CSSP - Assembléia Legislativa do RS
- Porto Alegre - RS
(UTC -03:00) - valmojltrindade@gmail.com
Lists (1)
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A nestjs module that provide a cli to your application.
Yet another open source TAK Server for ATAK, iTAK, and WinTAK
A repository to show off to the community methods of testing NestJS including Unit Tests, Integration Tests, E2E Tests, pipes, filters, interceptors, GraphQL, Mongo, TypeORM, and more!
Open-source mod that includes aditional factions to the original BRAF Mod, can also be used as base for mods using the BRAF mod as dependency.
Tools to generate realistic Arma3 terrain from OpenStreeMap data in an highly automated process.
Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 (ACRE2) for Arma 3
🤖 A module for creating Discord bots using NestJS, based on Discord.js
Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients