My Neovim driver. Things are mostly setup for JavaScript development, as that's what I'm doing on the daily, but this config is always a WIP 😄. I'll be adding things to faciliate working with Rust, Lua .. etc!
Initial Steps:
git clone && cd neovim-config
- open nvim - Lazy-Nvim should autoinstall on launch
- subsequently, registered plugins should install
- run
-- note: not necessary, but will be good to sanity check installed plugins- additionally, you can run
:checkhealth lazy
to check lazy-nvim integrity
- additionally, you can run
- you're done!
LSP Setup: Refer to after/lsp.lua
for the server configs. Each config
requires a language server installed before usage. This configuration leverages to install & manage MOST language servers -- Mason can be invoked
with :Mason
note: the eslint lang server is managed outside of mason - the extracted vscode langservers are not available in the mason registry (as of 12/17/22). The necessary language servers can be installed w/
npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
or withyarn
... OR .. better yet, with volta:volta install vscode-langservers-extracted
Treesitter: Parsers are installed manually for now -- you just need to
for the desired parser.
├── init.lua // entry point - source namespaced lua/vin
├── after
│ └── plugins // houses all after-load plugin configurations
├── lua
│ ├── plugins
│ │ └── init.lua // main plugin config - lazynvim loads plug configs from here
│ ├── vin/ // namespaced entry dir
│ │ ├── init.lua // main entry & lazynvim initialization
│ │ ├── set.lua // default vim option settings
│ │ ├── commands.lua // custom user au commands
│ │ ├── utils.lua // helpers and utitlies for config usage
│ │ └── remap.lua // main keybindings & remaps