Login-Landing | Demo Angular Project
This project is a demonstration of an Angular application with routing.
It showcases a simple project structure with three routes: '' (empty), /home, and /login.
Find more in the repo in README.
Angular Nested Dropdown Menu
Home Assignment: Dynamic nested menus
Please create an angular application
Use Bootstrap to design the menus button + icon
Create components for menu + menu item
Create a nested array for menu item `title: string, icon: string, route: string, children: MenuItem[]`
Create navigation for pages
Change menu view on mobile (tablet)
Angular STMS Test Task
A button on each route: orders, patients should fetch data from a mock API
Orders: https://api.mocki.io/v2/79fb05cb
Patients: https://api.mocki.io/v2/51597ef3
* The result should be displayed in a list
* A button to "add to follow list" should appear on each item row
* Add a third route that shows the items the user added to their follow list (item can't be duplicated in the follow list, item should be marked that it's in the follow list)
* In the follow-list route - a button on each item should remove the item from the list
* Bonus: The list should be filterable by a form input that filters by firstName (patient) / orderName (order)
* Bonus: Please make it look nice
Acme Rockets | tailwindcss tutorial
The tailwindcss tutorial of mock 'Acme Rockets' company
Workshop of NX DDD
A simple NX project structure example of Domain Driven Development.
Find more in the repo in README.
- Repo πΎ
- There is no demo available.
The Newborn | M.E.A.N. stack
The Newborn - is education project, based on M.E.A.N. stack (Mongo Express Angular Nodejs).
Udemy course.
- Repo πΎ
- There is no demo available.
Penny | Angular
The simple educational project of Angular.
Udemy course.
- Repo πΎ
- There is no demo available.