Gold Cart Rentals is a piece of web-based rental control software.
For instructions on setting up golf-cart-rentals, see the Wiki
Items have multiple reservations, defining the days and user/department they are reserved for. Items have 1 type, each type having its own associated fee schedule and agreement terms. Users belong to 1 department, which will be invoiced for rentals.
Admin users can create, edit, and delete users, items, item types, departments, and handle individual user/group permissions.
The home page shows a view of the current users reservations, and can be used to view item availability and if the user is an admin, all existing reservations.
We decided not to move forward with this (unfinished, not-yet-deployed) app since we abandoned microservices and also canceled the (planned, not-yet-started) customer-facing Field Trip app (which might've used some portions/concepts from this app). We reviewed the Golf Cart rental process and recommended tools like Trello to Parking staff (they opted to simply stick with email and a calendar).