Example Xcode projects showing how to create AIR Native Extensions for iOS, tvOS & macOS using Swift.
It supports iOS 11.0+, tvOS 11.1+, macOS 10.13+
Xcode 14.2 (14C18) must be used with Apple Swift version 5.7.2 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51)
It is not possible to mix Swift versions in the same app. Therefore all Swift based ANEs must use the same exact version.
This project is used as the basis for the following ANEs
A basic Hello World starter project is included for each target
Full documentation is provided
The following table shows the primitive as3 types which can easily be converted to/from Swift types
AS3 type | Swift type | AS3 param->Swift | return Swift->AS3 |
String | String | let str = String(argv[0]) |
return str.toFREObject() |
int | Int | let i = Int(argv[0]) |
return i.toFREObject() |
Boolean | Bool | let b = Bool(argv[0]) |
return b.toFREObject() |
Number | Double | let dbl = Double(argv[0]) |
return dbl.toFREObject() |
Number | CGFloat | let cfl = CGFloat(argv[0]) |
return cfl.toFREObject() |
Date | Date | let date = Date(argv[0]) |
return date.toFREObject() |
Rectangle | CGRect | let rect = CGRect(argv[0]) |
return rect.toFREObject() |
Point | CGPoint | let pnt = CGPoint(argv[0]) |
return pnt.toFREObject() |
Vector int | [Int] | let a = [Int](argv[0]) |
return a.toFREObject() |
Vector Boolean | [Bool] | let a = [Bool](argv[0]) |
return a.toFREObject() |
Vector Number | [Double] | let a = [Double](argv[0]) |
return a.toFREObject() |
Vector String | [String] | let a = [String](argv[0]) |
return a.toFREObject() |
Object | [String, Any]? | let dct = Dictionary.init(argv[0]) |
N/A |
null | nil | return nil |
let myString: String? = String(argv[0])
let myInt = Int(argv[1])
let myBool = Bool(argv[2])
let swiftString = "I am a string from Swift"
return swiftString.toFREObject()
let newPerson = FREObject(className: "com.tuarua.Person")
// create a FREObject passing args
// The following param types are allowed:
// String, Int, UInt, Double, Float, CGFloat, NSNumber, Bool, Date, CGRect, CGPoint, FREObject
let frePerson = FREObject(className: "com.tuarua.Person", args: "Bob", "Doe", 28, myFREObject)
// call a FREObject method passing args
// The following param types are allowed:
// String, Int, UInt, Double, Float, CGFloat, NSNumber, Bool, Date, CGRect, CGPoint, FREObject
let addition = freCalculator.call(method: "add", args: 100, 31) {
let oldAge = Int(person["age"])
let newAge = oldAge + 10
// Set property using braces access
person["age"] = (oldAge + 10).toFREObject()
// Create using FreObjectSwift allowing us to get/set properties using inferred types
// The following param types are allowed:
// String, Int, UInt, Double, Float, CGFloat, NSNumber, Bool, Date, CGRect, CGPoint, FREObject
if let swiftPerson = FreObjectSwift(className: "com.tuarua.Person") {
let oldAge:Int = swiftPerson.age
swiftPerson.age = oldAge + 5
let airArray: FREArray = FREArray(argv[0])
// convert to a Swift [String]
let airStringVector = [String](argv[0])
// create a Vector.<com.tuarua.Person> with fixed length of 5
let myVector = FREArray(className: "com.tuarua.Person", length: 5, fixed: true)
let airArrayLen = airArray.length
// loop over FREArray
for fre in airArray {
// set element 0 to 123
airArray[0] = 123
// push 2 elements to a FREArray
airArray.push(66, 77)
// return Int Array to AIR
let swiftArr: [Int] = [99, 98, 92, 97, 95]
return swiftArr.toFREObject()
trace("Hi", "There")
// with interpolation
trace("My name is: \(name)")
dispatchEvent("MY_EVENT", "this is a test")
if let img = UIImage(freObject: argv[0]) {
if let rootViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController {
let imgView: UIImageView = UIImageView(image: img)
imgView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: img.size.width, height: img.size.height)
let asByteArray = FreByteArraySwift(freByteArray: argv[0])
if let byteData = asByteArray.value { // NSData
let base64Encoded = byteData.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength64Characters)
FreSwiftLogger.shared.context = context
guard FreObjectTypeSwift.int == expectInt.type else {
return FreError(stackTrace: "",
message: "Oops, we expected the FREObject to be passed as an int but it's not",
type: .typeMismatch).getError(#file, #line, #column)
public extension SCNVector3 {
init?(_ freObject: FREObject?) {
guard let rv = freObject else { return nil }
let fre = FreObjectSwift(rv)
self.init(fre.x as CGFloat, fre.y, fre.z)
func toFREObject() -> FREObject? {
return FREObject(className: "flash.geom.Vector3D", args: x, y, z)
public extension FreObjectSwift {
public subscript(dynamicMember name: String) -> SCNVector3? {
get { return SCNVector3(rawValue?[name]) }
set { rawValue?[name] = newValue?.toFREObject() }
The static library contains a predefined +(void)load
method in FreMacros.h. This method can safely be declared in different ANEs.
It is also called once for each ANE and very early in the launch cycle. In here the SwiftController is inited and onLoad()
This makes an ideal place to add observers for applicationDidFinishLaunching and any other calls which would normally be added as app delegates, thus removing the restriction of one ANE declaring itself as the "owner".
Note: We have no FREContext yet so calls such as trace, dispatchEvent will not work.
@objc func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
appDidFinishLaunchingNotif = notification //save the notification for later
func onLoad() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(applicationDidFinishLaunching),
name: UIApplication.didFinishLaunchingNotification, object: nil)
com.tuarua.fre.ANEUtils.as and com.tuarua.fre.ANEError.as and avmplus.DescribeTypeJSON are required by FreSwift and should be included in the AS3 library of your ANE
You will need
- Xcode
- IntelliJ IDEA
- AIR 50.1+
- wget on macOS via
brew install wget
- Carthage