The company in view is an Amazon Fright Partner. They handle logistics using haulage vans for Amazon and now have a need to technologically manage the schedule of their staff.
This project features a management portal for scheduling duties and rota for the business. It would capture regular shift hours and overtiming working, also allowing users to check in when their shifts starts and end.
The database Schema can be found here
Be sure to be in rotas Directory cd rotas
Run cp .env.example .env
Run composer install
Run php artisan key:generate
Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed to remove all tables, migrate it again then seed superadmin.
Run php artisan passport:install --force to generate Encryption keys and Personal access client for O2auth by passport
Run php artisan composer dump-autoload
Run php artisan composer config:clear
email: password: password
API endpoints are found in the API documentation here