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We have recently developed a GaddleMaps interface as a web application using Streamlit to allow the mapping of simulation systems. This implementation offers a very visual and easy way of performing your mappings, skipping any installation step. Of course, the usage of the module presented here offers more freedom and better performance, specially when mapping large molecules, but the web interface facilitates a lot the process and can be good enough for most of the cases.
GADDLE Maps is a general algorithm to switch between structures with different resolutions (i.e. different number of particles per object). This algorithm is completely automatic and does not require any human input. The algorithm has been designed specifically to transform molecules between to levels of resolution (for example from united atom to all atom or from coarse grain to fully atomistic). However the algorithm works for any structure than can be represented by a graph.
The algorithm apply rotations and deformations to the graph (molecule) preserving the distance between its connected nodes (atoms) in order to maximize the overlapping between the graphs (molecules) in both resolutions. Once this is achieved, it generates an exchange map that transforms between both resolutions. These exchange maps use local information about the location of the neighbours to exchange between the 2 resolutions. This allows the algorithm to adapt to multiple instances of the same graph (molecule) in different configurations. Using this property the algorithm is able to transform subsequent instances of the same graph (molecule) at almost zero cost. For these reason the algorithm is specially suitable to transform between systems in coarse grained and fully atomistic resolutions because by only aligning one molecule of each specie the whole system can be transformed.
IMPORTANT If you are experiencing problems during the mapping process (the mapping gets stuck at some point, the final system looks weird...) check the FAQs section because most common mistakes are covered there.
In this module we offer the reference implementation of the algorithm in python with a series of helper classes and functions for an easy usage of the algorithm. Moreover a command line interface and a jupyter notebook is provided for an easy and visual way of performing the transformation.
This module also provides a port of the algorithm to c++ with an interface with python using
cython. This port allows for a boosted performance,
specially for large molecules such as proteins, but the results are the same
than as the reference implementation. This port can be installed alongside
the module. gaddlemaps
will automatically use the c++ port if available and will
fallback to the python implementation if not present. Therefore the installation
of this c++ port is completely optional but highly recommended.
Here we will describe the installation of the reference implementation of
(i.e. without the c++ backend). In order to install the
backend please read the section configuring the c++
backend first.
The installation can be done using pip or building from source. For any of the methods gaddlemaps needs Python 3.6 or greater.
This is the simplest and prefered method to install the module. In order to install gaddlemaps just run:
pip install gaddlemaps --upgrade
This method will autodetect wether the requirements for the optimized c++ backend are available and, if possible, will install the module with the optimized backend. If the dependencies are not met, it will install the native python version of the backend. The dependencies necessary for the backend are detailed in the section configuring the c++ backend.
In order to build from source the following prerequisites are needed:
- Numpy
- Scipy
- more_itertools
- Jupyter Notebook
- nglview (optional)
This requisites can installed using pip by running:
pip install numpy scipy jupyter
If using Mac OS the dependencies can be installed using brew by running:
brew install numpy scipy jupyter
In Ubuntu and other Debian based Linux distribution they can be installed using the apt package manager:
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-notebook
If using a different operative system or if the previous instructions did not work please refer to the installation instructions in the documentation of each module.
Nglview is completely optional, it is used only when representing the system inside jupyter notebooks. If you do not want this functionality you can skip this step. Moreover this module can be installed after installing gaddlemaps. The easiest way to install the module is through pip
pip install nglview
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension
jupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefix
for other options and problems with the installation check the documentation for nglview.
The first step is cloning or downloading the git repository
git clone
cd gaddlemaps
cd gaddlemaps-master
After that the module is installed by running:
sudo python3 install
The module can also be installed without admin privileges with:
python3 install --user
After that the module will be installed and the downloaded folder can be safely removed.
In order to install the c++ backend the following extra prerequisites are needed:
The installation of a c++ compiler (for example g++ or clang++) is needed. This can be done in Ubuntu and other Debian-like Linux distribution using the apt package manager:
sudo apt install g++
If using Mac OS the compiler can be installed by installing the developer command line tools. These tools can be installed by running the following command in a terminal:
xcode-select --install
and following the instructions on the screen.
For the installation of the Armadillo library please refer to their installation documentation.
If using a Debian based Linux distribution it should be possible to install it using apt:
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
In order to check if the installation is in the path create a file armadillo_test.cpp with the following content:
#include <armadillo>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
arma::Mat<double> A(3,3, arma::fill::eye);
std::cout << "A:\n" << A << "\n";
return 0;
And try to compile and run it:
g++ armadillo_test.cpp -larmadillo -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib && ./a.out
If a 3⨉3 identity matrix is printed the armadillo library is installed and in a location where gaddlemaps will be able to find it. If the compiler is not able to find the armadillo library update the environment variables in your .bashrc (if using Linux or Mac OS prior to Catalina) or .zshrc (if using zsh instead of bash or if using Mac OS Catalina).
