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TWB's REST API for serving automatic speech recognition (ASR) models.


  • Loads and runs multiple models in parallel
  • Supports Kaldi or DeepSpeech-based models
  • Works on CPU
  • Takes in any type of audio file
  • Model specifications through a JSON-based configuration file
  • Permanent or per-request vocabulary specification (with Kaldi-based models)
  • Word timing information (with Kaldi-based models)
  • (NEW) Per-request language model selection (with Deepspeech-based models)

Loading models

Where to get ASR models?

How to integrate models?

  1. Place the model you want into a folder under models directory
  2. Specify it in the configuration file.

Example model directory

└── my-kaldi-model
    ├── README
    ├── am
    │   └── final.mdl
    ├── conf
    │   ├── mfcc.conf
    │   └── model.conf
    ├── graph
    │   ├── Gr.fst
    │   ├── HCLr.fst
    │   ├──
    │   └── phones
    │       └──
    └── ivector
        ├── final.dubm
        ├── final.mat
        ├── global_cmvn.stats
        ├── online_cmvn.conf
        └── splice.conf
└── my-deepspeech-model
    ├── general.scorer
    ├── yes-no.scorer
    ├── digits.scorer
    └── my-deepspeech-model.tflite

Configuration file

Model configurations are specified in a JSON file named config.json. An example configuration file looks like this:

    "languages":{"<lang-code>":"<language-name>", "en":"English", "bn":"Bengali"},
    "models": [
            "lang": "<lang-code>",
            "alt": "<optional alternative tag>"
            "model_type": "<vosk or deepspeech>",
            "model_path": "<model directory>",
            "vocabulary": "<vocabulary file path only for vosk type models>",
            "scorers": {
                "default": "<default scorer path only for deepspeech type models",
                "<scorer-id>": "<alternative scorer path only for deepspeech type models",
            "load": <true or false for loading at runtime>
Field specifications:
  • languages: a dictionary used for mapping language codes to language names.
  • models: a list containing specifications of models available in the system.
  • lang: language code of the model. This will be the main model label used in API calls.
  • alt: an optional extra label for the model. For example, if you have alternative models for a language, you should use this tag for the system to differentiate between them.
  • model_type: type of model. 'vosk' if Kaldi-based 'deepspeech' if Deepspeech based.
  • model_path: directory where the model files are stored. This directory should be put under models directory.
  • vocabulary: an optional text file containing words that the ASR will be conditioned to recognize (works only with vosk type models)
  • scorers: dictionary of scorer id's and their paths inside the model directory (works only with deepspeech type models)
  • load: if set to false, model will be skipped during loading
Vocabulary restriction (kaldi-based model)

If your application works in a restricted domain, you can specify a vocabulary file. To do that, make a text file containing all the words that you can possibly recognize line by line, place it under vocabularies folder and speficy the filename using vocabulary field in the model specification. (This feature works only for kaldi-based models)

Alternative language model selection (deepspeech-based model)

Speech recognition is conditioned by what's called a language model. You can improve recognition accuracy by optimizing your language model to your task. For example if you need to recognize digits, it's better you use a language model that's trained only on text containing digits.

ASR-API allows using the same deepspeech-based acoustic model with multiple language models. To do that, just place them in the model directory and specify their ids and paths under the scorers dictionary.

Example model configuration and vocabulary for recognizing English digits

Let's say we want to build a lightweight API that serves to recognize numbers from 0 to 9. What we should do is:

  1. Download or clone this repository (git clone
  2. Download the lightweight English model from VOSK
  3. Extract its contents to models directory.
  4. Create a vocabulary file in vocabularies/english-digits.txt with the following content:

  1. Add the model specification to config.json
    "models": [
            "lang": "en",
            "alt": "digits"
            "model_type": "vosk",
            "model_path": "vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15",
            "vocabulary": "english-digits.txt"

Build and run

Local running for testing (Tested on Linux)

Set the environment variables:


Install required libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run with unicorn:

uvicorn app.main:app --reload --port 8010 script can also be called to run quickly once requirements are installed.

Run it as a docker-container (recommended)

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Sample requests and responses

Simple transcription request

Transcription requests take in an audio file and responds with its transcription.

Request with cURL

curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:8010/transcribe/short' -F 'file=@"my_audio.wav"' -F 'lang="en"'

Transcription response

{ "transcript": "good day madam" , "time":1.204 }

Transcription request with word timing information

Word timing information can be obtained by setting word_times flag True on request. This feature currently works only with vosk models.

Request with cURL

curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:8010/transcribe/short' -F 'file=@"my_audio.wav"' -F 'lang="en"' -F 'word_times="True"' -F 'alt="digits"'

Transcription response

    "words": [
            "conf": 1.0,
            "end": 1.14,
            "start": 0.6,
            "word": "one"
            "conf": 1.0,
            "end": 1.89,
            "start": 1.35,
            "word": "three"
            "conf": 1.0,
            "end": 2.58,
            "start": 2.1,
            "word": "one"
            "conf": 1.0,
            "end": 3.39,
            "start": 2.97,
            "word": "two"
    "transcript": "one three one two",
    "time": 0.980

Transcription request with runtime vocabulary (kaldi-based)

You can restrict the model to recognize certain words during requests. To do that, enter the list of words you want to restrict to using the request field vocabulary. (This feature works only for kaldi-based models)

Request with cURL

curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:8010/transcribe/short' -F 'file=@"my_audio.mp3"' -F 'lang="en"' -F 'vocabulary="[\"yes\", \"no\"]"'

Transcription response

    "transcript": "yes",
    "time": 0.152

Transcription request with runtime language model selection (deepspeech-based)

You can specify which language model (scorer) to use on request for deepspeech-based models. To do that, specify the scorer id you used in the configuration file with scorer field. If no scorer is specified on request, the scorer with default id will be selected. If there's no scorer with default id, model will be run without a language model.

Request with cURL

curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:8010/transcribe/short' -F 'file=@"my_audio.mp3"' -F 'lang="en"' -F 'scorer="digits"'

Transcription response

    "transcript": "one",
    "time": 0.121

Retrieve languages

Retrieves languages supported by the API.


curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8010/transcribe'

Retrieve languages response

    "languages": {
         "en": {
            "name": "English",
            "scorers": []
        "en-digits": {
            "name": "English (digits)",
            "scorers": []
        "bn": {
            "name": "Bengali",
            "scorers": [


API for automatic speech recognition







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