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rossant edited this page Mar 16, 2014 · 1 revision

Functional interface

Rationale: easy way to define functions in an abstract way in order to represent them in:

  • Python
  • GLSL
  • Javascript

Could use some of the shader chaining stuff.

Useful for:

  • transforms
  • colors
  • scripting interface
  • browser backend


Domain: R^d, with d between 1 and 4 typically or a cartesian product of those. Specified by an integer d or a tuple of integers.

TimeDomain may be a special domain.

  • t returns the current time (an abstract symbol)
  • operation on time: t+3 = time + 3 seconds
  • dt is a symbol representing a constant time step, 3*dt is an exact duration

Item belong to domain? x in Domain?


  • name (optional, None=anonymous function)
  • source domain, source dimension(s)
  • target domain, target dimension(s)
  • optional parameters
  • eval Python
  • eval vectorized NumPy
  • eval GLSL
  • possible inverse() method, returns a new function

Basic functions:

  • identity
  • projectors on a subspace
  • addition, subtraction, multiplication, division between two numbers
  • idem, but with a fixed number

Operations on functions:

  • composition with another function
  • +, -, *, /: composition with arithmetic functions
  • .x, .y, .r, .g, etc: projectors (GLSL conventions)
  • .first, .second, .third, .last: projectors on subspace of cartesian product

Standard mathematical functions:

  • exp, log, trigo, etc.

Higher-order functions:

  • composition
  • partial

Domains are checked for all operations.

Role of call:

  • if the argument matches the source domain: evaluate
  • on another function, if the domains match: compose
  • on an argument belonging to a strict cartesian subspace (e.g. (2, 3) for ExFxG): a partial function

Function with source TimeDomain:

  • when called without argument, returns the value for the current time
  • t represents the current time


Create a composite function

f = exp(3*x)+1  # x is a shortcut for the Identity function

Implement a standard function

import math
import numpy as np
class exp(Function):
    def map(self, x):
        return math.exp(x)
    def map_vect(self, x):
        return np.exp(x)
    def map_glsl(self):
        return """
        // A full GLSL function will be automatically generated
        // with the appropriate signature and type declarations.
        y = exp(x);
    def inverse(self):
        return log

Higher-order function: derivative

def derivate(f):
    # t is a shortcut for now(): it represents the current time
    return (f(t) - f(t-dt)) / dt

Higher-order function: linear filter

# Register a higher-order function (functional) with one real parameter
def filter(f):
    # Last value of the output (filtered) function.
    y = out(t-dt)
    # Last value of the input function.
    x = f(t-dt)
    return y + (-y + x) * dt / tau

# Smooth the mouse position.
f = filter(mouse_position, tau=1.)


  • Interpolation: interpolate(pos0, pos1, mode='linear') returns a function of time that goes from pos0 to pos1.

  • Easing functions (linear, quadratic, circular, exponential, etc.), from [0,1] to [0,1]. If phi is an easing function, if f is a function of time, then f(phi) is f with easing.

  • d=delay(1) is a delay function. If f is a function of time, f(d) is a delayed version of f, in that f(t) is f(t-1).

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