- 👋 Hello,
- My name is Victor Sanjinez, I'm from Bolivia and I'm an Cyber Security Engineer
- I have a Master Degree in Cyber Security, CEH Practical certification, Burp Suite Certified Practitioner (in progress)
- Currently working as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- Learning with Tryhackme, Hackthebox, Burpsuite Academy and Open Source tools (Hive, Cortex, MISP, Wazuh, Open Project, etc.) :D
- I have a YouTube channel (in Spanish) about Cyber Security
- I offer consulting hours (send me an email vicsanjinez@gmail.com)
- Software Development, Web with PHP(Yii2), Android with Android Studio (Java, Kotlin), iOS with Xcode (Swift) since 2010
- Cyber Security Pentesting, Vulnerability Assessment, BlueTeam, SIEM implementation and monitoring, all the cloud stuff :)
- Critical thinking, decision-making and problem solving skills
- Some Python and Bash coding
- Special skills in Leadership and Team management