diff --git a/darts/ad/__init__.py b/darts/ad/__init__.py
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index 0000000000..3996373070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Anomaly Detection
+A suite of tools for performing anomaly detection and classification
+on time series.
+* `Anomaly Scorers `_
+ are at the core of the anomaly detection module. They
+ produce anomaly scores time series, either for single series (``score()``),
+ or for series accompanied by some predictions (``score_from_prediction()``).
+ Scorers can be trainable (e.g., ``KMeansScorer``) or not (e.g., ``NormScorer``).
+* `Anomaly Models `_
+ offer a convenient way to produce anomaly scores from any of Darts
+ forecasting models (``ForecastingAnomalyModel``) or filtering models (``FilteringAnomalyModel``),
+ by comparing models' predictions with actual observations.
+ These classes take as parameters one Darts model, and one or multiple scorers, and can be readily
+ used to produce anomaly scores with the ``score()`` method.
+* `Anomaly Detectors `_:
+ transform raw time series (such as anaomly scores) into binary anomaly time series.
+* `Anomaly Aggregators `_:
+ combine multiple binary anomaly time series (in the form of multivariate time series)
+ into a single binary anomaly time series applying boolean logic.
+# anomaly aggregators
+from .aggregators import AndAggregator, EnsembleSklearnAggregator, OrAggregator
+# anomaly models
+from .anomaly_model import FilteringAnomalyModel, ForecastingAnomalyModel
+# anomaly detectors
+from .detectors import QuantileDetector, ThresholdDetector
+# anomaly scorers
+from .scorers import (
+ CauchyNLLScorer,
+ DifferenceScorer,
+ ExponentialNLLScorer,
+ GammaNLLScorer,
+ GaussianNLLScorer,
+ KMeansScorer,
+ LaplaceNLLScorer,
+ NormScorer,
+ PoissonNLLScorer,
+ PyODScorer,
+ WassersteinScorer,
diff --git a/darts/ad/aggregators/__init__.py b/darts/ad/aggregators/__init__.py
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index 0000000000..324b54b24b
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+++ b/darts/ad/aggregators/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Anomaly Aggregators
+An anomaly aggregator can take multiple detected anomalies
+(in the form of binary TimeSeries, as coming from an anomaly detector)
+and combine them into one. It can typically be used to combine
+the detections of multiple models into one final detection.
+The key method is ``predict()``, which takes as input one (or multiple)
+multivariate binary TimeSeries where each component represents the
+detection of a single model, and returns one (or multiple) univariate
+binary TimeSeries representing the final detection.
+from .and_aggregator import AndAggregator
+from .ensemble_sklearn_aggregator import EnsembleSklearnAggregator
+from .or_aggregator import OrAggregator
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index 0000000000..b9980922e2
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+++ b/darts/ad/aggregators/aggregators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+Anomaly aggregators base classes
+# TODO:
+# - add customize aggregators
+# - add in trainable aggregators
+# - log regression
+# - decision tree
+# - create show_all_combined (info about correlation, and from what path did
+# the anomaly alarm came from)
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
+import numpy as np
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.utils import _to_list, eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction
+from darts.logging import raise_if_not
+class Aggregator(ABC):
+ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __str__(self):
+ """returns the name of the aggregator"""
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _predict_core(self):
+ """returns the aggregated results"""
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def predict(
+ self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Aggregates the (sequence of) multivariate binary series given as
+ input into a (sequence of) univariate binary series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) multivariate binary series to aggregate
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TimeSeries
+ (Sequence of) aggregated results
+ """
+ pass
+ def _check_input(self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]):
+ """
+ Checks for input if:
+ - it is a (sequence of) multivariate series (width>1)
+ - (sequence of) series must be:
+ * a deterministic TimeSeries
+ * binary (only values equal to 0 or 1)
+ """
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width > 1 for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be multivariate (width>1).",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.is_deterministic for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be deterministic (number of samples=1).",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all(
+ [
+ np.array_equal(
+ s.values(copy=False), s.values(copy=False).astype(bool)
+ )
+ for s in list_series
+ ]
+ ),
+ "all series in `series` must be binary (only 0 and 1 values).",
+ )
+ return list_series
+ def eval_accuracy(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ series: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ window: int = 1,
+ metric: str = "recall",
+ ) -> Union[float, Sequence[float]]:
+ """Aggregates the (sequence of) multivariate series given as input into one (sequence of)
+ series and evaluates the results against true anomalies.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The (sequence of) ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ series
+ The (sequence of) multivariate binary series to aggregate
+ window
+ (Sequence of) integer value indicating the number of past samples each point
+ represents in the (sequence of) series. The parameter will be used by the
+ function ``_window_adjustment_anomalies()`` in darts.ad.utils to transform
+ actual_anomalies.
+ metric
+ Metric function to use. Must be one of "recall", "precision",
+ "f1", and "accuracy".
+ Default: "recall"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float]]
+ (Sequence of) score for the (sequence of) series
+ """
+ list_actual_anomalies = _to_list(actual_anomalies)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.is_deterministic for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be deterministic (number of samples=1).",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == 1 for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be univariate (width=1).",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_actual_anomalies) == len(_to_list(series)),
+ "`actual_anomalies` and `series` must contain the same number of series.",
+ )
+ preds = self.predict(series)
+ return eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction(
+ list_actual_anomalies, preds, window, metric
+ )
+class NonFittableAggregator(Aggregator):
+ "Base class of Aggregators that do not need training."
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ # indicates if the Aggregator is trainable or not
+ self.trainable = False
+ def predict(
+ self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Aggregates the (sequence of) multivariate binary series given as
+ input into a (sequence of) univariate binary series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) multivariate binary series to aggregate
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TimeSeries
+ (Sequence of) aggregated results
+ """
+ list_series = self._check_input(series)
+ if isinstance(series, TimeSeries):
+ return self._predict_core(list_series)[0]
+ else:
+ return self._predict_core(list_series)
+class FittableAggregator(Aggregator):
+ "Base class of Aggregators that do need training."
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ # indicates if the Aggregator is trainable or not
+ self.trainable = True
+ # indicates if the Aggregator has been trained yet
+ self._fit_called = False
+ def _assert_fit_called(self):
+ """Checks if the Aggregator has been fitted before calling its `score()` function."""
+ raise_if_not(
+ self._fit_called,
+ f"The Aggregator {self.__str__()} has not been fitted yet. Call `fit()` first.",
+ )
+ def fit(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ):
+ """Fit the aggregators on the (sequence of) multivariate binary series.
+ If a list of series is given, they must have the same number of components.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The (sequence of) ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ series
+ The (sequence of) multivariate binary series
+ """
+ list_series = self._check_input(series)
+ self.width_trained_on = list_series[0].width
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == self.width_trained_on for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `list_series` must have the same number of components.",
+ )
+ list_actual_anomalies = _to_list(actual_anomalies)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.is_deterministic for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be deterministic (width=1).",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == 1 for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be univariate (width=1).",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_actual_anomalies) == len(list_series),
+ "`actual_anomalies` and `series` must contain the same number of series.",
+ )
+ same_intersection = list(
+ zip(
+ *[
+ [anomalies.slice_intersect(series), series.slice_intersect(series)]
+ for (anomalies, series) in zip(list_actual_anomalies, list_series)
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ list_actual_anomalies = list(same_intersection[0])
+ list_series = list(same_intersection[1])
+ ret = self._fit_core(list_actual_anomalies, list_series)
+ self._fit_called = True
+ return ret
+ def predict(
+ self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Aggregates the (sequence of) multivariate binary series given as
+ input into a (sequence of) univariate binary series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) multivariate binary series to aggregate
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TimeSeries
+ (Sequence of) aggregated results
+ """
+ self._assert_fit_called()
+ list_series = self._check_input(series)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == self.width_trained_on for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must have the same number of components as the data"
+ + " used for training the detector model, number of components in training:"
+ + f" {self.width_trained_on}.",
+ )
+ if isinstance(series, TimeSeries):
+ return self._predict_core(list_series)[0]
+ else:
+ return self._predict_core(list_series)
diff --git a/darts/ad/aggregators/and_aggregator.py b/darts/ad/aggregators/and_aggregator.py
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index 0000000000..1e12bc6efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/aggregators/and_aggregator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+AND Aggregator
+Aggregator that identifies a time step as anomalous if all the components
+are flagged as anomalous (logical AND).
+from typing import Sequence
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.aggregators.aggregators import NonFittableAggregator
+class AndAggregator(NonFittableAggregator):
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "AndAggregator"
+ def _predict_core(self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries]) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]:
+ return [
+ s.sum(axis=1).map(lambda x: (x >= s.width).astype(s.dtype)) for s in series
+ ]
diff --git a/darts/ad/aggregators/ensemble_sklearn_aggregator.py b/darts/ad/aggregators/ensemble_sklearn_aggregator.py
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index 0000000000..e053819d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/aggregators/ensemble_sklearn_aggregator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Ensemble scikit-learn aggregator
+Aggregator wrapped around the Ensemble model of sklearn.
+`sklearn https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/ensemble.html`_.
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from sklearn.ensemble import BaseEnsemble
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.aggregators.aggregators import FittableAggregator
+from darts.logging import raise_if_not
+class EnsembleSklearnAggregator(FittableAggregator):
+ def __init__(self, model) -> None:
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(model, BaseEnsemble),
+ f"Scorer is expecting a model of type BaseEnsemble (from sklearn ensemble), \
+ found type {type(model)}.",
+ )
+ self.model = model
+ super().__init__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "EnsembleSklearnAggregator: {}".format(
+ self.model.__str__().split("(")[0]
+ )
+ def _fit_core(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ series: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ ):
+ X = np.concatenate(
+ [s.all_values(copy=False).reshape(len(s), -1) for s in series],
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ y = np.concatenate(
+ [s.all_values(copy=False).reshape(len(s)) for s in actual_anomalies],
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ self.model.fit(y=y, X=X)
+ return self
+ def _predict_core(self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries]) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]:
+ return [
+ TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ s.time_index,
+ self.model.predict((s).all_values(copy=False).reshape(len(s), -1)),
+ )
+ for s in series
+ ]
diff --git a/darts/ad/aggregators/or_aggregator.py b/darts/ad/aggregators/or_aggregator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5737839630
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+++ b/darts/ad/aggregators/or_aggregator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+OR Aggregator
+Aggregator that identifies a time step as anomalous if any of the components
+is flagged as anomalous (logical OR).
+from typing import Sequence
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.aggregators.aggregators import NonFittableAggregator
+class OrAggregator(NonFittableAggregator):
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "OrAggregator"
+ def _predict_core(self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries]) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]:
+ return [s.sum(axis=1).map(lambda x: (x > 0).astype(s.dtype)) for s in series]
diff --git a/darts/ad/anomaly_model/__init__.py b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/__init__.py
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index 0000000000..50af79dbc6
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+++ b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Anomaly Models
+Anomaly models make it possible to use any of Darts' forecasting
+or filtering models to detect anomalies in time series.
+The basic idea is to compare the predictions produced by a fitted model (the forecasts
+or the filtered series) with the actual observations, and to emit an anomaly score
+describing how "different" the observations are from the predictions.
+An anomaly model takes as parameters a model and one or multiple scorer objects.
+The key method is ``score()``, which takes as input one (or multiple)
+time series and produces one or multiple anomaly scores time series, for each provided series.
+:class:`ForecastingAnomalyModel` works with Darts forecasting models, and :class:`FilteringAnomalyModel`
+works with Darts filtering models.
+The anomaly models can also be fitted by calling :func:`fit()`, which trains the scorer(s)
+(in case some are trainable), and potentially the model as well.
+The function :func:`eval_accuracy()` is the same as :func:`score()`, but outputs the score of an agnostic
+threshold metric ("AUC-ROC" or "AUC-PR"), between the predicted anomaly score time series, and some known binary
+ground-truth time series indicating the presence of actual anomalies.
+Finally, the function :func:`show_anomalies()` can also be used to visualize the predictions
+(in-sample predictions and anomaly scores) of the anomaly model.
+from .filtering_am import FilteringAnomalyModel
+from .forecasting_am import ForecastingAnomalyModel
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+++ b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/anomaly_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Anomaly models base classes
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Dict, Sequence, Union
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import AnomalyScorer
+from darts.ad.utils import (
+ _to_list,
+ eval_accuracy_from_scores,
+ show_anomalies_from_scores,
+from darts.logging import raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+class AnomalyModel(ABC):
+ """Base class for all anomaly models."""
+ def __init__(self, model, scorer):
+ self.scorers = _to_list(scorer)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, AnomalyScorer) for s in self.scorers]),
+ "all scorers must be of instance darts.ad.scorers.AnomalyScorer.",
+ )
+ self.scorers_are_trainable = any(s.trainable for s in self.scorers)
+ self.univariate_scoring = any(s.univariate_scorer for s in self.scorers)
+ self.model = model
+ def _check_univariate(self, actual_anomalies):
+ """Checks if `actual_anomalies` contains only univariate series, which
+ is required if any of the scorers returns a univariate score.
+ """
+ if self.univariate_scoring:
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == 1 for s in actual_anomalies]),
+ "Anomaly model contains scorer {} that will return".format(
+ [s.__str__() for s in self.scorers if s.univariate_scorer]
+ )
+ + " a univariate anomaly score series (width=1). Found a"
+ + " multivariate `actual_anomalies`. The evaluation of the"
+ + " accuracy cannot be computed. If applicable, think about"
+ + " setting the scorer parameter `componenet_wise` to True.",
+ )
+ @abstractmethod
+ def fit(
+ self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def score(
+ self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def eval_accuracy(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def show_anomalies(self, series: TimeSeries):
+ pass
+ def _show_anomalies(
+ self,
+ series: TimeSeries,
+ model_output: TimeSeries = None,
+ anomaly_scores: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] = None,
+ names_of_scorers: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
+ actual_anomalies: TimeSeries = None,
+ title: str = None,
+ metric: str = None,
+ ):
+ """Internal function that plots the results of the anomaly model.
+ Called by the function show_anomalies().
+ """
+ if title is None:
+ title = f"Anomaly results ({self.model.__class__.__name__})"
+ if names_of_scorers is None:
+ names_of_scorers = [s.__str__() for s in self.scorers]
+ list_window = [s.window for s in self.scorers]
+ return show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series,
+ model_output=model_output,
+ anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores,
+ window=list_window,
+ names_of_scorers=names_of_scorers,
+ actual_anomalies=actual_anomalies,
+ title=title,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ def _eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ self,
+ list_actual_anomalies: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ list_anomaly_scores: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ metric: str,
+ ) -> Union[Sequence[Dict[str, float]], Sequence[Dict[str, Sequence[float]]]]:
+ """Internal function that computes the accuracy of the anomaly scores
+ computed by the model. Called by the function eval_accuracy().
+ """
+ windows = [s.window for s in self.scorers]
+ # create a list of unique names for each scorer that
+ # will be used as keys for the dictionary containing
+ # the accuracy of each scorer.
+ name_scorers = []
+ for scorer in self.scorers:
+ name = scorer.__str__() + "_w=" + str(scorer.window)
+ if name in name_scorers:
+ i = 1
+ new_name = name + "_" + str(i)
+ while new_name in name_scorers:
+ i = i + 1
+ new_name = name + "_" + str(i)
+ name = new_name
+ name_scorers.append(name)
+ acc = []
+ for anomalies, scores in zip(list_actual_anomalies, list_anomaly_scores):
+ acc.append(
+ eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=anomalies,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=windows,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ )
+ return [dict(zip(name_scorers, scorer_values)) for scorer_values in acc]
diff --git a/darts/ad/anomaly_model/filtering_am.py b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/filtering_am.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9679bc2906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/filtering_am.py
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+Filtering Anomaly Model
+A ``FilteringAnomalyModel`` wraps around a Darts filtering model and one or
+several anomaly scorer(s) to compute anomaly scores
+by comparing how actuals deviate from the model's predictions (filtered series).
+from typing import Dict, Sequence, Union
+from darts.ad.anomaly_model.anomaly_model import AnomalyModel
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import AnomalyScorer
+from darts.ad.utils import _assert_same_length, _to_list
+from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if_not
+from darts.models.filtering.filtering_model import FilteringModel
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class FilteringAnomalyModel(AnomalyModel):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model: FilteringModel,
+ scorer: Union[AnomalyScorer, Sequence[AnomalyScorer]],
+ ):
+ """Filtering-based Anomaly Detection Model
+ The filtering model may or may not be already fitted. The underlying assumption is that this model
+ should be able to adequately filter the series in the absence of anomalies. For this reason,
+ it is recommended to either provide a model that has already been fitted and evaluated to work
+ appropriately on a series without anomalies, or to ensure that a simple call to the :func:`fit()`
+ function of the model will be sufficient to train it to satisfactory performance on series without anomalies.
+ Calling :func:`fit()` on the anomaly model will fit the underlying filtering model only
+ if ``allow_model_training`` is set to ``True`` upon calling ``fit()``.
+ In addition, calling :func:`fit()` will also fit the fittable scorers, if any.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ filter
+ A filtering model from Darts that will be used to filter the actual time series
+ scorer
+ One or multiple scorer(s) that will be used to compare the actual and predicted time series in order
+ to obtain an anomaly score ``TimeSeries``.
+ If a list of `N` scorer is given, the anomaly model will call each
+ one of the scorers and output a list of `N` anomaly scores ``TimeSeries``.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(model, FilteringModel),
+ f"`model` must be a darts.models.filtering not a {type(model)}.",
+ )
+ self.filter = model
+ super().__init__(model=model, scorer=scorer)
+ def fit(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ allow_model_training: bool = False,
+ **filter_fit_kwargs,
+ ):
+ """Fit the underlying filtering model (if applicable) and the fittable scorers, if any.
+ Train the filter (if not already fitted and `allow_filter_training` is set to True)
+ and the scorer(s) on the given time series.
+ The filter model will be applied to the given series, and the results will be used
+ to train the scorer(s).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to be trained on.
+ allow_model_training
+ Boolean value that indicates if the filtering model needs to be fitted on the given series.
+ If set to False, the model needs to be already fitted.
+ Default: False
+ filter_fit_kwargs
+ Parameters to be passed on to the filtering model ``fit()`` method.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self
+ Fitted model
+ """
+ # TODO: add support for covariates (see eg. Kalman Filter)
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(allow_model_training) is bool,
+ f"`allow_filter_training` must be Boolean, found type: {type(allow_model_training)}.",
+ )
+ # checks if model does not need training and all scorer(s) are not fittable
+ if not allow_model_training and not self.scorers_are_trainable:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"The filtering model {self.model.__class__.__name__} is not required to be trained"
+ + " because the parameter `allow_filter_training` is set to False, and no scorer"
+ + " fittable. The ``.fit()`` function has no effect."
+ )
+ return
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all input `series` must be of type Timeseries.",
+ )
+ if allow_model_training:
+ # fit filtering model
+ if hasattr(self.filter, "fit"):
+ # TODO: check if filter is already fitted (for now fit it regardless -> only Kalman)
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_series) == 1,
+ f"Filter model {self.model.__class__.__name__} can only be fitted on a"
+ + " single time series, but multiple are provided.",
+ )
+ self.filter.fit(list_series[0], **filter_fit_kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`allow_filter_training` was set to True, but the filter"
+ + f" {self.model.__class__.__name__} has no fit() method."
+ )
+ else:
+ # TODO: check if Kalman is fitted or not
+ # if not raise error "fit filter before, or set `allow_filter_training` to TRUE"
+ pass
+ if self.scorers_are_trainable:
+ list_pred = [self.filter.filter(series) for series in list_series]
+ # fit the scorers
+ for scorer in self.scorers:
+ if hasattr(scorer, "fit"):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(list_series, list_pred)
+ return self
+ def show_anomalies(
+ self,
+ series: TimeSeries,
+ actual_anomalies: TimeSeries = None,
+ names_of_scorers: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
+ title: str = None,
+ metric: str = None,
+ **score_kwargs,
+ ):
+ """Plot the results of the anomaly model.
+ Computes the score on the given series input and shows the different anomaly scores with respect to time.
+ The plot will be composed of the following:
+ - the series itself with the output of the filtering model
+ - the anomaly score of each scorer. The scorer with different windows will be separated.
+ - the actual anomalies, if given.
+ It is possible to:
+ - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title`
+ - give personalized names for the scorers with `names_of_scorers`
+ - show the results of a metric for each anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR), if the actual anomalies are given
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The series to visualize anomalies from.
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ names_of_scorers
+ Name of the scorers. Must be a list of length equal to the number of scorers in the anomaly_model.
+ title
+ Title of the figure
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ score_kwargs
+ parameters for the `.score()` function
+ """
+ if isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(series) == 1,
+ f"`show_anomalies` expects one series, found a sequence of length {len(series)} as input.",
+ )
+ series = series[0]
+ anomaly_scores, model_output = self.score(
+ series, return_model_prediction=True, **score_kwargs
+ )
+ return self._show_anomalies(
+ series,
+ model_output=model_output,
+ anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores,
+ names_of_scorers=names_of_scorers,
+ actual_anomalies=actual_anomalies,
+ title=title,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ def score(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ return_model_prediction: bool = False,
+ **filter_kwargs,
+ ):
+ """Compute the anomaly score(s) for the given series.
+ Predicts the given target time series with the filtering model, and applies the scorer(s)
+ to compare the predicted (filtered) series and the provided series.
+ Outputs the anomaly score(s) of the provided time series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to score.
+ return_model_prediction
+ Boolean value indicating if the prediction of the model should be returned along the anomaly score
+ Default: False
+ filter_kwargs
+ parameters of the Darts `.filter()` filtering model
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]]
+ Anomaly scores series generated by the anomaly model scorers
+ - ``TimeSeries`` if `series` is a series, and the anomaly model contains one scorer.
+ - ``Sequence[TimeSeries]``
+ * If `series` is a series, and the anomaly model contains multiple scorers,
+ returns one series per scorer.
+ * If `series` is a sequence, and the anomaly model contains one scorer,
+ returns one series per series in the sequence.
+ - ``Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]`` if `series` is a sequence, and the anomaly
+ model contains multiple scorers.
+ The outer sequence is over the series, and inner sequence is over the scorers.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(return_model_prediction) is bool,
+ f"`return_model_prediction` must be Boolean, found type: {type(return_model_prediction)}.",
+ )
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ # TODO: vectorize this call later on if we have any filtering models allowing this
+ list_pred = [self.filter.filter(s, **filter_kwargs) for s in list_series]
+ scores = list(
+ zip(
+ *[
+ sc.score_from_prediction(list_series, list_pred)
+ for sc in self.scorers
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if len(scores) == 1 and not isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ # there's only one series
+ scores = scores[0]
+ if len(scores) == 1:
+ # there's only one scorer
+ scores = scores[0]
+ if len(list_pred) == 1:
+ list_pred = list_pred[0]
+ if return_model_prediction:
+ return scores, list_pred
+ else:
+ return scores
+ def eval_accuracy(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ metric: str = "AUC_ROC",
+ **filter_kwargs,
+ ) -> Union[
+ Dict[str, float],
+ Dict[str, Sequence[float]],
+ Sequence[Dict[str, float]],
+ Sequence[Dict[str, Sequence[float]]],
+ ]:
+ """Compute the accuracy of the anomaly scores computed by the model.
+ Predicts the `series` with the filtering model, and applies the
+ scorer(s) on the filtered time series and the given target time series. Returns the
+ score(s) of an agnostic threshold metric, based on the anomaly score given by the scorer(s).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The (sequence of) ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to predict anomalies on.
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ filter_kwargs
+ parameters of the Darts `.filter()` filtering model
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[Dict[str, float], Dict[str, Sequence[float]], Sequence[Dict[str, float]],
+ Sequence[Dict[str, Sequence[float]]]]
+ Score for the time series.
+ A (sequence of) dictionary with the keys being the name of the scorers, and the values being the
+ metric results on the (sequence of) `series`. If the scorer treats every dimension independently
+ (by nature of the scorer or if its component_wise is set to True), the values of the dictionary
+ will be a Sequence containing the score for each dimension.
+ """
+ list_series, list_actual_anomalies = _to_list(series), _to_list(
+ actual_anomalies
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all input `series` must be of type Timeseries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all input `actual_anomalies` must be of type Timeseries.",
+ )
+ _assert_same_length(list_series, list_actual_anomalies)
+ self._check_univariate(list_actual_anomalies)
+ list_anomaly_scores = self.score(series=list_series, **filter_kwargs)
+ acc_anomaly_scores = self._eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ list_actual_anomalies=list_actual_anomalies,
+ list_anomaly_scores=list_anomaly_scores,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ if len(acc_anomaly_scores) == 1 and not isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ return acc_anomaly_scores[0]
+ else:
+ return acc_anomaly_scores
diff --git a/darts/ad/anomaly_model/forecasting_am.py b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/forecasting_am.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0c074e0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/anomaly_model/forecasting_am.py
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+Forecasting Anomaly Model
+A ``ForecastingAnomalyModel`` wraps around a Darts forecasting model and one or several anomaly
+scorer(s) to compute anomaly scores by comparing how actuals deviate from the model's forecasts.
+# TODO:
+# - put start default value to its minimal value (wait for the release of historical_forecast)
+import inspect
+from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union
+import pandas as pd
+from darts.ad.anomaly_model.anomaly_model import AnomalyModel
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import AnomalyScorer
+from darts.ad.utils import _assert_same_length, _assert_timeseries, _to_list
+from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if_not
+from darts.models.forecasting.forecasting_model import ForecastingModel
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class ForecastingAnomalyModel(AnomalyModel):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model: ForecastingModel,
+ scorer: Union[AnomalyScorer, Sequence[AnomalyScorer]],
+ ):
+ """Forecasting-based Anomaly Detection Model
+ The forecasting model may or may not be already fitted. The underlying assumption is that `model`
+ should be able to accurately forecast the series in the absence of anomalies. For this reason,
+ it is recommended to either provide a model that has already been fitted and evaluated to work
+ appropriately on a series without anomalies, or to ensure that a simple call to the :func:`fit()`
+ method of the model will be sufficient to train it to satisfactory performance on a series without anomalies.
+ Calling :func:`fit()` on the anomaly model will fit the underlying forecasting model only
+ if ``allow_model_training`` is set to ``True`` upon calling ``fit()``.
+ In addition, calling :func:`fit()` will also fit the fittable scorers, if any.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ model
+ An instance of a Darts forecasting model.
+ scorer
+ One or multiple scorer(s) that will be used to compare the actual and predicted time series in order
+ to obtain an anomaly score ``TimeSeries``.
+ If a list of `N` scorers is given, the anomaly model will call each
+ one of the scorers and output a list of `N` anomaly scores ``TimeSeries``.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(model, ForecastingModel),
+ f"Model must be a darts ForecastingModel not a {type(model)}.",
+ )
+ self.model = model
+ super().__init__(model=model, scorer=scorer)
+ def fit(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
+ future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
+ allow_model_training: bool = False,
+ forecast_horizon: int = 1,
+ start: Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int] = 0.5,
+ num_samples: int = 1,
+ **model_fit_kwargs,
+ ):
+ """Fit the underlying forecasting model (if applicable) and the fittable scorers, if any.
+ Train the model (if not already fitted and ``allow_model_training`` is set to True) and the
+ scorer(s) (if fittable) on the given time series.
+ Once the model is fitted, the series historical forecasts are computed,
+ representing what would have been forecasted by this model on the series.
+ The prediction and the series are then used to train the scorer(s).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ One or multiple (if the model supports it) target series to be
+ trained on (generally assumed to be anomaly-free).
+ past_covariates
+ Optional past-observed covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports past covariates.
+ future_covariates
+ Optional future-known covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports future covariates.
+ allow_model_training
+ Boolean value that indicates if the forecasting model needs to be fitted on the given series.
+ If set to False, the model needs to be already fitted.
+ Default: False
+ forecast_horizon
+ The forecast horizon for the predictions.
+ start
+ The first point of time at which a prediction is computed for a future time.
+ This parameter supports 3 different data types: ``float``, ``int`` and ``pandas.Timestamp``.
+ In the case of ``float``, the parameter will be treated as the proportion of the time series
+ that should lie before the first prediction point.
+ In the case of ``int``, the parameter will be treated as an integer index to the time index of
+ `series` that will be used as first prediction time.
+ In case of ``pandas.Timestamp``, this time stamp will be used to determine the first prediction time
+ directly.
+ Default: 0.5
+ num_samples
+ Number of times a prediction is sampled from a probabilistic model. Should be left set to 1 for
+ deterministic models.
+ model_fit_kwargs
+ Parameters to be passed on to the forecast model ``fit()`` method.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self
+ Fitted model
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(allow_model_training) is bool,
+ f"`allow_model_training` must be Boolean, found type: {type(allow_model_training)}.",
+ )
+ # checks if model does not need training and all scorer(s) are not fittable
+ if not allow_model_training and not self.scorers_are_trainable:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"The forecasting model {self.model.__class__.__name__} won't be trained"
+ + " because the parameter `allow_model_training` is set to False, and no scorer"
+ + " is fittable. ``.fit()`` method has no effect."
