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Releases: tzerk/BDO-Watchdog


02 Dec 13:36
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v0.2.0 Pre-release

New feature:

  • Added new option log in config file (defaults to true). If the observed process disconnects BDO-Watchdog will now write a log file with timestamps of the disconnects.

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 8D91F1BB0560DDC58DB86981AED45ECE


04 May 14:51
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  • BDO-Watchdog now also executes the exit routine, i.e. sending the Telegram message and optionally shutting down the computer, when the observed process completely died (Issue #11).

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: DFBB89061436D1522E52AD9FDFBEE139


21 Mar 15:34
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New feature:

  • New option processpriority to set the CPU priority of the process
    -- Allowed values are: idle, below normal, normal, above normal, high priority, realtime
    -- Requires admin rights
    -- Use idle or below normal to lower the CPU usage footprint of the process (defaults to normal)


  • The program will now try to resend the Telegram message every 15 min in case of the computer having totally lost internet connection.
  • The Telegram message will now be send after killing the process to prevent having the process running until the message was send successfully. This is only important in case of the computer itself lost the internet connection.


  • Fail limit counter is now properly reset when the connection is re-established

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 89C3A21E75B49857A844951D8E9C248C


03 Mar 10:41
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  • New option 'faillimit': specifies the maximum number of checks where the process is running and disconnected until the exit routine is initiated. This option is to prevent false-positives (e.g., when switching channels) and premature exit of the program.

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 3EC56C19C7CD2273946049AFB0311FC7


02 Mar 10:09
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  • New option "timestamp": Append an optional timestamp to the Telegram message

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 8927471BDA87611771ABEE01702D1045


28 Feb 15:00
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  • Minor bugfixes
  • Improved error handling
  • More verbose GUI messages
  • Re-introduced the executable icon

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 78ADFE5360C70CD0D010A2320D516BDB


27 Feb 18:40
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  • New tab layout: the new settings tab provides information on the imported settings.
  • Added version info

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 63F66B6DBFC164A5B06BF35B8C49A4AC


27 Feb 17:19
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  • Improved error handling; application does not exit if it requires admin rights but wasn't started as admin
  • New button to send a test message via Telegram, which should to see whether everything was configured correctly
  • Fix weird path issues when the file is run as admin

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 5D06F9301D605ACEAE11FBA6ED031473


27 Feb 16:27
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  • Improved error handling
  • Now informs the user if admin rights are required (to kill CoherentUI_Host.exe or BlackDesert64.exe)
  • Fixed progress bar
  • minor fixes

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 8A47515C2154C044DDF2BB9C342DFCFC


26 Feb 18:17
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Re-enabled the "killondc" feature, i.e, the program tries to kill the monitored process after it has detected a disconnected. Note, however, that BDO-Watchdog needs to be run with administrator rights for it being allowed to do that. This is because the Black Desert Online client is also run with admin rights.

IMPORTANT: A Windows 10(?) security feature prevents execution of the file. Before starting the .exe file please right-click on the file -> Properties -> General-tab -> Unblock (bottom-right).

MD5: 5C6DFA1120B98FBDBBD051DF5217E9DF