Rocketchip (v1.0.0) is an automated bioinformatics workflow that is capable of analyzing local ChIP-seq data or ChIP-seq data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (SRA), the largest publicly available sequence data database. rocketchip
takes raw data inputs and generates the files required for data visualization and peak delineation.
Clone the repository using your project name in the directory you plan to host the project:
git clone {project_name}
Enter the directory
cd {project_name}
Prior to starting this, make sure you have Conda installed. Run the following command in your project directory. It will clone the Conda environment with all dependencies needed in order to run the workflow outlined here. This creates an environment called rocketchip
. If you would like to change the name, feel free to do so where the command says rocketchip
. Please note that this may take quite a few minutes to run.
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate your environment using
conda activate rocketchip
Run everything downstream of this point in this Conda environment. Note that you must activate this environment every time you restart your terminal.
In order to run Rocketchip, you will need to create a project file. A template, project_file.yaml
, is included in this repository. The contents should look like this:
- Author - write your name and collaborators' names (if any), but do not exceed one line
- Project - write the name of the project
- Genome - leave blank
- Name - write the name of the genome you are using (see examples below)
- Location - if you have a local copy of the genome, put the path to the genome here (e.g. absolute/path/to/my/genome.fa), otherwise put the link corresponding to whatever genome you are using. Here are some commonly used genomes and links that have been proven to work with Rocketchip:
- Reads - leave blank
- Samples - leave blank
- Sample Groups - put all replicates of a sample in one group, separating samples by group (grp1, grp2, grp3, ...). See note
- Controls - leave blank
- Control Groups - leave blank if you are not using a control; if you are using a control, put the replicates of the control in one group. See note
- Samples - leave blank
- Readtype - the endedness of the data; options include
- Peaktype - this is determined based on whatever element your antibody targets; options include
- Note that the only peak-caller explicitly written to handle broad-peak calling is MACS3
- Aligner - software to be used for alignment; options include
, orSTAR
- Deduplicator - software to be used for deduplication; options include
, orno_deduplication
- Peakcaller - software to be used for peak-calling; options include
, orcisgenome
- Note that if you are using Cisgenome, it will need to be installed separately (see provided instructions titled "Installing Cisgenome")
- Threads - the number of threads to be used in subsequent analysis steps
Note: For local read data, use the absolute paths as entries. For example, the read path can be absolute/path/to/my/sample_id
. Do not put the fq.gz
extension or the read direction (forward vs. reverse) in the path to your read names. Just end the path at the sample name. Based on if you tell Rocketchip whether the data is single- or paired-end, it will match the appropriate files automatically. For read data from the SRA, use the SRA ID for the sample instead of a path. This goes for both the samples and controls.
Here are various examples of project yaml files:
- One sample with one replicate, no control
- Two samples with three replicates each, no control
- Three samples with two replicates each, no control
- One sample with two replicates, one control with one replicate
- One sample with two replicates, one control with two replicates
There are a few considerations to make regarding data storage and source code storage. Briefly, you can either choose to export the ROCKETCHIP_DATA
variables, or you can simply use the flags at the command line (the former being more useful, but the latter being easier).
If you are using your own data, then use the --data
option at the command line when you run Rocketchip and set the path to the raw data as the argument (i.e. --data path/to/your/raw/data/
). If you are planning to use data from the NCBI SRA, then you can either set the --data
option to whatever directory you want the data to get stored in or you can export ROCKETCHIP_DATA
. The benefit of exporting ROCKETCHIP_DATA
is that the data will be stored in the location you designate for whatever analyses you use Rocketchip for. For individual analyses, these files get aliased into the project directory. This means that if you are using the same genome or sample data for multiple analyses, the data is only stored once and not duplicated. This can save both time and storage. To do so, add the ROCKETCHIP_DATA
variable to your configuration file (.bashrc
, .profile
, or whatever file your system uses) like so, ensuring that you change the path to wherever you want to store your data:
export ROCKETCHIP_DATA="/share/mylab/raw_data/"
If this sounds too complicated, no worries! To keep it simple, just enter your project directory and run Rocketchip with the flag --data .