+ )
+ return
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all input `series` must be of type Timeseries.",
+ )
+ list_past_covariates = self._prepare_covariates(
+ past_covariates, list_series, "past"
+ )
+ list_future_covariates = self._prepare_covariates(
+ future_covariates, list_series, "future"
+ )
+ model_fit_kwargs["past_covariates"] = list_past_covariates
+ model_fit_kwargs["future_covariates"] = list_future_covariates
+ # fit forecasting model
+ if allow_model_training:
+ # the model has not been trained yet
+ fit_signature_series = (
+ inspect.signature(self.model.fit).parameters["series"].annotation
+ )
+ # checks if model can be trained on multiple time series or only on a time series
+ # TODO: check if model can accept multivariate timeseries, raise error if given and model cannot
+ if "Sequence[darts.timeseries.TimeSeries]" in str(fit_signature_series):
+ self.model.fit(series=list_series, **model_fit_kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_series) == 1,
+ f"Forecasting model {self.model.__class__.__name__} only accepts a single time series"
+ + " for the training phase and not a sequence of multiple of time series.",
+ )
+ self.model.fit(series=list_series[0], **model_fit_kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ self.model._fit_called,
+ f"Model {self.model.__class__.__name__} needs to be trained, consider training "
+ + "it beforehand or setting "
+ + "`allow_model_training` to True (default: False). "
+ + "The model will then be trained on the provided series.",
+ )
+ # generate the historical_forecast() prediction of the model on the train set
+ if self.scorers_are_trainable:
+ # check if the window size of the scorers are lower than the max size allowed
+ self._check_window_size(list_series, start)
+ list_pred = []
+ for idx, series in enumerate(list_series):
+ if list_past_covariates is not None:
+ past_covariates = list_past_covariates[idx]
+ if list_future_covariates is not None:
+ future_covariates = list_future_covariates[idx]
+ list_pred.append(
+ self._predict_with_forecasting(
+ series,
+ past_covariates=past_covariates,
+ future_covariates=future_covariates,
+ forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon,
+ start=start,
+ num_samples=num_samples,
+ )
+ )
+ # fit the scorers
+ for scorer in self.scorers:
+ if hasattr(scorer, "fit"):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(list_series, list_pred)
+ return self
+ def _prepare_covariates(
+ self,
+ covariates: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ series: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ name_covariates: str,
+ ) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]:
+ """Convert `covariates` into Sequence, if not already, and checks if their length is equal to the one of `series`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ covariates
+ Covariate ("future" or "past") of `series`.
+ series
+ The series to be trained on.
+ name_covariates
+ Internal parameter for error message, a string indicating if it is a "future" or "past" covariates.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Sequence[TimeSeries]
+ Covariate time series
+ """
+ if covariates is not None:
+ list_covariates = _to_list(covariates)
+ for covariates in list_covariates:
+ _assert_timeseries(
+ covariates, name_covariates + "_covariates input series"
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_covariates) == len(series),
+ f"Number of {name_covariates}_covariates must match the number of given "
+ + f"series, found length {len(list_covariates)} and expected {len(series)}.",
+ )
+ return list_covariates if covariates is not None else None
+ def show_anomalies(
+ self,
+ series: TimeSeries,
+ past_covariates: Optional[TimeSeries] = None,
+ future_covariates: Optional[TimeSeries] = None,
+ forecast_horizon: int = 1,
+ start: Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int] = 0.5,
+ num_samples: int = 1,
+ actual_anomalies: TimeSeries = None,
+ names_of_scorers: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
+ title: str = None,
+ metric: str = None,
+ ):
+ """Plot the results of the anomaly model.
+ Computes the score on the given series input and shows the different anomaly scores with respect to time.
+ The plot will be composed of the following:
+ - the series itself with the output of the forecasting model.
+ - the anomaly score for each scorer. The scorers with different windows will be separated.
+ - the actual anomalies, if given.
+ It is possible to:
+ - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title`
+ - give personalized names for the scorers with `names_of_scorers`
+ - show the results of a metric for each anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR),
+ if the actual anomalies are provided.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The series to visualize anomalies from.
+ past_covariates
+ An optional past-observed covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports past covariates.
+ future_covariates
+ An optional future-known covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports future covariates.
+ forecast_horizon
+ The forecast horizon for the predictions.
+ start
+ The first point of time at which a prediction is computed for a future time.
+ This parameter supports 3 different data types: ``float``, ``int`` and ``pandas.Timestamp``.
+ In the case of ``float``, the parameter will be treated as the proportion of the time series
+ that should lie before the first prediction point.
+ In the case of ``int``, the parameter will be treated as an integer index to the time index of
+ `series` that will be used as first prediction time.
+ In case of ``pandas.Timestamp``, this time stamp will be used to determine the first prediction time
+ directly.
+ num_samples
+ Number of times a prediction is sampled from a probabilistic model. Should be left set to 1 for
+ deterministic models.
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ names_of_scorers
+ Name of the scores. Must be a list of length equal to the number of scorers in the anomaly_model.
+ title
+ Title of the figure
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ """
+ if isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(series) == 1,
+ f"`show_anomalies` expects one series, found a list of length {len(series)} as input.",
+ )
+ series = series[0]
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(series, TimeSeries),
+ f"`show_anomalies` expects an input of type TimeSeries, found type: {type(series)}.",
+ )
+ anomaly_scores, model_output = self.score(
+ series,
+ past_covariates=past_covariates,
+ future_covariates=future_covariates,
+ forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon,
+ start=start,
+ num_samples=num_samples,
+ return_model_prediction=True,
+ )
+ return self._show_anomalies(
+ series,
+ model_output=model_output,
+ anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores,
+ names_of_scorers=names_of_scorers,
+ actual_anomalies=actual_anomalies,
+ title=title,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ def score(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
+ future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
+ forecast_horizon: int = 1,
+ start: Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int] = 0.5,
+ num_samples: int = 1,
+ return_model_prediction: bool = False,
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Compute anomaly score(s) for the given series.
+ Predicts the given target time series with the forecasting model, and applies the scorer(s)
+ on the prediction and the target input time series. Outputs the anomaly score of the given
+ input time series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to score on.
+ past_covariates
+ An optional past-observed covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports past covariates.
+ future_covariates
+ An optional future-known covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports future covariates.
+ forecast_horizon
+ The forecast horizon for the predictions.
+ start
+ The first point of time at which a prediction is computed for a future time.
+ This parameter supports 3 different data types: ``float``, ``int`` and ``pandas.Timestamp``.
+ In the case of ``float``, the parameter will be treated as the proportion of the time series
+ that should lie before the first prediction point.
+ In the case of ``int``, the parameter will be treated as an integer index to the time index of
+ `series` that will be used as first prediction time.
+ In case of ``pandas.Timestamp``, this time stamp will be used to determine the first prediction time
+ directly. Default: 0.5
+ num_samples
+ Number of times a prediction is sampled from a probabilistic model. Should be left set to 1 for
+ deterministic models.
+ return_model_prediction
+ Boolean value indicating if the prediction of the model should be returned along the anomaly score
+ Default: False
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]]
+ Anomaly scores series generated by the anomaly model scorers
+ - ``TimeSeries`` if `series` is a series, and the anomaly model contains one scorer.
+ - ``Sequence[TimeSeries]``
+ * if `series` is a series, and the anomaly model contains multiple scorers,
+ returns one series per scorer.
+ * if `series` is a sequence, and the anomaly model contains one scorer,
+ returns one series per series in the sequence.
+ - ``Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]`` if `series` is a sequence, and the anomaly
+ model contains multiple scorers. The outer sequence is over the series,
+ and inner sequence is over the scorers.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(return_model_prediction) is bool,
+ f"`return_model_prediction` must be Boolean, found type: {type(return_model_prediction)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ self.model._fit_called,
+ f"Model {self.model} has not been trained. Please call ``.fit()``.",
+ )
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ list_past_covariates = self._prepare_covariates(
+ past_covariates, list_series, "past"
+ )
+ list_future_covariates = self._prepare_covariates(
+ future_covariates, list_series, "future"
+ )
+ # check if the window size of the scorers are lower than the max size allowed
+ self._check_window_size(list_series, start)
+ list_pred = []
+ for idx, s in enumerate(list_series):
+ if list_past_covariates is not None:
+ past_covariates = list_past_covariates[idx]
+ if list_future_covariates is not None:
+ future_covariates = list_future_covariates[idx]
+ list_pred.append(
+ self._predict_with_forecasting(
+ s,
+ past_covariates=past_covariates,
+ future_covariates=future_covariates,
+ forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon,
+ start=start,
+ num_samples=num_samples,
+ )
+ )
+ scores = list(
+ zip(
+ *[
+ sc.score_from_prediction(list_series, list_pred)
+ for sc in self.scorers
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if len(scores) == 1 and not isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ # there's only one series
+ scores = scores[0]
+ if len(scores) == 1:
+ # there's only one scorer
+ scores = scores[0]
+ if len(list_pred) == 1:
+ list_pred = list_pred[0]
+ if return_model_prediction:
+ return scores, list_pred
+ else:
+ return scores
+ def _check_window_size(
+ self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], start: Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int]
+ ):
+ """Checks if the parameters `window` of the scorers are smaller than the maximum window size allowed.
+ The maximum size allowed is equal to the output length of the .historical_forecast() applied on `series`.
+ It is defined by the parameter `start` and the series’ length.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The series given to the .historical_forecast()
+ start
+ Parameter of the .historical_forecast(): first point of time at which a prediction is computed
+ for a future time.
+ """
+ # biggest window of the anomaly_model scorers
+ max_window = max(scorer.window for scorer in self.scorers)
+ for s in series:
+ max_possible_window = (
+ len(s.drop_before(s.get_timestamp_at_point(start))) + 1
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ max_window <= max_possible_window,
+ f"Window size {max_window} is greater than the targeted series length {max_possible_window},"
+ + f" must be lower or equal. Reduce window size, or reduce start value (start: {start}).",
+ )
+ def _predict_with_forecasting(
+ self,
+ series: TimeSeries,
+ past_covariates: Optional[TimeSeries] = None,
+ future_covariates: Optional[TimeSeries] = None,
+ forecast_horizon: int = 1,
+ start: Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int] = None,
+ num_samples: int = 1,
+ ) -> TimeSeries:
+ """Compute the historical forecasts that would have been obtained by this model on the `series`.
+ `retrain` is set to False if possible (this is not supported by all models). If set to True, it will always
+ re-train the model on the entire available history,
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The target time series to use to successively train and evaluate the historical forecasts.
+ past_covariates
+ An optional past-observed covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports past covariates.
+ future_covariates
+ An optional future-known covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only if the model
+ supports future covariates.
+ forecast_horizon
+ The forecast horizon for the predictions
+ start
+ The first point of time at which a prediction is computed for a future time.
+ This parameter supports 3 different data types: ``float``, ``int`` and ``pandas.Timestamp``.
+ In the case of ``float``, the parameter will be treated as the proportion of the time series
+ that should lie before the first prediction point.
+ In the case of ``int``, the parameter will be treated as an integer index to the time index of
+ `series` that will be used as first prediction time.
+ In case of ``pandas.Timestamp``, this time stamp will be used to determine the first prediction time
+ directly.
+ num_samples
+ Number of times a prediction is sampled from a probabilistic model. Should be left set to 1 for
+ deterministic models.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TimeSeries
+ Single ``TimeSeries`` instance created from the last point of each individual forecast.
+ """
+ # TODO: raise an exception. We only support models that do not need retrain
+ # checks if model accepts to not be retrained in the historical_forecasts()
+ if self.model._supports_non_retrainable_historical_forecasts():
+ # default: set to False. Allows a faster computation.
+ retrain = False
+ else:
+ retrain = True
+ historical_forecasts_param = {
+ "past_covariates": past_covariates,
+ "future_covariates": future_covariates,
+ "forecast_horizon": forecast_horizon,
+ "start": start,
+ "retrain": retrain,
+ "num_samples": num_samples,
+ "stride": 1,
+ "last_points_only": True,
+ "verbose": False,
+ }
+ return self.model.historical_forecasts(series, **historical_forecasts_param)
+ def eval_accuracy(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
+ future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
+ forecast_horizon: int = 1,
+ start: Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int] = 0.5,
+ num_samples: int = 1,
+ metric: str = "AUC_ROC",
+ ) -> Union[
+ Dict[str, float],
+ Dict[str, Sequence[float]],
+ Sequence[Dict[str, float]],
+ Sequence[Dict[str, Sequence[float]]],
+ ]:
+ """Compute the accuracy of the anomaly scores computed by the model.
+ Predicts the `series` with the forecasting model, and applies the
+ scorer(s) on the predicted time series and the given target time series. Returns the
+ score(s) of an agnostic threshold metric, based on the anomaly score given by the scorer(s).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The (sequence of) ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to predict anomalies on.
+ past_covariates
+ An optional past-observed covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only
+ if the model supports past covariates.
+ future_covariates
+ An optional future-known covariate series or sequence of series. This applies only
+ if the model supports future covariates.
+ forecast_horizon
+ The forecast horizon for the predictions.
+ start
+ The first point of time at which a prediction is computed for a future time.
+ This parameter supports 3 different data types: ``float``, ``int`` and ``pandas.Timestamp``.
+ In the case of ``float``, the parameter will be treated as the proportion of the time series
+ that should lie before the first prediction point.
+ In the case of ``int``, the parameter will be treated as an integer index to the time index of
+ `series` that will be used as first prediction time.
+ In case of ``pandas.Timestamp``, this time stamp will be used to determine the first prediction time
+ directly.
+ num_samples
+ Number of times a prediction is sampled from a probabilistic model. Should be left set to 1 for
+ deterministic models.
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[Dict[str, float], Dict[str, Sequence[float]], Sequence[Dict[str, float]],
+ Sequence[Dict[str, Sequence[float]]]]
+ Score for the time series.
+ A (sequence of) dictionary with the keys being the name of the scorers, and the values being the
+ metric results on the (sequence of) `series`. If the scorer treats every dimension independently
+ (by nature of the scorer or if its component_wise is set to True), the values of the dictionary
+ will be a Sequence containing the score for each dimension.
+ """
+ list_actual_anomalies = _to_list(actual_anomalies)
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all input `series` must be of type Timeseries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_actual_anomalies]),
+ "all input `actual_anomalies` must be of type Timeseries.",
+ )
+ _assert_same_length(list_actual_anomalies, list_series)
+ self._check_univariate(list_actual_anomalies)
+ list_anomaly_scores = self.score(
+ series=list_series,
+ past_covariates=past_covariates,
+ future_covariates=future_covariates,
+ forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon,
+ start=start,
+ num_samples=num_samples,
+ )
+ acc_anomaly_scores = self._eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ list_actual_anomalies=list_actual_anomalies,
+ list_anomaly_scores=list_anomaly_scores,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ if len(acc_anomaly_scores) == 1 and not isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ return acc_anomaly_scores[0]
+ else:
+ return acc_anomaly_scores
diff --git a/darts/ad/detectors/__init__.py b/darts/ad/detectors/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..820b0f71c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/detectors/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Anomaly Detectors
+Detectors provide binary anomaly classification on time series.
+They can typically be used to transform anomaly scores time series into binary anomaly time series.
+Some detectors are trainable. For instance, ``QuantileDetector`` emits a binary anomaly for
+every time step where the observed value(s) are beyond the quantile(s) observed
+on the training series.
+The main functions are ``fit()`` (for the trainable detectors), ``detect()`` and ``eval_accuracy()``.
+``fit()`` trains the detector over the history of one or multiple time series. It can
+for instance be called on series containing anomaly scores (or even raw values) during normal times.
+The function ``detect()`` takes an anomaly score time series as input, and applies the detector
+to obtain binary predictions. The function ``eval_accuracy()`` returns the accuracy metric
+("accuracy", "precision", "recall" or "f1") between a binary prediction time series and some known
+binary ground truth time series indicating the presence of anomalies.
+from .quantile_detector import QuantileDetector
+from .threshold_detector import ThresholdDetector
diff --git a/darts/ad/detectors/detectors.py b/darts/ad/detectors/detectors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88f3b3cc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/detectors/detectors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+Detector Base Classes
+# TODO:
+# - check error message and add name of variable in the message error
+# - rethink the positionning of fun _check_param()
+# - add possibility to input a list of param rather than only one number
+# - add more complex detectors
+# - create an ensemble fittable detector
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.utils import eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction
+from darts.logging import raise_if_not
+class Detector(ABC):
+ """Base class for all detectors"""
+ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ pass
+ def detect(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Detect anomalies on given time series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ series on which to detect anomalies.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ binary prediciton (1 if considered as an anomaly, 0 if not)
+ """
+ list_series = [series] if not isinstance(series, Sequence) else series
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.is_deterministic for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be deterministic (number of samples equal to 1).",
+ )
+ detected_series = []
+ for s in list_series:
+ detected_series.append(self._detect_core(s))
+ if len(detected_series) == 1 and not isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ return detected_series[0]
+ else:
+ return detected_series
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _detect_core(self, input: Any) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def eval_accuracy(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ anomaly_score: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ window: int = 1,
+ metric: str = "recall",
+ ) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]:
+ """Score the results against true anomalies.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not).
+ anomaly_score
+ Series indicating how anomoulous each window of size w is.
+ window
+ Integer value indicating the number of past samples each point represents
+ in the anomaly_score.
+ metric
+ Metric function to use. Must be one of "recall", "precision",
+ "f1", and "accuracy".
+ Default: "recall"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]
+ Metric results for each anomaly score
+ """
+ if isinstance(anomaly_score, Sequence):
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in anomaly_score]),
+ "all series in `anomaly_score` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.is_deterministic for s in anomaly_score]),
+ "all series in `anomaly_score` must be deterministic (number of samples equal to 1).",
+ )
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(anomaly_score, TimeSeries),
+ f"Input `anomaly_score` must be of type TimeSeries, found {type(anomaly_score)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ anomaly_score.is_deterministic,
+ "Input `anomaly_score` must be deterministic (number of samples equal to 1).",
+ )
+ return eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies, self.detect(anomaly_score), window, metric
+ )
+class FittableDetector(Detector):
+ """Base class of Detectors that need training."""
+ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._fit_called = False
+ def detect(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Detect anomalies on given time series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ series on which to detect anomalies.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ binary prediciton (1 if considered as an anomaly, 0 if not)
+ """
+ list_series = [series] if not isinstance(series, Sequence) else series
+ raise_if_not(
+ self._fit_called,
+ "The Detector has not been fitted yet. Call `fit()` first.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([self.width_trained_on == s.width for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must have the same number of components as the data "
+ + "used for training the detector model, number of components in training: "
+ + f" {self.width_trained_on}.",
+ )
+ return super().detect(series)
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _fit_core(self, input: Any) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def fit(self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]) -> None:
+ """Trains the detector on the given time series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ Time series to be used to train the detector.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self
+ Fitted Detector.
+ """
+ list_series = [series] if not isinstance(series, Sequence) else series
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.is_deterministic for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must be deterministic (number of samples equal to 1).",
+ )
+ self.width_trained_on = list_series[0].width
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == self.width_trained_on for s in list_series]),
+ "all series in `series` must have the same number of components.",
+ )
+ self._fit_called = True
+ return self._fit_core(list_series)
+ def fit_detect(
+ self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Trains the detector and detects anomalies on the same series.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ Time series to be used for training and be detected for anomalies.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ Binary prediciton (1 if considered as an anomaly, 0 if not)
+ """
+ self.fit(series)
+ return self.detect(series)
diff --git a/darts/ad/detectors/quantile_detector.py b/darts/ad/detectors/quantile_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82a21e50e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/detectors/quantile_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+Quantile Detector
+Flags anomalies that are beyond some quantiles of historical data.
+This is similar to a threshold-based detector, where the thresholds are
+computed as quantiles of historical data when the detector is fitted.
+from typing import Sequence, Union
+import numpy as np
+from darts.ad.detectors.detectors import FittableDetector
+from darts.ad.detectors.threshold_detector import ThresholdDetector
+from darts.logging import raise_if, raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+class QuantileDetector(FittableDetector):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ low_quantile: Union[Sequence[float], float, None] = None,
+ high_quantile: Union[Sequence[float], float, None] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Flags values that are either
+ below or above the `low_quantile` and `high_quantile`
+ quantiles of historical data, respectively.
+ If a single value is provided for `low_quantile` or `high_quantile`, this same
+ value will be used across all components of the series.
+ If sequences of values are given for the parameters `low_quantile` and/or `high_quantile`,
+ they must be of the same length, matching the dimensionality of the series passed
+ to ``fit()``, or have a length of 1. In the latter case, this single value will be used
+ across all components of the series.
+ If either `low_quantile` or `high_quantile` is None, the corresponding bound will not be used.
+ However, at least one of the two must be set.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ low_quantile
+ (Sequence of) quantile of historical data below which a value is regarded as anomaly.
+ Must be between 0 and 1. If a sequence, must match the dimensionality of the series
+ this detector is applied to.
+ high_quantile
+ (Sequence of) quantile of historical data above which a value is regarded as anomaly.
+ Must be between 0 and 1. If a sequence, must match the dimensionality of the series
+ this detector is applied to.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ low_threshold
+ The (sequence of) lower quantile values.
+ high_threshold
+ The (sequence of) upper quantile values.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ raise_if(
+ low_quantile is None and high_quantile is None,
+ "At least one parameter must be not None (`low` and `high` are both None).",
+ )
+ def _prep_quantile(q):
+ return (
+ q.tolist()
+ if isinstance(q, np.ndarray)
+ else [q]
+ if not isinstance(q, Sequence)
+ else q
+ )
+ low = _prep_quantile(low_quantile)
+ high = _prep_quantile(high_quantile)
+ for q in (low, high):
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([x is None or 0 <= x <= 1 for x in q]),
+ "Quantiles must be between 0 and 1, or None.",
+ )
+ self.low_quantile = low * len(high) if len(low) == 1 else low
+ self.high_quantile = high * len(low) if len(high) == 1 else high
+ # the quantiles parameters are now sequences of the same length,
+ # possibly containing some None values, but at least one non-None value
+ # We'll use an inner Threshold detector once the quantiles are fitted
+ self.detector = None
+ # A few more checks:
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(self.low_quantile) == len(self.high_quantile),
+ "Parameters `low_quantile` and `high_quantile` must be of the same length,"
+ + f" found `low`: {len(self.low_quantile)} and `high`: {len(self.high_quantile)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if(
+ all([lo is None for lo in self.low_quantile])
+ and all([hi is None for hi in self.high_quantile]),
+ "All provided quantile values are None.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all(
+ [
+ l < h
+ for (l, h) in zip(self.low_quantile, self.high_quantile)
+ if ((l is not None) and (h is not None))
+ ]
+ ),
+ "all values in `low_quantile` must be lower than their corresponding value in `high_quantile`.",
+ )
+ def _fit_core(self, list_series: Sequence[TimeSeries]) -> None:
+ # if len(low) > 1 and len(high) > 1, then check it matches input width:
+ raise_if(
+ len(self.low_quantile) > 1
+ and len(self.low_quantile) != list_series[0].width,
+ "The number of components of input must be equal to the number"
+ + " of values given for `high_quantile` or/and `low_quantile`. Found number of "
+ + f"components equal to {list_series[0].width} and expected {len(self.low_quantile)}.",
+ )
+ # otherwise, make them the right length
+ self.low_quantile = (
+ self.low_quantile * list_series[0].width
+ if len(self.low_quantile) == 1
+ else self.low_quantile
+ )
+ self.high_quantile = (
+ self.high_quantile * list_series[0].width
+ if len(self.high_quantile) == 1
+ else self.high_quantile
+ )
+ # concatenate everything along time axis
+ np_series = np.concatenate(
+ [series.all_values(copy=False) for series in list_series], axis=0
+ )
+ # move sample dimension to position 1
+ np_series = np.moveaxis(np_series, 2, 1)
+ # flatten it in order to obtain an array of shape (time * samples, components)
+ # where all samples of a given component are concatenated along time
+ np_series = np_series.reshape(np_series.shape[0] * np_series.shape[1], -1)
+ # Compute 2 thresholds (low, high) for each component:
+ # TODO: we could make this more efficient when low_quantile or high_quantile contain a single value
+ self.low_threshold = [
+ np.quantile(np_series[:, i], q=lo, axis=0) if lo is not None else None
+ for i, lo in enumerate(self.low_quantile)
+ ]
+ self.high_threshold = [
+ np.quantile(np_series[:, i], q=hi, axis=0) if hi is not None else None
+ for i, hi in enumerate(self.high_quantile)
+ ]
+ self.detector = ThresholdDetector(
+ low_threshold=self.low_threshold, high_threshold=self.high_threshold
+ )
+ return self
+ def _detect_core(self, series: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ return self.detector.detect(series)
diff --git a/darts/ad/detectors/threshold_detector.py b/darts/ad/detectors/threshold_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ab77997bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/detectors/threshold_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Threshold Detector
+Detector that detects anomaly based on user-given threshold.
+This detector compares time series values with user-given thresholds, and
+identifies time points as anomalous when values are beyond the thresholds.
+from typing import Sequence, Union
+import numpy as np
+from darts.ad.detectors.detectors import Detector
+from darts.logging import raise_if, raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+class ThresholdDetector(Detector):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ low_threshold: Union[int, float, Sequence[float], None] = None,
+ high_threshold: Union[int, float, Sequence[float], None] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Flags values that are either below or above the `low_threshold` and `high_threshold`,
+ respectively.
+ If a single value is provided for `low_threshold` or `high_threshold`, this same
+ value will be used across all components of the series.
+ If sequences of values are given for the parameters `low_threshold` and/or `high_threshold`,
+ they must be of the same length, matching the dimensionality of the series passed
+ to ``detect()``, or have a length of 1. In the latter case, this single value will be used
+ across all components of the series.
+ If either `low_threshold` or `high_threshold` is None, the corresponding bound will not be used.
+ However, at least one of the two must be set.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ low_threshold
+ (Sequence of) lower bounds.
+ If a sequence, must match the dimensionality of the series
+ this detector is applied to.
+ high_threshold
+ (Sequence of) upper bounds.
+ If a sequence, must match the dimensionality of the series
+ this detector is applied to.
+ """
+ # TODO: could we refactor some code common between ThresholdDetector and QuantileDetector?
+ super().__init__()
+ raise_if(
+ low_threshold is None and high_threshold is None,
+ "At least one parameter must be not None (`low` and `high` are both None).",
+ )
+ def _prep_thresholds(q):
+ return (
+ q.tolist()
+ if isinstance(q, np.ndarray)
+ else [q]
+ if not isinstance(q, Sequence)
+ else q
+ )
+ low = _prep_thresholds(low_threshold)
+ high = _prep_thresholds(high_threshold)
+ self.low_threshold = low * len(high) if len(low) == 1 else low
+ self.high_threshold = high * len(low) if len(high) == 1 else high
+ # the threshold parameters are now sequences of the same length,
+ # possibly containing some None values, but at least one non-None value
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(self.low_threshold) == len(self.high_threshold),
+ "Parameters `low_threshold` and `high_threshold` must be of the same length,"
+ + f" found `low`: {len(self.low_threshold)} and `high`: {len(self.high_threshold)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if(
+ all([lo is None for lo in self.low_threshold])
+ and all([hi is None for hi in self.high_threshold]),
+ "All provided threshold values are None.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all(
+ [
+ l < h
+ for (l, h) in zip(self.low_threshold, self.high_threshold)
+ if ((l is not None) and (h is not None))
+ ]
+ ),
+ "all values in `low_threshold` must be lower than their corresponding value in `high_threshold`.",
+ )
+ def _detect_core(self, series: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ raise_if_not(
+ series.is_deterministic, "This detector only works on deterministic series."
+ )
+ raise_if(
+ len(self.low_threshold) > 1 and len(self.low_threshold) != series.width,
+ "The number of components of input must be equal to the number"
+ + " of threshold values. Found number of "
+ + f"components equal to {series.width} and expected {len(self.low_threshold)}.",
+ )
+ # if length is 1, tile it to series width:
+ low_threshold = (
+ self.low_threshold * series.width
+ if len(self.low_threshold) == 1
+ else self.low_threshold
+ )
+ high_threshold = (
+ self.high_threshold * series.width
+ if len(self.high_threshold) == 1
+ else self.high_threshold
+ )
+ # (time, components)
+ np_series = series.all_values(copy=False).squeeze(-1)
+ def _detect_fn(x, lo, hi):
+ # x of shape (time,) for 1 component
+ return (x < (np.NINF if lo is None else lo)) | (
+ x > (np.Inf if hi is None else hi)
+ )
+ detected = np.zeros_like(np_series, dtype=int)
+ for component_idx in range(series.width):
+ detected[:, component_idx] = _detect_fn(
+ np_series[:, component_idx],
+ low_threshold[component_idx],
+ high_threshold[component_idx],
+ )
+ return TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(series.time_index, detected)
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/__init__.py b/darts/ad/scorers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0eec1298d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Anomaly Scorers
+Scorers are at the core of the anomaly detection module. They
+produce anomaly scores time series, either for series directly (``score()``),
+or for series accompanied by some predictions (``score_from_prediction()``).
+The higher an anomaly score is, the more "anomalous" the corresponding
+time period is. Scorers can work over time windows, and the length of the window is related
+to the time scale over which anomalies are expected to occur.
+The interpretability of the anomaly score is dependent on the scorer.
+The function ``score_from_prediction()`` works by taking some "difference" (or "residual")
+between the prediction and the actual series (captured by the ``"diff_fn"`` parameter).
+Some scorers are trainable (e.g., ``KMeansScorer``, which learns clusters over historical data),
+in which case the ``score()`` function can be used to score new series.
+Other scorers are not trainable (e.g., ``NormScorer``, which simply takes the Lp-norm between
+predicted values and actual values over windows). In this latter case ``score()`` cannot be
+used and scoring is only possible using ``score_from_prediction()``.
+Some scorers can handle probabilistic predictions from models (at the moment all the "NLL" scorers),
+while others handle deterministic predictions (e.g., ``KMeansScorer``).
+As an example, the ``KMeansScorer``, which is trainable, can be applied using the functions:
+- ``fit()`` and ``score()``: directly on a series to uncover the relationships between the different
+ dimensions (over timesteps within windows and/or over dimensions of multivariate series).
