This is a collection of tools that I have written while working as a TA for CMSC330 at the University of Maryland. A lot of them are related to Gradescope, since there was a lot of functionality that I needed that just isn't there yet.
Some of this may become outdated and cease to work. If this happens, feel free to submit an issue, PR, or email me at if this happens and I will try to fix it.
The tools in this repository are listed below:
Use this for computing project grades because Gradescope can't do stuff like extensions, late penalties, etc.
Use this for formatting the UMEG course roster(s) into more useful and readable formats.
Track TA's grading progress on Gradescope online assignments and exams.
This repository contains base Docker images for setting up projects (Ruby, OCaml, Rust) for the Gradescope Autograder, and some example project setups.
Take attendance more easily during exams by swiping the ID cards.
A general list of useful how-tos that don't necessarily require any additional tools, but may not be intuitive or straightforward.