, which will store the data in the project directory that you are working in.
refers to where the Rocketchip source code is maintained. Essentially, this should just be the path to the rocketchip
script. You can use the --src
flag and set the path yourself (i.e. --src path/to/the/rocketchip/source/code/
). Alternatively, if you plan to use Rocketchip for several projects, it can be helpful to put this in a designated location and export the source code path so you don't have to use the command line argument or reinstall Rocketchip in the future. To do so, add the ROCKETCHIP_SRC
variable to your configuration file (.bashrc
, .profile
, or whatever file your system uses) like so, ensuring that you change the path to wherever you want to store your data:
export ROCKETCHIP_SRC="path/to/the/rocketchip/source/code/"
In addition to adding or defining a source code location for Rocketchip, you should also export the path:
The path should lead to the directory containing the rocketchip
script, not the script itself. This will allow Rocketchip to be executed from anywhere at your terminal.
To test if you have set up ROCKETCHIP_SRC
correctly, restart your terminal or source .bashrc
or whatever file you typically source from, then run rocketchip --help
. This should show something like this:
usage: rocketchip [-h] [--data <str>] [--src <str>] [--output_file <str>] <path>
Make Snakefiles
positional arguments:
<path> Path to configuration file. See README for details
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data <str> override/set current ROCKETCHIP_DATA environment variable
--src <str> override/set current ROCKETCHIP_SRC environment variable
--output_file <str> output snakefile name (default: STDOUT)
- Run Rocketchip
Enter the directory containing the project_file.yaml
that you have set up (you can rename this, just make sure to change the name in the command below). Assuming you have set ROCKETCHIP_DATA
, all you need to do is run the following:
rocketchip project_file.yaml --output_file {output_file_name}
If you have not set ROCKETCHIP_DATA
, you will need to set them at the command line:
rocketchip project_file.yaml --output_file {output_file_name} --data {directory_to_store_the_data} --src {directory_containing_source_code}
This will generate the Snakefile you have named {output_file_name}
that we will run in the next step.
- Run Snakemake
Now, you will run Snakemake. This follows Snakemake's command line usage, but at it's simplest, you can run:
snakemake -j 1 -s {output_file_name}
Increase -j
to match the number of jobs you would like to parallelize.
There are several output directories, each containing a component of the analysis. These directories are automatically generated when the analysis is run and outputs are automatically sorted into each directory.
The 00_logs
directory contains output logs. Each log is labeled based on the sample name and rule. The logs can be referenced if the analysis fails at a specific rule. It will contain the run information to be referenced.
All sequence data for both the samples and reference genome, including reference genome alignment files, are aliased in this directory. The files are aliased to the files downloaded in ROCKETCHIP_DATA
so that downloading and processing only occurs once per genome/sample. Aliases in the local directly allow the user to see the samples and genome used in a specific project's analysis. These aliases are required for Rocketchip to correctly carry out the workflow.
FastQC analysis (quality control) is carried out on raw sequence data, specifically after conversion from an SRA file to FASTQ file, and again after sequence alignment and processing.
contains the SAM files generated for each sample by the reference genome alignment.
All BAM files are stored in this folder, including intermediates of samtools flagging, sorting, and deduplication. Steps are labeled using tags in the file name.
Bigwig files are used for visualization of ChIP-seq data and are one of the final products of the analysis.
This directory contains the files delineating the peaks. These peaks will be used in answering the biological question you are asking using the data. In many instances, the peaks correspond to the binding sites of a protein of interest.
If you are using Cisgenome as your peak caller, you will need to install it separately, as it is not available through Conda. Rocketchip is compatible with version 2.0.
To install it, enter the tools/
directory of this repository or the directory of your choice (if so, just change the paths appropriately) and carry out the following commands.
- Download Cisgenome v2.0
- Unzip and untar the file
tar zvfx cisgenome_v2.0_linux.tar.gz
- Enter the Cisgenome folder
cd cisgenome_project/
- Run
Fortunately, the executables work after unzipping and untarring, so if this last step fails, then you can instead add the bin
directory to your configuration file (e.g. .bashrc
, .bash_profile
, .profile
) like so, making sure to edit the part that says {your_directory} to reflect your directory structure:
export PATH=$PATH:{your_directory}/rocketchip/tools/cisgenome_project/bin
Now, either source your configuration file or restart your terminal. To confirm proper installation, you can run:
This will display the options available for use, indicating that you are able to execute it.
Feel free to contact me at, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.