+- ``fit_from_prediction`` and ``score_from_prediction``: which will compute a difference (residuals)
+ between the prediction (coming e.g., from a forecasting model) and the series itself.
+ When scoring, the scorer will attribute a higher score to residuals that are distant
+ from the clusters found during the training phase.
+Note that `Anomaly Models `_
+can be used to conveniently combine any of Darts forecasting and filtering models with one or multiple scorers.
+Most of the scorers have the following main parameters:
+- `window`:
+ Integer value indicating the size of the window W used by the scorer to transform the series into
+ an anomaly score. A scorer will slice the given series into subsequences of size W and returns
+ a value indicating how anomalous these subset of W values are. The window size should be commensurate
+ to the expected durations of the anomalies one is looking for.
+- `component_wise`:
+ boolean parameter indicating how the scorer should behave with multivariate series. If set to
+ True, the model will treat each series dimension independently. If set to False, the model will
+ consider the dimensions jointly in the considered `window` W to compute the score.
+Other useful functions are:
+- ``eval_accuracy_from_prediction()``
+ Takes as input two (sequence of) series, computes all the anomaly scores, and
+ returns the value of an agnostic threshold metric (AUC-ROC or AUC-PR) based on some known ground truth
+ of anomalies. The returned value is between 0 and 1, with 1 indicating that the scorer could perfectly
+ separate the anomalous point from the normal ones.
+- ``fit_from_prediction()``
+ Takes two (sequence of) series as input and fits the scorer. This task is dependent on the scorer,
+ but as a general case the scorer will calibrate its scoring function based on the training series that is
+ considered to be anomaly-free. This training phase will allow the scorer to detect anomalies during
+ the scoring phase, by comparing the series to score with the anomaly-free series seen during training.
+More details can be found in the API documentation of each scorer.
+from .difference_scorer import DifferenceScorer
+from .kmeans_scorer import KMeansScorer
+from .nll_cauchy_scorer import CauchyNLLScorer
+from .nll_exponential_scorer import ExponentialNLLScorer
+from .nll_gamma_scorer import GammaNLLScorer
+from .nll_gaussian_scorer import GaussianNLLScorer
+from .nll_laplace_scorer import LaplaceNLLScorer
+from .nll_poisson_scorer import PoissonNLLScorer
+from .norm_scorer import NormScorer
+from .pyod_scorer import PyODScorer
+from .scorers import FittableAnomalyScorer, NonFittableAnomalyScorer
+from .wasserstein_scorer import WassersteinScorer
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/difference_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/difference_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..191f7254b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/difference_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Difference Scorer
+This scorer simply computes the elementwise difference
+between two series. If the two series are multivariate, it
+returns a multivariate series.
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NonFittableAnomalyScorer
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+class DifferenceScorer(NonFittableAnomalyScorer):
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__(univariate_scorer=False, window=1)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Difference"
+ def _score_core_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: TimeSeries,
+ pred_series: TimeSeries,
+ ) -> TimeSeries:
+ self._assert_deterministic(actual_series, "actual_series")
+ self._assert_deterministic(pred_series, "pred_series")
+ return actual_series - pred_series
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/kmeans_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/kmeans_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb25fc5007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/kmeans_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+k-means Scorer
+`k`-means Scorer implementing `k`-means clustering [1]_.
+.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
+from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import FittableAnomalyScorer
+from darts.logging import raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+class KMeansScorer(FittableAnomalyScorer):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ window: int = 1,
+ k: int = 8,
+ component_wise: bool = False,
+ diff_fn="abs_diff",
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ When calling ``fit(series)``, a moving window is applied, which results in a set of vectors of size `W`,
+ where `W` is the window size. The `k`-means model is trained on these vectors. The ``score(series)`` function
+ applies the same moving window and returns the distance to the closest of the `k` centroids for each
+ vector of size `W`.
+ Alternatively, the scorer has the functions ``fit_from_prediction()`` and ``score_from_prediction()``.
+ Both require two series (actual and prediction), and compute a "difference" series by applying the
+ function ``diff_fn`` (default: absolute difference). The resulting series is then passed to the
+ functions ``fit()`` and ``score()``, respectively.
+ `component_wise` is a boolean parameter indicating how the model should behave with multivariate inputs
+ series. If set to True, the model will treat each component independently by fitting a different
+ `k`-means model for each dimension. If set to False, the model concatenates the dimensions in
+ each windows of length `W` and computes the score using only one underlying `k`-means model.
+ **Training with** ``fit()``:
+ The input can be a series (univariate or multivariate) or multiple series. The series will be sliced
+ into equal size subsequences. The subsequence will be of size `W` * `D`, with:
+ * `W` being the size of the window given as a parameter `window`
+ * `D` being the dimension of the series (`D` = 1 if univariate or if `component_wise` is set to True)
+ For a series of length `N`, (`N` - `W` + 1)/W subsequences will be generated. If a list of series is given
+ of length L, each series will be partitioned into subsequences, and the results will be concatenated into
+ an array of length L * number of subsequences of each series.
+ The `k`-means model will be fitted on the generated subsequences. The model will find `k` clusters
+ in the vector space of dimension equal to the length of the subsequences (`D` * `W`).
+ If `component_wise` is set to True, the algorithm will be applied to each dimension independently. For each
+ dimension, a `k`-means model will be trained.
+ **Computing score with** ``score()``:
+ The input can be a series (univariate or multivariate) or a sequence of series. The given series must have the
+ same dimension `D` as the data used to train the `k`-means model.
+ For each series, if the series is multivariate of dimension `D`:
+ * if `component_wise` is set to False: it returns a univariate series (dimension=1). It represents
+ the anomaly score of the entire series in the considered window at each timestamp.
+ * if `component_wise` is set to True: it returns a multivariate series of dimension `D`. Each dimension
+ represents the anomaly score of the corresponding component of the input.
+ If the series is univariate, it returns a univariate series regardless of the parameter
+ `component_wise`.
+ A window of size `W` is rolled on the series with a stride equal to 1. It is the same size window `W` used
+ during the training phase.
+ Each value in the score series thus represents how anomalous the sample of the `W` previous values is.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ window
+ Size of the window used to create the subsequences of the series.
+ k
+ The number of clusters to form as well as the number of centroids to generate by the KMeans model.
+ diff_fn
+ Optionally, reduction function to use if two series are given. It will transform the two series into one.
+ This allows the KMeansScorer to apply KMeans on the original series or on its residuals (difference
+ between the prediction and the original series).
+ Must be one of "abs_diff" and "diff" (defined in ``_diff_series()``).
+ Default: "abs_diff"
+ component_wise
+ Boolean value indicating if the score needs to be computed for each component independently (True)
+ or by concatenating the component in the considered window to compute one score (False).
+ Default: False
+ kwargs
+ Additional keyword arguments passed to the internal scikit-learn KMeans model(s).
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(component_wise) is bool,
+ f"Parameter `component_wise` must be Boolean, found type: {type(component_wise)}.",
+ )
+ self.component_wise = component_wise
+ self.kmeans_kwargs = kwargs
+ self.kmeans_kwargs["n_clusters"] = k
+ super().__init__(
+ univariate_scorer=(not component_wise), window=window, diff_fn=diff_fn
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "k-means Scorer"
+ def _fit_core(
+ self,
+ list_series: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ ):
+ list_np_series = [series.all_values(copy=False) for series in list_series]
+ if not self.component_wise:
+ self.model = KMeans(**self.kmeans_kwargs)
+ self.model.fit(
+ np.concatenate(
+ [
+ sliding_window_view(ar, window_shape=self.window, axis=0)
+ .transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window * len(ar[0]))
+ for ar in list_np_series
+ ],
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ models = []
+ for component_idx in range(self.width_trained_on):
+ model = KMeans(**self.kmeans_kwargs)
+ model.fit(
+ np.concatenate(
+ [
+ sliding_window_view(
+ ar[:, component_idx], window_shape=self.window, axis=0
+ )
+ .transpose(0, 2, 1)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window)
+ for ar in list_np_series
+ ],
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ )
+ models.append(model)
+ self.models = models
+ def _score_core(self, series: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ raise_if_not(
+ self.width_trained_on == series.width,
+ "Input must have the same number of components as the data used for"
+ + " training the KMeans model, found number of components equal to"
+ + f" {series.width} and expected {self.width_trained_on}.",
+ )
+ np_series = series.all_values(copy=False)
+ np_anomaly_score = []
+ if not self.component_wise:
+ # return distance to the clostest centroid
+ np_anomaly_score.append(
+ self.model.transform(
+ sliding_window_view(np_series, window_shape=self.window, axis=0)
+ .transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window * series.width)
+ ).min(axis=1)
+ ) # only return the closest distance out of the k ones (k centroids)
+ else:
+ for component_idx in range(self.width_trained_on):
+ score = (
+ self.models[component_idx]
+ .transform(
+ sliding_window_view(
+ np_series[:, component_idx],
+ window_shape=self.window,
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ .transpose(0, 2, 1)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window)
+ )
+ .min(axis=1)
+ )
+ np_anomaly_score.append(score)
+ return TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ series.time_index[self.window - 1 :], list(zip(*np_anomaly_score))
+ )
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/nll_cauchy_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_cauchy_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ef9754fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_cauchy_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+NLL Cauchy Scorer
+Cauchy distribution negative log-likelihood Scorer.
+The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
+under a Cauchy distribution estimated from the stochastic prediction.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import cauchy
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NLLScorer
+class CauchyNLLScorer(NLLScorer):
+ def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None:
+ super().__init__(window=window)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "CauchyNLLScorer"
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(
+ self,
+ deterministic_values: np.ndarray,
+ probabilistic_estimations: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ params = np.apply_along_axis(cauchy.fit, axis=1, arr=probabilistic_estimations)
+ return -cauchy.logpdf(
+ deterministic_values, loc=params[:, 0], scale=params[:, 1]
+ )
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/nll_exponential_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_exponential_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a16894347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_exponential_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+NLL Exponential Scorer
+Exponential distribution negative log-likelihood Scorer.
+The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
+under an Exponential distribution estimated from the stochastic prediction.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import expon
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NLLScorer
+class ExponentialNLLScorer(NLLScorer):
+ def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None:
+ super().__init__(window=window)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "ExponentialNLLScorer"
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(
+ self,
+ deterministic_values: np.ndarray,
+ probabilistic_estimations: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ # This is the ML estimate for 1/lambda, which is what scipy expects as scale.
+ mu = np.mean(probabilistic_estimations, axis=1)
+ # This is ML estimate for the loc - see:
+ # https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/de80faf9d3480b9dbb9b888568b64499e0e70c19/scipy/stats/_continuous_distns.py#L1705
+ loc = np.min(probabilistic_estimations, axis=1)
+ return -expon.logpdf(deterministic_values, scale=mu, loc=loc)
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/nll_gamma_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_gamma_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40dc113c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_gamma_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+NLL Gamma Scorer
+Gamma distribution negative log-likelihood Scorer.
+The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
+under a Gamma distribution estimated from the stochastic prediction.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import gamma
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NLLScorer
+class GammaNLLScorer(NLLScorer):
+ def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None:
+ super().__init__(window=window)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "GammaNLLScorer"
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(
+ self,
+ deterministic_values: np.ndarray,
+ probabilistic_estimations: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ params = np.apply_along_axis(gamma.fit, axis=1, arr=probabilistic_estimations)
+ return -gamma.logpdf(
+ deterministic_values, a=params[:, 0], loc=params[:, 1], scale=params[:, 2]
+ )
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/nll_gaussian_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_gaussian_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56eb86300b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_gaussian_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+NLL Gaussian Scorer
+Gaussian negative log-likelihood Scorer.
+The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
+under a Gaussian distribution estimated from the stochastic predictions.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import norm
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NLLScorer
+class GaussianNLLScorer(NLLScorer):
+ def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None:
+ super().__init__(window=window)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "GaussianNLLScorer"
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(
+ self,
+ deterministic_values: np.ndarray,
+ probabilistic_estimations: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ mu = np.mean(probabilistic_estimations, axis=1)
+ std = np.std(probabilistic_estimations, axis=1)
+ return -norm.logpdf(deterministic_values, loc=mu, scale=std)
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/nll_laplace_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_laplace_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..342dab53ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_laplace_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+NLL Laplace Scorer
+Laplace distribution negative log-likelihood Scorer.
+The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
+under a Laplace distribution estimated from the stochastic prediction.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import laplace
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NLLScorer
+class LaplaceNLLScorer(NLLScorer):
+ def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None:
+ super().__init__(window=window)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "LaplaceNLLScorer"
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(
+ self,
+ deterministic_values: np.ndarray,
+ probabilistic_estimations: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ # ML estimate for the Laplace loc
+ loc = np.median(probabilistic_estimations, axis=1)
+ # ML estimate for the Laplace scale
+ # see: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/de80faf9d3480b9dbb9b888568b64499e0e70c19/scipy
+ # /stats/_continuous_distns.py#L4846
+ scale = (
+ np.sum(np.abs(probabilistic_estimations.T - loc), axis=0).T
+ / probabilistic_estimations.shape[1]
+ )
+ return -laplace.logpdf(deterministic_values, loc=loc, scale=scale)
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/nll_poisson_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_poisson_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df5ee411b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/nll_poisson_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+NLL Poisson Scorer
+Poisson distribution negative log-likelihood Scorer.
+The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
+under a Poisson distribution estimated from the stochastic prediction.
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import poisson
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NLLScorer
+class PoissonNLLScorer(NLLScorer):
+ def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None:
+ super().__init__(window=window)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "PoissonNLLScorer"
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(
+ self,
+ deterministic_values: np.ndarray,
+ probabilistic_estimations: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ mu = np.mean(probabilistic_estimations, axis=1)
+ return -poisson.logpmf(deterministic_values, mu=mu)
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/norm_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/norm_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6764960994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/norm_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Norm Scorer
+Norm anomaly score (of given order) [1]_.
+.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norm_(mathematics)
+import numpy as np
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import NonFittableAnomalyScorer
+from darts.logging import raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+class NormScorer(NonFittableAnomalyScorer):
+ def __init__(self, ord=None, component_wise: bool = False) -> None:
+ """
+ Returns the elementwise norm of a given order between two series' values.
+ If `component_wise` is False, the norm is computed between vectors
+ made of the series' components (one norm per timestamp).
+ If `component_wise` is True, for any `ord` this effectively amounts to computing the absolute
+ value of the difference.
+ The scoring function expects two series.
+ If the two series are multivariate of width `w`:
+ * if `component_wise` is set to False: it returns a univariate series (width=1).
+ * if `component_wise` is set to True: it returns a multivariate series of width `w`.
+ If the two series are univariate, it returns a univariate series regardless of the parameter
+ `component_wise`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ord
+ Order of the norm. Options are listed under 'Notes' at:
+ .
+ Default: None
+ component_wise
+ Whether to compare components of the two series in isolation (True), or jointly (False).
+ Default: False
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(component_wise) is bool,
+ f"`component_wise` must be Boolean, found type: {type(component_wise)}.",
+ )
+ self.ord = ord
+ self.component_wise = component_wise
+ super().__init__(univariate_scorer=(not component_wise), window=1)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"Norm (ord={self.ord})"
+ def _score_core_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: TimeSeries,
+ pred_series: TimeSeries,
+ ) -> TimeSeries:
+ self._assert_deterministic(actual_series, "actual_series")
+ self._assert_deterministic(pred_series, "pred_series")
+ diff = actual_series - pred_series
+ if self.component_wise:
+ return diff.map(lambda x: np.abs(x))
+ else:
+ diff_np = diff.all_values(copy=False)
+ return TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ diff.time_index, np.linalg.norm(diff_np, ord=self.ord, axis=1)
+ )
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/pyod_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/pyod_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a90235bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/pyod_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+This scorer can wrap around detection algorithms of PyOD.
+`PyOD https://pyod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#`_.
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
+from pyod.models.base import BaseDetector
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import FittableAnomalyScorer
+from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class PyODScorer(FittableAnomalyScorer):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model: BaseDetector,
+ window: int = 1,
+ component_wise: bool = False,
+ diff_fn="abs_diff",
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ When calling ``fit(series)``, a moving window is applied, which results in a set of vectors of size `W`,
+ where `W` is the window size. The PyODScorer model is trained on these vectors. The ``score(series)``
+ function will apply the same moving window and return the predicted raw anomaly score of each vector.
+ Alternatively, the scorer has the functions ``fit_from_prediction()`` and ``score_from_prediction()``.
+ Both require two series (actual and prediction), and compute a "difference" series by applying the
+ function ``diff_fn`` (default: absolute difference). The resulting series is then passed to the
+ functions ``fit()`` and ``score()``, respectively.
+ `component_wise` is a boolean parameter indicating how the model should behave with multivariate inputs
+ series. If set to True, the model will treat each series dimension independently by fitting a different
+ PyODScorer model for each dimension. If set to False, the model concatenates the dimensions in
+ each windows of length `W` and compute the score using only one underlying PyODScorer model.
+ **Training with** ``fit()``:
+ The input can be a series (univariate or multivariate) or multiple series. The series will be partitioned
+ into equal size subsequences. The subsequence will be of size `W` * `D`, with:
+ * `W` being the size of the window given as a parameter `window`
+ * `D` being the dimension of the series (`D` = 1 if univariate or if `component_wise` is set to True)
+ For a series of length `N`, (`N` - `W` + 1)/W subsequences will be generated. If a list of series is given
+ of length L, each series will be partitioned into subsequences, and the results will be concatenated into
+ an array of length L * number of subsequences of each series.
+ The PyOD model will be fitted on the generated subsequences.
+ If `component_wise` is set to True, the algorithm will be applied to each dimension independently. For each
+ dimension, a PyOD model will be trained.
+ **Computing score with** ``score()``:
+ The input can be a series (univariate or multivariate) or a sequence of series. The given series must have the
+ same dimension `D` as the data used to train the PyOD model.
+ For each series, if the series is multivariate of dimension `D`:
+ * if `component_wise` is set to False: it returns a univariate series (dimension=1). It represents
+ the anomaly score of the entire series in the considered window at each timestamp.
+ * if `component_wise` is set to True: it returns a multivariate series of dimension `D`. Each dimension
+ represents the anomaly score of the corresponding component of the input.
+ If the series is univariate, it returns a univariate series regardless of the parameter
+ `component_wise`.
+ A window of size `W` is rolled on the series with a stride equal to 1. It is the same size window `W` used
+ during the training phase.
+ Each value in the score series thus represents how anomalous the sample of the `W` previous values is.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ model
+ The (fitted) PyOD BaseDetector model.
+ window
+ Size of the window used to create the subsequences of the series.
+ diff_fn
+ Optionally, reduced function to use if two series are given. It will transform the two series into one.
+ This allows the KMeansScorer to apply PyODScorer on the original series or on its residuals (difference
+ between the prediction and the original series).
+ Must be one of "abs_diff" and "diff" (defined in ``_diff_series()``).
+ Default: "abs_diff"
+ component_wise
+ Boolean value indicating if the score needs to be computed for each component independently (True)
+ or by concatenating the component in the considered window to compute one score (False).
+ Default: False
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(model, BaseDetector),
+ f"model must be a PyOD BaseDetector, found type: {type(model)}",
+ )
+ self.model = model
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(component_wise) is bool,
+ f"Parameter `component_wise` must be Boolean, found type: {type(component_wise)}.",
+ )
+ self.component_wise = component_wise
+ super().__init__(
+ univariate_scorer=(not component_wise), window=window, diff_fn=diff_fn
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "PyODScorer (model {})".format(self.model.__str__().split("(")[0])
+ def _fit_core(self, list_series: Sequence[TimeSeries]):
+ list_np_series = [series.all_values(copy=False) for series in list_series]
+ # TODO: can we factorize code in common bteween PyODScorer and KMeansScorer?
+ if not self.component_wise:
+ self.model.fit(
+ np.concatenate(
+ [
+ sliding_window_view(ar, window_shape=self.window, axis=0)
+ .transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window * len(ar[0]))
+ for ar in list_np_series
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ models = []
+ for component_idx in range(self.width_trained_on):
+ model_width = self.model
+ model_width.fit(
+ np.concatenate(
+ [
+ sliding_window_view(
+ ar[:, component_idx], window_shape=self.window, axis=0
+ )
+ .transpose(0, 2, 1)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window)
+ for ar in list_np_series
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ models.append(model_width)
+ self.models = models
+ def _score_core(self, series: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ raise_if_not(
+ self.width_trained_on == series.width,
+ "Input must have the same number of components as the data used for training"
+ + " the PyODScorer model {},".format(self.model.__str__().split("(")[0])
+ + f" found number of components equal to {series.width} and expected "
+ + f"{self.width_trained_on}.",
+ )
+ np_series = series.all_values(copy=False)
+ np_anomaly_score = []
+ if not self.component_wise:
+ np_anomaly_score.append(
+ self.model.decision_function(
+ sliding_window_view(np_series, window_shape=self.window, axis=0)
+ .transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window * series.width)
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ for component_idx in range(self.width_trained_on):
+ score = self.models[component_idx].decision_function(
+ sliding_window_view(
+ np_series[:, component_idx],
+ window_shape=self.window,
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ .transpose(0, 2, 1)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window)
+ )
+ np_anomaly_score.append(score)
+ return TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ series.time_index[self.window - 1 :], list(zip(*np_anomaly_score))
+ )
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/scorers.py b/darts/ad/scorers/scorers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de2f878aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/scorers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+Scorers Base Classes
+# TODO:
+# - add stride for Scorers like Kmeans and Wasserstein
+# - add option to normalize the windows for kmeans? capture only the form and not the values.
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
+import numpy as np
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.utils import (
+ _assert_same_length,
+ _assert_timeseries,
+ _intersect,
+ _sanity_check_two_series,
+ _to_list,
+ eval_accuracy_from_scores,
+ show_anomalies_from_scores,
+from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if_not
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class AnomalyScorer(ABC):
+ """Base class for all anomaly scorers"""
+ def __init__(self, univariate_scorer: bool, window: int) -> None:
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(window) is int,
+ f"Parameter `window` must be an integer, found type {type(window)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ window > 0,
+ f"Parameter `window` must be stricly greater than 0, found size {window}.",
+ )
+ self.window = window
+ self.univariate_scorer = univariate_scorer
+ def _check_univariate_scorer(self, actual_anomalies: Sequence[TimeSeries]):
+ """Checks if `actual_anomalies` contains only univariate series when the scorer has the
+ parameter 'univariate_scorer' set to True.
+ 'univariate_scorer' is:
+ True -> when the function of the scorer ``score(series)`` (or, if applicable,
+ ``score_from_prediction(actual_series, pred_series)``) returns a univariate
+ anomaly score regardless of the input `series` (or, if applicable, `actual_series`
+ and `pred_series`).
+ False -> when the scorer will return a series that has the
+ same number of components as the input (can be univariate or multivariate).
+ """
+ if self.univariate_scorer:
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([isinstance(s, TimeSeries) for s in actual_anomalies]),
+ "all series in `actual_anomalies` must be of type TimeSeries.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([s.width == 1 for s in actual_anomalies]),
+ f"Scorer {self.__str__()} will return a univariate anomaly score series (width=1)."
+ + " Found a multivariate `actual_anomalies`."
+ + " The evaluation of the accuracy cannot be computed between the two series.",
+ )
+ def _check_window_size(self, series: TimeSeries):
+ """Checks if the parameter window is less or equal than the length of the given series"""
+ raise_if_not(
+ self.window <= len(series),
+ f"Window size {self.window} is greater than the targeted series length {len(series)}, "
+ + "must be lower or equal. Decrease the window size or increase the length series input"
+ + " to score on.",
+ )
+ @property
+ def is_probabilistic(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the scorer expects a probabilistic prediction for its first input."""
+ return False
+ def _assert_stochastic(self, series: TimeSeries, name_series: str):
+ "Checks if the series is stochastic (number of samples is higher than one)."
+ raise_if_not(
+ series.is_stochastic,
+ f"Scorer {self.__str__()} is expecting `{name_series}` to be a stochastic timeseries"
+ + f" (number of samples must be higher than 1, found: {series.n_samples}).",
+ )
+ def _assert_deterministic(self, series: TimeSeries, name_series: str):
+ "Checks if the series is deterministic (number of samples is equal to one)."
+ if not series.is_deterministic:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Scorer {self.__str__()} is expecting `{name_series}` to be a (sequence of) deterministic"
+ + f" timeseries (number of samples must be equal to 1, found: {series.n_samples}). The "
+ + "series will be converted to a deterministic series by taking the median of the samples.",
+ )
+ series = series.quantile_timeseries(quantile=0.5)
+ return series
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __str__(self):
+ """returns the name of the scorer"""
+ pass
+ def eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ actual_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ metric: str = "AUC_ROC",
+ ) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]:
+ """Computes the anomaly score between `actual_series` and `pred_series`, and returns the score
+ of an agnostic threshold metric.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The (sequence of) ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ actual_series
+ The (sequence of) actual series.
+ pred_series
+ The (sequence of) predicted series.
+ metric
+ Optionally, metric function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]
+ Score of an agnostic threshold metric for the computed anomaly score
+ - ``float`` if `actual_series` and `actual_series` are univariate series (dimension=1).
+ - ``Sequence[float]``
+ * if `actual_series` and `actual_series` are multivariate series (dimension>1),
+ returns one value per dimension, or
+ * if `actual_series` and `actual_series` are sequences of univariate series,
+ returns one value per series
+ - ``Sequence[Sequence[float]]]`` if `actual_series` and `actual_series` are sequences
+ of multivariate series. Outer Sequence is over the sequence input and the inner
+ Sequence is over the dimensions of each element in the sequence input.
+ """
+ actual_anomalies = _to_list(actual_anomalies)
+ self._check_univariate_scorer(actual_anomalies)
+ anomaly_score = self.score_from_prediction(actual_series, pred_series)
+ return eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies, anomaly_score, self.window, metric
+ )
+ @abstractmethod
+ def score_from_prediction(self, actual_series: Any, pred_series: Any) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def show_anomalies_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: TimeSeries,
+ pred_series: TimeSeries,
+ scorer_name: str = None,
+ actual_anomalies: TimeSeries = None,
+ title: str = None,
+ metric: str = None,
+ ):
+ """Plot the results of the scorer.
+ Computes the anomaly score on the two series. And plots the results.
+ The plot will be composed of the following:
+ - the actual_series and the pred_series.
+ - the anomaly score of the scorer.
+ - the actual anomalies, if given.
+ It is possible to:
+ - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title`
+ - give personalized name to the scorer with `scorer_name`
+ - show the results of a metric for the anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR),
+ if the actual anomalies is provided.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_series
+ The actual series to visualize anomalies from.
+ pred_series
+ The predicted series of `actual_series`.
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ scorer_name
+ Name of the scorer.
+ title
+ Title of the figure
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ """
+ if isinstance(actual_series, Sequence):
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(actual_series) == 1,
+ "``show_anomalies_from_prediction`` expects only one series for `actual_series`,"
+ + f" found a list of length {len(actual_series)} as input.",
+ )
+ actual_series = actual_series[0]
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(actual_series, TimeSeries),
+ "``show_anomalies_from_prediction`` expects an input of type TimeSeries,"
+ + f" found type {type(actual_series)} for `actual_series`.",
+ )
+ if isinstance(pred_series, Sequence):
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(pred_series) == 1,
+ "``show_anomalies_from_prediction`` expects one series for `pred_series`,"
+ + f" found a list of length {len(pred_series)} as input.",
+ )
+ pred_series = pred_series[0]
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(pred_series, TimeSeries),
+ "``show_anomalies_from_prediction`` expects an input of type TimeSeries,"
+ + f" found type: {type(pred_series)} for `pred_series`.",
+ )
+ anomaly_score = self.score_from_prediction(actual_series, pred_series)
+ if title is None:
+ title = f"Anomaly results by scorer {self.__str__()}"
+ if scorer_name is None:
+ scorer_name = [f"anomaly score by {self.__str__()}"]
+ return show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ actual_series,
+ model_output=pred_series,
+ anomaly_scores=anomaly_score,
+ window=self.window,
+ names_of_scorers=scorer_name,
+ actual_anomalies=actual_anomalies,
+ title=title,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+class NonFittableAnomalyScorer(AnomalyScorer):
+ """Base class of anomaly scorers that do not need training."""
+ def __init__(self, univariate_scorer, window) -> None:
+ super().__init__(univariate_scorer=univariate_scorer, window=window)
+ # indicates if the scorer is trainable or not
+ self.trainable = False
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _score_core_from_prediction(self, series: Any) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def score_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Computes the anomaly score on the two (sequence of) series.
+ If a pair of sequences is given, they must contain the same number
+ of series. The scorer will score each pair of series independently
+ and return an anomaly score for each pair.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_series:
+ The (sequence of) actual series.
+ pred_series
+ The (sequence of) predicted series.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ (Sequence of) anomaly score time series
+ """
+ list_actual_series, list_pred_series = _to_list(actual_series), _to_list(
+ pred_series
+ )
+ _assert_same_length(list_actual_series, list_pred_series)
+ anomaly_scores = []
+ for s1, s2 in zip(list_actual_series, list_pred_series):
+ _sanity_check_two_series(s1, s2)
+ s1, s2 = _intersect(s1, s2)
+ self._check_window_size(s1)
+ self._check_window_size(s2)
+ anomaly_scores.append(self._score_core_from_prediction(s1, s2))
+ if (
+ len(anomaly_scores) == 1
+ and not isinstance(pred_series, Sequence)
+ and not isinstance(actual_series, Sequence)
+ ):
+ return anomaly_scores[0]
+ else:
+ return anomaly_scores
+class FittableAnomalyScorer(AnomalyScorer):
+ """Base class of scorers that do need training."""