In general adding the following lines at the end of the file will de the trick:
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="folder where armadillo.h is located"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="folder where or libarmadillo.dylib"
export LIBRARY_PATH="folder where or libarmadillo.dylib"
If armadillo was installed in Mac OS using macports the following lines should work:
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/local/include"
export LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/local/lib"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/local/lib"
The easiest and preferred way to install cython is by using pip
sudo pip install cython
In Mac OS can be installed using brew
brew install cython
In Ubuntu can be installed using apt
sudo apt install cython3
For other platforms and other installation method check the official documentation for cython.
After finishing the installation of the prerequisites please follow the steps in the installation section.
gaddlemaps uses 2 different kind of files coordinates files and topology files. The coordinates file stores the coordinates of the atoms while the topology file stores the connections (i.e. bonds) between the atoms. Currently the topology file can only store the information for 1 molecule, while the coordinate file can store the whole system.
For doing the whole mapping process the following information is required:
- The coordinate file with the whole system in the start resolution.
- One topology file for each specie that you want to map (it is not required to map all the molecules in the system).
- For each specie that you want to map a coordinate file with the molecule in the end resolution (it is possible to use only 1 coordinate file with all the molecules, but it requires more intervention by the user).
- One topology file for each specie that you want to map in the end resolution.
gaddlemaps has been developed using GROMACS as reference molecular dynamics simulation suite. Therefore currently the allowed formats for the coordinate and topology files are:
- Coordinate Files: .gro
- Topology files: itp
However, it is easy to add more formats without touching any of the code in the module by the user. If you are interested in adding support for other formats read the FAQ How can I use an unsupported file format?
The basic usage of the module to transform systems between coarse grained and fully atomistic resolutions can be seen in the example examples/bmim_bf4/
For a more visual representation there is a jupyter notebook that works as example and can be easily modified to transform interactively any system. The notebook is located in examples/notebook/Interactive-example.ipynb. In order to use this notebook the nglview module is required. In order to run the notebook run the following command:
jupyter notebook examples/notebook/Interactive-example.ipynb --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=10000000
If you do not have Jupyter installed you can take a look to its markdown preview in examples/notebook/
If you are looking for a more flexible way of performing the mappings that allows you to have more control in each step you can find another Jupyter notebook example (and the corresponding preview) which will take you around the module to explore more options during the mapping process. This example will also tell you how you can reuse the results from old mappings to afford computational time.
Another option to perform a mapping is using the command line interface that is
available after the module installation. This tool is accessible through the
command gaddlemaps
in a terminal. The documentation of this command can be
checked running:
gaddlemaps -h
A basic usage of it would look like this:
gaddlemaps system_initial.gro --mol molecule1_initial.itp molecule1_final.gro molecule1_final.itp --mol molecule2_initial.itp molecule2_final.gro molecule2_final.itp --scale 0.5 -o system_final.gro
where system_initial.gro
is the file with the coordinates of the atoms of the
system to be mapped in the initial resolution. After each --mol
flag all the
files for mapping each desired type of molecule must be provided (topology in
the initial resolution, atom coordinates in the final resolution and topology of
the molecule in the final resolution). The --scale
flag specifies the scaling
factor to reduce the final atomic coordinates to avoid molecular overlaps.
Finally, the -o
option specified the path to write the output file with the
coordinates in the final resolution.
There is another way to run a mapping with this tool that automatically detects all the files needed for each molecule. For example, imagine that in the current directory you have all the files needed for the mapping we did in with the previous command and more (for instances files to map a "molecule3" that we do not want to map). In this scenario we could run the same mapping as before running the following command:
gaddlemaps system_initial.gro --auto * --exclude molecule3 --scale 0.5 -o system_final.gro
Note that the identification of the molecules is based on their names in the
".itp" files and also in the possibility of molecule object initiation so use
this option with caution. The --exclude
flag is used to tell the command to
not include the molecule3 (the molecule name in the .itp file) in the mapping
process (useful for example to exclude solvent molecules).
GADDLE Maps is an algorithm that does not need any external input. However for molecules that are very symmetrical (for example molecules that are completely linear) the algorithm may need a "hint" to know which extreme is which. When the molecule have ramification these hints are not usually needed. These hints are what we call restraints. They can be also used in order to have a faster aligment.
