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Page dedicated to data exploratory analysis, preparation, cleaning, pre-processing / wrangling, generation, feature engineering and other related topics

Data Exploratory Analysis

Data preparation

Data cleaning

Data preprocessing / Data Wrangling


Data Generation

Generate numeric data fitting a model/distribution (to fit linear model / ring / etc)

Generate random data matching a rule or type (people’s names / phone numbers / etc, financial data, etc)

Generate data from existing

Generate fake images

Generate data using GAN

Feature engineering / selection


Common mistakes when training models (data related)

  • Having a lot more training examples of one type of object than the other types
  • Accidentally testing the neural network using images that were in the training set
  • Training the neural network on data that is easier to recognize or more consistent than the real-world data it will be used to classify later on


See under Data Science and related cheatsheets and also under Tools & Libraries, Cheatsheets, Resources

Course / books

Best practices / rules / an unordered list of high level or low level guidelines

Framework(s) / checklist(s)


Programs and Tools

See Programs and Tools




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