+ def __init__(self, univariate_scorer, window, diff_fn="abs_diff") -> None:
+ super().__init__(univariate_scorer=univariate_scorer, window=window)
+ # indicates if the scorer is trainable or not
+ self.trainable = True
+ # indicates if the scorer has been trained yet
+ self._fit_called = False
+ # function used in ._diff_series() to convert 2 time series into 1
+ if diff_fn in {"abs_diff", "diff"}:
+ self.diff_fn = diff_fn
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Metric should be 'diff' or 'abs_diff', found {diff_fn}")
+ def check_if_fit_called(self):
+ """Checks if the scorer has been fitted before calling its `score()` function."""
+ raise_if_not(
+ self._fit_called,
+ f"The Scorer {self.__str__()} has not been fitted yet. Call ``fit()`` first.",
+ )
+ def eval_accuracy(
+ self,
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ metric: str = "AUC_ROC",
+ ) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]:
+ """Computes the anomaly score of the given time series, and returns the score
+ of an agnostic threshold metric.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to detect anomalies from.
+ metric
+ Optionally, metric function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]
+ Score of an agnostic threshold metric for the computed anomaly score
+ - ``float`` if `series` is a univariate series (dimension=1).
+ - ``Sequence[float]``
+ * if `series` is a multivariate series (dimension>1), returns one
+ value per dimension, or
+ * if `series` is a sequence of univariate series, returns one value
+ per series
+ - ``Sequence[Sequence[float]]]`` if `series` is a sequence of multivariate
+ series. Outer Sequence is over the sequence input and the inner Sequence
+ is over the dimensions of each element in the sequence input.
+ """
+ actual_anomalies = _to_list(actual_anomalies)
+ self._check_univariate_scorer(actual_anomalies)
+ anomaly_score = self.score(series)
+ return eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies, anomaly_score, self.window, metric
+ )
+ def score(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Computes the anomaly score on the given series.
+ If a sequence of series is given, the scorer will score each series independently
+ and return an anomaly score for each series in the sequence.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series to detect anomalies from.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ (Sequence of) anomaly score time series
+ """
+ self.check_if_fit_called()
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ anomaly_scores = []
+ for s in list_series:
+ _assert_timeseries(s)
+ self._check_window_size(s)
+ anomaly_scores.append(
+ self._score_core(self._assert_deterministic(s, "series"))
+ )
+ if len(anomaly_scores) == 1 and not isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ return anomaly_scores[0]
+ else:
+ return anomaly_scores
+ def show_anomalies(
+ self,
+ series: TimeSeries,
+ actual_anomalies: TimeSeries = None,
+ scorer_name: str = None,
+ title: str = None,
+ metric: str = None,
+ ):
+ """Plot the results of the scorer.
+ Computes the score on the given series input. And plots the results.
+ The plot will be composed of the following:
+ - the series itself.
+ - the anomaly score of the score.
+ - the actual anomalies, if given.
+ It is possible to:
+ - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title`
+ - give personalized name to the scorer with `scorer_name`
+ - show the results of a metric for the anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR),
+ if the actual anomalies is provided.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The series to visualize anomalies from.
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ scorer_name
+ Name of the scorer.
+ title
+ Title of the figure
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ """
+ if isinstance(series, Sequence):
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(series) == 1,
+ "``show_anomalies`` expects one series for `series`,"
+ + f" found a list of length {len(series)} as input.",
+ )
+ series = series[0]
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(series, TimeSeries),
+ "``show_anomalies`` expects an input of type TimeSeries,"
+ + f" found type {type(series)} for `series`.",
+ )
+ anomaly_score = self.score(series)
+ if title is None:
+ title = f"Anomaly results by scorer {self.__str__()}"
+ if scorer_name is None:
+ scorer_name = f"anomaly score by {self.__str__()}"
+ return show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series,
+ anomaly_scores=anomaly_score,
+ window=self.window,
+ names_of_scorers=scorer_name,
+ actual_anomalies=actual_anomalies,
+ title=title,
+ metric=metric,
+ )
+ def score_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]:
+ """Computes the anomaly score on the two (sequence of) series.
+ The function ``diff_fn`` passed as a parameter to the scorer, will transform `pred_series` and `actual_series`
+ into one "difference" series. By default, ``diff_fn`` will compute the absolute difference
+ (Default: "abs_diff").
+ If actual_series and pred_series are sequences, ``diff_fn`` will be applied to all pairwise elements
+ of the sequences.
+ The scorer will then transform this series into an anomaly score. If a sequence of series is given,
+ the scorer will score each series independently and return an anomaly score for each series in the sequence.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_series
+ The (sequence of) actual series.
+ pred_series
+ The (sequence of) predicted series.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]
+ (Sequence of) anomaly score time series
+ """
+ self.check_if_fit_called()
+ list_actual_series, list_pred_series = _to_list(actual_series), _to_list(
+ pred_series
+ )
+ _assert_same_length(list_actual_series, list_pred_series)
+ anomaly_scores = []
+ for (s1, s2) in zip(list_actual_series, list_pred_series):
+ _sanity_check_two_series(s1, s2)
+ s1 = self._assert_deterministic(s1, "actual_series")
+ s2 = self._assert_deterministic(s2, "pred_series")
+ diff = self._diff_series(s1, s2)
+ self._check_window_size(diff)
+ anomaly_scores.append(self.score(diff))
+ if (
+ len(anomaly_scores) == 1
+ and not isinstance(pred_series, Sequence)
+ and not isinstance(actual_series, Sequence)
+ ):
+ return anomaly_scores[0]
+ else:
+ return anomaly_scores
+ def fit(
+ self,
+ series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ):
+ """Fits the scorer on the given time series input.
+ If sequence of series is given, the scorer will be fitted on the concatenation of the sequence.
+ The assumption is that the series `series` used for training are generally anomaly-free.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The (sequence of) series with no anomalies.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self
+ Fitted Scorer.
+ """
+ list_series = _to_list(series)
+ for idx, s in enumerate(list_series):
+ _assert_timeseries(s)
+ if idx == 0:
+ self.width_trained_on = s.width
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ s.width == self.width_trained_on,
+ "series in `series` must have the same number of components,"
+ + f" found number of components equal to {self.width_trained_on}"
+ + f" at index 0 and {s.width} at index {idx}.",
+ )
+ self._check_window_size(s)
+ self._assert_deterministic(s, "series")
+ self._fit_core(list_series)
+ self._fit_called = True
+ def fit_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ ):
+ """Fits the scorer on the two (sequence of) series.
+ The function ``diff_fn`` passed as a parameter to the scorer, will transform `pred_series` and `actual_series`
+ into one series. By default, ``diff_fn`` will compute the absolute difference (Default: "abs_diff").
+ If `pred_series` and `actual_series` are sequences, ``diff_fn`` will be applied to all pairwise elements
+ of the sequences.
+ The scorer will then be fitted on this (sequence of) series. If a sequence of series is given,
+ the scorer will be fitted on the concatenation of the sequence.
+ The scorer assumes that the (sequence of) actual_series is anomaly-free.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_series
+ The (sequence of) actual series.
+ pred_series
+ The (sequence of) predicted series.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ self
+ Fitted Scorer.
+ """
+ list_actual_series, list_pred_series = _to_list(actual_series), _to_list(
+ pred_series
+ )
+ _assert_same_length(list_actual_series, list_pred_series)
+ list_fit_series = []
+ for s1, s2 in zip(list_actual_series, list_pred_series):
+ _sanity_check_two_series(s1, s2)
+ s1 = self._assert_deterministic(s1, "actual_series")
+ s2 = self._assert_deterministic(s2, "pred_series")
+ list_fit_series.append(self._diff_series(s1, s2))
+ self.fit(list_fit_series)
+ self._fit_called = True
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _fit_core(self, series: Any) -> Any:
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _score_core(self, series: Any) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def _diff_series(self, series_1: TimeSeries, series_2: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ """Applies the ``diff_fn`` to the two time series. Converts two time series into 1.
+ series_1 and series_2 must:
+ - have a non empty time intersection
+ - be of the same width W
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series_1
+ 1st time series
+ series_2:
+ 2nd time series
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TimeSeries
+ series of width W
+ """
+ series_1, series_2 = _intersect(series_1, series_2)
+ if self.diff_fn == "abs_diff":
+ return (series_1 - series_2).map(lambda x: np.abs(x))
+ elif self.diff_fn == "diff":
+ return series_1 - series_2
+ else:
+ # found an non-existent diff_fn
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Metric should be 'diff' or 'abs_diff', found {self.diff_fn}"
+ )
+class NLLScorer(NonFittableAnomalyScorer):
+ """Parent class for all LikelihoodScorer"""
+ def __init__(self, window) -> None:
+ super().__init__(univariate_scorer=False, window=window)
+ def _score_core_from_prediction(
+ self,
+ actual_series: TimeSeries,
+ pred_series: TimeSeries,
+ ) -> TimeSeries:
+ """For each timestamp of the inputs:
+ - the parameters of the considered distribution are fitted on the samples of the probabilistic time series
+ - the negative log-likelihood of the determinisitc time series values are computed
+ If the series is multivariate, the score will be computed on each component independently.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_series:
+ A determinisict time series (number of samples per timestamp must be equal to 1)
+ pred_series
+ A probabilistic time series (number of samples per timestamp must be higher than 1)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ TimeSeries
+ """
+ actual_series = self._assert_deterministic(actual_series, "actual_series")
+ self._assert_stochastic(pred_series, "pred_series")
+ np_actual_series = actual_series.all_values(copy=False)
+ np_pred_series = pred_series.all_values(copy=False)
+ np_anomaly_scores = []
+ for component_idx in range(pred_series.width):
+ np_anomaly_scores.append(
+ self._score_core_nllikelihood(
+ # shape actual: (time_steps, )
+ # shape pred: (time_steps, samples)
+ np_actual_series[:, component_idx].squeeze(-1),
+ np_pred_series[:, component_idx],
+ )
+ )
+ anomaly_scores = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ pred_series.time_index, list(zip(*np_anomaly_scores))
+ )
+ def _window_adjustment_series(series: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ """Slides a window of size self.window along the input series, and replaces the value of
+ the input time series by the mean of the values contained in the window (past self.window
+ points, including itself).
+ A series of length N will be transformed into a series of length N-self.window+1.
+ """
+ if self.window == 1:
+ # the process results in replacing every value by itself -> return directly the series
+ return series
+ else:
+ return series.window_transform(
+ transforms={
+ "window": self.window,
+ "function": "mean",
+ "mode": "rolling",
+ "min_periods": self.window,
+ },
+ treat_na="dropna",
+ )
+ return _window_adjustment_series(anomaly_scores)
+ @property
+ def is_probabilistic(self) -> bool:
+ return True
+ @abstractmethod
+ def _score_core_nllikelihood(self, input_1: Any, input_2: Any) -> Any:
+ """For each timestamp, the corresponding distribution is fitted on the probabilistic time-series
+ input_2, and returns the negative log-likelihood of the deterministic time-series input_1
+ given the distribution.
+ """
+ pass
diff --git a/darts/ad/scorers/wasserstein_scorer.py b/darts/ad/scorers/wasserstein_scorer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a332cb4173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/scorers/wasserstein_scorer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+Wasserstein Scorer (distance function defined between probability distributions) [1]_.
+The implementations is wrapped around `scipy.stats
+.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasserstein_metric
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
+from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance
+from darts.ad.scorers.scorers import FittableAnomalyScorer
+from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if_not
+from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+class WassersteinScorer(FittableAnomalyScorer):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ window: int = 10,
+ component_wise: bool = False,
+ diff_fn="abs_diff",
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ When calling ``fit(series)``, a moving window is applied, which results in a set of vectors of size `W`,
+ where `W` is the window size. These vectors are kept in memory, representing the training
+ distribution. The ``score(series)`` function will apply the same moving window.
+ The Wasserstein distance is computed between the training distribution and each vector,
+ resulting in an anomaly score.
+ Alternatively, the scorer has the functions ``fit_from_prediction()`` and ``score_from_prediction()``.
+ Both require two series (actual and prediction), and compute a "difference" series by applying the
+ function ``diff_fn`` (default: absolute difference). The resulting series is then passed to the
+ functions ``fit()`` and ``score()``, respectively.
+ `component_wise` is a boolean parameter indicating how the model should behave with multivariate inputs
+ series. If set to True, the model will treat each series dimension independently. If set to False, the model
+ concatenates the dimensions in each windows of length `W` and computes a single score for all dimensions.
+ **Training with** ``fit()``:
+ The input can be a series (univariate or multivariate) or multiple series. The series will be partitioned
+ into equal size subsequences. The subsequence will be of size `W` * `D`, with:
+ * `W` being the size of the window given as a parameter `window`
+ * `D` being the dimension of the series (`D` = 1 if univariate or if `component_wise` is set to True)
+ For a series of length `N`, (`N` - `W` + 1)/W subsequences will be generated. If a list of series is given
+ of length L, each series will be partitioned into subsequences, and the results will be concatenated into
+ an array of length L * number of subsequences of each series.
+ The arrays will be kept in memory, representing the training data distribution.
+ In practice, the series or list of series can for instance represent residuals than can be
+ considered independent and identically distributed (iid).
+ If `component_wise` is set to True, the algorithm will be applied to each dimension independently. For each
+ dimension, a PyOD model will be trained.
+ **Computing score with** ``score()``:
+ The input can be a series (univariate or multivariate) or a sequence of series. The given series must have the
+ same dimension `D` as the data used to train the PyOD model.
+ For each series, if the series is multivariate of dimension `D`:
+ * if `component_wise` is set to False: it returns a univariate series (dimension=1). It represents
+ the anomaly score of the entire series in the considered window at each timestamp.
+ * if `component_wise` is set to True: it returns a multivariate series of dimension `D`. Each dimension
+ represents the anomaly score of the corresponding component of the input.
+ If the series is univariate, it returns a univariate series regardless of the parameter
+ `component_wise`.
+ A window of size `W` is rolled on the series with a stride equal to 1. It is the same size window `W` used
+ during the training phase.
+ Each value in the score series thus represents how anomalous the sample of the `W` previous values is.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ window
+ Size of the sliding window that represents the number of samples in the testing distribution to compare
+ with the training distribution in the Wasserstein function
+ diff_fn
+ Optionally, reduced function to use if two series are given. It will transform the two series into one.
+ This allows the WassersteinScorer to compute the Wasserstein distance on the original series or on its
+ residuals (difference between the prediction and the original series).
+ Must be one of "abs_diff" and "diff" (defined in ``_diff_series()``).
+ Default: "abs_diff"
+ component_wise
+ Boolean value indicating if the score needs to be computed for each component independently (True)
+ or by concatenating the component in the considered window to compute one score (False).
+ Default: False
+ """
+ # TODO:
+ # - understand better the math behind the Wasserstein distance when the test distribution contains
+ # only one sample
+ # - check if there is an equivalent Wasserstein distance for d-D distributions (currently only accepts 1D)
+ if type(window) is int:
+ if window > 0 and window < 10:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"The `window` parameter WassersteinScorer is smaller than 10 (w={window})."
+ + " The value represents the window length rolled on the series given as"
+ + " input in the ``score`` function. At each position, the w values will"
+ + " constitute a subset, and the Wasserstein distance between the subset"
+ + " and the train distribution will be computed. To better represent the"
+ + " constituted test distribution, the window parameter should be larger"
+ + " than 10."
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ type(component_wise) is bool,
+ f"Parameter `component_wise` must be Boolean, found type: {type(component_wise)}.",
+ )
+ self.component_wise = component_wise
+ super().__init__(
+ univariate_scorer=(not component_wise), window=window, diff_fn=diff_fn
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "WassersteinScorer"
+ def _fit_core(
+ self,
+ list_series: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ ):
+ self.training_data = np.concatenate(
+ [s.all_values(copy=False) for s in list_series]
+ ).squeeze(-1)
+ if not self.component_wise:
+ self.training_data = self.training_data.flatten()
+ def _score_core(self, series: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
+ raise_if_not(
+ self.width_trained_on == series.width,
+ "Input must have the same number of components as the data used for"
+ + " training the Wasserstein model, found number of components equal"
+ + f" to {series.width} and expected {self.width_trained_on}.",
+ )
+ np_series = series.all_values(copy=False)
+ np_anomaly_score = []
+ if not self.component_wise:
+ np_anomaly_score = [
+ wasserstein_distance(self.training_data, window_samples)
+ for window_samples in sliding_window_view(
+ np_series, window_shape=self.window, axis=0
+ )
+ .transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window * series.width)
+ ]
+ return TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ series.time_index[self.window - 1 :], np_anomaly_score
+ )
+ else:
+ for component_idx in range(self.width_trained_on):
+ score = [
+ wasserstein_distance(
+ self.training_data[component_idx, :], window_samples
+ )
+ for window_samples in sliding_window_view(
+ np_series[:, component_idx],
+ window_shape=self.window,
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ .transpose(0, 2, 1)
+ .reshape(-1, self.window)
+ ]
+ np_anomaly_score.append(score)
+ return TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ series.time_index[self.window - 1 :], list(zip(*np_anomaly_score))
+ )
diff --git a/darts/ad/utils.py b/darts/ad/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6f4cddb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/ad/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+Utils for Anomaly Detection
+Common functions used by anomaly_model.py, scorers.py, aggregators.py and detectors.py
+# TODO:
+# - change structure of eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction (a lot of repeated code)
+# - migrate metrics function to darts.metric
+# - check error message
+# - create a zoom option on anomalies for a show function
+# - add an option visualize: "by window", "unique", "together"
+# - create a normalize option in plot function (norm every anomaly score btw 1 and 0) -> to be seen on the same plot
+from typing import Sequence, Union
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+from sklearn.metrics import (
+ accuracy_score,
+ average_precision_score,
+ f1_score,
+ precision_score,
+ recall_score,
+ roc_auc_score,
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if, raise_if_not
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+def _assert_binary(series: TimeSeries, name_series: str):
+ """Checks if series is a binary timeseries (1 and 0)"
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ series to check for.
+ name_series
+ name str of the series.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ np.array_equal(
+ series.values(copy=False),
+ series.values(copy=False).astype(bool),
+ ),
+ f"Input series {name_series} must be a binary time series.",
+ )
+def eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ anomaly_score: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ window: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1,
+ metric: str = "AUC_ROC",
+) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]:
+ """Scores the results against true anomalies.
+ `actual_anomalies` and `anomaly_score` must have the same shape.
+ `actual_anomalies` must be binary and have values belonging to the two classes (0 and 1).
+ If one series is given for `actual_anomalies` and `anomaly_score` contains more than
+ one series, the function will consider `actual_anomalies` as the ground truth anomalies for
+ all scores in `anomaly_score`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not).
+ anomaly_score
+ Series indicating how anomoulous each window of size w is.
+ window
+ Integer value indicating the number of past samples each point represents
+ in the anomaly_score. The parameter will be used by the function
+ ``_window_adjustment_anomalies()`` to transform actual_anomalies.
+ If a list is given. the length must match the number of series in anomaly_score
+ and actual_anomalies. If only one window is given, the value will be used for every
+ series in anomaly_score and actual_anomalies.
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]
+ Score of the anomalies score prediction
+ * ``float`` if `anomaly_score` is a univariate series (dimension=1).
+ * ``Sequence[float]``
+ * if `anomaly_score` is a multivariate series (dimension>1),
+ returns one value per dimension.
+ * if `anomaly_score` is a sequence of univariate series, returns one
+ value per series
+ * ``Sequence[Sequence[float]]`` if `anomaly_score` is a sequence of
+ multivariate series. Outer Sequence is over the sequence input, and the inner
+ Sequence is over the dimensions of each element in the sequence input.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ metric in {"AUC_ROC", "AUC_PR"},
+ "Argument `metric` must be one of 'AUC_ROC', 'AUC_PR'",
+ )
+ metric_fn = roc_auc_score if metric == "AUC_ROC" else average_precision_score
+ list_actual_anomalies, list_anomaly_scores, list_window = (
+ _to_list(actual_anomalies),
+ _to_list(anomaly_score),
+ _to_list(window),
+ )
+ if len(list_actual_anomalies) == 1 and len(list_anomaly_scores) > 1:
+ list_actual_anomalies = list_actual_anomalies * len(list_anomaly_scores)
+ _assert_same_length(list_actual_anomalies, list_anomaly_scores)
+ if len(list_window) == 1:
+ list_window = list_window * len(actual_anomalies)
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_window) == len(list_actual_anomalies),
+ "The list of windows must be the same length as the list of `anomaly_score` and"
+ + " `actual_anomalies`. There must be one window value for each series."
+ + f" Found length {len(list_window)}, expected {len(list_actual_anomalies)}.",
+ )
+ sol = []
+ for idx, (s_anomalies, s_score) in enumerate(
+ zip(list_actual_anomalies, list_anomaly_scores)
+ ):
+ _assert_binary(s_anomalies, "actual_anomalies")
+ sol.append(
+ _eval_accuracy_from_data(
+ s_anomalies, s_score, list_window[idx], metric_fn, metric
+ )
+ )
+ if len(sol) == 1 and not isinstance(anomaly_score, Sequence):
+ return sol[0]
+ else:
+ return sol
+def eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ binary_pred_anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
+ window: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1,
+ metric: str = "recall",
+) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]:
+ """Score the results against true anomalies.
+ checks that `pred_anomalies` and `actual_anomalies` are the same:
+ - type,
+ - length,
+ - number of components
+ - binary and has values belonging to the two classes (1 and 0)
+ If one series is given for `actual_anomalies` and `pred_anomalies` contains more than
+ one series, the function will consider `actual_anomalies` as the true anomalies for
+ all scores in `anomaly_score`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The (sequence of) ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ binary_pred_anomalies
+ Anomaly predictions.
+ window
+ Integer value indicating the number of past samples each point represents
+ in the pred_anomalies. The parameter will be used to transform actual_anomalies.
+ If a list is given. the length must match the number of series in pred_anomalies
+ and actual_anomalies. If only one window is given, the value will be used for every
+ series in pred_anomalies and actual_anomalies.
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "recall", "precision",
+ "f1", and "accuracy".
+ Default: "recall"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]
+ Score of the anomalies prediction
+ * ``float`` if `binary_pred_anomalies` is a univariate series (dimension=1).
+ * ``Sequence[float]``
+ * if `binary_pred_anomalies` is a multivariate series (dimension>1),
+ returns one value per dimension.
+ * if `binary_pred_anomalies` is a sequence of univariate series, returns one
+ value per series
+ * ``Sequence[Sequence[float]]`` if `binary_pred_anomalies` is a sequence of
+ multivariate series. Outer Sequence is over the sequence input, and the inner
+ Sequence is over the dimensions of each element in the sequence input.
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ metric in {"recall", "precision", "f1", "accuracy"},
+ "Argument `metric` must be one of 'recall', 'precision', "
+ "'f1' and 'accuracy'.",
+ )
+ if metric == "recall":
+ metric_fn = recall_score
+ elif metric == "precision":
+ metric_fn = precision_score
+ elif metric == "f1":
+ metric_fn = f1_score
+ else:
+ metric_fn = accuracy_score
+ list_actual_anomalies, list_binary_pred_anomalies, list_window = (
+ _to_list(actual_anomalies),
+ _to_list(binary_pred_anomalies),
+ _to_list(window),
+ )
+ if len(list_actual_anomalies) == 1 and len(list_binary_pred_anomalies) > 1:
+ list_actual_anomalies = list_actual_anomalies * len(list_binary_pred_anomalies)
+ _assert_same_length(list_actual_anomalies, list_binary_pred_anomalies)
+ if len(list_window) == 1:
+ list_window = list_window * len(actual_anomalies)
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_window) == len(list_actual_anomalies),
+ "The list of windows must be the same length as the list of `pred_anomalies` and"
+ + " `actual_anomalies`. There must be one window value for each series."
+ + f" Found length {len(list_window)}, expected {len(list_actual_anomalies)}.",
+ )
+ sol = []
+ for idx, (s_anomalies, s_pred) in enumerate(
+ zip(list_actual_anomalies, list_binary_pred_anomalies)
+ ):
+ _assert_binary(s_pred, "pred_anomalies")
+ _assert_binary(s_anomalies, "actual_anomalies")
+ sol.append(
+ _eval_accuracy_from_data(
+ s_anomalies, s_pred, list_window[idx], metric_fn, metric
+ )
+ )
+ if len(sol) == 1 and not isinstance(binary_pred_anomalies, Sequence):
+ return sol[0]
+ else:
+ return sol
+def _eval_accuracy_from_data(
+ s_anomalies: TimeSeries,
+ s_data: TimeSeries,
+ window: int,
+ metric_fn,
+ metric_name: str,
+) -> Union[float, Sequence[float]]:
+ """Internal function for:
+ - ``eval_accuracy_from_binary_prediction()``
+ - ``eval_accuracy_from_scores()``
+ Score the results against true anomalies.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ s_data
+ series prediction
+ window
+ Integer value indicating the number of past samples each point represents
+ in the anomaly_score. The parameter will be used by the function
+ ``_window_adjustment_anomalies()`` to transform s_anomalies.
+ metric_fn
+ Function to use. Can be "average_precision_score", "roc_auc_score", "accuracy_score",
+ "f1_score", "precision_score" and "recall_score".
+ metric_name
+ Name str of the function to use. Can be "AUC_PR", "AUC_ROC", "accuracy",
+ "f1", "precision" and "recall".
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Union[float, Sequence[float]]
+ Score of the anomalies prediction
+ - float -> if `s_data` is a univariate series (dimension=1).
+ - Sequence[float] -> if `s_data` is a multivariate series (dimension>1),
+ returns one value per dimension.
+ """
+ _assert_timeseries(s_data, "Prediction series input")
+ _assert_timeseries(s_anomalies, "actual_anomalies input")
+ # if window > 1, the anomalies will be adjusted so that it can be compared timewise with s_data
+ s_anomalies = _max_pooling(s_anomalies, window)
+ _sanity_check_two_series(s_data, s_anomalies)
+ s_data, s_anomalies = _intersect(s_data, s_anomalies)
+ if metric_name == "AUC_ROC" or metric_name == "AUC_PR":
+ nr_anomalies_per_component = (
+ s_anomalies.sum(axis=0).values(copy=False).flatten()
+ )
+ raise_if(
+ nr_anomalies_per_component.min() == 0,
+ f"`actual_anomalies` does not contain anomalies. {metric_name} cannot be computed.",
+ )
+ raise_if(
+ nr_anomalies_per_component.max() == len(s_anomalies),
+ f"`actual_anomalies` only contains anomalies. {metric_name} cannot be computed."
+ + ["", f" Consider decreasing the window size (window={window})"][
+ window > 1
+ ],
+ )
+ # TODO: could we vectorize this?
+ metrics = []
+ for component_idx in range(s_data.width):
+ metrics.append(
+ metric_fn(
+ s_anomalies.all_values(copy=False)[:, component_idx],
+ s_data.all_values(copy=False)[:, component_idx],
+ )
+ )
+ if len(metrics) == 1:
+ return metrics[0]
+ else:
+ return metrics
+def _intersect(
+ series_1: TimeSeries,
+ series_2: TimeSeries,
+) -> tuple[TimeSeries, TimeSeries]:
+ """Returns the sub-series of series_1 and of series_2 that share the same time index.
+ (Intersection in time of the two time series)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series_1
+ 1st time series
+ series_2:
+ 2nd time series
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Tuple[TimeSeries, TimeSeries]
+ """
+ new_series_1 = series_1.slice_intersect(series_2)
+ raise_if(
+ len(new_series_1) == 0,
+ "Time intersection between the two series must be non empty.",
+ )
+ return new_series_1, series_2.slice_intersect(series_1)
+def _assert_timeseries(series: TimeSeries, message: str = None):
+ """Checks if given input is of type Darts TimeSeries"""
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(series, TimeSeries),
+ "{} must be type darts.timeseries.TimeSeries and not {}.".format(
+ message if message is not None else "Series input", type(series)
+ ),
+ )
+def _sanity_check_two_series(
+ series_1: TimeSeries,
+ series_2: TimeSeries,
+ """Performs sanity check on the two given inputs
+ Checks if the two inputs:
+ - type is Darts Timeseries
+ - have the same number of components
+ - if their intersection in time is not null
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series_1
+ 1st time series
+ series_2:
+ 2nd time series
+ """
+ _assert_timeseries(series_1)
+ _assert_timeseries(series_2)
+ # check if the two inputs time series have the same number of components
+ raise_if_not(
+ series_1.width == series_2.width,
+ "Series must have the same number of components,"
+ + f" found {series_1.width} and {series_2.width}.",
+ )
+ # check if the time intersection between the two inputs time series is not empty
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(series_1.time_index.intersection(series_2.time_index)) > 0,
+ "Series must have a non-empty intersection timestamps.",
+ )
+def _max_pooling(series: TimeSeries, window: int) -> TimeSeries:
+ """Slides a window of size `window` along the input series, and replaces the value of the
+ input time series by the maximum of the values contained in the window.
+ The binary time series output represents if there is an anomaly (=1) or not (=0) in the past
+ window points. The new series will equal the length of the input series - window. Its first
+ point will start at the first time index of the input time series + window points.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series:
+ Binary time series.
