diff --git a/pkg/ui/datafile.go b/pkg/ui/datafile.go
index 56ee94a728be1..023bb3f7db2d7 100644
--- a/pkg/ui/datafile.go
+++ b/pkg/ui/datafile.go
@@ -1567,6 +1567,9 @@ md-toolbar h1 {
.dashboard .detail .containerTable td {
padding-right: 20px;
+.dashboard .align-top tbody {
+ vertical-align: top;
func www_app_assets_css_app_css_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
@@ -1579,7 +1582,7 @@ func www_app_assets_css_app_css() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/assets/css/app.css", size: 37053, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/assets/css/app.css", size: 37108, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -1958,6 +1961,7 @@ angular.module("kubernetesApp.config", [])
.constant("ENV", {
"/": {
"k8sApiServer": "/api/v1beta2",
+ "k8sApiv1beta3Server": "/api/v1beta3",
"k8sDataServer": "/cluster",
"k8sDataPollMinIntervalSec": 10,
"k8sDataPollMaxIntervalSec": 120,
@@ -2019,7 +2023,7 @@ app.controller('TabCtrl', [
.service('cAdvisorService', ["$http", "$q", "ENV", function($http, $q, ENV) {
var _baseUrl = function(minionIp) {
var minionPort = ENV['/']['cAdvisorPort'] || "8081";
- var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || "/api/v1beta2/proxy/nodes/";
+ var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || "/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/";
return proxy + minionIp + ':' + minionPort + '/api/v1.0/';
@@ -2251,6 +2255,54 @@ app.provider('k8sApi',
+ function() {
+ var urlBase = '';
+ var _namespace = 'default';
+ this.setUrlBase = function(value) { urlBase = value; };
+ this.setNamespace = function(value) { _namespace = value; };
+ this.getNamespace = function() { return _namespace; };
+ var _get = function($http, baseUrl, query) {
+ var _fullUrl = baseUrl;
+ if (query !== undefined) {
+ _fullUrl += '/' + query;
+ }
+ return $http.get(_fullUrl);
+ };
+ this.$get = ["$http", "$q", function($http, $q) {
+ var api = {};
+ api.getUrlBase = function() { return urlBase + '/namespaces/' + _namespace; };
+ api.getPods = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/pods', query); };
+ api.getMinions = function(query) { return _get($http, urlBase + '/nodes', query); };
+ api.getServices = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/services', query); };
+ api.getReplicationControllers = function(query) {
+ return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/replicationcontrollers', query)
+ };
+ api.getEvents = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/events', query); };
+ return api;
+ }];
+ })
+ .config(["k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider", "ENV", function(k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider, ENV) {
+ if (ENV && ENV['/'] && ENV['/']['k8sApiv1beta3Server']) {
+ var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || '';
+ k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider.setUrlBase(proxy + ENV['/']['k8sApiv1beta3Server']);
+ }
+ }]);
(function() {
"use strict";
@@ -4007,57 +4059,93 @@ angular.module('kubernetesApp.components.dashboard')
function PodDataService($q) {
var pods = {
- "kind": "PodList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/pods",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": [{
- "id": "hello",
- "uid": "0fe3644e-ab53-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:16:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/pods/hello?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 466,
+ "kind": "Pod",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master-c0r1n",
+ "generateName": "redis-master-",
"namespace": "default",
- "labels": {"environment": "testing", "name": "hello"},
- "desiredState": {
- "manifest": {
- "version": "v1beta2",
- "id": "",
- "volumes": null,
- "containers": [{
- "name": "hello",
- "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello",
- "ports": [{"hostPort": 80, "containerPort": 80, "protocol": "TCP"}],
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent"
- }],
- "restartPolicy": {"always": {}},
- "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst"
- }
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/pods/redis-master-c0r1n",
+ "uid": "f12ddfaf-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "39",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
- "currentState": {
- "manifest": {"version": "", "id": "", "volumes": null, "containers": null, "restartPolicy": {}},
- "status": "Running",
- "host": "",
- "podIP": "",
- "info": {
- "hello": {
- "state": {"running": {"startedAt": "2015-02-03T03:16:51Z"}},
- "restartCount": 0,
- "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello",
- "containerID": "docker://96ade8ff30a44c4489969eaf343a7899317671b07a9766ecd0963e9b41501256"
- },
- "net": {
- "state": {"running": {"startedAt": "2015-02-03T03:16:41Z"}},
- "restartCount": 0,
- "podIP": "",
- "image": "kubernetes/pause:latest",
- "containerID": "docker://93d32603cafbff7165dadb1d4527899c24246bca2f5e6770b8297fd3721b272c"
- }
- }
+ "annotations": {
+ "kubernetes.io/created-by": "{\"kind\":\"SerializedReference\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1beta3\",\"reference\":{\"kind\":\"ReplicationController\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"name\":\"redis-master\",\"uid\":\"f12969e0-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1beta3\",\"resourceVersion\":\"26\"}}"
- }]
- };
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "volumes": [
+ {
+ "name": "default-token-zb4rq",
+ "secret": {
+ "secretName": "default-token-zb4rq"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "image": "redis",
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "containerPort": 6379,
+ "protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": {},
+ "volumeMounts": [
+ {
+ "name": "default-token-zb4rq",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"
+ }
+ ],
+ "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
+ "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "securityContext": {
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "privileged": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restartPolicy": "Always",
+ "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
+ "serviceAccount": "default",
+ "host": ""
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "phase": "Running",
+ "Condition": [
+ {
+ "type": "Ready",
+ "status": "True"
+ }
+ ],
+ "hostIP": "",
+ "podIP": "",
+ "startTime": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "containerStatuses": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "state": {
+ "running": {
+ "startedAt": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "lastState": {},
+ "ready": true,
+ "restartCount": 0,
+ "image": "redis",
+ "imageID": "docker://95af5842ddb9b03f7c6ec7601e65924cec516fcedd7e590ae31660057085cf67",
+ "containerID": "docker://ae2a1e0a91a8b1015191a0b8e2ce8c55a86fb1a9a2b1e8e3b29430c9d93c8c09"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
// Uses promises
return {
@@ -4086,13 +4174,68 @@ angular.module('kubernetesApp.components.dashboard')
function ReplicationControllerDataService($q) {
var replicationControllers = {
- "kind": "ReplicationControllerList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/replicationControllers",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": []
- };
+ "kind": "List",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "kind": "ReplicationController",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/redis-master",
+ "uid": "f12969e0-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "28",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "replicas": 1,
+ "selector": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ },
+ "template": {
+ "metadata": {
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "image": "redis",
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "containerPort": 6379,
+ "protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": {},
+ "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
+ "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "securityContext": {
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "privileged": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restartPolicy": "Always",
+ "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
+ "serviceAccount": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "replicas": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]};
// Uses promises
return {
@@ -4120,44 +4263,96 @@ angular.module('kubernetesApp.components.dashboard')
function ServiceDataService($q) {
var services = {
- "kind": "ServiceList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": [
+ "kind": "List",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "kubernetes",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/kubernetes",
+ "resourceVersion": "6",
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "component": "apiserver",
+ "provider": "kubernetes"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 443,
+ "targetPort": 443
+ }
+ ],
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
+ },
- "id": "kubernetes",
- "uid": "626dd08d-ab51-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:04:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services/kubernetes?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 11,
- "namespace": "default",
- "port": 443,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- "labels": {"component": "apiserver", "provider": "kubernetes"},
- "selector": null,
- "containerPort": 0,
- "portalIP": "",
- "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "kubernetes-ro",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/kubernetes-ro",
+ "resourceVersion": "8",
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "component": "apiserver",
+ "provider": "kubernetes"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 80,
+ "targetPort": 80
+ }
+ ],
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
- "id": "kubernetes-ro",
- "uid": "626f9584-ab51-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:04:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services/kubernetes-ro?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 12,
- "namespace": "default",
- "port": 80,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- "labels": {"component": "apiserver", "provider": "kubernetes"},
- "selector": null,
- "containerPort": 0,
- "portalIP": "",
- "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/redis-master",
+ "uid": "a6fde246-ff78-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "72",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:17:19Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 6379,
+ "targetPort": 6379
+ }
+ ],
+ "selector": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ },
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
- ]
- };
+ ]
// Uses promises
return {
@@ -4182,7 +4377,7 @@ func www_app_assets_js_app_js() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/assets/js/app.js", size: 79499, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900597, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/assets/js/app.js", size: 85977, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241313, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4224,7 +4419,7 @@ func www_app_assets_js_base_js() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/assets/js/base.js", size: 477058, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900597, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/assets/js/base.js", size: 477058, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241313, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4354,6 +4549,9 @@ Sub-directories of this path are watched for changes, but not directly imported.
Content available under the [CC-By 3.0
func www_app_components_readme_md_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
@@ -4366,12 +4564,15 @@ func www_app_components_readme_md() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/README.md", size: 5196, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/README.md", size: 5312, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
var _www_app_components_dashboard_readme_md = []byte(`Dashboard Component for Kubernetes WebUI
func www_app_components_dashboard_readme_md_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
@@ -4384,7 +4585,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_readme_md() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/README.md", size: 41, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/README.md", size: 167, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4401,7 +4602,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_img_icons_ic_arrow_drop_down_18px_svg() (*asse
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_18px.svg", size: 114, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_18px.svg", size: 114, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4422,7 +4623,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_img_icons_ic_arrow_drop_down_24px_svg() (*asse
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_24px.svg", size: 166, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_24px.svg", size: 166, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4439,7 +4640,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_img_icons_ic_close_18px_svg() (*asset, error)
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_close_18px.svg", size: 215, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_close_18px.svg", size: 215, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4456,7 +4657,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_img_icons_ic_close_24px_svg() (*asset, error)
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_close_24px.svg", size: 202, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/img/icons/ic_close_24px.svg", size: 202, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4533,7 +4734,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_manifest_json() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/manifest.json", size: 1725, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/manifest.json", size: 1725, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4550,7 +4751,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_pages_footer_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/pages/footer.html", size: 7, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/pages/footer.html", size: 7, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4587,7 +4788,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_pages_header_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/pages/header.html", size: 873, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/pages/header.html", size: 873, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4611,7 +4812,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_pages_home_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/pages/home.html", size: 247, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/pages/home.html", size: 247, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4628,7 +4829,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_protractor_smoke_spec_js() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/protractor/smoke.spec.js", size: 2616, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/protractor/smoke.spec.js", size: 2616, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4645,7 +4846,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_test_controllers_header_spec_js() (*asset, err
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/test/controllers/header.spec.js", size: 1293, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/test/controllers/header.spec.js", size: 1293, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4696,7 +4897,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_groups_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/groups.html", size: 1298, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/groups.html", size: 1298, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4720,7 +4921,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listevents_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listEvents.html", size: 326, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listEvents.html", size: 326, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4744,7 +4945,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listminions_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listMinions.html", size: 327, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listMinions.html", size: 327, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4768,7 +4969,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listpods_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listPods.html", size: 324, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listPods.html", size: 324, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4844,7 +5045,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listpodscards_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listPodsCards.html", size: 1967, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listPodsCards.html", size: 1967, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4878,7 +5079,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listpodsvisualizer_html() (*asset, error
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listPodsVisualizer.html", size: 841, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listPodsVisualizer.html", size: 841, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4902,7 +5103,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listreplicationcontrollers_html() (*asse
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listReplicationControllers.html", size: 342, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listReplicationControllers.html", size: 342, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4926,7 +5127,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_listservices_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listServices.html", size: 328, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/listServices.html", size: 328, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4952,7 +5153,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_partials_cadvisor_html() (*asset, error)
