A Terraria mod that reimplements the wiring system much more efficiently
A fully compliant RISC-V computer made inside the game Terraria
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ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics DBMS
AWS SES transport for Nodemailer
✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake!
a custom template for create-react-app
React component to format numbers in an input or as a text.
A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser
A thin, typed, React wrapper over Google Charts Visualization and Charts API.
A workaround for the '100vh' issue in mobile browsers
Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation (CVPR 2019)
Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Capital Case, snake_case and more
Node is running but you don't know why? why-is-node-running is here to help you.
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It is flexible, offers heuristic parsing, and additionally provides extensive support…
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋
Cocos2d for Web Browsers. Built using JavaScript.
Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe. Its core has evolved to serve as the foundation for Cocos Creator 1.…
🐫 Underscore-to-camelCase converter (and vice versa) for strings and object keys in JavaScript.
animates the scroll top/left position of an element (345 B)