+ window:
+ Integer value indicating the number of past samples each point represents.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Binary TimeSeries
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(window, int),
+ f"Parameter `window` must be of type int, found {type(window)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ window > 0,
+ f"Parameter `window` must be stricly greater than 0, found size {window}.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ window < len(series),
+ "Parameter `window` must be smaller than the length of the input series, "
+ + f" found window size {(window)}, and max size {len(series)}.",
+ )
+ if window == 1:
+ # the process results in replacing every value by itself -> return directly the series
+ return series
+ else:
+ return series.window_transform(
+ transforms={
+ "window": window,
+ "function": "max",
+ "mode": "rolling",
+ "min_periods": window,
+ },
+ treat_na="dropna",
+ )
+def _to_list(series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]:
+ """If not already, it converts the input into a sequence
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ single TimeSeries, or a sequence of TimeSeries
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Sequence[TimeSeries]
+ """
+ return [series] if not isinstance(series, Sequence) else series
+def _assert_same_length(
+ list_series_1: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ list_series_2: Sequence[TimeSeries],
+ """Checks if the two sequences contain the same number of TimeSeries."""
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(list_series_1) == len(list_series_2),
+ "Sequences of series must be of the same length, found length:"
+ + f" {len(list_series_1)} and {len(list_series_2)}.",
+ )
+def show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series: TimeSeries,
+ model_output: TimeSeries = None,
+ anomaly_scores: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] = None,
+ window: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1,
+ names_of_scorers: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None,
+ actual_anomalies: TimeSeries = None,
+ title: str = None,
+ metric: str = None,
+ """Plot the results generated by an anomaly model.
+ The plot will be composed of the following:
+ - the series itself with the output of the model (if given)
+ - the anomaly score of each scorer. The scorer with different windows will be separated.
+ - the actual anomalies, if given.
+ If model_output is stochastic (i.e., if it has multiple samples), the function will plot:
+ - the mean per timestamp
+ - the quantile 0.95 for an upper bound
+ - the quantile 0.05 for a lower bound
+ Possible to:
+ - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title`
+ - give personalized names for the scorers with `names_of_scorers`
+ - show the results of a metric for each anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR), if the actual anomalies is given
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The series to visualize anomalies from.
+ model_output
+ Output of the model given as input the series (can be stochastic).
+ anomaly_scores
+ Output of the scorers given the output of the model and the series.
+ window
+ Window parameter for each anomaly scores.
+ Default: 1. If a list of anomaly scores is given, the same default window will be used for every score.
+ names_of_scorers
+ Name of the scores. Must be a list of length equal to the number of scorers in the anomaly_model.
+ actual_anomalies
+ The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not)
+ title
+ Title of the figure
+ metric
+ Optionally, Scoring function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" and "AUC_PR".
+ Default: "AUC_ROC"
+ """
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(series, TimeSeries),
+ f"Input `series` must be of type TimeSeries, found {type(series)}.",
+ )
+ if title is None:
+ if anomaly_scores is not None:
+ title = "Anomaly results"
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(title, str),
+ f"Input `title` must be of type str, found {type(title)}.",
+ )
+ nbr_plots = 1
+ if model_output is not None:
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(model_output, TimeSeries),
+ f"Input `model_output` must be of type TimeSeries, found {type(model_output)}.",
+ )
+ if actual_anomalies is not None:
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(actual_anomalies, TimeSeries),
+ f"Input `actual_anomalies` must be of type TimeSeries, found {type(actual_anomalies)}.",
+ )
+ nbr_plots = nbr_plots + 1
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ metric is None,
+ "`actual_anomalies` must be given in order to calculate a metric.",
+ )
+ if anomaly_scores is not None:
+ if isinstance(anomaly_scores, Sequence):
+ for idx, s in enumerate(anomaly_scores):
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(s, TimeSeries),
+ f"Elements of anomaly_scores must be of type TimeSeries, found {type(s)} at index {idx}.",
+ )
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(anomaly_scores, TimeSeries),
+ f"Input `anomaly_scores` must be of type TimeSeries or Sequence, found {type(actual_anomalies)}.",
+ )
+ anomaly_scores = [anomaly_scores]
+ if names_of_scorers is not None:
+ if isinstance(names_of_scorers, str):
+ names_of_scorers = [names_of_scorers]
+ elif isinstance(names_of_scorers, Sequence):
+ for idx, name in enumerate(names_of_scorers):
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(name, str),
+ f"Elements of names_of_scorers must be of type str, found {type(name)} at index {idx}.",
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Input `names_of_scorers` must be of type str or Sequence, found {type(names_of_scorers)}."
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(names_of_scorers) == len(anomaly_scores),
+ "The number of names in `names_of_scorers` must match the number of anomaly score "
+ + f"given as input, found {len(names_of_scorers)} and expected {len(anomaly_scores)}.",
+ )
+ if isinstance(window, int):
+ window = [window]
+ elif isinstance(window, Sequence):
+ for idx, w in enumerate(window):
+ raise_if_not(
+ isinstance(w, int),
+ f"Every window must be of type int, found {type(w)} at index {idx}.",
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Input `window` must be of type int or Sequence, found {type(window)}."
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([w > 0 for w in window]),
+ "All windows must be positive integer.",
+ )
+ if len(window) == 1:
+ window = window * len(anomaly_scores)
+ else:
+ raise_if_not(
+ len(window) == len(anomaly_scores),
+ "The number of window in `window` must match the number of anomaly score given as input. One "
+ + f"window value for each series. Found length {len(window)}, and expected {len(anomaly_scores)}.",
+ )
+ raise_if_not(
+ all([w < len(s) for (w, s) in zip(window, anomaly_scores)]),
+ "All windows must be smaller than the length of their corresponding score.",
+ )
+ nbr_plots = nbr_plots + len(set(window))
+ else:
+ if window is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ "The parameter `window` is given, but the input `anomaly_scores` is None."
+ )
+ if names_of_scorers is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ "The parameter `names_of_scorers` is given, but the input `anomaly_scores` is None."
+ )
+ if metric is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ "The parameter `metric` is given, but the input `anomaly_scores` is None."
+ )
+ fig, axs = plt.subplots(
+ nbr_plots,
+ figsize=(8, 4 + 2 * (nbr_plots - 1)),
+ sharex=True,
+ gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [2] + [1] * (nbr_plots - 1)},
+ squeeze=False,
+ )
+ index_ax = 0
+ _plot_series(series=series, ax_id=axs[index_ax][0], linewidth=0.5, label_name="")
+ if model_output is not None:
+ _plot_series(
+ series=model_output,
+ ax_id=axs[index_ax][0],
+ linewidth=0.5,
+ label_name="model output",
+ )
+ axs[index_ax][0].set_title("")
+ if actual_anomalies is not None or anomaly_scores is not None:
+ axs[index_ax][0].set_xlabel("")
+ axs[index_ax][0].legend(loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1), ncol=2)
+ if anomaly_scores is not None:
+ dict_input = {}
+ for idx, (score, w) in enumerate(zip(anomaly_scores, window)):
+ dict_input[idx] = {"series_score": score, "window": w, "name_id": idx}
+ current_window = window[0]
+ index_ax = index_ax + 1
+ for elem in sorted(dict_input.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["window"]):
+ idx = elem[1]["name_id"]
+ w = elem[1]["window"]
+ if w != current_window:
+ current_window = w
+ index_ax = index_ax + 1
+ if metric is not None:
+ value = round(
+ eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ anomaly_score=anomaly_scores[idx],
+ actual_anomalies=actual_anomalies,
+ window=w,
+ metric=metric,
+ ),
+ 3,
+ )
+ else:
+ value = None
+ if names_of_scorers is not None:
+ label = names_of_scorers[idx] + [f" ({value})", ""][value is None]
+ else:
+ label = f"score_{str(idx)}" + [f" ({value})", ""][value is None]
+ _plot_series(
+ series=elem[1]["series_score"],
+ ax_id=axs[index_ax][0],
+ linewidth=0.5,
+ label_name=label,
+ )
+ axs[index_ax][0].legend(
+ loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.19), ncol=2
+ )
+ axs[index_ax][0].set_title(f"Window: {str(w)}", loc="left")
+ axs[index_ax][0].set_title("")
+ axs[index_ax][0].set_xlabel("")
+ if actual_anomalies is not None:
+ _plot_series(
+ series=actual_anomalies,
+ ax_id=axs[index_ax + 1][0],
+ linewidth=1,
+ label_name="anomalies",
+ color="red",
+ )
+ axs[index_ax + 1][0].set_title("")
+ axs[index_ax + 1][0].set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1])
+ axs[index_ax + 1][0].set_yticks([0, 1])
+ axs[index_ax + 1][0].set_yticklabels(["no", "yes"])
+ axs[index_ax + 1][0].legend(
+ loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.2), ncol=2
+ )
+ else:
+ axs[index_ax][0].set_xlabel("timestamp")
+ fig.suptitle(title)
+def _plot_series(series, ax_id, linewidth, label_name, **kwargs):
+ """Internal function called by ``show_anomalies_from_scores()``
+ Plot the series on the given axes ax_id.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ series
+ The series to plot.
+ ax_id
+ The axis the series will be ploted on.
+ linewidth
+ Thickness of the line.
+ label_name
+ Name that will appear in the legend.
+ """
+ for i, c in enumerate(series._xa.component[:10]):
+ comp = series._xa.sel(component=c)
+ if comp.sample.size > 1:
+ central_series = comp.mean(dim="sample")
+ low_series = comp.quantile(q=0.05, dim="sample")
+ high_series = comp.quantile(q=0.95, dim="sample")
+ else:
+ central_series = comp
+ label_to_use = (
+ (label_name + ("_" + str(i) if len(series.components) > 1 else ""))
+ if label_name != ""
+ else "" + str(str(c.values))
+ )
+ central_series.plot(ax=ax_id, linewidth=linewidth, label=label_to_use, **kwargs)
+ if comp.sample.size > 1:
+ ax_id.fill_between(
+ series.time_index, low_series, high_series, alpha=0.25, **kwargs
+ )
diff --git a/darts/tests/ad/__init__.py b/darts/tests/ad/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/darts/tests/ad/test_aggregators.py b/darts/tests/ad/test_aggregators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a360568660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/tests/ad/test_aggregators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.aggregators.and_aggregator import AndAggregator
+from darts.ad.aggregators.ensemble_sklearn_aggregator import EnsembleSklearnAggregator
+from darts.ad.aggregators.or_aggregator import OrAggregator
+from darts.models import MovingAverage
+from darts.tests.base_test_class import DartsBaseTestClass
+list_NonFittableAggregator = [
+ OrAggregator(),
+ AndAggregator(),
+list_FittableAggregator = [
+ EnsembleSklearnAggregator(model=GradientBoostingClassifier())
+class ADAggregatorsTestCase(DartsBaseTestClass):
+ np.random.seed(42)
+ # univariate series
+ np_train = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=0.5, size=100)
+ train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_train)
+ np_real_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ real_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_real_anomalies
+ )
+ # multivariate series
+ np_mts_train = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[0.5, 1], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_mts_train)
+ np_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=[100, 2], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ mts_anomalies1 = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies)
+ np_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=[100, 2], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ mts_anomalies2 = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies)
+ np_anomalies_w3 = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=[100, 3], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ mts_anomalies3 = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_anomalies_w3
+ )
+ np_probabilistic = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], p=[0.5, 0.5], size=[100, 2, 5])
+ mts_probabilistic = TimeSeries.from_values(np_probabilistic)
+ # simple case
+ np_anomalies_1 = np.random.choice(a=[1], size=100, p=[1])
+ onlyones = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies_1)
+ np_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[1], size=[100, 2], p=[1])
+ mts_onlyones = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies)
+ np_anomalies_0 = np.random.choice(a=[0], size=100, p=[1])
+ onlyzero = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies_0)
+ series_1_and_0 = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((np_anomalies_1, np_anomalies_0))[0],
+ columns=["component 1", "component 2"],
+ )
+ np_real_anomalies_3w = [
+ elem[0] if elem[2] == 1 else elem[1] for elem in np_anomalies_w3
+ ]
+ real_anomalies_3w = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_real_anomalies_3w
+ )
+ def test_DetectNonFittableAggregator(self):
+ aggregator = OrAggregator()
+ # Check return types
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(aggregator.predict(self.mts_anomalies1), TimeSeries))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ def test_DetectFittableAggregator(self):
+ aggregator = EnsembleSklearnAggregator(model=GradientBoostingClassifier())
+ # Check return types
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1)
+ # Check return types
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(aggregator.predict(self.mts_anomalies1), TimeSeries))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ def test_eval_accuracy(self):
+ aggregator = AndAggregator()
+ # Check return types
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1),
+ float,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy([self.real_anomalies], [self.mts_anomalies1]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(self.real_anomalies, [self.mts_anomalies1]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ # intersection between 'actual_anomalies' and the series in the sequence 'list_series'
+ # must be non empty
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(self.real_anomalies[:30], self.mts_anomalies1[40:])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies[:30]],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1[40:]],
+ )
+ # window parameter must be smaller than the length of the input (len = 100)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, window=101
+ )
+ def test_NonFittableAggregator(self):
+ for aggregator in list_NonFittableAggregator:
+ # name must be of type str
+ self.assertEqual(
+ type(aggregator.__str__()),
+ str,
+ )
+ # Check if trainable is False, being a NonFittableAggregator
+ self.assertTrue(not aggregator.trainable)
+ # predict on (sequence of) univariate series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.real_anomalies])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.real_anomalies)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.real_anomalies])
+ # input a (sequence of) non binary series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_train])
+ # input a (sequence of) probabilistic series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_probabilistic])
+ # input an element that is not a series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, "random"])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, 1])
+ # Check width return
+ # Check if return type is the same number of series in input
+ self.assertTrue(
+ len(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ )
+ ),
+ len([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2]),
+ )
+ def test_FittableAggregator(self):
+ for aggregator in list_FittableAggregator:
+ # name must be of type str
+ self.assertEqual(
+ type(aggregator.__str__()),
+ str,
+ )
+ # Need to call fit() before calling predict()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1])
+ # Check if trainable is True, being a FittableAggregator
+ self.assertTrue(aggregator.trainable)
+ # Check if _fit_called is False
+ self.assertTrue(not aggregator._fit_called)
+ # fit on sequence with series that have different width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies3],
+ )
+ # fit on a (sequence of) univariate series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, [self.real_anomalies])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.real_anomalies],
+ )
+ # fit on a (sequence of) non binary series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, [self.mts_train])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_train],
+ )
+ # fit on a (sequence of) probabilistic series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, self.mts_probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, [self.mts_probabilistic])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_probabilistic],
+ )
+ # input an element that is not a series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, "random")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, [self.mts_anomalies1, "random"])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, [self.mts_anomalies1, 1])
+ # fit on a (sequence of) multivariate anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit([self.mts_anomalies1], [self.mts_anomalies1])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1],
+ )
+ # fit on a (sequence of) non binary anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.train, self.mts_anomalies1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit([self.train], self.mts_anomalies1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.train],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1],
+ )
+ # fit on a (sequence of) probabilistic anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(self.mts_probabilistic, self.mts_anomalies1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit([self.mts_probabilistic], self.mts_anomalies1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.mts_probabilistic],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1],
+ )
+ # input an element that is not a anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit("random", self.mts_anomalies1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, "random"],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1],
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, 1], [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1]
+ )
+ # nbr of anomalies must match nbr of input series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies], self.mts_anomalies1
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies], [self.mts_anomalies1]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.fit(
+ [self.real_anomalies], [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies1]
+ )
+ # case1: fit
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(aggregator._fit_called)
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_anomalies3)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies3])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies3])
+ # predict on (sequence of) univariate series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.real_anomalies])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.real_anomalies)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.real_anomalies])
+ # input a (sequence of) non binary series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_train])
+ # input a (sequence of) probabilistic series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_probabilistic])
+ # input an element that is not a series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, "random"])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, 1])
+ # Check width return
+ # Check if return type is the same number of series in input
+ self.assertTrue(
+ len(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ )
+ ),
+ len([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2]),
+ )
+ def test_OrAggregator(self):
+ aggregator = OrAggregator()
+ # simple case
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 0 for input with 2 components
+ # (only 1 and only 0) and ground truth is only 0
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyzero,
+ self.series_1_and_0,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 0,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for input with 2 components
+ # (only 1 and only 0) and ground truth is only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.series_1_and_0,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for the input containing only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.mts_onlyones,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for the input containing only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.mts_onlyones,
+ metric="recall",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for the input containing only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.mts_onlyones,
+ metric="precision",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # single series case (random example)
+ # aggregator must found 67 anomalies in the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_anomalies1)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ 67,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 0.56 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies,
+ self.mts_anomalies1,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 0.56,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an recall of 0.72549 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, metric="recall"
+ ),
+ 0.72549,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an f1 of 0.62711 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, metric="f1"
+ ),
+ 0.62711,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an precision of 0.55223 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies,
+ self.mts_anomalies1,
+ metric="precision",
+ ),
+ 0.55223,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # multiple series case (random example)
+ # aggregator must found [67,75] anomalies in the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ values = aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2])
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ [v.sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0] for v in values],
+ [67, 75],
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of [0.56,0.52] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="accuracy",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.56, 0.52]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an recall of [0.72549,0.764706] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="recall",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.72549, 0.764706]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an f1 of [0.627119,0.619048] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="f1",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.627119, 0.619048]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an precision of [0.552239,0.52] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="precision",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.552239, 0.52]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ def test_AndAggregator(self):
+ aggregator = AndAggregator()
+ # simple case
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 0 for input with 2 components
+ # (only 1 and only 0) and ground truth is only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.series_1_and_0,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 0,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 0 for input with 2 components
+ # (only 1 and only 0) and ground truth is only 0
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyzero,
+ self.series_1_and_0,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for the input containing only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.mts_onlyones,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for the input containing only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.mts_onlyones,
+ metric="recall",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 1 for the input containing only 1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.onlyones,
+ self.mts_onlyones,
+ metric="precision",
+ ),
+ 1,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # single series case (random example)
+ # aggregator must found 27 anomalies in the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_anomalies1)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ 27,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 0.44 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies,
+ self.mts_anomalies1,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 0.44,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an recall of 0.21568 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, metric="recall"
+ ),
+ 0.21568,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an f1 of 0.28205 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, metric="f1"
+ ),
+ 0.28205,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an precision of 0.40740 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies,
+ self.mts_anomalies1,
+ metric="precision",
+ ),
+ 0.40740,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # multiple series case (random example)
+ # aggregator must found [27,24] anomalies in the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ values = aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2])
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ [v.sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0] for v in values],
+ [27, 24],
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of [0.44,0.53] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="accuracy",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.44, 0.53]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an recall of [0.215686,0.27451] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="recall",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.215686, 0.27451]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an f1 of [0.282051,0.373333] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="f1",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.282051, 0.373333]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an precision of [0.407407, 0.583333] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="precision",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.407407, 0.583333]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ def test_EnsembleSklearn(self):
+ # Need to input an EnsembleSklearn model
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ EnsembleSklearnAggregator(model=MovingAverage(window=10))
+ # simple case
+ # series has 3 components, and real_anomalies_3w is equal to
+ # - component 1 when component 3 is 1
+ # - component 2 when component 3 is 0
+ # must have a high accuracy (here 0.92)
+ aggregator = EnsembleSklearnAggregator(
+ model=GradientBoostingClassifier(
+ n_estimators=50, learning_rate=1.0, max_depth=1
+ )
+ )
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies_3w, self.mts_anomalies3)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies_3w,
+ self.mts_anomalies3,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 0.92,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies_3w, self.real_anomalies_3w],
+ [self.mts_anomalies3, self.mts_anomalies3],
+ metric="accuracy",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.92, 0.92]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # single series case (random example)
+ aggregator = EnsembleSklearnAggregator(
+ model=GradientBoostingClassifier(
+ n_estimators=50, learning_rate=1.0, max_depth=1
+ )
+ )
+ aggregator.fit(self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1)
+ # aggregator must found 100 anomalies in the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertEqual(
+ aggregator.predict(self.mts_anomalies1)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ 100,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of 0.51 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies,
+ self.mts_anomalies1,
+ metric="accuracy",
+ ),
+ 0.51,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an recall 1.0 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, metric="recall"
+ ),
+ 1.0,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an f1 of 0.67549 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies, self.mts_anomalies1, metric="f1"
+ ),
+ 0.67549,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an precision of 0.51 for the input mts_anomalies1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ self.real_anomalies,
+ self.mts_anomalies1,
+ metric="precision",
+ ),
+ 0.51,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # multiple series case (random example)
+ # aggregator must found [100,100] anomalies in the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ values = aggregator.predict([self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2])
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ [v.sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0] for v in values],
+ [100, 100.0],
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an accuracy of [0.51, 0.51] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="accuracy",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.51, 0.51]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an recall of [1,1] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="recall",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([1, 1]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an f1 of [0.675497, 0.675497] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="f1",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.675497, 0.675497]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
+ # aggregator must have an precision of [0.51, 0.51] for the input [mts_anomalies1, mts_anomalies2]
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ np.array(
+ aggregator.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.real_anomalies, self.real_anomalies],
+ [self.mts_anomalies1, self.mts_anomalies2],
+ metric="precision",
+ )
+ ),
+ np.array([0.51, 0.51]),
+ decimal=1,
+ )
diff --git a/darts/tests/ad/test_anomaly_model.py b/darts/tests/ad/test_anomaly_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebc7972130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/tests/ad/test_anomaly_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
+from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from pyod.models.knn import KNN
+from darts import TimeSeries
+# anomaly aggregators
+# import everything in darts.ad (also for testing imports)
+from darts.ad import AndAggregator # noqa: F401
+from darts.ad import EnsembleSklearnAggregator # noqa: F401
+from darts.ad import OrAggregator # noqa: F401
+from darts.ad import QuantileDetector # noqa: F401
+from darts.ad import ThresholdDetector # noqa: F401
+from darts.ad import CauchyNLLScorer
+from darts.ad import DifferenceScorer as Difference
+from darts.ad import (
+ ExponentialNLLScorer,
+ FilteringAnomalyModel,
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel,
+ GammaNLLScorer,
+ GaussianNLLScorer,
+ KMeansScorer,
+ LaplaceNLLScorer,
+ NormScorer,
+ PoissonNLLScorer,
+ PyODScorer,
+ WassersteinScorer,
+from darts.ad.utils import eval_accuracy_from_scores, show_anomalies_from_scores
+from darts.models import MovingAverage, NaiveSeasonal, RegressionModel
+from darts.tests.base_test_class import DartsBaseTestClass
+class ADAnomalyModelTestCase(DartsBaseTestClass):
+ np.random.seed(42)
+ # univariate series
+ np_train = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=0.5, size=100)
+ train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_train)
+ np_covariates = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ covariates = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_covariates)
+ np_test = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=1, size=100)
+ test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_test)
+ np_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.9, 0.1])
+ anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies)
+ np_only_1_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0, 1])
+ only_1_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_only_1_anomalies
+ )
+ np_only_0_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[1, 0])
+ only_0_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_only_0_anomalies
+ )
+ modified_train = MovingAverage(window=10).filter(train)
+ modified_test = MovingAverage(window=10).filter(test)
+ np_probabilistic = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=1, size=[100, 1, 20])
+ probabilistic = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_probabilistic
+ )
+ # multivariate series
+ np_mts_train = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[0.5, 1], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_mts_train)
+ np_mts_test = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[1, 1.5], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(mts_train._time_index, np_mts_test)
+ np_mts_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=[100, 2], p=[0.9, 0.1])
+ mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train._time_index, np_mts_anomalies
+ )
+ def test_Scorer(self):
+ list_NonFittableAnomalyScorer = [
+ NormScorer(),
+ Difference(),
+ GaussianNLLScorer(),
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(),
+ PoissonNLLScorer(),
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(),
+ CauchyNLLScorer(),
+ GammaNLLScorer(),
+ ]
+ for scorers in list_NonFittableAnomalyScorer:
+ for anomaly_model in [
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=scorers),
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=scorers),
+ ]:
+ # scorer are trainable
+ self.assertTrue(anomaly_model.scorers_are_trainable is False)
+ list_FittableAnomalyScorer = [
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+ ]
+ for scorers in list_FittableAnomalyScorer:
+ for anomaly_model in [
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=scorers),
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=scorers),
+ ]:
+ # scorer are not trainable
+ self.assertTrue(anomaly_model.scorers_are_trainable is True)
+ def test_Score(self):
+ am1 = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=NormScorer()
+ )
+ am1.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ am2 = FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=NormScorer())
+ for am in [am1, am2]:
+ # Parameter return_model_prediction
+ # parameter return_model_prediction must be bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.score(self.test, return_model_prediction=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.score(self.test, return_model_prediction="True")
+ # if return_model_prediction set to true, output must be tuple
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(am.score(self.test, return_model_prediction=True), Tuple)
+ )
+ # if return_model_prediction set to false output must be
+ # Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ not isinstance(
+ am.score(self.test, return_model_prediction=False), Tuple
+ )
+ )
+ def test_FitFilteringAnomalyModelInput(self):
+ for anomaly_model in [
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=NormScorer()),
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=[NormScorer(), KMeansScorer()]
+ ),
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=KMeansScorer()
+ ),
+ ]:
+ # filter must be fittable if allow_filter_training is set to True
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ # input 'series' must be a series or Sequence of series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit([self.train, "str"], allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit([[self.train, self.train]], allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit("str", allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit([1, 2, 3], allow_model_training=True)
+ # allow_model_training must be a bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training="True")
+ def test_FitForecastingAnomalyModelInput(self):
+ for anomaly_model in [
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=NormScorer()
+ ),
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=[NormScorer(), KMeansScorer()]
+ ),
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=KMeansScorer()
+ ),
+ ]:
+ # input 'series' must be a series or Sequence of series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit([self.train, "str"], allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit([[self.train, self.train]], allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit("str", allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit([1, 2, 3], allow_model_training=True)
+ # allow_model_training must be a bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training="True")
+ # 'allow_model_training' must be set to True if forecasting model is not fitted
+ if anomaly_model.scorers_are_trainable:
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=False)
+ anomaly_model.score(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # number of 'past_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ anomaly_model.fit(
+ series=[self.train, self.train],
+ past_covariates=self.covariates,
+ allow_model_training=True,
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # number of 'past_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ anomaly_model.fit(
+ series=self.train,
+ past_covariates=[self.covariates, self.covariates],
+ allow_model_training=True,
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # number of 'future_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ anomaly_model.fit(
+ series=[self.train, self.train],
+ future_covariates=self.covariates,
+ allow_model_training=True,
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # number of 'future_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ anomaly_model.fit(
+ series=self.train,
+ future_covariates=[self.covariates, self.covariates],
+ allow_model_training=True,
+ )
+ fitted_model = RegressionModel(lags=10).fit(self.train)
+ # Fittable scorer must be fitted before calling .score(), even if forecasting model is fitted
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=fitted_model, scorer=KMeansScorer()).score(
+ series=self.test
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=fitted_model, scorer=[NormScorer(), KMeansScorer()]
+ ).score(series=self.test)
+ # forecasting model that do not accept past/future covariates
+ # with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=ExponentialSmoothing(),
+ # scorer=NormScorer()).fit(
+ # series=self.train, past_covariates=self.covariates, allow_model_training=True
+ # )
+ # with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=ExponentialSmoothing(),
+ # scorer=NormScorer()).fit(
+ # series=self.train, future_covariates=self.covariates, allow_model_training=True
+ # )
+ # check window size
+ # max window size is len(series.drop_before(series.get_timestamp_at_point(start))) + 1
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=KMeansScorer(window=50)
+ ).fit(series=self.train, start=0.9)
+ # forecasting model that cannot be trained on a list of series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=NaiveSeasonal(), scorer=NormScorer()).fit(
+ series=[self.train, self.train], allow_model_training=True
+ )
+ def test_ScoreForecastingAnomalyModelInput(self):
+ for anomaly_model in [
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=NormScorer()
+ ),
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=[NormScorer(), KMeansScorer()]
+ ),
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=KMeansScorer()
+ ),
+ ]:
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ # number of 'past_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.score(
+ series=[self.train, self.train], past_covariates=self.covariates
+ )
+ # number of 'past_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.score(
+ series=self.train,
+ past_covariates=[self.covariates, self.covariates],
+ )
+ # number of 'future_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.score(
+ series=[self.train, self.train], future_covariates=self.covariates
+ )
+ # number of 'future_covariates' must be the same as the number of Timeseries in 'series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.score(
+ series=self.train,
+ future_covariates=[self.covariates, self.covariates],
+ )
+ # check window size
+ # max window size is len(series.drop_before(series.get_timestamp_at_point(start))) + 1 for score()
+ anomaly_model = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=KMeansScorer(window=30)
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.score(series=self.train, start=0.9)
+ def test_ScoreFilteringAnomalyModelInput(self):
+ for anomaly_model in [
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=NormScorer()),
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=[NormScorer(), KMeansScorer()]
+ ),
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=KMeansScorer()
+ ),
+ ]:
+ if anomaly_model.scorers_are_trainable:
+ anomaly_model.fit(self.train)
+ def test_eval_accuracy(self):
+ am1 = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=NormScorer()
+ )
+ am1.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ am2 = FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=NormScorer())
+ am3 = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=[NormScorer(), WassersteinScorer()]
+ )
+ am3.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ am4 = FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=20), scorer=[NormScorer(), WassersteinScorer()]
+ )
+ am4.fit(self.train)
+ for am in [am1, am2, am3, am4]:
+ # if the anomaly_model have scorers that have the parameter univariate_scorer set to True,
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must have widths of 1
+ if am.univariate_scoring:
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.mts_anomalies, series=self.test
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.mts_anomalies, series=self.mts_test
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.mts_anomalies],
+ series=[self.test, self.mts_test],
+ )
+ # 'metric' must be str and "AUC_ROC" or "AUC_PR"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, series=self.test, metric=1
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, series=self.test, metric="auc_roc"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ series=self.test,
+ metric=["AUC_ROC"],
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must be binary
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(actual_anomalies=self.test, series=self.test)