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/cadvisor.html", size: 443, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/cadvisor.html", size: 443, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -4989,7 +5190,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_partials_groupbox_html() (*asset, error)
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/groupBox.html", size: 769, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/groupBox.html", size: 769, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -5048,7 +5249,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_partials_groupitem_html() (*asset, error
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/groupItem.html", size: 2109, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/groupItem.html", size: 2109, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -5098,7 +5299,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_partials_podtilesbyname_html() (*asset,
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/podTilesByName.html", size: 1287, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/podTilesByName.html", size: 1287, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -5148,7 +5349,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_partials_podtilesbyserver_html() (*asset
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/podTilesByServer.html", size: 1281, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/partials/podTilesByServer.html", size: 1281, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -5262,7 +5463,7 @@ func www_app_components_dashboard_views_pod_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/pod.html", size: 2740, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/pod.html", size: 2740, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -5289,12279 +5490,270 @@ var _www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html = []byte(`
{{replicationController.creationTimestamp | date:'medium'}}
- |
- Desired Replicas |
- {{replicationController.desiredState.replicas}}
- |
- Current Replicas |
- {{replicationController.currentState.replicas}}
- |
- Labels |
- {{label}}: {{value}}
- |
- Related Pods |
- |
- Related Services |
- |
-func www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
- return _www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html, nil
-func www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html() (*asset, error) {
- bytes, err := www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html_bytes()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/replication.html", size: 2187, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
- a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
- return a, nil
-var _www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html = []byte(`
- ‹ BACK
- Service:
- {{service.id}}
- Created |
- {{service.creationTimestamp | date:'medium'}}
- |
- Port |
- {{service.port}}
- |
- Container Port |
- {{service.containerPort}}
- |
- Portal IP |
- {{service.portalIP}}
- |
- Protocol |
- {{service.protocol}}
- |
- Session Affinity |
- {{service.sessionAffinity}}
- |
- Labels |
- {{label}}: {{value}}
- |
- Related Pods |
- |
- Related Replication Controllers |
- |
-func www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
- return _www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html, nil
-func www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html() (*asset, error) {
- bytes, err := www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html_bytes()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/service.html", size: 2485, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
- a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
- return a, nil
-var _www_app_index_html = []byte(`
- Kubernetes UI
-func www_app_index_html_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
- return _www_app_index_html, nil
-func www_app_index_html() (*asset, error) {
- bytes, err := www_app_index_html_bytes()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/index.html", size: 2290, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431887938, 0)}
- a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
- return a, nil
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- "lastTransitionTime": "2015-02-25T17:19:02Z",
- "reason": "Node health check succeeded: kubelet /healthz endpoint returns ok",
- "status": "Full"
- }
- ]
- },
- "uid": "e432bc08-b7cb-11e4-9018-42010af0f3f2"
- },
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- }
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- "startedAt": "2015-02-25T17:19:12Z"
- }
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- },
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- }
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- "KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP=tcp://",
- "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
- "REDISSLAVE_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp://",
- "REDIS_MASTER_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp://",
- "SKYDNS_PORT=udp://",
- "SKYDNS_PORT_53_UDP=udp://",
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- },
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- {
- "containerPort": 80,
- "name": "kibana-port",
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- {
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- {
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- "name": "INFLUXDB_HOST",
- "value": "monitoring-influxdb"
- }
- ],
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- }
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- "always": {}
- },
- "version": "v1beta2",
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- }
- },
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- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:01:35.083763",
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- {
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- "name": "influxdb",
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- {
- "containerPort": 8083,
- "hostPort": 8083,
- "protocol": "TCP"
- },
- {
- "containerPort": 8086,
- "hostPort": 8086,
- "protocol": "TCP"
- }
- ],
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- },
- {
- "capabilities": {},
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- {
- "key": "HTTP_USER",
- "name": "HTTP_USER",
- "value": "admin"
- },
- {
- "key": "HTTP_PASS",
- "name": "HTTP_PASS",
- "value": "**None**"
- }
- ],
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- {
- "containerPort": 80,
- "hostPort": 80,
- "protocol": "TCP"
- }
- ],
- "resources": {},
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- }
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- "always": {}
- },
- "version": "v1beta2",
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- }
- },
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- }
- },
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- "name": "influxGrafana"
- },
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- "name": "influxGrafana"
- },
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- },
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:01:35.083763",
- "type": "ReplicationController"
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- {
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- }
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- {
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- "name": "slave",
- "ports": [
- {
- "containerPort": 6379,
- "hostPort": 6380,
- "protocol": "TCP"
- }
- ],
- "resources": {
- "limits": {
- "cpu": "0.2"
- }
- },
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- }
- ],
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- "always": {}
- },
- "version": "v1beta2",
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- }
- },
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- "name": "redisslave",
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- }
- },
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- "name": "redisslave"
- },
- "replicas": 2
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- "name": "redisslave"
- },
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- "uid": "e0fe9d98-b7d7-11e4-9018-42010af0f3f2"
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- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:01:35.083763",
- "type": "ReplicationController"
- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "skydns"
- },
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- }
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- {
- "capabilities": {},
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- "/etcd",
- "-bind-addr=",
- "-peer-bind-addr="
- ],
- "image": "quay.io/coreos/etcd:latest",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullAlways",
- "name": "etcd",
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- },
- {
- "capabilities": {},
- "command": [
- "-domain=kubernetes.local"
- ],
- "image": "kubernetes/kube2sky:1.0",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent",
- "name": "kube2sky",
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- },
- {
- "capabilities": {},
- "command": [
- "-machines=http://localhost:4001",
- "-addr=",
- "-domain=kubernetes.local."
