This website displays my Projects, Web presence, Work experience, and contact information.
⭐ Star me on GitHub — it helps me a LoT🙌!
✔️ Mini intro
✔️ About me
✔️ Skills
✔️ Projects
✔️ Contact me
- Clone the repository and modify the content of index.html according to your requirement.
⚠️ Remove my Bitmojifrom the navbar and use yours instead.
⚠️ - Add or remove images from
directory as per your requirement. - Push the generated code to the
branch of this repository. ⚠️ NOTE: Make sure to removeanalyticsId
&google search console Id
tag, and set yours, if you want to use your own Google Analytics & search console account.⚠️
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- GitHub - To host my static website (HTML, CSS, JS).
- Animate on scroll library - To animate my website while scrolling.
- Animista - To use Interactive animations
Please contact me at if you have any feedback for the website. ⭐ Star it, if you like it! 🤝.