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wifi microphone on esp8266

In project uses an I2S microphone SPH0645(INMP441), ESP-12E. L/R pin of mic connected to ground. To play audio insert in vlc "http:\\wifi-mic.local:8080\rec.wav" or "http:\\ip_of_mic:8080\rec.wav". Initially, you need to connect to the access point "wifi-mic_ap" and configure the access settings. You can find the ip address from the UART terminal, or from the program on your smartphone - "bonjour browser". Examples of recording audio 16 and 24 bits - tttt_16.wav , tttt_24.wav

serial_audio.exe - program for wifi_microphone, it allows you to testing microphone through a serial port (uncomment "//#define NO_WIFI").

My microphone module INMP441 broke down after a while, i tested another module - GY-SPH0645, it gives a better sound. UPD: the microphone INMP441 from the new batch also gives high-quality sound.


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