- ],
- "image": "kubernetes/skydns:2014-12-23-001",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent",
- "name": "skydns",
- "ports": [
- {
- "containerPort": 53,
- "name": "dns",
- "protocol": "UDP"
- }
- ],
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- }
- ],
- "dnsPolicy": "Default",
- "id": "",
- "restartPolicy": {
- "always": {}
- },
- "version": "v1beta2",
- "volumes": null
- }
- },
- "labels": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- }
- },
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- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- },
- "replicas": 1
- },
- "id": "skydns",
- "labels": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- },
- "namespace": "default",
- "resourceVersion": 25,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/replicationControllers/skydns?namespace=default",
- "uid": "e88d6fb4-b7cb-11e4-9018-42010af0f3f2"
- },
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:01:35.083763",
- "type": "ReplicationController"
- }
- ],
- "success": true,
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:04:18.106157"
+ Desired Replicas |
+ {{replicationController.desiredState.replicas}}
+ |
+ Current Replicas |
+ {{replicationController.currentState.replicas}}
+ |
+ Labels |
+ {{label}}: {{value}}
+ |
+ Related Pods |
+ |
+ Related Services |
+ |
+func www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
+ return _www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html, nil
+func www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html() (*asset, error) {
+ bytes, err := www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html_bytes()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/replication.html", size: 2187, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
+ a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
+ return a, nil
+var _www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html = []byte(`
+ ‹ BACK
+ Service:
+ {{service.id}}
+ Created |
+ {{service.creationTimestamp | date:'medium'}}
+ |
+ Port |
+ {{service.port}}
+ |
+ Container Port |
+ {{service.containerPort}}
+ |
+ Portal IP |
+ {{service.portalIP}}
+ |
+ Protocol |
+ {{service.protocol}}
+ |
-func www_app_shared_assets_sampledata1_json_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
- return _www_app_shared_assets_sampledata1_json, nil
+ Session Affinity |
+ {{service.sessionAffinity}}
+ |
+ Labels |
+ {{label}}: {{value}}
+ |
+ Related Pods |
+ |
+ Related Replication Controllers |
+ |
+func www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
+ return _www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html, nil
+func www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html() (*asset, error) {
+ bytes, err := www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html_bytes()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/components/dashboard/views/service.html", size: 2485, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432241316, 0)}
+ a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
+ return a, nil
+var _www_app_index_html = []byte(`
+ Kubernetes UI
+func www_app_index_html_bytes() ([]byte, error) {
+ return _www_app_index_html, nil
-func www_app_shared_assets_sampledata1_json() (*asset, error) {
- bytes, err := www_app_shared_assets_sampledata1_json_bytes()
+func www_app_index_html() (*asset, error) {
+ bytes, err := www_app_index_html_bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/shared/assets/sampleData1.json", size: 427639, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431900600, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/index.html", size: 2290, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432067274, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -17748,7 +5940,7 @@ func www_app_views_partials_md_table_tmpl_html() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
- info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/views/partials/md-table.tmpl.html", size: 2920, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1431888276, 0)}
+ info := bindata_file_info{name: "www/app/views/partials/md-table.tmpl.html", size: 2920, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1432067274, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil
@@ -34631,7 +22823,6 @@ var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){
"www/app/components/dashboard/views/replication.html": www_app_components_dashboard_views_replication_html,
"www/app/components/dashboard/views/service.html": www_app_components_dashboard_views_service_html,
"www/app/index.html": www_app_index_html,
- "www/app/shared/assets/sampleData1.json": www_app_shared_assets_sampledata1_json,
"www/app/vendor/.gitkeep": www_app_vendor_gitkeep,
"www/app/vendor/angular-json-human/dist/angular-json-human.css": www_app_vendor_angular_json_human_dist_angular_json_human_css,
"www/app/vendor/angular-material/angular-material.css": www_app_vendor_angular_material_angular_material_css,
@@ -34850,11 +23041,6 @@ var _bintree = &_bintree_t{nil, map[string]*_bintree_t{
"index.html": {www_app_index_html, map[string]*_bintree_t{}},
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- }},
- }},
"vendor": {nil, map[string]*_bintree_t{
".gitkeep": {www_app_vendor_gitkeep, map[string]*_bintree_t{}},
"angular-json-human": {nil, map[string]*_bintree_t{
diff --git a/www/app/assets/css/app.css b/www/app/assets/css/app.css
index 3afc50a3e1598..93044df0491f0 100644
--- a/www/app/assets/css/app.css
+++ b/www/app/assets/css/app.css
@@ -1506,3 +1506,6 @@ md-toolbar h1 {
.dashboard .detail .containerTable td {
padding-right: 20px;
+.dashboard .align-top tbody {
+ vertical-align: top;
diff --git a/www/app/assets/js/app.js b/www/app/assets/js/app.js
index ecba65d0a4732..63a7f44bfbe6e 100644
--- a/www/app/assets/js/app.js
+++ b/www/app/assets/js/app.js
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ angular.module("kubernetesApp.config", [])
.constant("ENV", {
"/": {
"k8sApiServer": "/api/v1beta2",
+ "k8sApiv1beta3Server": "/api/v1beta3",
"k8sDataServer": "/cluster",
"k8sDataPollMinIntervalSec": 10,
"k8sDataPollMaxIntervalSec": 120,
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ app.controller('TabCtrl', [
.service('cAdvisorService', ["$http", "$q", "ENV", function($http, $q, ENV) {
var _baseUrl = function(minionIp) {
var minionPort = ENV['/']['cAdvisorPort'] || "8081";
- var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || "/api/v1beta2/proxy/nodes/";
+ var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || "/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/";
return proxy + minionIp + ':' + minionPort + '/api/v1.0/';
@@ -437,6 +438,54 @@ app.provider('k8sApi',
+ function() {
+ var urlBase = '';
+ var _namespace = 'default';
+ this.setUrlBase = function(value) { urlBase = value; };
+ this.setNamespace = function(value) { _namespace = value; };
+ this.getNamespace = function() { return _namespace; };
+ var _get = function($http, baseUrl, query) {
+ var _fullUrl = baseUrl;
+ if (query !== undefined) {
+ _fullUrl += '/' + query;
+ }
+ return $http.get(_fullUrl);
+ };
+ this.$get = ["$http", "$q", function($http, $q) {
+ var api = {};
+ api.getUrlBase = function() { return urlBase + '/namespaces/' + _namespace; };
+ api.getPods = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/pods', query); };
+ api.getMinions = function(query) { return _get($http, urlBase + '/nodes', query); };
+ api.getServices = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/services', query); };
+ api.getReplicationControllers = function(query) {
+ return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/replicationcontrollers', query)
+ };
+ api.getEvents = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/events', query); };
+ return api;
+ }];
+ })
+ .config(["k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider", "ENV", function(k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider, ENV) {
+ if (ENV && ENV['/'] && ENV['/']['k8sApiv1beta3Server']) {
