it is used more and more in games.
  • All fragments of an opaque object are really opaque. This makes handling transparency in a correct (and fast) way much easier.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • The aliasing has already taken place; it is more like "reduce the effects of aliasing" instead of "anti aliasing". SSAA is an exception to this.
  • This means that there are situations where errors are made or where the correct visualization can simply not be retrieved.
  • It is pretty hard to come up with a method that performs well in many circumstances. The result will in general not be as good as e.g. MSAA.
  • You would not be able to have non-integer line widths. Perhaps this is acceptable, perhaps not.

So you can regard it as being more flexible and faster, at the cost of quality. How much quality? We need to find that out. Techniques that work well with content that is already antialiased would help a lot, because then we could mix different aa techniques. The post-processing filter would then help remove the effects of the stuff that was not already anti aliassed.

I list a couple techniques below, but there are much more. These are the most well-known ones. For a more complete overview see the SMAA paper.

Supersampling antialiasing (SSAA)

This technique is the simplest of them all; you simply render your scene at X times the screen resolution and then downsample it right before blitting it to the screen. The results can be really good, but performance-wise this is a very expensive technique.

This is the only fsaa technique listed here that performs true anti aliasing. It should therefore realize the best results, and (when applied with sufficient upsampling) be used as a golden standard. I think something like this can be of use, for instance for creating high resolutions screenshots.

In the image below, the left image is the ssaa result; the center is the aliased image; the right is the result if GL_LINE_SMOOTH would have been used.

SSAA test

Fast approximate antialiasing (FXAA)

FXAA is a technique that detects sharp edges and then blurs these. Jeff Atwood was very enthusiastic about it. It claims to produce similar results as MSAA, but at a much lower cost.

The code is available, but you kind of have to look for it. I was only able to find version 3.11 (and earlier). It can be seen in the image below that it cannot handle thin lines well. This is supposed to be "fixed" in a later version (which I cannot get my hands on). However, the result is so bad that I suspect that I am also not using the code correctly.

FXAA test

Enhanced subpixel morphological antialiasing (SMAA)

SMAA is a technique that (like FXAA) works on the raw image that is of the same resolution as the screen. It goes much further than FXAA and analyses the underlying shape of the edges. According to the paper, it takes all problems into account in a modular way. The video is quite impressive. Especially the part where they show rotating grids gives me hope in this technique.

The technique involves multiple passes and can be configured in several ways. So yo use it requires a little more reading-up then FXAA does. But the source code is freely available. The technique is a little more involved since it requires 3 render passes and some multi-texturing with pre-computed textures which are used as look-up tables.

I think I've got it working, see the image below. I am a bit disappointed in the results. The bad quality might be because SMAA was made for games, not for high contrast line images such as these.

SMAA test

Marching squares inspired antialiasing

Marching squares (or marching cubes, in 3D) is a technique to detect the contour of an object from image data. It is quite good in estimating the shape of the object by analyzing the relation of the pixel values.

I tried to use a similar technique to estimate the shape of the edge and then use that information to blur the edge in a smart way. The results are not optimal; the lines get a little wobbly. The problem is how to smooth the information of the direction/shape of an edge.

MCAA test

Directionally localized antialiasing (DLAA)

The key idea of DLAA is to find the direction of an edge, and blur in that direction.

DLAA test

Normal filter antialiasing (NFAA)

Here too, NFAA calculates the gradient, then the normal to it, and smooth in its direction.

NFAA test

Directional diffusion antialiasing (DDAA)

Thinking that the idea of the above two approaches makes a lot of sense, I set out on improving on them. A key problem in their methods is that the derivative kernels used in determining the gradient are not rotationally invariant at all. With some extra diffusion of the gradient field and a few other tweaks, I was able to get the result shown in the image below.

DDAA test

You can see how the image is really crisp, there is no notion of stuff being overly smooth (because all smoothing takes places along the edge). This means that this technique is very friendly to content that is already antialiased, as the image below demonstrates. The left image shows the result of DDAA applied to the right image (instead of the center one).

DDAA test

DDAA suffers from undersampling at near-horizontal and near-vertical edges, so there is some room for improvement.


I think that DDAA offers a good technique for antialiasing content at a very low cost and much increased flexibility, for instance with regard to handling transparency. The quality is pretty good, although not as good as some other methods.

For taking screenshots, I thing SSAA might be a good option. Or perhaps simply create a screenshot at higher resolution (and DDAA for AA).

The fact that DDAA plays nice with content that is already smooth, makes that we can use better techniques (such as glagg or MSAA) when necessary. We might not even have to turn the DDAA off.

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