In my application, I have a Map component that tracks viewport state and sets some common properties, and other components simply provide the layers to display on the map:
class Map extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<MapGL {...this.state.vp} {...this.state.size} onViewportChange={vp => this.setState({vp})} ...>
<DeckGL {...this.state.vp} {...this.state.size} layers={this.props.layers}/>
class Page extends React.Component {
render() {
const layer = new ScatterplotLayer({ id: 'xyz', ... });
return <Map layers={[layer]}/>;
However, this arrangement hits the " sanity check - Matching layer is same" assertion every time the Map component is re-rendered without the parent component being re-rendered, as is the case when you pan or zoom the map. This is not exactly expected behavior, although the docs do hint at it.
Instead of requiring new layer instances, I believe a better approach would be to either clone the layer when this condition is detected, or change the underlying code to not rely on old/new layers being separate instances.