+ var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || '';
+ k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider.setUrlBase(proxy + ENV['/']['k8sApiv1beta3Server']);
+ }
+ }]);
(function() {
"use strict";
@@ -2193,57 +2242,93 @@ angular.module('kubernetesApp.components.dashboard')
function PodDataService($q) {
var pods = {
- "kind": "PodList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/pods",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": [{
- "id": "hello",
- "uid": "0fe3644e-ab53-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:16:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/pods/hello?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 466,
+ "kind": "Pod",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master-c0r1n",
+ "generateName": "redis-master-",
"namespace": "default",
- "labels": {"environment": "testing", "name": "hello"},
- "desiredState": {
- "manifest": {
- "version": "v1beta2",
- "id": "",
- "volumes": null,
- "containers": [{
- "name": "hello",
- "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello",
- "ports": [{"hostPort": 80, "containerPort": 80, "protocol": "TCP"}],
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent"
- }],
- "restartPolicy": {"always": {}},
- "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst"
- }
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/pods/redis-master-c0r1n",
+ "uid": "f12ddfaf-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "39",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
- "currentState": {
- "manifest": {"version": "", "id": "", "volumes": null, "containers": null, "restartPolicy": {}},
- "status": "Running",
- "host": "",
- "podIP": "",
- "info": {
- "hello": {
- "state": {"running": {"startedAt": "2015-02-03T03:16:51Z"}},
- "restartCount": 0,
- "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello",
- "containerID": "docker://96ade8ff30a44c4489969eaf343a7899317671b07a9766ecd0963e9b41501256"
- },
- "net": {
- "state": {"running": {"startedAt": "2015-02-03T03:16:41Z"}},
- "restartCount": 0,
- "podIP": "",
- "image": "kubernetes/pause:latest",
- "containerID": "docker://93d32603cafbff7165dadb1d4527899c24246bca2f5e6770b8297fd3721b272c"
- }
- }
+ "annotations": {
+ "kubernetes.io/created-by": "{\"kind\":\"SerializedReference\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1beta3\",\"reference\":{\"kind\":\"ReplicationController\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"name\":\"redis-master\",\"uid\":\"f12969e0-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1beta3\",\"resourceVersion\":\"26\"}}"
- }]
- };
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "volumes": [
+ {
+ "name": "default-token-zb4rq",
+ "secret": {
+ "secretName": "default-token-zb4rq"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "image": "redis",
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "containerPort": 6379,
+ "protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": {},
+ "volumeMounts": [
+ {
+ "name": "default-token-zb4rq",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"
+ }
+ ],
+ "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
+ "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "securityContext": {
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "privileged": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restartPolicy": "Always",
+ "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
+ "serviceAccount": "default",
+ "host": ""
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "phase": "Running",
+ "Condition": [
+ {
+ "type": "Ready",
+ "status": "True"
+ }
+ ],
+ "hostIP": "",
+ "podIP": "",
+ "startTime": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "containerStatuses": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "state": {
+ "running": {
+ "startedAt": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "lastState": {},
+ "ready": true,
+ "restartCount": 0,
+ "image": "redis",
+ "imageID": "docker://95af5842ddb9b03f7c6ec7601e65924cec516fcedd7e590ae31660057085cf67",
+ "containerID": "docker://ae2a1e0a91a8b1015191a0b8e2ce8c55a86fb1a9a2b1e8e3b29430c9d93c8c09"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
// Uses promises
return {
@@ -2272,13 +2357,68 @@ angular.module('kubernetesApp.components.dashboard')
function ReplicationControllerDataService($q) {
var replicationControllers = {
- "kind": "ReplicationControllerList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/replicationControllers",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": []
- };
+ "kind": "List",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "kind": "ReplicationController",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/redis-master",
+ "uid": "f12969e0-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "28",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "replicas": 1,
+ "selector": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ },
+ "template": {
+ "metadata": {
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "image": "redis",
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "containerPort": 6379,
+ "protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": {},
+ "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
+ "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "securityContext": {
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "privileged": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restartPolicy": "Always",
+ "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
+ "serviceAccount": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "replicas": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]};
// Uses promises
return {
@@ -2306,44 +2446,96 @@ angular.module('kubernetesApp.components.dashboard')
function ServiceDataService($q) {
var services = {
- "kind": "ServiceList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": [
+ "kind": "List",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
- "id": "kubernetes",
- "uid": "626dd08d-ab51-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:04:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services/kubernetes?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 11,
- "namespace": "default",
- "port": 443,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- "labels": {"component": "apiserver", "provider": "kubernetes"},
- "selector": null,
- "containerPort": 0,
- "portalIP": "",
- "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "kubernetes",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/kubernetes",
+ "resourceVersion": "6",
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "component": "apiserver",
+ "provider": "kubernetes"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 443,
+ "targetPort": 443
+ }
+ ],
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
- "id": "kubernetes-ro",
- "uid": "626f9584-ab51-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:04:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services/kubernetes-ro?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 12,
- "namespace": "default",
- "port": 80,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- "labels": {"component": "apiserver", "provider": "kubernetes"},
- "selector": null,
- "containerPort": 0,
- "portalIP": "",
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+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
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+ "name": "kubernetes-ro",
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+ "resourceVersion": "8",
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
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+ "provider": "kubernetes"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
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+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 80,
+ "targetPort": 80
+ }
+ ],
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Service",
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+ "name": "redis-master",