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must contain anomalies (at least one)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_0_anomalies, series=self.test
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' cannot contain only anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_1_anomalies, series=self.test
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must match the number of series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, series=[self.test, self.test]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies], series=self.test
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must have non empty intersection with 'series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies[:20], series=self.test[30:]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies[:20]],
+ series=[self.test, self.test[40:]],
+ )
+ # Check input type
+ # 'actual_anomalies' and 'series' must be of same length
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([self.anomalies], [self.test, self.test])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, [self.test, self.test])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([self.anomalies, self.anomalies], [self.test])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([self.anomalies, self.anomalies], self.test)
+ # 'actual_anomalies' and 'series' must be of type Timeseries
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([self.anomalies], [2, 3, 4])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([self.anomalies], "str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([2, 3, 4], self.test)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy("str", self.test)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.anomalies, self.anomalies], [self.test, [3, 2, 1]]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ am.eval_accuracy([self.anomalies, [3, 2, 1]], [self.test, self.test])
+ # Check return types
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ am.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test),
+ Dict,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ am.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, [self.test]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ am.eval_accuracy(
+ [self.anomalies, self.anomalies], [self.test, self.test]
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ def test_ForecastingAnomalyModelInput(self):
+ # model input
+ # model input must be of type ForecastingModel
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model="str", scorer=NormScorer())
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=1, scorer=NormScorer())
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=NormScorer())
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=[RegressionModel(lags=10), RegressionModel(lags=5)],
+ scorer=NormScorer(),
+ )
+ # scorer input
+ # scorer input must be of type AnomalyScorer
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer="str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=RegressionModel(lags=10)
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=[NormScorer(), "str"]
+ )
+ def test_FilteringAnomalyModelInput(self):
+ # model input
+ # model input must be of type FilteringModel
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model="str", scorer=NormScorer())
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=1, scorer=NormScorer())
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=NormScorer())
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=[MovingAverage(window=10), MovingAverage(window=10)],
+ scorer=NormScorer(),
+ )
+ # scorer input
+ # scorer input must be of type AnomalyScorer
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer="str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=MovingAverage(window=10)
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=[NormScorer(), "str"]
+ )
+ def test_univariate_ForecastingAnomalyModel(self):
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ np_train_slope = np.array(range(0, 100, 1))
+ np_test_slope = np.array(range(0, 100, 1))
+ np_test_slope[30:32] = 29
+ np_test_slope[50:65] = np_test_slope[50:65] + 1
+ np_test_slope[75:80] = np_test_slope[75:80] * 0.98
+ train_series_slope = TimeSeries.from_values(np_train_slope)
+ test_series_slope = TimeSeries.from_values(np_test_slope)
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(100)
+ np_anomalies[30:32] = 1
+ np_anomalies[50:55] = 1
+ np_anomalies[70:80] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ test_series_slope.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ anomaly_model = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=5),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(),
+ Difference(),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(window=10),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=10),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=15),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(train_series_slope, allow_model_training=True, start=0.1)
+ score, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ test_series_slope, return_model_prediction=True, start=0.1
+ )
+ # check that NormScorer is the abs difference of model_output and test_series_slope
+ self.assertEqual(
+ (model_output - test_series_slope.slice_intersect(model_output)).__abs__(),
+ NormScorer().score_from_prediction(test_series_slope, model_output),
+ )
+ # check that Difference is the difference of model_output and test_series_slope
+ self.assertEqual(
+ test_series_slope.slice_intersect(model_output) - model_output,
+ Difference().score_from_prediction(test_series_slope, model_output),
+ )
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, test_series_slope, metric="AUC_ROC", start=0.1
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, test_series_slope, metric="AUC_PR", start=0.1
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=score,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 15],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=score,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 15],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [
+ 0.773449920508744,
+ 0.40659777424483307,
+ 0.9153708133971291,
+ 0.7702702702702702,
+ 0.9135765550239234,
+ 0.7603338632750397,
+ 0.9153708133971292,
+ 0.9006591337099811,
+ ]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ 0.4818991248542174,
+ 0.20023033665128342,
+ 0.9144135170539835,
+ 0.47953161438253644,
+ 0.9127969832903458,
+ 0.47039678636225957,
+ 0.9147124232933175,
+ 0.9604714100445533,
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ def test_univariate_FilteringAnomalyModel(self):
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ np_series_train = np.array(range(0, 100, 1)) + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=1, size=100
+ )
+ np_series_test = np.array(range(0, 100, 1)) + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=1, size=100
+ )
+ np_series_test[30:35] = np_series_test[30:35] + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=10, size=5
+ )
+ np_series_test[50:60] = np_series_test[50:60] + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=4, size=10
+ )
+ np_series_test[75:80] = np_series_test[75:80] + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=3, size=5
+ )
+ train_series_noise = TimeSeries.from_values(np_series_train)
+ test_series_noise = TimeSeries.from_values(np_series_test)
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(100)
+ np_anomalies[30:35] = 1
+ np_anomalies[50:60] = 1
+ np_anomalies[75:80] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ test_series_noise.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ anomaly_model = FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=5),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(),
+ Difference(),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(window=10),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=10),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=15),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(train_series_noise)
+ score, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ test_series_noise, return_model_prediction=True
+ )
+ # check that Difference is the difference of model_output and test_series_noise
+ self.assertEqual(
+ test_series_noise.slice_intersect(model_output) - model_output,
+ Difference().score_from_prediction(test_series_noise, model_output),
+ )
+ # check that NormScorer is the abs difference of model_output and test_series_noise
+ self.assertEqual(
+ (test_series_noise.slice_intersect(model_output) - model_output).__abs__(),
+ NormScorer().score_from_prediction(test_series_noise, model_output),
+ )
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, test_series_noise, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, test_series_noise, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=score,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 15],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=score,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 15],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [
+ 0.875625,
+ 0.5850000000000001,
+ 0.952127659574468,
+ 0.814375,
+ 0.9598646034816247,
+ 0.88125,
+ 0.9666344294003868,
+ 0.9731182795698925,
+ ]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ 0.7691407907338141,
+ 0.5566414178265074,
+ 0.9720504927710986,
+ 0.741298584352156,
+ 0.9744855592642071,
+ 0.7808056518442923,
+ 0.9800621192517156,
+ 0.9911842778990486,
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ def test_univariate_covariate_ForecastingAnomalyModel(self):
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ day_week = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+ np_day_week = np.array(day_week * 10)
+ np_train_series = 0.5 * np_day_week
+ np_test_series = 0.5 * np_day_week
+ np_test_series[30:35] = np_test_series[30:35] + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=2, size=5
+ )
+ np_test_series[50:60] = np_test_series[50:60] + np.random.normal(
+ loc=0, scale=1, size=10
+ )
+ covariates = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ pd.date_range(start="1949-01-01", end="1949-03-11"), np_day_week
+ )
+ series_train = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ pd.date_range(start="1949-01-01", end="1949-03-11"), np_train_series
+ )
+ series_test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ pd.date_range(start="1949-01-01", end="1949-03-11"), np_test_series
+ )
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(70)
+ np_anomalies[30:35] = 1
+ np_anomalies[50:60] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ series_test.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ anomaly_model = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=2, lags_future_covariates=[0]),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(),
+ Difference(),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(window=10),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=10),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=15),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(
+ series_train,
+ allow_model_training=True,
+ future_covariates=covariates,
+ start=0.2,
+ )
+ score, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ series_test,
+ return_model_prediction=True,
+ future_covariates=covariates,
+ start=0.2,
+ )
+ # check that NormScorer is the abs difference of model_output and series_test
+ self.assertEqual(
+ (series_test.slice_intersect(model_output) - model_output).__abs__(),
+ NormScorer().score_from_prediction(series_test, model_output),
+ )
+ # check that Difference is the difference of model_output and series_test
+ self.assertEqual(
+ series_test.slice_intersect(model_output) - model_output,
+ Difference().score_from_prediction(series_test, model_output),
+ )
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, series_test, metric="AUC_ROC", start=0.2
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, series_test, metric="AUC_PR", start=0.2
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=score,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 15],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=score,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 15],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [1.0, 0.6, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ 1.0,
+ 0.6914399076961142,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 0.9999999999999999,
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ def test_multivariate__FilteringAnomalyModel(self):
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ data_1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 100)
+ data_2 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 100)
+ mts_series_train = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((data_1, data_2))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ data_1[15:20] = data_1[15:20] + np.random.normal(0, 0.9, 5)
+ data_1[35:40] = data_1[35:40] + np.random.normal(0, 0.4, 5)
+ data_2[50:55] = data_2[50:55] + np.random.normal(0, 0.7, 5)
+ data_2[65:70] = data_2[65:70] + np.random.normal(0, 0.4, 5)
+ data_1[80:85] = data_1[80:85] + np.random.normal(0, 0.6, 5)
+ data_2[80:85] = data_2[80:85] + np.random.normal(0, 0.6, 5)
+ data_1[93:98] = data_1[93:98] + np.random.normal(0, 0.6, 5)
+ data_2[93:98] = data_2[93:98] + np.random.normal(0, 0.6, 5)
+ mts_series_test = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((data_1, data_2))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ np1_anomalies = np.zeros(len(data_1))
+ np1_anomalies[15:20] = 1
+ np1_anomalies[35:40] = 1
+ np1_anomalies[80:85] = 1
+ np1_anomalies[93:98] = 1
+ np2_anomalies = np.zeros(len(data_2))
+ np2_anomalies[50:55] = 1
+ np2_anomalies[67:70] = 1
+ np2_anomalies[80:85] = 1
+ np2_anomalies[93:98] = 1
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(len(data_2))
+ np_anomalies[15:20] = 1
+ np_anomalies[35:40] = 1
+ np_anomalies[50:55] = 1
+ np_anomalies[67:70] = 1
+ np_anomalies[80:85] = 1
+ np_anomalies[93:98] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_series_train.time_index,
+ np.dstack((np1_anomalies, np2_anomalies))[0],
+ columns=["is_anomaly_1", "is_anomaly_2"],
+ )
+ mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_series_train.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ # first case: scorers that return univariate scores
+ anomaly_model = FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(component_wise=False),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=12),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(window=5),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=5),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(mts_series_train)
+ scores, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ mts_series_test, return_model_prediction=True
+ )
+ # model_output must be multivariate (same width as input)
+ self.assertEqual(model_output.width, mts_series_test.width)
+ # scores must be of the same length as the number of scorers
+ self.assertEqual(len(scores), len(anomaly_model.scorers))
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ mts_anomalies, mts_series_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ mts_anomalies, mts_series_test, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[mts_anomalies] * 7,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 10, 12, 1, 5, 1, 5],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[mts_anomalies] * 7,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 10, 12, 1, 5, 1, 5],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [
+ 0.8695436507936507,
+ 0.9737678855325913,
+ 0.9930555555555555,
+ 0.857638888888889,
+ 0.9639130434782609,
+ 0.8690476190476191,
+ 0.9630434782608696,
+ ]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ 0.814256917602188,
+ 0.9945160041091712,
+ 0.9992086070916503,
+ 0.8054288542539664,
+ 0.9777504211642852,
+ 0.8164636240285442,
+ 0.9763049418985656,
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ # second case: scorers that return scorers that have the same width as the input
+ anomaly_model = FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(component_wise=True),
+ Difference(),
+ WassersteinScorer(component_wise=True),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=12, component_wise=True),
+ KMeansScorer(component_wise=True),
+ KMeansScorer(window=5, component_wise=True),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), component_wise=True),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=5, component_wise=True),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(mts_series_train)
+ scores, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ mts_series_test, return_model_prediction=True
+ )
+ # model_output must be multivariate (same width as input)
+ self.assertEqual(model_output.width, mts_series_test.width)
+ # scores must be of the same length as the number of scorers
+ self.assertEqual(len(scores), len(anomaly_model.scorers))
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, mts_series_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, mts_series_test, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 12, 1, 5, 1, 5],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 12, 1, 5, 1, 5],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [
+ [0.859375, 0.9200542005420054],
+ [0.49875, 0.513550135501355],
+ [0.997093023255814, 0.9536231884057971],
+ [0.998960498960499, 0.9739795918367344],
+ [0.8143750000000001, 0.8218157181571816],
+ [0.9886148007590132, 0.94677734375],
+ [0.830625, 0.9369918699186992],
+ [0.9909867172675522, 0.94580078125],
+ ]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ [0.7213314465376244, 0.8191331553279771],
+ [0.4172305056124696, 0.49249755343619195],
+ [0.9975245098039216, 0.9741870252257915],
+ [0.9992877492877493, 0.9865792868871687],
+ [0.7095552075210219, 0.7591858780309868],
+ [0.9827224901431558, 0.9402925739221939],
+ [0.7095275592303261, 0.8313668186652059],
+ [0.9858096294704315, 0.9391783485106905],
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ def test_multivariate__ForecastingAnomalyModel(self):
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ data_sin = np.array([np.sin(x) for x in np.arange(0, 20 * np.pi, 0.2)])
+ data_cos = np.array([np.cos(x) for x in np.arange(0, 20 * np.pi, 0.2)])
+ mts_series_train = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((data_sin, data_cos))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ data_sin[10:20] = 0
+ data_cos[60:80] = 0
+ data_sin[100:110] = 1
+ data_cos[150:155] = 1
+ data_sin[200:240] = 0.9 * data_cos[200:240]
+ data_cos[200:240] = 0.9 * data_sin[200:240]
+ data_sin[275:295] = data_sin[275:295] + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 20)
+ data_cos[275:295] = data_cos[275:295] + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 20)
+ mts_series_test = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((data_sin, data_cos))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ np1_anomalies = np.zeros(len(data_sin))
+ np1_anomalies[10:20] = 1
+ np1_anomalies[100:110] = 1
+ np1_anomalies[200:240] = 1
+ np1_anomalies[275:295] = 1
+ np2_anomalies = np.zeros(len(data_cos))
+ np2_anomalies[60:80] = 1
+ np2_anomalies[150:155] = 1
+ np2_anomalies[200:240] = 1
+ np2_anomalies[275:295] = 1
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(len(data_cos))
+ np_anomalies[10:20] = 1
+ np_anomalies[60:80] = 1
+ np_anomalies[100:110] = 1
+ np_anomalies[150:155] = 1
+ np_anomalies[200:240] = 1
+ np_anomalies[275:295] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_series_train.time_index,
+ np.dstack((np1_anomalies, np2_anomalies))[0],
+ columns=["is_anomaly_1", "is_anomaly_2"],
+ )
+ mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_series_train.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ # first case: scorers that return univariate scores
+ anomaly_model = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(component_wise=False),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=20),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ KMeansScorer(window=20),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=10),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(mts_series_train, allow_model_training=True, start=0.1)
+ scores, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ mts_series_test, return_model_prediction=True, start=0.1
+ )
+ # model_output must be multivariate (same width as input)
+ self.assertEqual(model_output.width, mts_series_test.width)
+ # scores must be of the same length as the number of scorers
+ self.assertEqual(len(scores), len(anomaly_model.scorers))
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ mts_anomalies, mts_series_test, start=0.1, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ mts_anomalies, mts_series_test, start=0.1, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[mts_anomalies] * 7,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 10, 20, 1, 20, 1, 10],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[mts_anomalies] * 7,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 10, 20, 1, 20, 1, 10],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [
+ 0.9252575884154831,
+ 0.9130158730158731,
+ 0.9291228070175439,
+ 0.9252575884154832,
+ 0.9211929824561403,
+ 0.9252575884154831,
+ 0.915873015873016,
+ ]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ 0.8389462532437767,
+ 0.9151621069238896,
+ 0.9685249535885079,
+ 0.8389462532437765,
+ 0.9662153835545242,
+ 0.8389462532437764,
+ 0.9212725256428517,
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ # second case: scorers that return scorers that have the same width as the input
+ anomaly_model = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10),
+ scorer=[
+ NormScorer(component_wise=True),
+ Difference(),
+ WassersteinScorer(component_wise=True),
+ WassersteinScorer(window=20, component_wise=True),
+ KMeansScorer(component_wise=True),
+ KMeansScorer(window=20, component_wise=True),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), component_wise=True),
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=10, component_wise=True),
+ ],
+ )
+ anomaly_model.fit(mts_series_train, allow_model_training=True, start=0.1)
+ scores, model_output = anomaly_model.score(
+ mts_series_test, return_model_prediction=True, start=0.1
+ )
+ # model_output must be multivariate (same width as input)
+ self.assertEqual(model_output.width, mts_series_test.width)
+ # scores must be of the same length as the number of scorers
+ self.assertEqual(len(scores), len(anomaly_model.scorers))
+ dict_auc_roc = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, mts_series_test, start=0.1, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ dict_auc_pr = anomaly_model.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, mts_series_test, start=0.1, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ auc_roc_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 20, 1, 20, 1, 10],
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ auc_pr_from_scores = eval_accuracy_from_scores(
+ actual_anomalies=[ts_anomalies] * 8,
+ anomaly_score=scores,
+ window=[1, 1, 10, 20, 1, 20, 1, 10],
+ metric="AUC_PR",
+ )
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return an input of same length
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_roc_from_scores), len(dict_auc_roc))
+ self.assertEqual(len(auc_pr_from_scores), len(dict_auc_pr))
+ # function eval_accuracy_from_scores and eval_accuracy must return the same values
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, list(dict_auc_roc.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_pr_from_scores, list(dict_auc_pr.values()), decimal=1
+ )
+ true_auc_roc = [
+ [0.8803738317757009, 0.912267218445167],
+ [0.48898531375166887, 0.5758202778598878],
+ [0.8375999073323295, 0.9162283996994741],
+ [0.7798128494807715, 0.8739249880554228],
+ [0.8803738317757008, 0.912267218445167],
+ [0.7787287458632889, 0.8633540372670807],
+ [0.8803738317757009, 0.9122672184451671],
+ [0.8348777945094406, 0.9137061285821616],
+ ]
+ true_auc_pr = [
+ [0.7123114333965317, 0.7579757115620807],
+ [0.4447973021706103, 0.596776950584551],
+ [0.744325434474558, 0.8984960888744328],
+ [0.7653561450296187, 0.9233662817550338],
+ [0.7123114333965317, 0.7579757115620807],
+ [0.7852553779986415, 0.9185701347601994],
+ [0.7123114333965319, 0.7579757115620807],
+ [0.757208451057927, 0.8967178983419622],
+ ]
+ # check value of results
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(
+ auc_roc_from_scores, true_auc_roc, decimal=1
+ )
+ np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(auc_pr_from_scores, true_auc_pr, decimal=1)
+ def test_show_anomalies(self):
+ forecasting_anomaly_model = ForecastingAnomalyModel(
+ model=RegressionModel(lags=10), scorer=NormScorer()
+ )
+ forecasting_anomaly_model.fit(self.train, allow_model_training=True)
+ filtering_anomaly_model = FilteringAnomalyModel(
+ model=MovingAverage(window=10), scorer=NormScorer()
+ )
+ for anomaly_model in [forecasting_anomaly_model, filtering_anomaly_model]:
+ # must input only one series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(series=[self.train, self.train])
+ # input must be a series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(series=[1, 2, 4])
+ # metric must be "AUC_ROC" or "AUC_PR"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train, actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, metric="str"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train, actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, metric="auc_roc"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train, actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, metric=1
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must be not none if metric is given
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(series=self.train, metric="AUC_ROC")
+ # actual_anomalies must be binary
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train, actual_anomalies=self.test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must contain at least 1 anomaly if metric is given
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train,
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_0_anomalies,
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must contain at least 1 non-anomoulous timestamp
+ # if metric is given
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train,
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_1_anomalies,
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ # names_of_scorers must be str
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(series=self.train, names_of_scorers=2)
+ # nbr of names_of_scorers must match the nbr of scores (only 1 here)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(
+ series=self.train, names_of_scorers=["scorer1", "scorer2"]
+ )
+ # title must be str
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ anomaly_model.show_anomalies(series=self.train, title=1)
+ def test_show_anomalies_from_scores(self):
+ # must input only one series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(series=[self.train, self.train])
+ # input must be a series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(series=[1, 2, 4])
+ # must input only one model_output
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, model_output=[self.test, self.train]
+ )
+ # metric must be "AUC_ROC" or "AUC_PR"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ metric="str",
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ metric="auc_roc",
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ metric=1,
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must be not none if metric is given
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, anomaly_scores=self.test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must be binary
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ actual_anomalies=self.test,
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must contain at least 1 anomaly if metric is given
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_0_anomalies,
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ # actual_anomalies must contain at least 1 non-anomoulous timestamp
+ # if metric is given
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_1_anomalies,
+ metric="AUC_ROC",
+ )
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, anomaly_scores=self.test, window="1"
+ )
+ # window must be an int positive
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, anomaly_scores=self.test, window=-1
+ )
+ # window must smaller than the score series
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, anomaly_scores=self.test, window=200
+ )
+ # must have the same nbr of windows than scores
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, anomaly_scores=self.test, window=[1, 2]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=[self.test, self.test],
+ window=[1, 2, 1],
+ )
+ # names_of_scorers must be str
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train, anomaly_scores=self.test, names_of_scorers=2
+ )
+ # nbr of names_of_scorers must match the nbr of scores
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=self.test,
+ names_of_scorers=["scorer1", "scorer2"],
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(
+ series=self.train,
+ anomaly_scores=[self.test, self.test],
+ names_of_scorers=["scorer1", "scorer2", "scorer3"],
+ )
+ # title must be str
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ show_anomalies_from_scores(series=self.train, title=1)
diff --git a/darts/tests/ad/test_detectors.py b/darts/tests/ad/test_detectors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79ebb5a67e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/tests/ad/test_detectors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.detectors.quantile_detector import QuantileDetector
+from darts.ad.detectors.threshold_detector import ThresholdDetector
+from darts.tests.base_test_class import DartsBaseTestClass
+list_NonFittableDetector = [ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=0.2)]
+list_FittableDetector = [QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.2)]
+class ADDetectorsTestCase(DartsBaseTestClass):
+ np.random.seed(42)
+ # univariate series
+ np_train = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=0.5, size=100)
+ train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_train)
+ np_test = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=1, size=100)
+ test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_test)
+ np_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.9, 0.1])
+ anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies)
+ # multivariate series
+ np_mts_train = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[0.5, 1], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_mts_train)
+ np_mts_test = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[1, 1.5], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(mts_train._time_index, np_mts_test)
+ np_mts_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=[100, 2], p=[0.9, 0.1])
+ mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train._time_index, np_mts_anomalies
+ )
+ np_probabilistic = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], p=[0.5, 0.5], size=[100, 1, 5])
+ probabilistic = TimeSeries.from_values(np_probabilistic)
+ def test_DetectNonFittableDetector(self):
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=0.2)
+ # Check return types
+ # Check if return TimeSeries is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect(self.test), TimeSeries))
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect([self.test]), Sequence))
+ # Check if return TimeSeries is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect(self.mts_test), TimeSeries))
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect([self.mts_test]), Sequence))
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Input cannot be probabilistic
+ detector.detect(self.probabilistic)
+ def test_DetectFittableDetector(self):
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.2)
+ # Check return types
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect(self.test), TimeSeries))
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect([self.test]), Sequence))
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect(self.mts_test), TimeSeries))
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a sequence of multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(detector.detect([self.mts_test]), Sequence))
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Input cannot be probabilistic
+ detector.detect(self.probabilistic)
+ def test_eval_accuracy(self):
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=0.2)
+ # Check return types
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test), float)
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, [self.test]), Sequence)
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test), Sequence
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, [self.mts_test]), Sequence
+ )
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Input cannot be probabilistic
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.probabilistic)
+ def test_FittableDetector(self):
+ for detector in list_FittableDetector:
+ # Need to call fit() before calling detect()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.test)
+ # Check if _fit_called is False
+ self.assertTrue(not detector._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # fit on sequence with series that have different width
+ detector.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # Input cannot be probabilistic
+ detector.fit(self.probabilistic)
+ # case1: fit on UTS
+ detector1 = detector
+ detector1.fit(self.train)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(detector1._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ detector1.detect(self.mts_test)
+ # case2: fit on MTS
+ detector2 = detector
+ detector2.fit(self.mts_test)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(detector2._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ detector2.detect(self.train)
+ def test_QuantileDetector(self):
+ # Need to have at least one parameter (low, high) not None
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=None, high_quantile=None)
+ # Parameter low must be float or Sequence of float
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile="0.5")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.2, "0.1"])
+ # Parameter high must be float or Sequence of float
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ QuantileDetector(high_quantile="0.5")
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ QuantileDetector(high_quantile=[0.2, "0.1"])
+ # if high and low are both sequences of length>1, they must be of the same size
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.2, 0.1], high_quantile=[0.95, 0.8, 0.9])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.2, 0.1, 0.7], high_quantile=[0.95, 0.8])
+ # Parameter must be between 0 and 1
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(high_quantile=1.1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(high_quantile=-0.2)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(high_quantile=[-0.1, 0.9])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=1.1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=-0.2)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[-0.2, 0.3])
+ # Parameter high must be higher than parameter low
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.7, high_quantile=0.2)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.2, 0.9], high_quantile=[0.95, 0.1])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.2, high_quantile=[0.95, 0.1])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.2, 0.9], high_quantile=0.8)
+ # Parameter high/low cannot be sequence of only None
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[None, None, None])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(high_quantile=[None, None, None])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[None], high_quantile=[None, None, None])
+ # widths of series used for fitting must match the number of values given for high or/and low,
+ # if high and low have a length higher than 1
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.1, high_quantile=[0.8, 0.7])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.1, 0.2], high_quantile=[0.8, 0.9])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.1, 0.2], high_quantile=0.8)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.1, 0.2])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(high_quantile=[0.1, 0.2])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ # widths of series used for scoring must match the number of values given for high or/and low,
+ # if high and low have a length higher than 1
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.1, high_quantile=[0.8, 0.7])
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.1, 0.2], high_quantile=[0.8, 0.9])
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.1, 0.2], high_quantile=0.8)
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=[0.1, 0.2])
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(high_quantile=[0.1, 0.2])
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.05, high_quantile=0.95)
+ detector.fit(self.train)
+ binary_detection = detector.detect(self.test)
+ # Return of .detect() must be binary
+ self.assertTrue(
+ np.array_equal(
+ binary_detection.values(copy=False),
+ binary_detection.values(copy=False).astype(bool),
+ )
+ )
+ # Return of .detect() must be same len as input
+ self.assertTrue(len(binary_detection) == len(self.test))
+ # univariate test
+ # detector parameter 'abs_low_' must be equal to 9.13658 when trained on the series 'train'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(detector.low_threshold[0], 9.13658, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector parameter 'abs_high_' must be equal to 10.74007 when trained on the series 'train'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(detector.high_threshold[0], 10.74007, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must found 10 anomalies in the series 'train'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ detector.detect(self.train).sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 10
+ )
+ # detector must found 42 anomalies in the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection.sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 42)
+ # detector must have an accuracy of 0.57 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="accuracy"),
+ 0.57,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # detector must have an recall of 0.4 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="recall"),
+ 0.4,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # detector must have an f1 of 0.08510 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="f1"),
+ 0.08510,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # detector must have an precision of 0.04761 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="precision"),
+ 0.04761,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # multivariate test
+ detector_1param = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.05, high_quantile=0.95)
+ detector_1param.fit(self.mts_train)
+ binary_detection = detector_1param.detect(self.mts_test)
+ # if two values are given for low and high, and a series of width 2 is given, then the results must
+ # be the same as a detector that was given only one value for low and high.
+ # (will duplicate the value for each component)
+ detector_2param = QuantileDetector(
+ low_quantile=[0.05, 0.05], high_quantile=[0.95, 0.95]
+ )
+ detector_2param.fit(self.mts_train)
+ binary_detection_2param = detector_2param.detect(self.mts_test)
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection, binary_detection_2param)
+ # width of output must be equal to 2 (same dimension as input)
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ abs_low_ = detector_1param.low_threshold
+ abs_high_ = detector_1param.high_threshold
+ # detector_1param parameter 'abs_high_' must be equal to 10.83047 when trained
+ # on the series 'train' for the 1st component
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(abs_high_[0], 10.83047, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param parameter 'abs_high_' must be equal to 6.47822 when trained
+ # on the series 'train' for the 2nd component
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(abs_high_[1], 6.47822, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param parameter 'abs_low_' must be equal to 9.20248 when trained
+ # on the series 'train' for the 1st component
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(abs_low_[0], 9.20248, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param parameter 'abs_low_' must be equal to 3.61853 when trained
+ # on the series 'train' for the 2nd component
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(abs_low_[1], 3.61853, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param must found 37 anomalies on the first component of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["0"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 37
+ )
+ # detector_1param must found 38 anomalies on the second component of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["1"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 38
+ )
+ acc = detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ # detector_1param must have an accuracy of 0.58 on the first component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[0], 0.58, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param must have an accuracy of 0.58 on the second component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[1], 0.58, delta=1e-05)
+ precision = detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ # detector_1param must have an precision of 0.08108 on the first component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[0], 0.08108, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param must have an precision of 0.07894 on the second component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[1], 0.07894, delta=1e-05)
+ recall = detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ # detector_1param must have an recall of 0.2727 on the first component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[0], 0.27272, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param must have an recall of 0.3 on the second component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[1], 0.3, delta=1e-05)
+ f1 = detector_1param.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1"
+ )
+ # detector_1param must have an f1 of 0.125 on the first component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[0], 0.125, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector_1param must have an f1 of 0.125 on the second component of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[1], 0.125, delta=1e-05)
+ # exemple multivariate with Nones
+ detector = QuantileDetector(
+ low_quantile=[0.05, None], high_quantile=[None, 0.95]
+ )
+ detector.fit(self.mts_train)
+ binary_detection = detector.detect(self.mts_test)
+ # width of output must be equal to 2 (same dimension as input)
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1")),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ # TODO: we should improve these tests to introduce some correlation
+ # between actual and detected anomalies...