There is a function that returns wether the c++ backend is available or not. In order to check it run:
from gaddlemaps import check_backend_installed
if check_backend_installed():
print("The backend is correctly installed")
print("The backend is not accessible")
If it is not installed refer to the section Configuring the c++ backend.
First of all check wether you are using or not the c++ backend How do I know if gaddlemaps is using the c++ backend?. However even without the c++ backend the mapping should not take more than a day even for really big molecules.
The time that takes to align a molecule greatly increase with the number of atoms. However, for proteins an approximation is done. Instead of aligning all the atoms of the protein the overlapping is only calculated between atoms in residues with the same name. If the alignment is taken too long chances are that the residues in both resolutions have different names or are in different order.
This problem can be solved by adding restraints between all the atoms of the molecule but by far the easiest way to accelerate the alignment is to set the same sequence of residues in both files.
By default, when the molecular alignments are extrapolated to all the configurations in the simulation box, the coordinates of the atoms in the molecules in the final resolution are scaled down (see the original paper for a more detailed description of this reduction) to avoid different molecules to overlap in the final system. If this is not done, every simulation that takes that mapped system as input would crash in the first steps. A short energy minimization is enough to fix this scale of the atomic coordinates.
NOTE: Before trying to resolvate or ionize any of the systems obtained with this tool is highly recommended to perform a short energy minimization to relax the molecular structures.
If you find that the code does not work as expected please check if there is an issue in github with the same problem. If there is not, open a new issue and we will address it as soon as possible.
gaddlemaps allows the enduser to extend the compatible file formats without touching a single line of the module. For such purpose gaddlemaps have 2 base classes (one for the coordinate files and another for the topology files) from which the enduser can inherit. Any class that inherit from these classes will be added automatically to the supported formats.
Any class that inherits from gaddlemaps.parsers.CoordinatesParser will be added to the compatible parsers for coordinate files. On the other any class that inherits from gaddlemaps.parsers.TopolgyParser will be added to the supported parsers for topology files. Below you can see an example for a simple coordinate parser for the pdb format (the pdb format is not currently supported as the parser below is not guarantee to work for the whole pdb specification).
NOTE: The following snippet is just a quick and dirty implementation of a parser. It is just an example of how a quick parser can be written. In its current form quality would not be good enough to be included as part of the module.
from gaddlemaps.parsers import CoordinatesParser
import numpy as np
class SimplePDB(CoordinatesParser):
# We must define wich extensions will the parser work with
EXTENSIONS = ("pdb", )
# The following methods must be defined
def __init__(self, path, mode='r'):
self.open_file = open(path, mode=mode)
self.mode = mode
self._comment = ""
self._box = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]])
self._atom_info = []
self._atom_index = 0
if mode == "r":
def seek_atom(self, index):
# Instead of moving the cursor to the desired atom we can read all the
# atomic information first and use an index to seek the atom. Beware
# that this will increase the needed ram and can give problems for the
# bigger systems.
self._atom_index = index
def next(self):
if self._atom_index >= self.natoms:
raise StopIteration
info = self._atom_info[self._atom_index]
self._atom_index += 1
return info
def writeline(self, atomlist):
# Instead of actually writing the file on the go it is possible to
# store the information and save it all just before closing
def close(self):
if self.mode == "w":
self.open_file.write(f"TITLE {self.comment}\n")
self.open_file.write("REMARK THIS IS A SIMULATION BOX\n")
self.open_file.write("MODEL 1\n")
for atomlist in self._atom_info:
atom_index = atomlist[3]
atom_name = atomlist[2]
residue_name = atomlist[1]
residue_index = atomlist[0]
x_position = atomlist[4] * 10 # The original value is in nm
y_position= atomlist[5] * 10
z_position = atomlist[6] * 10
line = (f"ATOM {atom_index:6d} {atom_name} {residue_name} {residue_index:6d}"
f" {x_position:8.3f} {y_position:8.3f} {z_position:8.3f}\n")
# We must define some properties also
def natoms(self):
return len(self._atom_info)
def box_matrix(self):
return self._box
def box_matrix(self, new_box):
self._box = np.array(new_box)
def comment(self):
return self._comment
def comment(self, newcomment):
self._comment = newcomment
# You can add as many auxiliar methods as you want
def _load_info(self):
for line in self.open_file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("TITLE"):
self.comment = line[5:].strip()
elif line.startswith("ATOM"):
line = line.split()
Just having this class imported or pasted in your script will allow gaddlemaps to be used with .pdb coordinate files.