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+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
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+ {
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+ "port": 6379,
+ "targetPort": 6379
+ }
+ ],
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+ "name": "redis-master"
+ },
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
- ]
- };
+ ]
// Uses promises
return {
diff --git a/www/app/shared/assets/sampleData1.json b/www/app/shared/assets/sampleData1.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 692de4e15005a..0000000000000
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- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
- },
- "source": "Cluster:shared-kraken",
- "target": "Node:kubernetes-minion-63vc.c.shared-kraken.internal",
- "type": "contains"
- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
- },
- "source": "Node:kubernetes-minion-63vc.c.shared-kraken.internal",
- "target": "Pod:elasticsearch-logging-controller-fplln",
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- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
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- },
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- },
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- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
- },
- "source": "Pod:frontend-controller-szwk1",
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- {
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- "target": "Process:73d5a7fedfbc/8946",
- "type": "contains"
- },
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- "label": "createdFrom"
- },
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- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
- },
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- "type": "contains"
- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
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- {
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- ]
- },
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- },
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- ],
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- "info": {
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- "name": "etcd",
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- },
- {
- "capabilities": {},
- "command": [
- "-domain=kubernetes.local"
- ],
- "image": "kubernetes/kube2sky:1.0",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent",
- "name": "kube2sky",
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- },
- {
- "capabilities": {},
- "command": [
- "-machines=http://localhost:4001",
- "-addr=",
- "-domain=kubernetes.local."
- ],
- "image": "kubernetes/skydns:2014-12-23-001",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent",
- "name": "skydns",
- "ports": [
- {
- "containerPort": 53,
- "name": "dns",
- "protocol": "UDP"
- }
- ],
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- }
- ],
- "dnsPolicy": "Default",
- "id": "",
- "restartPolicy": {
- "always": {}
- },
- "version": "v1beta2",
- "volumes": null
- }
- },
- "labels": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- }
- },
- "replicaSelector": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- },
- "replicas": 1
- },
- "id": "skydns",
- "labels": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- },
- "namespace": "default",
- "resourceVersion": 25,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/replicationControllers/skydns?namespace=default",
- "uid": "e88d6fb4-b7cb-11e4-9018-42010af0f3f2"
- },
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:01:35.083763",
- "type": "ReplicationController"
- }
- ],
- "success": true,
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:04:18.106157"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/podsMock.js b/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/podsMock.js
index f43635ef3b3b9..e7e50478a9516 100644
--- a/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/podsMock.js
+++ b/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/podsMock.js
@@ -12,57 +12,93 @@
function PodDataService($q) {
var pods = {
- "kind": "PodList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/pods",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": [{
- "id": "hello",
- "uid": "0fe3644e-ab53-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:16:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/pods/hello?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 466,
+ "kind": "Pod",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master-c0r1n",
+ "generateName": "redis-master-",
"namespace": "default",
- "labels": {"environment": "testing", "name": "hello"},
- "desiredState": {
- "manifest": {
- "version": "v1beta2",
- "id": "",
- "volumes": null,
- "containers": [{
- "name": "hello",
- "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello",
- "ports": [{"hostPort": 80, "containerPort": 80, "protocol": "TCP"}],
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent"
- }],
- "restartPolicy": {"always": {}},
- "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst"
- }
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/pods/redis-master-c0r1n",
+ "uid": "f12ddfaf-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "39",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
- "currentState": {
- "manifest": {"version": "", "id": "", "volumes": null, "containers": null, "restartPolicy": {}},
- "status": "Running",
- "host": "",
- "podIP": "",
- "info": {
- "hello": {
- "state": {"running": {"startedAt": "2015-02-03T03:16:51Z"}},
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- "image": "quay.io/kelseyhightower/hello",
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- },
- "net": {
- "state": {"running": {"startedAt": "2015-02-03T03:16:41Z"}},
- "restartCount": 0,
- "podIP": "",
- "image": "kubernetes/pause:latest",
- "containerID": "docker://93d32603cafbff7165dadb1d4527899c24246bca2f5e6770b8297fd3721b272c"
- }
- }
+ "annotations": {
+ "kubernetes.io/created-by": "{\"kind\":\"SerializedReference\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1beta3\",\"reference\":{\"kind\":\"ReplicationController\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"name\":\"redis-master\",\"uid\":\"f12969e0-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276\",\"apiVersion\":\"v1beta3\",\"resourceVersion\":\"26\"}}"
- }]
- };
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "volumes": [
+ {
+ "name": "default-token-zb4rq",
+ "secret": {
+ "secretName": "default-token-zb4rq"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "image": "redis",
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "containerPort": 6379,
+ "protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": {},
+ "volumeMounts": [
+ {
+ "name": "default-token-zb4rq",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "mountPath": "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"
+ }
+ ],
+ "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
+ "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "securityContext": {
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "privileged": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restartPolicy": "Always",
+ "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
+ "serviceAccount": "default",
+ "host": ""
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "phase": "Running",
+ "Condition": [
+ {
+ "type": "Ready",
+ "status": "True"
+ }
+ ],
+ "hostIP": "",
+ "podIP": "",
+ "startTime": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "containerStatuses": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "state": {
+ "running": {
+ "startedAt": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "lastState": {},
+ "ready": true,
+ "restartCount": 0,
+ "image": "redis",
+ "imageID": "docker://95af5842ddb9b03f7c6ec7601e65924cec516fcedd7e590ae31660057085cf67",
+ "containerID": "docker://ae2a1e0a91a8b1015191a0b8e2ce8c55a86fb1a9a2b1e8e3b29430c9d93c8c09"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