+ # detector must found 20 anomalies on the first component of the series 'test'
+ # Note: there are 200 values (100 time step x 2 components) so this matches
+ # well a detection rate of 10% (bottom 5% on first component and top 5% on second component)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["0"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 20
+ )
+ # detector must found 19 anomalies on the second component of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["1"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 19
+ )
+ acc = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[0], 0.69, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[1], 0.75, delta=1e-05)
+ precision = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[0], 0.0, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[1], 0.10526, delta=1e-05)
+ recall = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[0], 0.0, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[1], 0.2, delta=1e-05)
+ f1 = detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1")
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[0], 0.0, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[1], 0.13793, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_ThresholdDetector(self):
+ # Parameters
+ # Need to have at least one parameter (low, high) not None
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=None, high_threshold=None)
+ # if high and low are both sequences of length>1, they must be of the same size
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.2, 0.1], high_threshold=[0.95, 0.8, 0.9])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.2, 0.1, 0.7], high_threshold=[0.95, 0.8])
+ # Parameter high must be higher than parameter low
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=0.7, high_threshold=0.2)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.2, 0.9], high_threshold=[0.95, 0.1])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=0.2, high_threshold=[0.95, 0.1])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.2, 0.9], high_threshold=0.8)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.2, 0.9, None], high_threshold=0.8)
+ # Parameter high/low cannot be sequence of only None
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[None, None, None])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(high_threshold=[None, None, None])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[None], high_threshold=[None, None, None])
+ # widths of series used for scoring must match the number of values given for high or/and low,
+ # if high and low have a length higher than 1
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=0.1, high_threshold=[0.8, 0.7])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(
+ low_threshold=[0.1, 0.2], high_threshold=[0.8, 0.9]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.1, 0.2], high_threshold=0.8)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[0.1, 0.2])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(high_threshold=[0.1, 0.2])
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ detector.detect([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=9.5, high_threshold=10.5)
+ binary_detection = detector.detect(self.test)
+ # Return of .detect() must be binary
+ self.assertTrue(
+ np.array_equal(
+ binary_detection.values(copy=False),
+ binary_detection.values(copy=False).astype(bool),
+ )
+ )
+ # Return of .detect() must be same len as input
+ self.assertTrue(len(binary_detection) == len(self.test))
+ # univariate test
+ # detector must found 58 anomalies in the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection.sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 58)
+ # detector must have an accuracy of 0.41 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="accuracy"),
+ 0.41,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # detector must have an recall of 0.4 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="recall"),
+ 0.4,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # detector must have an f1 of 0.06349 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="f1"),
+ 0.06349,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # detector must have an precision of 0.03448 for the series 'test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(self.anomalies, self.test, metric="precision"),
+ 0.03448,
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ # multivariate test
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=4.8, high_threshold=10.5)
+ binary_detection = detector.detect(self.mts_test)
+ # if two values are given for low and high, and a series of width 2 is given,
+ # then the results must be the same as a detector that was given only one value
+ # for low and high. (will duplicate the value for each width)
+ detector_2param = ThresholdDetector(
+ low_threshold=[4.8, 4.8], high_threshold=[10.5, 10.5]
+ )
+ binary_detection_2param = detector_2param.detect(self.mts_test)
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection, binary_detection_2param)
+ # width of output must be equal to 2 (same dimension as input)
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1")),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ # detector must found 28 anomalies on the first width of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["0"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 28
+ )
+ # detector must found 52 anomalies on the second width of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["1"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 52
+ )
+ acc = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ # detector must have an accuracy of 0.71 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[0], 0.71, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an accuracy of 0.48 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[1], 0.48, delta=1e-05)
+ precision = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ # detector must have an precision of 0.17857 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[0], 0.17857, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an precision of 0.09615 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[1], 0.09615, delta=1e-05)
+ recall = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ # detector must have an recall of 0.45454 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[0], 0.45454, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an recall of 0.5 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[1], 0.5, delta=1e-05)
+ f1 = detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1")
+ # detector must have an f1 of 0.25641 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[0], 0.25641, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an f1 of 0.16129 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[1], 0.16129, delta=1e-05)
+ # exemple multivariate with Nones
+ detector = ThresholdDetector(low_threshold=[10, None], high_threshold=[None, 5])
+ binary_detection = detector.detect(self.mts_test)
+ # width of output must be equal to 2 (same dimension as input)
+ self.assertEqual(binary_detection.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1")),
+ 2,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(
+ detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ ),
+ 2,
+ )
+ # detector must found 48 anomalies on the first width of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["0"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 48
+ )
+ # detector must found 43 anomalies on the second width of the series 'test'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ binary_detection["1"].sum(axis=0).all_values().flatten()[0], 43
+ )
+ acc = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="accuracy"
+ )
+ # detector must have an accuracy of 0.51 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[0], 0.51, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an accuracy of 0.57 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(acc[1], 0.57, delta=1e-05)
+ precision = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="precision"
+ )
+ # detector must have an precision of 0.10416 and on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[0], 0.10416, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an precision of 0.11627 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(precision[1], 0.11627, delta=1e-05)
+ recall = detector.eval_accuracy(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="recall"
+ )
+ # detector must have an recall of 0.45454 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[0], 0.45454, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an recall of 0.5 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(recall[1], 0.5, delta=1e-05)
+ f1 = detector.eval_accuracy(self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, metric="f1")
+ # detector must have an f1 of 0.16949 on the first width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[0], 0.16949, delta=1e-05)
+ # detector must have an f1 of 0.18867 on the second width of the series 'mts_test'
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(f1[1], 0.18867, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_fit_detect(self):
+ detector1 = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.05, high_quantile=0.95)
+ detector1.fit(self.train)
+ prediction1 = detector1.detect(self.train)
+ detector2 = QuantileDetector(low_quantile=0.05, high_quantile=0.95)
+ prediction2 = detector2.fit_detect(self.train)
+ self.assertEqual(prediction1, prediction2)
diff --git a/darts/tests/ad/test_scorers.py b/darts/tests/ad/test_scorers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10b2805a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darts/tests/ad/test_scorers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2633 @@
+from typing import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from pyod.models.knn import KNN
+from scipy.stats import cauchy, expon, gamma, laplace, norm, poisson
+from darts import TimeSeries
+from darts.ad.scorers import CauchyNLLScorer
+from darts.ad.scorers import DifferenceScorer as Difference
+from darts.ad.scorers import (
+ ExponentialNLLScorer,
+ GammaNLLScorer,
+ GaussianNLLScorer,
+ KMeansScorer,
+ LaplaceNLLScorer,
+from darts.ad.scorers import NormScorer as Norm
+from darts.ad.scorers import PoissonNLLScorer, PyODScorer, WassersteinScorer
+from darts.models import MovingAverage
+from darts.tests.base_test_class import DartsBaseTestClass
+list_NonFittableAnomalyScorer = [
+ Norm(),
+ Difference(),
+ GaussianNLLScorer(),
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(),
+ PoissonNLLScorer(),
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(),
+ CauchyNLLScorer(),
+ GammaNLLScorer(),
+list_FittableAnomalyScorer = [
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN()),
+ KMeansScorer(),
+ WassersteinScorer(),
+list_NLLScorer = [
+ GaussianNLLScorer(),
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(),
+ PoissonNLLScorer(),
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(),
+ CauchyNLLScorer(),
+ GammaNLLScorer(),
+class ADAnomalyScorerTestCase(DartsBaseTestClass):
+ np.random.seed(42)
+ # univariate series
+ np_train = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=0.5, size=100)
+ train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_train)
+ np_test = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=2, size=100)
+ test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_test)
+ np_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.9, 0.1])
+ anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(train._time_index, np_anomalies)
+ np_only_1_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0, 1])
+ only_1_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_only_1_anomalies
+ )
+ np_only_0_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[1, 0])
+ only_0_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_only_0_anomalies
+ )
+ modified_train = MovingAverage(window=10).filter(train)
+ modified_test = MovingAverage(window=10).filter(test)
+ np_probabilistic = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=2, size=[100, 1, 20])
+ probabilistic = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ train._time_index, np_probabilistic
+ )
+ # multivariate series
+ np_mts_train = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[0.5, 1], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_mts_train)
+ np_mts_test = np.random.normal(loc=[10, 5], scale=[1, 1.5], size=[100, 2])
+ mts_test = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(mts_train._time_index, np_mts_test)
+ np_mts_anomalies = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=[100, 2], p=[0.9, 0.1])
+ mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train._time_index, np_mts_anomalies
+ )
+ modified_mts_train = MovingAverage(window=10).filter(mts_train)
+ modified_mts_test = MovingAverage(window=10).filter(mts_test)
+ np_mts_probabilistic = np.random.normal(
+ loc=[[10], [5]], scale=[[1], [1.5]], size=[100, 2, 20]
+ )
+ mts_probabilistic = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train._time_index, np_mts_probabilistic
+ )
+ def test_ScoreNonFittableAnomalyScorer(self):
+ scorer = Norm()
+ # Check return types for score_from_prediction()
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.modified_test), TimeSeries
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction([self.test], [self.modified_test]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test),
+ TimeSeries,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction([self.mts_test], [self.modified_mts_test]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ def test_ScoreFittableAnomalyScorer(self):
+ scorer = KMeansScorer()
+ # Check return types for score()
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(scorer.score(self.test), TimeSeries))
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(scorer.score([self.test]), Sequence))
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(scorer.score(self.mts_test), TimeSeries))
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a sequence of multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(scorer.score([self.mts_test]), Sequence))
+ # Check return types for score_from_prediction()
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(self.train, self.modified_train)
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.modified_test), TimeSeries
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction([self.test], [self.modified_test]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(self.mts_train, self.modified_mts_train)
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test),
+ TimeSeries,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction([self.mts_test], [self.modified_mts_test]),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ def test_eval_accuracy_from_prediction(self):
+ scorer = Norm(component_wise=False)
+ # Check return types
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.anomalies, self.test, self.modified_test
+ ),
+ float,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.anomalies, [self.test], self.modified_test
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is a float when input is a multivariate series and component_wise is set to False
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.anomalies, self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test
+ ),
+ float,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series and component_wise is set to False
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.anomalies, [self.mts_test], self.modified_mts_test
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ scorer = Norm(component_wise=True)
+ # Check return types
+ # Check if return type is float when input is a series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.anomalies, self.test, self.modified_test
+ ),
+ float,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a Sequence of series
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.anomalies, [self.test], self.modified_test
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is a float when input is a multivariate series and component_wise is set to True
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.mts_anomalies, self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ # Check if return type is Sequence when input is a multivariate series and component_wise is set to True
+ self.assertTrue(
+ isinstance(
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ self.mts_anomalies, [self.mts_test], self.modified_mts_test
+ ),
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ )
+ non_fittable_scorer = Norm(component_wise=False)
+ fittable_scorer = KMeansScorer(component_wise=False)
+ fittable_scorer.fit(self.train)
+ # if component_wise set to False, 'actual_anomalies' must have widths of 1
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.mts_anomalies, series=self.test
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.mts_anomalies],
+ series=[self.test, self.test],
+ )
+ # 'metric' must be str and "AUC_ROC" or "AUC_PR"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, series=self.test, metric=1
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, series=self.test, metric="auc_roc"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies, series=self.test, metric=["AUC_ROC"]
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must be binary
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(actual_anomalies=self.test, series=self.test)
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must contain anomalies (at least one)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_0_anomalies, series=self.test
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' cannot contain only anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_1_anomalies, series=self.test
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must match the number of series if length higher than 1
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies], series=self.test
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies],
+ series=[self.test, self.test, self.test],
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must have non empty intersection with 'series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies[:20], series=self.test[30:]
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies[:20]],
+ series=[self.test, self.test[40:]],
+ )
+ for scorer in [non_fittable_scorer, fittable_scorer]:
+ # name must be of type str
+ self.assertEqual(
+ type(scorer.__str__()),
+ str,
+ )
+ # 'metric' must be str and "AUC_ROC" or "AUC_PR"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ metric=1,
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ metric="auc_roc",
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+ fittable_scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ metric=["AUC_ROC"],
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must be binary
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.test,
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must contain anomalies (at least one)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_0_anomalies,
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' cannot contain only anomalies
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.only_1_anomalies,
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must match the number of series if length higher than 1
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies],
+ actual_series=[self.test, self.test, self.test],
+ pred_series=[
+ self.modified_test,
+ self.modified_test,
+ self.modified_test,
+ ],
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies],
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.modified_test,
+ )
+ # 'actual_anomalies' must have non empty intersection with 'actual_series' and 'pred_series'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies[:20],
+ actual_series=self.test[30:],
+ pred_series=self.modified_test[30:],
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.eval_accuracy_from_prediction(
+ actual_anomalies=[self.anomalies, self.anomalies[:20]],
+ actual_series=[self.test, self.test[40:]],
+ pred_series=[self.modified_test, self.modified_test[40:]],
+ )
+ def test_NonFittableAnomalyScorer(self):
+ for scorer in list_NonFittableAnomalyScorer:
+ # Check if trainable is False, being a NonFittableAnomalyScorer
+ self.assertTrue(not scorer.trainable)
+ # checks for score_from_prediction()
+ # input must be Timeseries or sequence of Timeseries
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, "str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train], [self.modified_train, "str"]
+ )
+ # score on sequence with series that have different width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, self.modified_mts_train)
+ # input sequences have different length
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train], [self.modified_train]
+ )
+ # two inputs must have a non zero intersection
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train[:50], self.train[55:])
+ # every pairwise element must have a non zero intersection
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train[:50]], [self.train, self.train[55:]]
+ )
+ def test_FittableAnomalyScorer(self):
+ for scorer in list_FittableAnomalyScorer:
+ # Need to call fit() before calling score()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.test)
+ # Need to call fit() before calling score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.modified_test)
+ # Check if trainable is True, being a FittableAnomalyScorer
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.trainable)
+ # Check if _fit_called is False
+ self.assertTrue(not scorer._fit_called)
+ # fit on sequence with series that have different width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit([self.train, self.mts_train])
+ # fit on sequence with series that have different width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.mts_train],
+ [self.modified_train, self.modified_mts_train],
+ )
+ # checks for fit_from_prediction()
+ # input must be Timeseries or sequence of Timeseries
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, "str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train], [self.modified_train, "str"]
+ )
+ # two inputs must have the same length
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train], [self.modified_train]
+ )
+ # two inputs must have the same width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction([self.train], [self.modified_mts_train])
+ # every element must have the same width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.mts_train],
+ [self.modified_train, self.modified_mts_train],
+ )
+ # two inputs must have a non zero intersection
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(self.train[:50], self.train[55:])
+ # every pairwise element must have a non zero intersection
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train[:50]], [self.train, self.train[55:]]
+ )
+ # checks for fit()
+ # input must be Timeseries or sequence of Timeseries
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit("str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit([self.modified_train, "str"])
+ # checks for score_from_prediction()
+ scorer.fit_from_prediction(self.train, self.modified_train)
+ # input must be Timeseries or sequence of Timeseries
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, "str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train], [self.modified_train, "str"]
+ )
+ # two inputs must have the same length
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train], [self.modified_train]
+ )
+ # two inputs must have the same width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction([self.train], [self.modified_mts_train])
+ # every element must have the same width
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.mts_train],
+ [self.modified_train, self.modified_mts_train],
+ )
+ # two inputs must have a non zero intersection
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train[:50], self.train[55:])
+ # every pairwise element must have a non zero intersection
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ [self.train, self.train[:50]], [self.train, self.train[55:]]
+ )
+ # checks for score()
+ # input must be Timeseries or sequence of Timeseries
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score("str")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score([self.modified_train, "str"])
+ # caseA: fit with fit()
+ # case1: fit on UTS
+ scorerA1 = scorer
+ scorerA1.fit(self.train)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(scorerA1._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ scorerA1.score(self.mts_test)
+ # case2: fit on MTS
+ scorerA2 = scorer
+ scorerA2.fit(self.mts_train)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(scorerA2._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ scorerA2.score(self.test)
+ # caseB: fit with fit_from_prediction()
+ # case1: fit on UTS
+ scorerB1 = scorer
+ scorerB1.fit_from_prediction(self.train, self.modified_train)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(scorerB1._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ scorerB1.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test)
+ # case2: fit on MTS
+ scorerB2 = scorer
+ scorerB2.fit_from_prediction(self.mts_train, self.modified_mts_train)
+ # Check if _fit_called is True after being fitted
+ self.assertTrue(scorerB2._fit_called)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # series must be same width as series used for training
+ scorerB2.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.modified_test)
+ def test_Norm(self):
+ # component_wise must be bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ Norm(component_wise=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ Norm(component_wise="string")
+ # if component_wise=False must always return a univariate anomaly score
+ scorer = Norm(component_wise=False)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.modified_test).width == 1
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test).width
+ == 1
+ )
+ # if component_wise=True must always return the same width as the input
+ scorer = Norm(component_wise=True)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.modified_test).width == 1
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.modified_mts_test).width
+ == self.mts_test.width
+ )
+ scorer = Norm(component_wise=True)
+ # always expects a deterministic input
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, self.probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.probabilistic, self.train)
+ # univariate case (equivalent to abs diff)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.test + 1)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ len(self.test),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test + 1, self.test)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ len(self.test),
+ )
+ # multivariate case with component_wise set to True (equivalent to abs diff)
+ # abs(a - 2a) = a
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.mts_test * 2)["0"],
+ self.mts_test["0"],
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.mts_test * 2)["1"],
+ self.mts_test["1"],
+ )
+ # abs(2a - a) = a
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test * 2, self.mts_test)["0"],
+ self.mts_test["0"],
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test * 2, self.mts_test)["1"],
+ self.mts_test["1"],
+ )
+ scorer = Norm(component_wise=False)
+ # always expects a deterministic input
+ # univariate case (equivalent to abs diff)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.test + 1)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ len(self.test),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test + 1, self.test)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ len(self.test),
+ )
+ # multivariate case with component_wise set to False
+ # norm(a - a + sqrt(2)) = 2 * len(a) with a being series of dim=2
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.mts_test + np.sqrt(2))
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ 2 * len(self.mts_test),
+ delta=1e-05,
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_Difference(self):
+ scorer = Difference()
+ # always expects a deterministic input
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, self.probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.probabilistic, self.train)
+ # univariate case
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test, self.test + 1)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ -len(self.test),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.test + 1, self.test)
+ .sum(axis=0)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ len(self.test),
+ )
+ # multivariate case
+ # output of score() must be the same width as the width of the input
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.mts_test).width,
+ self.mts_test.width,
+ )
+ # a - 2a = - a
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.mts_test * 2)["0"],
+ -self.mts_test["0"],
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test, self.mts_test * 2)["1"],
+ -self.mts_test["1"],
+ )
+ # 2a - a = a
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test * 2, self.mts_test)["0"],
+ self.mts_test["0"],
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.mts_test * 2, self.mts_test)["1"],
+ self.mts_test["1"],
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_WassersteinScorer(self):
+ # component_wise parameter
+ # component_wise must be bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(component_wise=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(component_wise="string")
+ # if component_wise=False must always return a univariate anomaly score
+ scorer = WassersteinScorer(component_wise=False)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.test).width == 1)
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.mts_test).width == 1)
+ # if component_wise=True must always return the same width as the input
+ scorer = WassersteinScorer(component_wise=True)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.test).width == 1)
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.mts_test).width == self.mts_test.width)
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(window=0)
+ # diff_fn paramter
+ # must be None, 'diff' or 'abs_diff'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(diff_fn="random")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ WassersteinScorer(diff_fn=1)
+ # test _diff_series() directly
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ s_tmp = WassersteinScorer()
+ s_tmp.diff_fn = "random"
+ s_tmp._diff_series(self.train, self.test)
+ WassersteinScorer(diff_fn="diff")._diff_series(self.train, self.test)
+ WassersteinScorer()._diff_series(self.train, self.test)
+ scorer = WassersteinScorer()
+ # always expects a deterministic input
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, self.probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.probabilistic, self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.probabilistic)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score()
+ scorer = WassersteinScorer(window=101)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit(self.train) # len(self.train)=100
+ scorer = WassersteinScorer(window=80)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.test[:50]) # len(self.test)=100
+ # test plotting (just call the functions)
+ scorer = WassersteinScorer(window=2)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ scorer.show_anomalies(self.test, self.anomalies)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # should fail for a sequence of series
+ scorer.show_anomalies([self.test, self.test], self.anomalies)
+ scorer.show_anomalies_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=self.test + 1,
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # should fail for a sequence of series
+ scorer.show_anomalies_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=[self.test, self.test],
+ pred_series=self.test + 1,
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ # should fail for a sequence of series
+ scorer.show_anomalies_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test,
+ pred_series=[self.test + 1, self.test + 2],
+ actual_anomalies=self.anomalies,
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_univariate_Wasserstein(self):
+ # univariate example
+ np.random.seed(42)
+ np_train_wasserstein = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.1, size=100))
+ train_wasserstein = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ self.train._time_index, np_train_wasserstein
+ )
+ np_test_wasserstein = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.1, size=100))
+ np_first_anomaly = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.25, size=10))
+ np_second_anomaly = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0.25, scale=0.05, size=5))
+ np_third_anomaly = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.15, size=15))
+ np_test_wasserstein[10:20] = np_first_anomaly
+ np_test_wasserstein[40:45] = np_second_anomaly
+ np_test_wasserstein[70:85] = np_third_anomaly
+ test_wasserstein = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ self.train._time_index, np_test_wasserstein
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(len(test_wasserstein))
+ np_anomalies[10:17] = 1
+ np_anomalies[40:42] = 1
+ np_anomalies[70:85] = 1
+ anomalies_wasserstein = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ test_wasserstein.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ # test model with window of 10
+ scorer_10 = WassersteinScorer(window=10)
+ scorer_10.fit(train_wasserstein)
+ auc_roc_w10 = scorer_10.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_wasserstein, test_wasserstein, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ auc_pr_w10 = scorer_10.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_wasserstein, test_wasserstein, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ # test model with window of 20
+ scorer_20 = WassersteinScorer(window=20)
+ scorer_20.fit(train_wasserstein)
+ auc_roc_w20 = scorer_20.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_wasserstein, test_wasserstein, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ auc_pr_w20 = scorer_20.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_wasserstein, test_wasserstein, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_w10, 0.80637, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_pr_w10, 0.83390, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_w20, 0.77828, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_pr_w20, 0.93934, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_multivariate_componentwise_Wasserstein(self):
+ # example multivariate WassersteinScorer component wise (True and False)
+ np.random.seed(3)
+ np_mts_train_wasserstein = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=[0, 0], scale=[0.1, 0.2], size=[100, 2])
+ )
+ mts_train_wasserstein = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ self.train._time_index, np_mts_train_wasserstein
+ )
+ np_mts_test_wasserstein = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=[0, 0], scale=[0.1, 0.2], size=[100, 2])
+ )
+ np_first_anomaly_width1 = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.4, size=10))
+ np_first_anomaly_width2 = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5, size=10))
+ np_first_commmon_anomaly = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.5, size=[10, 2])
+ )
+ np_mts_test_wasserstein[5:15, 0] = np_first_anomaly_width1
+ np_mts_test_wasserstein[35:45, 1] = np_first_anomaly_width2
+ np_mts_test_wasserstein[65:75, :] = np_first_commmon_anomaly
+ mts_test_wasserstein = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train_wasserstein._time_index, np_mts_test_wasserstein
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series width 1
+ np_anomalies_width1 = np.zeros(len(mts_test_wasserstein))
+ np_anomalies_width1[5:15] = 1
+ np_anomalies_width1[65:75] = 1
+ # create the anomaly series width 2
+ np_anomaly_width2 = np.zeros(len(mts_test_wasserstein))
+ np_anomaly_width2[35:45] = 1
+ np_anomaly_width2[65:75] = 1
+ anomalies_wasserstein_per_width = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_test_wasserstein.time_index,
+ list(zip(*[np_anomalies_width1, np_anomaly_width2])),
+ columns=["is_anomaly_0", "is_anomaly_1"],
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series for the entire series
+ np_commmon_anomaly = np.zeros(len(mts_test_wasserstein))
+ np_commmon_anomaly[5:15] = 1
+ np_commmon_anomaly[35:45] = 1
+ np_commmon_anomaly[65:75] = 1
+ anomalies_common_wasserstein = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_test_wasserstein.time_index, np_commmon_anomaly, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ # test scorer with component_wise=False
+ scorer_w10_cwfalse = WassersteinScorer(window=10, component_wise=False)
+ scorer_w10_cwfalse.fit(mts_train_wasserstein)
+ auc_roc_cwfalse = scorer_w10_cwfalse.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_common_wasserstein, mts_test_wasserstein, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ # test scorer with component_wise=True
+ scorer_w10_cwtrue = WassersteinScorer(window=10, component_wise=True)
+ scorer_w10_cwtrue.fit(mts_train_wasserstein)
+ auc_roc_cwtrue = scorer_w10_cwtrue.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_wasserstein_per_width, mts_test_wasserstein, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwfalse, 0.94637, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwtrue[0], 0.98606, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwtrue[1], 0.96722, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_kmeansScorer(self):
+ # component_wise parameter
+ # component_wise must be bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(component_wise=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(component_wise="string")
+ # if component_wise=False must always return a univariate anomaly score
+ scorer = KMeansScorer(component_wise=False)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.test).width == 1)
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.mts_test).width == 1)
+ # if component_wise=True must always return the same width as the input
+ scorer = KMeansScorer(component_wise=True)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.test).width == 1)
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.mts_test).width == self.mts_test.width)
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(window=0)
+ # diff_fn paramter
+ # must be None, 'diff' or 'abs_diff'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(diff_fn="random")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ KMeansScorer(diff_fn=1)
+ scorer = KMeansScorer()
+ # always expects a deterministic input
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, self.probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.probabilistic, self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.probabilistic)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score()
+ scorer = KMeansScorer(window=101)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit(self.train) # len(self.train)=100
+ scorer = KMeansScorer(window=80)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.test[:50]) # len(self.test)=100
+ self.assertFalse(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_univariate_kmeans(self):
+ # univariate example
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ # create the train set
+ np_width1 = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ np_width2 = (np_width1 == 0).astype(float)
+ KMeans_mts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((np_width1, np_width2))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ # create the test set
+ # inject anomalies in the test timeseries
+ np.random.seed(3)
+ np_width1 = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ np_width2 = (np_width1 == 0).astype(int)
+ # 2 anomalies per type
+ # type 1: random values for only one width
+ np_width1[20:21] = 2
+ np_width2[30:32] = 2
+ # type 2: shift both widths values (+/- 1 for both widths)
+ np_width1[45:47] = np_width1[45:47] + 1
+ np_width2[45:47] = np_width2[45:47] + 1
+ np_width1[60:64] = np_width1[65:69] - 1
+ np_width2[60:64] = np_width2[65:69] - 1
+ # type 3: switch one state to another for only one width (1 to 0 for one width)
+ np_width1[75:82] = (np_width1[75:82] != 1).astype(int)
+ np_width2[90:96] = (np_width2[90:96] != 1).astype(int)
+ KMeans_mts_test = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((np_width1, np_width2))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series
+ anomalies_index = [
+ 20,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ ]
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(len(KMeans_mts_test))
+ np_anomalies[anomalies_index] = 1
+ KMeans_mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ KMeans_mts_test.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ kmeans_scorer = KMeansScorer(k=2, window=1, component_wise=False)
+ kmeans_scorer.fit(KMeans_mts_train)
+ metric_AUC_ROC = kmeans_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ KMeans_mts_anomalies, KMeans_mts_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ metric_AUC_PR = kmeans_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ KMeans_mts_anomalies, KMeans_mts_test, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(metric_AUC_ROC, 1.0)
