Python library for Hidden Markov models (HMMs) training with Baum-Welch algorithm and decoding with Viterbi algorithm.
hmm.HMM(symbols, states, start_prob, transition_mat, emission_mat)
HMM class initialization.
symbols: list, emission symbols
states: list, hidden states
start_prob: numpy.ndarray, start probability to each state
transition_mat: numpy.ndarray, transition matrix between each pair of states
emission_mat: numpy.ndarray, emission matrix for a state emit a symbol
hmm.sample(length, size=1)
Sampling a give size of observations using HMM.
length: int, the length of a simulated observations sequence
size: int, how many sequences to simulated, default 1
samples: a list of list contains simulated sequences
states: a list of list contains true states path
Calculate the loglikelihood of give set of observations.
data: list of sequences of observations.
the loglikelihood of all sequences
hmm.bw_train(data, update='ste', max_iter=100, d=1e-9):
Run Baum-Welch algorithm on a give set of training data.
data: a set of training data
update: indicate which parameter to update
max_iter: the maximum iterations
d: a threshod to check whether we can stop
logll_all_iter: the loglikelihoods for each iteration
diff_all_iter: the difference of the update parameters and old parameters
Run viterbi algorithm to find the most likely states path.
obs: a give sequence of observations
v_path: a list of most likely states path
The multiplication of probabilities is done through log-sum-exp trick to avoid numerical underflow.
The DNA sequence motif detection problem is defined as
A motif is a short DNA sequence pattern that occurs repeatedly in certain sequences.
We want to use a HMM to model the motif then search motifs in new sequences.
For a k-length motif, the HMM has two regions: Background and Motif. Background consists of four states A, C, G and T, and the four states are fully connected, allow transition between any of the states. Motif consists of k states, for 1st, 2nd, ..., k-th positions in a k-length motif, the transition could only happend in the order of 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, etc., except for k-th could transit to 1st. Any state in Background could transit to 1st state in Motif, and k-th state in Motif could transit to any state in Background. The start state could transit to any state in Background and 1st state in Motif.
Training data was obtained from TFBS (Transcription Factor Binding Site) profile database JASPAR, and HMM was trained on the training data using Baum-Welch algorithm.
The transition probabilities between states in Background were estimated from empirical dinucleotide distribution. Any state in Background only emit itself. The emission probabilities of states in Motif were estimated from PWM (Position Weight Matrix) from JASPAR.