// Uses promises
return {
diff --git a/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/replicationControllersMock.js b/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/replicationControllersMock.js
index 20372d633e41a..1f81a05a597e0 100644
--- a/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/replicationControllersMock.js
+++ b/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/replicationControllersMock.js
@@ -13,13 +13,68 @@
function ReplicationControllerDataService($q) {
var replicationControllers = {
- "kind": "ReplicationControllerList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/replicationControllers",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": []
- };
+ "kind": "List",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "kind": "ReplicationController",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/redis-master",
+ "uid": "f12969e0-ff77-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "28",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:12:14Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "replicas": 1,
+ "selector": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ },
+ "template": {
+ "metadata": {
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "master",
+ "image": "redis",
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "containerPort": 6379,
+ "protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": {},
+ "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
+ "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "securityContext": {
+ "capabilities": {},
+ "privileged": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restartPolicy": "Always",
+ "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
+ "serviceAccount": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "replicas": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]};
// Uses promises
return {
diff --git a/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/servicesMock.js b/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/servicesMock.js
index bbbeb8ab77797..308396548c107 100644
--- a/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/servicesMock.js
+++ b/www/master/components/dashboard/js/modules/services/servicesMock.js
@@ -12,44 +12,96 @@
function ServiceDataService($q) {
var services = {
- "kind": "ServiceList",
- "creationTimestamp": null,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services",
- "resourceVersion": 166552,
- "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
- "items": [
+ "kind": "List",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
- "id": "kubernetes",
- "uid": "626dd08d-ab51-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:04:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services/kubernetes?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 11,
- "namespace": "default",
- "port": 443,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- "labels": {"component": "apiserver", "provider": "kubernetes"},
- "selector": null,
- "containerPort": 0,
- "portalIP": "",
- "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "kubernetes",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/kubernetes",
+ "resourceVersion": "6",
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "component": "apiserver",
+ "provider": "kubernetes"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 443,
+ "targetPort": 443
+ }
+ ],
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
- "id": "kubernetes-ro",
- "uid": "626f9584-ab51-11e4-8ae8-061695c59fcf",
- "creationTimestamp": "2015-02-03T03:04:36Z",
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/services/kubernetes-ro?namespace=default",
- "resourceVersion": 12,
- "namespace": "default",
- "port": 80,
- "protocol": "TCP",
- "labels": {"component": "apiserver", "provider": "kubernetes"},
- "selector": null,
- "containerPort": 0,
- "portalIP": "",
- "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "kubernetes-ro",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/kubernetes-ro",
+ "resourceVersion": "8",
+ "creationTimestamp": null,
+ "labels": {
+ "component": "apiserver",
+ "provider": "kubernetes"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 80,
+ "targetPort": 80
+ }
+ ],
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Service",
+ "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "redis-master",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/services/redis-master",
+ "uid": "a6fde246-ff78-11e4-8f2d-080027213276",
+ "resourceVersion": "72",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2015-05-21T05:17:19Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "protocol": "TCP",
+ "port": 6379,
+ "targetPort": 6379
+ }
+ ],
+ "selector": {
+ "name": "redis-master"
+ },
+ "portalIP": "",
+ "sessionAffinity": "None"
+ },
+ "status": {}
- ]
- };
+ ]
// Uses promises
return {
diff --git a/www/master/components/dashboard/less/dashboard.less b/www/master/components/dashboard/less/dashboard.less
index 40ac31b6e2479..a9eebdd3d1bd0 100755
--- a/www/master/components/dashboard/less/dashboard.less
+++ b/www/master/components/dashboard/less/dashboard.less
@@ -70,4 +70,8 @@
+ .align-top tbody {
+ vertical-align: top;
+ }
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index fa2c673e4cdc6..08a3f6e4870c0 100644
--- a/www/master/gulpfile.js
+++ b/www/master/gulpfile.js
@@ -348,7 +348,6 @@ gulp.task('copy:shared-assets', function() {
del.sync([build.assets], {force: true});
return gulp.src(source.assets.source, {base: 'shared/assets'})
- .pipe(expect(source.assets.source))
diff --git a/www/master/shared/assets/.gitkeep b/www/master/shared/assets/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d
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--- a/www/master/shared/assets/sampleData1.json
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@@ -1,11993 +0,0 @@
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- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
- },
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- "target": "Node:kubernetes-minion-63vc.c.shared-kraken.internal",
- "type": "contains"
- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
- },
- "source": "Node:kubernetes-minion-63vc.c.shared-kraken.internal",
- "target": "Pod:elasticsearch-logging-controller-fplln",
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- },
- {
- "annotations": {
- "label": "contains"
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- {
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- {
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- "source": "Container:k8s_elasticsearch-logging.2a73470d_elasticsearch-logging-controller-fplln.default.api_eaec34d7-b7cb-11e4-9018-42010af0f3f2_4f7ab6f1",
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- "type": "createdFrom"
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- {
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- {
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- }
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- "reason": "Node health check succeeded: kubelet /healthz endpoint returns ok",
- "status": "Full"
- }
- ]
- },
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- },
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- {
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- }
- ],
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- "info": {
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- "imageID": "docker://6c4579af347b649857e915521132f15a06186d73faa62145e3eeeb6be0e97c27",
- "podIP": "",
- "ready": false,
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- "state": {
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- }
- }
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- "image": "kubernetes/kube2sky:1.0",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent",
- "name": "kube2sky",
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- },
- {
- "capabilities": {},
- "command": [
- "-machines=http://localhost:4001",
- "-addr=",
- "-domain=kubernetes.local."
