- Android Studio(platform)
- Java(programming language)
- Firebase Authentication(to manage users)
- Firebase Realtime Database and Storage(to implement database transactions)
- Authentication
- Get Password
- FCM Messaging
- Viewing topics as categorized
- Sorting the highest topic at the top
- Sharing a topic which will be voted
- Voting the topic (agree/disagree)
- Retrofit2
- Picasso
- Glide
- CircleImageView
- MaterialEditText
- ImageCropper
- General Firebase
This project is designed to raise issues at universities in an electronic environment with the participation of students. Since the application was created in an institutional structure, authentication and access settings were made so that people outside the university can't enter the application. I have made the application available for open access. I would like friends who are considering using codes in their projects to star the project in terms of respect for labor.