+ self.assertEqual(metric_AUC_PR, 1.0)
+ def test_multivariate_window_kmeans(self):
+ # multivariate example with different windows
+ np.random.seed(1)
+ # create the train set
+ np_series = np.zeros(100)
+ np_series[0] = 2
+ for i in range(1, len(np_series)):
+ np_series[i] = np_series[i - 1] + np.random.choice(a=[-1, 1], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if np_series[i] > 3:
+ np_series[i] = 3
+ if np_series[i] < 0:
+ np_series[i] = 0
+ ts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_series, columns=["series"])
+ # create the test set
+ np.random.seed(3)
+ np_series = np.zeros(100)
+ np_series[0] = 1
+ for i in range(1, len(np_series)):
+ np_series[i] = np_series[i - 1] + np.random.choice(a=[-1, 1], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if np_series[i] > 3:
+ np_series[i] = 3
+ if np_series[i] < 0:
+ np_series[i] = 0
+ # 3 anomalies per type
+ # type 1: sudden shift between state 0 to state 2 without passing by state 1
+ np_series[23] = 3
+ np_series[44] = 3
+ np_series[91] = 0
+ # type 2: having consecutive timestamps at state 1 or 2
+ np_series[3:5] = 2
+ np_series[17:19] = 1
+ np_series[62:65] = 2
+ ts_test = TimeSeries.from_values(np_series, columns=["series"])
+ anomalies_index = [4, 23, 18, 44, 63, 64, 91]
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(100)
+ np_anomalies[anomalies_index] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ ts_test.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ kmeans_scorer_w1 = KMeansScorer(k=4, window=1)
+ kmeans_scorer_w1.fit(ts_train)
+ kmeans_scorer_w2 = KMeansScorer(k=8, window=2)
+ kmeans_scorer_w2.fit(ts_train)
+ auc_roc_w1 = kmeans_scorer_w1.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ auc_pr_w1 = kmeans_scorer_w1.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ auc_roc_w2 = kmeans_scorer_w2.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ auc_pr_w2 = kmeans_scorer_w2.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_w1, 0.41551, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_pr_w1, 0.064761, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_w2, 0.957513, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_pr_w2, 0.88584, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_multivariate_componentwise_kmeans(self):
+ # example multivariate KMeans component wise (True and False)
+ np.random.seed(1)
+ np_mts_train_kmeans = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=[0, 0], scale=[0.1, 0.2], size=[100, 2])
+ )
+ mts_train_kmeans = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ self.train._time_index, np_mts_train_kmeans
+ )
+ np_mts_test_kmeans = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=[0, 0], scale=[0.1, 0.2], size=[100, 2])
+ )
+ np_first_anomaly_width1 = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.4, size=10))
+ np_first_anomaly_width2 = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5, size=10))
+ np_first_commmon_anomaly = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.5, size=[10, 2])
+ )
+ np_mts_test_kmeans[5:15, 0] = np_first_anomaly_width1
+ np_mts_test_kmeans[35:45, 1] = np_first_anomaly_width2
+ np_mts_test_kmeans[65:75, :] = np_first_commmon_anomaly
+ mts_test_kmeans = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train_kmeans._time_index, np_mts_test_kmeans
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series width 1
+ np_anomalies_width1 = np.zeros(len(mts_test_kmeans))
+ np_anomalies_width1[5:15] = 1
+ np_anomalies_width1[65:75] = 1
+ # create the anomaly series width 2
+ np_anomaly_width2 = np.zeros(len(mts_test_kmeans))
+ np_anomaly_width2[35:45] = 1
+ np_anomaly_width2[65:75] = 1
+ anomalies_kmeans_per_width = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_test_kmeans.time_index,
+ list(zip(*[np_anomalies_width1, np_anomaly_width2])),
+ columns=["is_anomaly_0", "is_anomaly_1"],
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series for the entire series
+ np_commmon_anomaly = np.zeros(len(mts_test_kmeans))
+ np_commmon_anomaly[5:15] = 1
+ np_commmon_anomaly[35:45] = 1
+ np_commmon_anomaly[65:75] = 1
+ anomalies_common_kmeans = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_test_kmeans.time_index, np_commmon_anomaly, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ # test scorer with component_wise=False
+ scorer_w10_cwfalse = KMeansScorer(window=10, component_wise=False)
+ scorer_w10_cwfalse.fit(mts_train_kmeans)
+ auc_roc_cwfalse = scorer_w10_cwfalse.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_common_kmeans, mts_test_kmeans, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ # test scorer with component_wise=True
+ scorer_w10_cwtrue = KMeansScorer(window=10, component_wise=True)
+ scorer_w10_cwtrue.fit(mts_train_kmeans)
+ auc_roc_cwtrue = scorer_w10_cwtrue.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_kmeans_per_width, mts_test_kmeans, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwfalse, 0.9851, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwtrue[0], 1.0, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwtrue[1], 0.97666, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_PyODScorer(self):
+ # model parameter must be pyod.models typy BaseDetector
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=MovingAverage(window=10))
+ # component_wise parameter
+ # component_wise must be bool
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), component_wise=1)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), component_wise="string")
+ # if component_wise=False must always return a univariate anomaly score
+ scorer = PyODScorer(model=KNN(), component_wise=False)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.test).width == 1)
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.mts_test).width == 1)
+ # if component_wise=True must always return the same width as the input
+ scorer = PyODScorer(model=KNN(), component_wise=True)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.test).width == 1)
+ scorer.fit(self.mts_train)
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.score(self.mts_test).width == self.mts_test.width)
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=0)
+ # diff_fn paramter
+ # must be None, 'diff' or 'abs_diff'
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), diff_fn="random")
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PyODScorer(model=KNN(), diff_fn=1)
+ scorer = PyODScorer(model=KNN())
+ # always expects a deterministic input
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.train, self.probabilistic)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(self.probabilistic, self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.probabilistic)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score()
+ scorer = PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=101)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.fit(self.train) # len(self.train)=100
+ scorer = PyODScorer(model=KNN(), window=80)
+ scorer.fit(self.train)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score(self.test[:50]) # len(self.test)=100
+ self.assertFalse(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_univariate_PyODScorer(self):
+ # univariate test
+ np.random.seed(40)
+ # create the train set
+ np_width1 = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ np_width2 = (np_width1 == 0).astype(float)
+ pyod_mts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((np_width1, np_width2))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ # create the test set
+ # inject anomalies in the test timeseries
+ np.random.seed(3)
+ np_width1 = np.random.choice(a=[0, 1], size=100, p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ np_width2 = (np_width1 == 0).astype(int)
+ # 2 anomalies per type
+ # type 1: random values for only one width
+ np_width1[20:21] = 2
+ np_width2[30:32] = 2
+ # type 2: shift both widths values (+/- 1 for both widths)
+ np_width1[45:47] = np_width1[45:47] + 1
+ np_width2[45:47] = np_width2[45:47] + 1
+ np_width1[60:64] = np_width1[65:69] - 1
+ np_width2[60:64] = np_width2[65:69] - 1
+ # type 3: switch one state to another for only one width (1 to 0 for one width)
+ np_width1[75:82] = (np_width1[75:82] != 1).astype(int)
+ np_width2[90:96] = (np_width2[90:96] != 1).astype(int)
+ pyod_mts_test = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.dstack((np_width1, np_width2))[0], columns=["component 1", "component 2"]
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series
+ anomalies_index = [
+ 20,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 45,
+ 46,
+ 60,
+ 61,
+ 62,
+ 63,
+ 75,
+ 76,
+ 77,
+ 78,
+ 79,
+ 80,
+ 81,
+ 90,
+ 91,
+ 92,
+ 93,
+ 94,
+ 95,
+ ]
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(len(pyod_mts_test))
+ np_anomalies[anomalies_index] = 1
+ pyod_mts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ pyod_mts_test.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ pyod_scorer = PyODScorer(
+ model=KNN(n_neighbors=10), component_wise=False, window=1
+ )
+ pyod_scorer.fit(pyod_mts_train)
+ metric_AUC_ROC = pyod_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ pyod_mts_anomalies, pyod_mts_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ metric_AUC_PR = pyod_scorer.eval_accuracy(
+ pyod_mts_anomalies, pyod_mts_test, metric="AUC_PR"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(metric_AUC_ROC, 1.0)
+ self.assertEqual(metric_AUC_PR, 1.0)
+ def test_multivariate_window_PyODScorer(self):
+ # multivariate example (with different window)
+ np.random.seed(1)
+ # create the train set
+ np_series = np.zeros(100)
+ np_series[0] = 2
+ for i in range(1, len(np_series)):
+ np_series[i] = np_series[i - 1] + np.random.choice(a=[-1, 1], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if np_series[i] > 3:
+ np_series[i] = 3
+ if np_series[i] < 0:
+ np_series[i] = 0
+ ts_train = TimeSeries.from_values(np_series, columns=["series"])
+ # create the test set
+ np.random.seed(3)
+ np_series = np.zeros(100)
+ np_series[0] = 1
+ for i in range(1, len(np_series)):
+ np_series[i] = np_series[i - 1] + np.random.choice(a=[-1, 1], p=[0.5, 0.5])
+ if np_series[i] > 3:
+ np_series[i] = 3
+ if np_series[i] < 0:
+ np_series[i] = 0
+ # 3 anomalies per type
+ # type 1: sudden shift between state 0 to state 2 without passing by state 1
+ np_series[23] = 3
+ np_series[44] = 3
+ np_series[91] = 0
+ # type 2: having consecutive timestamps at state 1 or 2
+ np_series[3:5] = 2
+ np_series[17:19] = 1
+ np_series[62:65] = 2
+ ts_test = TimeSeries.from_values(np_series, columns=["series"])
+ anomalies_index = [4, 23, 18, 44, 63, 64, 91]
+ np_anomalies = np.zeros(100)
+ np_anomalies[anomalies_index] = 1
+ ts_anomalies = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ ts_test.time_index, np_anomalies, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ pyod_scorer_w1 = PyODScorer(
+ model=KNN(n_neighbors=10), component_wise=False, window=1
+ )
+ pyod_scorer_w1.fit(ts_train)
+ pyod_scorer_w2 = PyODScorer(
+ model=KNN(n_neighbors=10), component_wise=False, window=2
+ )
+ pyod_scorer_w2.fit(ts_train)
+ auc_roc_w1 = pyod_scorer_w1.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ auc_pr_w1 = pyod_scorer_w1.eval_accuracy(ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_PR")
+ auc_roc_w2 = pyod_scorer_w2.eval_accuracy(
+ ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ auc_pr_w2 = pyod_scorer_w2.eval_accuracy(ts_anomalies, ts_test, metric="AUC_PR")
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_w1, 0.5, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_pr_w1, 0.07, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_w2, 0.957513, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_pr_w2, 0.88584, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_multivariate_componentwise_PyODScorer(self):
+ # multivariate example with component wise (True and False)
+ np.random.seed(1)
+ np_mts_train_PyOD = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=[0, 0], scale=[0.1, 0.2], size=[100, 2])
+ )
+ mts_train_PyOD = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ self.train._time_index, np_mts_train_PyOD
+ )
+ np_mts_test_PyOD = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=[0, 0], scale=[0.1, 0.2], size=[100, 2])
+ )
+ np_first_anomaly_width1 = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.4, size=10))
+ np_first_anomaly_width2 = np.abs(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5, size=10))
+ np_first_commmon_anomaly = np.abs(
+ np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.5, size=[10, 2])
+ )
+ np_mts_test_PyOD[5:15, 0] = np_first_anomaly_width1
+ np_mts_test_PyOD[35:45, 1] = np_first_anomaly_width2
+ np_mts_test_PyOD[65:75, :] = np_first_commmon_anomaly
+ mts_test_PyOD = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_train_PyOD._time_index, np_mts_test_PyOD
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series width 1
+ np_anomalies_width1 = np.zeros(len(mts_test_PyOD))
+ np_anomalies_width1[5:15] = 1
+ np_anomalies_width1[65:75] = 1
+ # create the anomaly series width 2
+ np_anomaly_width2 = np.zeros(len(mts_test_PyOD))
+ np_anomaly_width2[35:45] = 1
+ np_anomaly_width2[65:75] = 1
+ anomalies_pyod_per_width = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_test_PyOD.time_index,
+ list(zip(*[np_anomalies_width1, np_anomaly_width2])),
+ columns=["is_anomaly_0", "is_anomaly_1"],
+ )
+ # create the anomaly series for the entire series
+ np_commmon_anomaly = np.zeros(len(mts_test_PyOD))
+ np_commmon_anomaly[5:15] = 1
+ np_commmon_anomaly[35:45] = 1
+ np_commmon_anomaly[65:75] = 1
+ anomalies_common_PyOD = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(
+ mts_test_PyOD.time_index, np_commmon_anomaly, columns=["is_anomaly"]
+ )
+ # test scorer with component_wise=False
+ scorer_w10_cwfalse = PyODScorer(
+ model=KNN(n_neighbors=10), component_wise=False, window=10
+ )
+ scorer_w10_cwfalse.fit(mts_train_PyOD)
+ auc_roc_cwfalse = scorer_w10_cwfalse.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_common_PyOD, mts_test_PyOD, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ # test scorer with component_wise=True
+ scorer_w10_cwtrue = PyODScorer(
+ model=KNN(n_neighbors=10), component_wise=True, window=10
+ )
+ scorer_w10_cwtrue.fit(mts_train_PyOD)
+ auc_roc_cwtrue = scorer_w10_cwtrue.eval_accuracy(
+ anomalies_pyod_per_width, mts_test_PyOD, metric="AUC_ROC"
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwfalse, 0.990566, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwtrue[0], 1.0, delta=1e-05)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(auc_roc_cwtrue[1], 0.98311, delta=1e-05)
+ def test_NLLScorer(self):
+ for s in list_NLLScorer:
+ # expects for 'actual_series' a deterministic input and for 'pred_series' a probabilistic input
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ s.score_from_prediction(actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.test)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ s.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.probabilistic, pred_series=self.train
+ )
+ def test_GaussianNLLScorer(self):
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GaussianNLLScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GaussianNLLScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GaussianNLLScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GaussianNLLScorer(window=0)
+ scorer = GaussianNLLScorer(window=101)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.probabilistic
+ ) # len(self.test)=100
+ np.random.seed(4)
+ scorer = GaussianNLLScorer()
+ # test 1 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ gaussian_samples_1 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ gaussian_samples_1.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3]))
+ value_test1 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test1 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ value_test1, -np.log(norm.pdf(3, loc=0, scale=2)), delta=1e-01
+ )
+ # test 2 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ gaussian_samples_2 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ gaussian_samples_2.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([-2]))
+ value_test2 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test2 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ value_test2, -np.log(norm.pdf(-2, loc=0, scale=2)), delta=1e-01
+ )
+ # test window univariate (len=2 and window=2)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [gaussian_samples_1.reshape(1, -1), gaussian_samples_2.reshape(1, -1)]
+ )
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, -2]))
+ value_window = scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_window), 2)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.width, 1)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ scorer = GaussianNLLScorer(window=2)
+ # check avg of two values
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ (value_test1 + value_test2) / 2,
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=1, window=1)
+ scorer = GaussianNLLScorer(window=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([gaussian_samples_1, gaussian_samples_2]).reshape(1, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, -2]).reshape(1, -1))
+ value_multivariate = scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series, distribution_series
+ )
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_multivariate), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.width, 2)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=2, window=1 and 2)
+ scorer_w1 = GaussianNLLScorer(window=1)
+ scorer_w2 = GaussianNLLScorer(window=2)
+ gaussian_samples_3 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=10000)
+ gaussian_samples_4 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ gaussian_samples_1,
+ gaussian_samples_2,
+ gaussian_samples_3,
+ gaussian_samples_4,
+ ]
+ ).reshape(2, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([1.5, 2.1, 0.1, 0.001]).reshape(2, -1)
+ )
+ score_w1 = scorer_w1.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ score_w2 = scorer_w2.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w1), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w2), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(score_w1.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(score_w2.width, 2)
+ # check values for window=1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ -np.log(norm.pdf(1.5, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ -np.log(norm.pdf(2.1, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[2],
+ -np.log(norm.pdf(0.1, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[3],
+ -np.log(norm.pdf(0.001, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # check values for window=2 (must be equal to the mean of the past 2 values)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ (
+ -np.log(norm.pdf(1.5, loc=0, scale=2))
+ - np.log(norm.pdf(0.1, loc=0, scale=2))
+ )
+ / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ (
+ -np.log(norm.pdf(2.1, loc=0, scale=2))
+ - np.log(norm.pdf(0.001, loc=0, scale=2))
+ )
+ / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_LaplaceNLLScorer(self):
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ LaplaceNLLScorer(window=0)
+ scorer = LaplaceNLLScorer(window=101)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.probabilistic
+ ) # len(self.test)=100
+ np.random.seed(4)
+ scorer = LaplaceNLLScorer()
+ # test 1 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ laplace_samples_1 = np.random.laplace(loc=0, scale=2, size=1000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ laplace_samples_1.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3]))
+ value_test1 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test1 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples
+ value_test1,
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(3, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # test 2 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ laplace_samples_2 = np.random.laplace(loc=0, scale=2, size=1000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ laplace_samples_2.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([-2]))
+ value_test2 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test2 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples
+ value_test2,
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(-2, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # test window univariate (len=2 and window=2)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [laplace_samples_1.reshape(1, -1), laplace_samples_2.reshape(1, -1)]
+ )
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, -2]))
+ value_window = scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_window), 2)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.width, 1)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ scorer = LaplaceNLLScorer(window=2)
+ # check avg of two values
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ (value_test1 + value_test2) / 2,
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=1, window=1)
+ scorer = LaplaceNLLScorer(window=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([laplace_samples_1, laplace_samples_2]).reshape(1, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, -2]).reshape(1, -1))
+ value_multivariate = scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series, distribution_series
+ )
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_multivariate), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.width, 2)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=2, window=1 and 2)
+ scorer_w1 = LaplaceNLLScorer(window=1)
+ scorer_w2 = LaplaceNLLScorer(window=2)
+ laplace_samples_3 = np.random.laplace(loc=0, scale=2, size=1000)
+ laplace_samples_4 = np.random.laplace(loc=0, scale=2, size=1000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ laplace_samples_1,
+ laplace_samples_2,
+ laplace_samples_3,
+ laplace_samples_4,
+ ]
+ ).reshape(2, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([1.5, 2, 0.1, 0.001]).reshape(2, -1)
+ )
+ score_w1 = scorer_w1.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ score_w2 = scorer_w2.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w1), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w2), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(score_w1.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(score_w2.width, 2)
+ # check values for window=1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(1.5, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(2, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=0.5,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[2],
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(0.1, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[3],
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(0.001, loc=0, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # check values for window=2 (must be equal to the mean of the past 2 values)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ (
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(1.5, loc=0, scale=2))
+ - np.log(laplace.pdf(0.1, loc=0, scale=2))
+ )
+ / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ (
+ -np.log(laplace.pdf(2, loc=0, scale=2))
+ - np.log(laplace.pdf(0.001, loc=0, scale=2))
+ )
+ / 2,
+ delta=0.5,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_ExponentialNLLScorer(self):
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ ExponentialNLLScorer(window=0)
+ scorer = ExponentialNLLScorer(window=101)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.probabilistic
+ ) # len(self.test)=100
+ np.random.seed(4)
+ scorer = ExponentialNLLScorer()
+ # test 1 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ exponential_samples_1 = np.random.exponential(scale=2.0, size=1000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ exponential_samples_1.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3]))
+ value_test1 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test1 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples and also uses loc
+ value_test1,
+ -np.log(expon.pdf(3, scale=2.0)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # test 2 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ exponential_samples_2 = np.random.exponential(scale=2.0, size=1000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ exponential_samples_2.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([10]))
+ value_test2 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test2 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples and also uses loc
+ value_test2,
+ -np.log(expon.pdf(10, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # test window univariate (len=2 and window=2)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ exponential_samples_1.reshape(1, -1),
+ exponential_samples_2.reshape(1, -1),
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, 10]))
+ value_window = scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_window), 2)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.width, 1)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ scorer = ExponentialNLLScorer(window=2)
+ # check avg of two values
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ (value_test1 + value_test2) / 2,
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=1, window=1)
+ scorer = ExponentialNLLScorer(window=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([exponential_samples_1, exponential_samples_2]).reshape(1, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, 10]).reshape(1, -1))
+ value_multivariate = scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series, distribution_series
+ )
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_multivariate), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.width, 2)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=2, window=1 and 2)
+ scorer_w1 = ExponentialNLLScorer(window=1)
+ scorer_w2 = ExponentialNLLScorer(window=2)
+ exponential_samples_3 = np.random.exponential(scale=2, size=1000)
+ exponential_samples_4 = np.random.exponential(scale=2, size=1000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ exponential_samples_1,
+ exponential_samples_2,
+ exponential_samples_3,
+ exponential_samples_4,
+ ]
+ ).reshape(2, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([1.5, 2, 0.1, 0.001]).reshape(2, -1)
+ )
+ score_w1 = scorer_w1.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ score_w2 = scorer_w2.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w1), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w2), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(score_w1.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(score_w2.width, 2)
+ # check values for window=1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ -np.log(expon.pdf(1.5, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ -np.log(expon.pdf(2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[2],
+ -np.log(expon.pdf(0.1, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[3],
+ -np.log(expon.pdf(0.001, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # check values for window=2 (must be equal to the mean of the past 2 values)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ (-np.log(expon.pdf(1.5, scale=2)) - np.log(expon.pdf(0.1, scale=2))) / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ (-np.log(expon.pdf(2, scale=2)) - np.log(expon.pdf(0.001, scale=2))) / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_GammaNLLScorer(self):
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GammaNLLScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GammaNLLScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GammaNLLScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ GammaNLLScorer(window=0)
+ scorer = GammaNLLScorer(window=101)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.probabilistic
+ ) # len(self.test)=100
+ np.random.seed(4)
+ scorer = GammaNLLScorer()
+ # test 1 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ gamma_samples_1 = np.random.gamma(shape=2, scale=2, size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(gamma_samples_1.reshape(1, 1, -1))
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3]))
+ value_test1 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test1 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples and also uses loc
+ value_test1,
+ -np.log(gamma.pdf(3, 2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # test 2 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ gamma_samples_2 = np.random.gamma(2, scale=2, size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(gamma_samples_2.reshape(1, 1, -1))
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([10]))
+ value_test2 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test2 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ # This is approximate because our NLL scorer is fit from samples and also uses loc
+ value_test2,
+ -np.log(gamma.pdf(10, 2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # test window univariate (len=2 and window=2)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([gamma_samples_1.reshape(1, -1), gamma_samples_2.reshape(1, -1)])
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, 10]))
+ value_window = scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_window), 2)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.width, 1)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ scorer = GammaNLLScorer(window=2)
+ # check avg of two values
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ (value_test1 + value_test2) / 2,
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=1, window=1)
+ scorer = GammaNLLScorer(window=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([gamma_samples_1, gamma_samples_2]).reshape(1, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, 10]).reshape(1, -1))
+ value_multivariate = scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series, distribution_series
+ )
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_multivariate), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.width, 2)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=2, window=1 and 2)
+ scorer_w1 = GammaNLLScorer(window=1)
+ scorer_w2 = GammaNLLScorer(window=2)
+ gamma_samples_3 = np.random.gamma(2, scale=2, size=10000)
+ gamma_samples_4 = np.random.gamma(2, scale=2, size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [gamma_samples_1, gamma_samples_2, gamma_samples_3, gamma_samples_4]
+ ).reshape(2, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([1.5, 2, 0.5, 0.9]).reshape(2, -1)
+ )
+ score_w1 = scorer_w1.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ score_w2 = scorer_w2.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w1), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w2), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(score_w1.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(score_w2.width, 2)
+ # check values for window=1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ -np.log(gamma.pdf(1.5, 2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ -np.log(gamma.pdf(2, 2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[2],
+ -np.log(gamma.pdf(0.5, 2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[3],
+ -np.log(gamma.pdf(0.9, 2, scale=2)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # check values for window=2 (must be equal to the mean of the past 2 values)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ (-np.log(gamma.pdf(1.5, 2, scale=2)) - np.log(gamma.pdf(0.5, 2, scale=2)))
+ / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ (-np.log(gamma.pdf(2, 2, scale=2)) - np.log(gamma.pdf(0.9, 2, scale=2)))
+ / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_CauchyNLLScorer(self):
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ CauchyNLLScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ CauchyNLLScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ CauchyNLLScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ CauchyNLLScorer(window=0)
+ scorer = CauchyNLLScorer(window=101)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.probabilistic
+ ) # len(self.test)=100
+ np.random.seed(4)
+ scorer = CauchyNLLScorer()
+ # test 1 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ cauchy_samples_1 = np.random.standard_cauchy(size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(cauchy_samples_1.reshape(1, 1, -1))
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3]))
+ value_test1 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test1 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(value_test1, -np.log(cauchy.pdf(3)), delta=1e-01)
+ # test 2 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ cauchy_samples_2 = np.random.standard_cauchy(size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(cauchy_samples_2.reshape(1, 1, -1))
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([-2]))
+ value_test2 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test2 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(value_test2, -np.log(cauchy.pdf(-2)), delta=1e-01)
+ # test window univariate (len=2 and window=2)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([cauchy_samples_1.reshape(1, -1), cauchy_samples_2.reshape(1, -1)])
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, -2]))
+ value_window = scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_window), 2)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.width, 1)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ scorer = CauchyNLLScorer(window=2)
+ # check avg of two values
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ (value_test1 + value_test2) / 2,
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=1, window=1)
+ scorer = CauchyNLLScorer(window=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([cauchy_samples_1, cauchy_samples_2]).reshape(1, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, -2]).reshape(1, -1))
+ value_multivariate = scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series, distribution_series
+ )
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_multivariate), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.width, 2)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=2, window=1 and 2)
+ scorer_w1 = CauchyNLLScorer(window=1)
+ scorer_w2 = CauchyNLLScorer(window=2)
+ cauchy_samples_3 = np.random.standard_cauchy(size=10000)
+ cauchy_samples_4 = np.random.standard_cauchy(size=10000)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [cauchy_samples_1, cauchy_samples_2, cauchy_samples_3, cauchy_samples_4]
+ ).reshape(2, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([1.5, 2, 0.5, 0.9]).reshape(2, -1)
+ )
+ score_w1 = scorer_w1.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ score_w2 = scorer_w2.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w1), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w2), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(score_w1.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(score_w2.width, 2)
+ # check values for window=1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[0], -np.log(cauchy.pdf(1.5)), delta=1e-01
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[1], -np.log(cauchy.pdf(2)), delta=1e-01
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[2], -np.log(cauchy.pdf(0.5)), delta=1e-01
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[3], -np.log(cauchy.pdf(0.9)), delta=1e-01
+ )
+ # check values for window=2 (must be equal to the mean of the past 2 values)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ (-np.log(cauchy.pdf(1.5)) - np.log(cauchy.pdf(0.5))) / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ (-np.log(cauchy.pdf(2)) - np.log(cauchy.pdf(0.9))) / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.is_probabilistic)
+ def test_PoissonNLLScorer(self):
+ # window parameter
+ # window must be int
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PoissonNLLScorer(window=True)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PoissonNLLScorer(window="string")
+ # window must be non negative
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PoissonNLLScorer(window=-1)
+ # window must be different from 0
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ PoissonNLLScorer(window=0)
+ scorer = PoissonNLLScorer(window=101)
+ # window must be smaller than the input of score_from_prediction()
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series=self.test, pred_series=self.probabilistic
+ ) # len(self.test)=100
+ np.random.seed(4)
+ scorer = PoissonNLLScorer()
+ # test 1 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ poisson_samples_1 = np.random.poisson(size=10000, lam=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ poisson_samples_1.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3]))
+ value_test1 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test1 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(value_test1, -np.log(poisson.pmf(3, mu=1)), delta=1e-02)
+ # test 2 univariate (len=1 and window=1)
+ poisson_samples_2 = np.random.poisson(size=10000, lam=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ poisson_samples_2.reshape(1, 1, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([10]))
+ value_test2 = (
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0]
+ )
+ # check if value_test2 is the - log likelihood
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(value_test2, -np.log(poisson.pmf(10, mu=1)), delta=1e-01)
+ # test window univariate (len=2 and window=2)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [poisson_samples_1.reshape(1, -1), poisson_samples_2.reshape(1, -1)]
+ )
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, 10]))
+ value_window = scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_window), 2)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.width, 1)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_window.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ scorer = PoissonNLLScorer(window=2)
+ # check avg of two values
+ self.assertEqual(
+ scorer.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ .all_values()
+ .flatten()[0],
+ (value_test1 + value_test2) / 2,
+ )
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=1, window=1)
+ scorer = PoissonNLLScorer(window=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array([poisson_samples_1, poisson_samples_2]).reshape(1, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([3, 10]).reshape(1, -1))
+ value_multivariate = scorer.score_from_prediction(
+ actual_series, distribution_series
+ )
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(value_multivariate), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.width, 2)
+ # check equal value_test1 and value_test2
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[0], value_test1)
+ self.assertEqual(value_multivariate.all_values().flatten()[1], value_test2)
+ # test window multivariate (n_samples=2, len=2, window=1 and 2)
+ scorer_w1 = PoissonNLLScorer(window=1)
+ scorer_w2 = PoissonNLLScorer(window=2)
+ poisson_samples_3 = np.random.poisson(size=10000, lam=1)
+ poisson_samples_4 = np.random.poisson(size=10000, lam=1)
+ distribution_series = TimeSeries.from_values(
+ np.array(
+ [
+ poisson_samples_1,
+ poisson_samples_2,
+ poisson_samples_3,
+ poisson_samples_4,
+ ]
+ ).reshape(2, 2, -1)
+ )
+ actual_series = TimeSeries.from_values(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).reshape(2, -1))
+ score_w1 = scorer_w1.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ score_w2 = scorer_w2.score_from_prediction(actual_series, distribution_series)
+ # check length
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w1), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(score_w2), 1)
+ # check width
+ self.assertEqual(score_w1.width, 2)
+ self.assertEqual(score_w2.width, 2)
+ # check values for window=1
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ -np.log(poisson.pmf(1, mu=1)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ -np.log(poisson.pmf(2, mu=1)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[2],
+ -np.log(poisson.pmf(3, mu=1)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w1.all_values().flatten()[3],
+ -np.log(poisson.pmf(4, mu=1)),
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ # check values for window=2 (must be equal to the mean of the past 2 values)
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[0],
+ (-np.log(poisson.pmf(1, mu=1)) - np.log(poisson.pmf(3, mu=1))) / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(
+ score_w2.all_values().flatten()[1],
+ (-np.log(poisson.pmf(2, mu=1)) - np.log(poisson.pmf(4, mu=1))) / 2,
+ delta=1e-01,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(scorer.is_probabilistic)
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index 4870d8a2f0..473d2f8f30 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+ "min_train_series_length,"
+ "untrained_model,first_prediction_index,future_covariate_series,past_covariate_series,"
+ "initialize_encoders,register_datapipe_as_function,register_function,functions,"
- + "SplitTimeSeriesSequence,randint",
+ + "SplitTimeSeriesSequence,randint,AnomalyModel",
# In order to also have the docstrings of __init__() methods included
diff --git a/requirements/core.txt b/requirements/core.txt
index 28d72e67ed..ccc0ebe5f4 100644
--- a/requirements/core.txt
+++ b/requirements/core.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ numpy>=1.19.0