Download either the contents of folders as needed or entire folder.
Example: Contents of udacity-dataset-2-1 or udacity-dataset-2-1.tar.bz2
You need the install the dependecy $sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-image-transport*
copy the udacity_launch package to you catkin workspace, compile and source so that it is reachable.
cd udacity-dataset-2-1 rosbag play --clock *.bag roslaunch udacity_launch bag_play.launch #For visulization roslaunch udacity_launch rviz.launch
roslaunch udacity_launch logging.launch bagPath:="/media/Data/UdacitySDC/udacity-datasetN"
rosbag play --clock old_single_huge_bagfile.bag roslaunch udacity_launch logging.launch republish_raw2compressed_images:=true bagPath:="/media/Data/UdacitySDC/udacity-datasetN"
Each of the bagfiles are already compressed, so there is no benefit of compressing the folders to compressed file other than having a single file for the whole folder. The bagfiles decompress on the fly and may cause slower performance and you may want to decompress them before you run, size would increase by around 10% only.
$rosbag decompress *.bag