- ],
- "image": "kubernetes/skydns:2014-12-23-001",
- "imagePullPolicy": "PullIfNotPresent",
- "name": "skydns",
- "ports": [
- {
- "containerPort": 53,
- "name": "dns",
- "protocol": "UDP"
- }
- ],
- "resources": {},
- "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
- }
- ],
- "dnsPolicy": "Default",
- "id": "",
- "restartPolicy": {
- "always": {}
- },
- "version": "v1beta2",
- "volumes": null
- }
- },
- "labels": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- }
- },
- "replicaSelector": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- },
- "replicas": 1
- },
- "id": "skydns",
- "labels": {
- "k8s-app": "skydns"
- },
- "namespace": "default",
- "resourceVersion": 25,
- "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/replicationControllers/skydns?namespace=default",
- "uid": "e88d6fb4-b7cb-11e4-9018-42010af0f3f2"
- },
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:01:35.083763",
- "type": "ReplicationController"
- }
- ],
- "success": true,
- "timestamp": "2015-03-17T00:04:18.106157"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/master/shared/config/development.json b/www/master/shared/config/development.json
index ab4652ab524c3..bf02f7d84e1ff 100644
--- a/www/master/shared/config/development.json
+++ b/www/master/shared/config/development.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"k8sApiServer": "/api/v1beta2",
+ "k8sApiv1beta3Server": "/api/v1beta3",
"k8sDataServer": "/cluster",
"k8sDataPollMinIntervalSec": 10,
"k8sDataPollMaxIntervalSec": 120,
diff --git a/www/master/shared/config/generated-config.js b/www/master/shared/config/generated-config.js
index ef1d6a22591a6..254bc5db044b3 100644
--- a/www/master/shared/config/generated-config.js
+++ b/www/master/shared/config/generated-config.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ angular.module("kubernetesApp.config", [])
.constant("ENV", {
"/": {
"k8sApiServer": "/api/v1beta2",
+ "k8sApiv1beta3Server": "/api/v1beta3",
"k8sDataServer": "/cluster",
"k8sDataPollMinIntervalSec": 10,
"k8sDataPollMaxIntervalSec": 120,
diff --git a/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/cAdvisor.js b/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/cAdvisor.js
index c4e96ba439d93..7ece0a6e187ef 100644
--- a/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/cAdvisor.js
+++ b/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/cAdvisor.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
.service('cAdvisorService', function($http, $q, ENV) {
var _baseUrl = function(minionIp) {
var minionPort = ENV['/']['cAdvisorPort'] || "8081";
- var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || "/api/v1beta2/proxy/nodes/";
+ var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || "/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/";
return proxy + minionIp + ':' + minionPort + '/api/v1.0/';
diff --git a/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/k8sApiService.js b/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/k8sApiService.js
index 14df888f3db0e..819a99637f90f 100644
--- a/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/k8sApiService.js
+++ b/www/master/shared/js/modules/services/k8sApiService.js
@@ -40,3 +40,51 @@ app.provider('k8sApi',
k8sApiProvider.setUrlBase(proxy + ENV['/']['k8sApiServer']);
+ function() {
+ var urlBase = '';
+ var _namespace = 'default';
+ this.setUrlBase = function(value) { urlBase = value; };
+ this.setNamespace = function(value) { _namespace = value; };
+ this.getNamespace = function() { return _namespace; };
+ var _get = function($http, baseUrl, query) {
+ var _fullUrl = baseUrl;
+ if (query !== undefined) {
+ _fullUrl += '/' + query;
+ }
+ return $http.get(_fullUrl);
+ };
+ this.$get = function($http, $q) {
+ var api = {};
+ api.getUrlBase = function() { return urlBase + '/namespaces/' + _namespace; };
+ api.getPods = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/pods', query); };
+ api.getMinions = function(query) { return _get($http, urlBase + '/nodes', query); };
+ api.getServices = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/services', query); };
+ api.getReplicationControllers = function(query) {
+ return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/replicationcontrollers', query)
+ };
+ api.getEvents = function(query) { return _get($http, api.getUrlBase() + '/events', query); };
+ return api;
+ };
+ })
+ .config(function(k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider, ENV) {
+ if (ENV && ENV['/'] && ENV['/']['k8sApiv1beta3Server']) {
+ var proxy = ENV['/']['cAdvisorProxy'] || '';
+ k8sv1Beta3ApiProvider.setUrlBase(proxy + ENV['/']['k8sApiv1beta3Server']);
+ }
+ });